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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 27, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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what happens in ukraine is the lessons of goebbels textbook 2018, the edition of june 22 is designated as the beginning of the german-soviet war. well, ukraine has nothing to do with it, we must learn the lessons of the past. otherwise, we will repeat it politicians who use speculators from history make decisions based on false stories.
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a print, the word, which in english means passion, but the former servant of themis in spotted attire reminiscent of the color of a cheetah, but no matter what elena's dress was, she always showed interest in television cameras this time, obviously. i also wanted to tell the journalists something, however, the bailiffs, former judges in this they refused, banning filming literally a second after the announcement of the verdict, the court confirmed it. that in the fall of 2020, kondrat offered her colleagues in the arbitration court elena makhalkina, who had previously been her assistant to endure. the so-called necessary decision for a fee, allegedly kondrat was approached by some persons who were ready to pay 50,000 dollars for making a decision. non -prosecution of a number of persons in the framework of the bankruptcy case, which was considered by makhalka, the transfer of money took place on october 20 in the courtyard of the house
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elena kondrat's servant themis was caught red-handed and now, after 2 1/2 years, the court put an end to this case mediation in bribery, this is the name of the article in the criminal code, according to which the moscow city court found elena kondrat guilty on it for a maximum term of 12 years, state support requested 11 , however, a retired judge appointed 9 years in a penal colony. bastrykin, after receiving the consent of the qualification board of judges, elena kondrat was detained shortly after receiving the money. however, given the judge's status , the law enforcers complained that the judge was actively opposed .
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dear mr. president uh-huh dear mr. president dear friends, i am very glad to welcome all of you in st. independence. we highly appreciate your personal contribution, dear mr. president, to strengthening all-round cooperation between our countries. a political dialogue is developing, including through the inter-parliamentary line, over the past 2 years, there has been an exchange of visits by the heads of the upper houses of the legislative bodies of the two countries, the speaker of the national assembly. visited twice. e. moscow interacts with the two largest parties of our
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countries united russia and the zimbabwean african national union patriotic front, despite some reductions trade indicators last year in january -april, trade increased several times and won back not only the fall, but also, uh , there are good prospects for cooperation in various sectors. and today we certainly talked about it. the practice of training zimovian national personnel in russia has also proven itself; now 1,200 students from zimbabwe are studying in our universities for the 23rd 24th academic year, the number of allocated state degrees has been increased from 80 to 125. it is unpleasant to note that more than 100 zimovians are becoming interested in learning the russian language. in are currently studying online courses at
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st. petersburg state university on the sidelines of this summit , it is planned to sign bilateral memorandums of understanding in the field of cultural and sports events. this certainly contributes to the strengthening of our humanitarian relations. humanitarian ties between russia and zimbabwe take a common or close position on most pressing international issues. trips your country traditionally supports russian foreign policy initiatives in the un vote we will highly appreciate our candidacy in deciding certain personnel on issues . mr. president, we know that the next general elections will be held in your country soon. i am sure they will be held in full compliance with national and international standards, and i would like to wish you and
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the party you lead. thank you pasha excellency gratitude for inviting you to take part in the russian deepening and expansion of historically friendly ties between the two countries. i want to congratulate you on your excellency mr. president the occasion of this event. i want to thank you for the warm welcome that was given by the delegation between russia
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. in principles such as the belief of our countries in the sovereign right of each state determines its own destiny and future , russia has always been a close friend in the most difficult times. zimbabwe, we are eternally grateful to you and are convinced that our ties will continue to grow and strengthen. has warm memories of my fruitful state visit in january 2019 to russia. additional impetus to the interaction between countries. i look forward to expanding close cooperation within the framework of various forums and visits, with regard to economic cooperation without a doubt. mr. chairman, our countries need to make extra efforts in order to deepen trade
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and economic cooperation from this point of view of implementation. satisfied with baba at the fourth meeting of the russia zimbabwe igc on economic technology interaction in may 2023. so these areas to be implemented and want to note. in particular, investments in diamonds, the country's mining industry. alrosa. serious progress is being observed here, mr. chairman of the president, on behalf of the women of the people. we would like to express our gratitude for the partnership, we note. in particular, the work of russian helicopters is expected to be delivered by the second batch of helicopters. what
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to accept new? russian investors who can take advantage of the enormous and numerous opportunities that are available in agriculture in the extraction of lithium energy, as well as in the development of infrastructure, in particular, i know that our countries have signed a number of agreements on cooperation in such areas as science, tourism, agriculture, mining, industry , security, and military cooperation. we look forward to the implementation of existing agreements, as well as the completion of work on those currently under development.
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the decision in particular the use of alternative payment methods in the behavior of various settlements is known to me that the russian federation has already managed to achieve progress in this direction in connection with the sledge that was introduced against the russian federation, mr. chairman , the lord allowed the president. let me thank you for a no change to us 11,000 of fertilizers and not only is a true testament to the friendship between the zimbabs and the russian federation it is also a testament to your personal commitment to transforming our rural security. enduring
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security is largely due to your support support from the russian federation i hope that with such support in the future we will be able to maintain our food security, we note the deepening of interaction between zimbabwe and the russian federation work on the project to assemble and test the satellite, in particular , specialists in the russian federation
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scholarships were awarded in various fields, including in the nuclear field , selected candidates will begin training in september this year. simba whiskey institutes are ready to enter into direct partnership with research institutes of the russian federation with education institutions. the solidarity movement
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that was initiated we celebrate the agreement signed on this museum as an important symbolic gesture that testifies to the contribution that russia has made to the liberation of the african continent from colonialism your excellency close cooperation between the two countries. we need third party forums. as a counterbalance to the western aggression of the yususes. interaction against the use of sanctions as an instrument of foreign policy. since such an instrument violates the rights of internal resources in order for the pensions and to encourage it to grow, sent its
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application for the place of this security by 27-28, and we hope for the support of the russian federation in the elections, in addition to this , your excellency sent you a request to to join the new development bank brix we also count on your legal certificate for your support. in this undertaking, your excellencies also note that the earth expresses solidarity with the russian federation in that special war operation that you are now conducting in ukraine as the current chairman of the kimberlick process and the certification processes within this process. we without a treaty are not just vengeful. hi to the sale of russian diamonds in russian in international markets. let me assure you
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you in our support in the framework of the cybelist process, of which your lineage is currently chairing in closing on their opening remarks. let me once again express my gratitude to you for the opportunity to discuss issues of mutual interest to our two countries. i look forward to continued interaction and joint work between the governments of the two countries on various platforms. as we strengthen it, we expand interaction between our two countries. thank you mister president from saint-petersburg. at these moments, the russian president is meeting with his colleague. in the donbass and other russian regions today they remember the children who died during the shelling in donetsk, mourning events are traditionally held in the alley, angels created in memory of the victims bring toys , candles and flowers there today, report by anastasia panko
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poured angels in the center of donetsk today people carry toys and white flowers. here , those who fell victim to ukrainian nazism are carved in stone, such moments. understand, what is most terrible is that our children are among the participants in the war, and our task today is to win, so that peace comes, so that children do not die in the voyage, release white paper boats. this is how the events of nine years ago are remembered by ukrainian aviation, then they struck, so 13 people died on the beach. three of them are children today , only a symbol, because there are dozens of such people for donbass, unfortunately. and even hundreds, because nothing can be more mournful than the day a child dies. scary to say. uh, these death toll numbers are even scarier when there are deaths of children behind these numbers. children
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came under fire, even a few steps from home for a year. back next to the ten-year-old veronika , a nato shell exploded, the child died in front of her mother and grandfathers. there were slippers left . veronica was the only child in the family shortly before her death, she defeated the most severe disease of anemia of the blood. khakimov arseniy ruslanovich 14 years old in moscow on poklonnaya hill read out the name and age of each deceased the mournful list sounded for almost two hours at the bottom of the swing toy, and above the names of the dead children. because of each such figurine of an angel , a tragedy, a score of which there are hundreds of names here and kira the beetle, which died along with the girl’s own matter, was less than a year old. her mother was nicknamed the gorlovka madonna christina was found dead with a child in her arms the girl protected
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the baby from the shells of the ukrainian army hail covered the busiest area of ​​the city , more than 20 civilians of gorlovka died and christina was buried along with her long-awaited daughter kira when we remember children of donbass who died under shelling with everything in their throats, tears in their eyes and one thought in their heads does not want this list to be replenished and do not want children to die hundreds of volunteers today stand under the embassies of countries that support the crime of the kiev regime in the hands of photography at all short biographies of civilians killed in high-altitude shelling. we want, uh, the diplomatic staff to see. what crimes are being committed? their government, we do not hope that any of them will wake up conscience, but the world the community should know exactly who is to blame for
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the deaths of the children of donbass, the exact figure. it is difficult to name how many children died in the donbas . there are already more than 200 names in the list, and almost 800 more were injured or missing. anastasia panko mikhail overenkov. westin, prime minister mikhail mishustin paid a working visit at risk and inspected several enterprises while visiting the nadezhda metallurgical plant, but nickel spoke mainly about ecology, what other issues were discussed during the visit, no one will tell. environmental agenda and issues economic development programs became central during the working trip of prime minister mikhail mishustin to norilsk, in particular , he visited the nadezhda kolesnikov metallurgical plant the company belongs to norilsk nickel. modernization of the nadezhda metallurgical and copper
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plants. the so-called sulfur program. nornickel notes that this is the largest environmental project of the federal program for clean air, which has no analogues in the world. it involves a partial reconfiguration of metallurgical production and the construction of a facility for the utilization of dioxide. sulfur. technologies will allow capturing at least 99% of dioxide. sulfur at the main smelters, thanks to the sulfur dioxide emissions program, behind the company's polar branch will decrease by 45% from the base year 2015 level. nadezhda metallurgical plant and up to 90% after completion at the copper plant, the prime minister mikhail mishustin highly appreciated the work of norilsk nickel to improve the environmental friendliness of its assets, it is very important that the company started a system to deal with the environment and what , in fact, worried people about the federal clean air project, and there you know at least 20%, uh, reduction
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emissions. we needed to achieve something, and then not everyone, let's say so, by the standard according to the ideas and because it is becoming obvious today, and pollution with them from here, but in particular at the nmp. nadezhda metallurgical plant, and about 45% about 3,000 workers and specialists are involved in construction work at the nadezhdinsk metallurgical plant around the clock, more than 200 pieces of equipment are used by the end of september, the company plans to complete commissioning and emissions reduction will begin in the fall, but the constructed complex is planned to be put into full-scale operation in stages over 24 years, then , starting from 25, sulfur dioxide emissions will decrease by half, as for the copper plant, that is, sanctions restrictions on its difficulties arose during the reconstruction, partners, including equipment manufacturers, refused
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to cooperate. because of what it is necessary to do redesign, the completion of the project can be postponed to 27 years, but mikhail mishustin noted that this needs to be done faster at the copper plant, the tasks are an order of magnitude more difficult, because there are two technological lines practically, both ecological and the actual production that needs modernize. we are working on this and by the end of the year such decisions will be formulated and reported to the prime minister closely monitor how the quadripartite agreement on social economy is being implemented. the development of norilsk until 2035 is included in it, including measures that again provide for the construction of new social payments for its purchase from emergency housing to citizens living in the city district, norilsk, as well as those leaving the regions of the far north . public areas development of social
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infrastructure, total funding 120 billion rubles we have an agreement signed by the krasnoyarsk territory, norilsk, norilsk nickel, and the vostok development mining ministry, which was approved by the government, but it is quite a serious one. eh, that means they worked for today. each stage of this agreement must, of course, be controlled here, and a lot of what is called there was and the fight against pollution was, and, accordingly, the environment. well, also the creation of a whole set of social facilities to improve, first of all, the quality of life. e. those who live here in norilsk and this it is very important that we do not miss anything here. during the visit to the nadezhda metallurgical plant, the prime minister was told about the innovative technologies and systems used at the enterprise, including drones that increase industrial safety, for example, the mine surveyor drone. it can autonomously scan in hard-to-reach places. in particular , underground is another domestic development,
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an industrial exoskeleton, which reduces the likelihood of injury from overloads during work, associated with lifting, transferring and holding objects weighing up to 60 kg. in addition, it reduces the workload of lifting machines and mechanisms, compensating for their limited mobility. in a small space. now there are test trials already there is an order for 100 such copies of such 1 million rubles. strong, in particular, the launch of a series will be cheaper . mikhail mishustin was also positive. there was a multifunctional sports complex in norilsk. hayk , he looked around the gym, where he talked with the parents of young athletes, and with the children, the ayka complex is the largest sports facility in norilsk with an area of ​​more than 12,000 m². the stands can accommodate over 1,100 people. the head of government spoke in favor of eminent athletes, world and russian champions, coming to the complex and conducting master classes at risk. this was
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the final point of the prime minister's trip to the cities of the far eastern and siberian federal districts. prior to that, he visited gorny altaysk, ulan-ude and vladivostok vladimir putin signed a decree on awarding the order of courage, who died in the zone special operations war correspondent and her news, rostislav. zhuravlev , he died on july 22 in the zaporizhia region during shelling by cluster munitions from the armed forces of ukraine. in addition , zhuravlev's colleagues , photojournalist konstantin mikhalchevsky , correspondents and cameraman, and roman bolshakov and dmitry shikov are presented for awards. during the attack they were


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