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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 31, 2023 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] taymakeevka in the kherson region, due to shelling, blocked the gas supply to twenty houses of nova kakhovka, and nevertheless, the effectiveness of enemy strikes is getting lower, and the ukrainian formations themselves suffer significant losses in zaporozhye and in the donetsk direction, in many respects , all this is due to the effective training of our recruits on how they are training fighters who will soon be sent to the front line of our war correspondent yevgeny like this. wait, wait. wait. these fighters have just begun to learn. the shot is not obtained from the first
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times. well, it always works out in the end. the instructor notes the mistakes, suggests the solution and methods of preparation now during a special military operation. this is an extremely intensive cycle of complex divisions here in a circle, each segment of this circle is part of the training, special training, engineering training, cartography. this is where real connections are made. in order to quickly and
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efficiently prepare personnel. and work see legs of the arm and work like a pendulum once times once hit targets it works. first second works from there knee. just like a boy once again once, we are fighters and personally we do not teach the squad from a textbook. and how it will be in combat conditions, we work out all the exercises, how they will behave in combat, work in twos in threes, there in storm actions, performance actions. they are now trying to work as a team so that they have teamwork, and not like there is one fighter. it works well for everyone there.
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turtle went, they must work as a team to cover each other, give their clear commands to their comrades, so that suddenly something comrades wounded there, they begin to drag him away as well, guys, they are dragged along for medicine, then we will start live firing with them, already with medicine here a complex tsp is obtained. yes, this is a complex in the first place. we restore their skills. some have served for a long time, some have recently retired. someone 10 years ago. someone 15 years ago , the requirements have already changed the preparation for the use of weapons. everything is taken into account. this is first we give it almost no skills to stop, and then these skills of perfection. on combat training on
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training grounds in the rear areas are already there, which means that the personnel are being prepared. they will already know. in what direction will they act and will they prepare for a specific task, that is, objects, frontiers and so on, settlements. quite right. locality. there, someone will be here in the open area, they will be trained for this, someone will operate in the forest, a strip of someone in settlements, and so on, and there they will already be training directly for the task of competent old instructions officers generals of the main directorate of combat preparations were supplemented with new methods. in addition, it was discarded, for which there was enough time in peacetime. well, in the course of preparing personnel for a special military operation , the formalism of the procedure, which is not related to real combat operations, interferes with the training grounds.
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like it's a zone. set of work in fact, instructors show and tell how it happens in real combat and actually teach and explain. how to minimize the risks of enemy artillery? to gain a foothold and hold positions, that's what's important here learn to win and at the same time be sure to survive in conditions of the highest intensity of hostilities. you now have the subordination of the battalion brethren. and, probably, many
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have a bad idea, how are you as a commander. what are you doing in order to really bring their representation of reality closer? the guys came from civilians with different levels of education and physical fitness and representation of military operations. most of the officers passed through the zone. respectively. we pass this experience on to our subordinates, well, we storm points and show. how to save your life how to complete the task. how to save a friend's life? here we are using all the means that are currently available to us. and we have absolutely everything in order to train real fighters, while the training system is also swindled. this is a key moment, the personnel of the units, in fact, are constantly trained at the stage of formation of coordination before combat missions during the restoration
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of the combat capability of the control. all clear. yes, recruits are contracts at this training ground. here is all a country of different ages professions businessmen teachers programmers, builders, they say at the training ground everything is fragile with its choice and fortitude inspires and motivates here strong men volunteer. now to sanitize the medical company, the girls are 21 years old. i thought that i could be of some help , and i probably spent a year preparing for this thought, i was going to talk to my relatives, and a year later i came to the military registration and enlistment office with my mother and discussed this issue. of course, how my mother reacted, of course, but she understands that i can really help in some way, and i
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i can handle it, and i will succeed, in general , an extremely important detail before medical assistance and self-help, that is, tactical medicine in the troops is now paying increased attention, in a timely manner, stopping bleeding reduces combat losses tremendously. now the russian army is forming both reserves and replenishment of about a hundred training grounds, working around the clock. shooting coordination theory over every part of each range, the sound of drones ; in fact, all classes are linked to the training of uav operators and interaction with intelligence officers. we take a trained crew which, well, conditionally there a long time ago in the setting once shot. yes, now the guys have come as volunteers. they first deal with the structures and remember where the levers are. well, roughly speaking, why did they pull, yes,
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then we begin to correct them from the second shot, a direct hit on the target. they do not see the goal. combat training, which in our troops has been seriously adjusted taking into account the experience of a special military operation. one of the important reasons for the failed counter-offensive of the enemy in the south of the combat zone is the formation of a regime colossal losses in manpower during the life of western equipment at the forefront, a record low in the entire history of combat use, because our soldiers and officers know how to do their job much better than the enemy. who studied for what evgeny poddubny and alexander pushin. new regions of russia are restoring the tourism industry a detailed plan indicating infrastructure facilities requiring urgent funding will be submitted to the government in the first days of august in soviet times long sandy. the beaches are warm shallow water,
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the special beauty of the azov steppes attracted tens of thousands of tourists to the kherson region alone, this stream began to cut long before the special operation under the kiev authorities, roads and boarding houses that did not want to invest in the region fell into decay. one of the oldest biosphere reserves in eastern europe. askania nova has become a testing ground for western biological experiments. about why the kiev regime systematically destroyed the economy of the region. and what is happening now on the coast from the kherson region, report by elena erofeeva? arabatskaya, strelka - this is 113 km of sandy beaches washed by the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bazov here, vacationers liked to go here and built boarding houses, a sanatorium of rest houses. today, almost 70% of the property of the russian federation is nationalized, their former owners either initially lived in kiev and were not going to come or
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left for ukraine after special military operation for kiev under azov is now closed to arrange a storm. in the sea of ​​azov. they try with the help of british cruise missiles, but all that could destroy the power ukraine was destroyed without weapons, the sultry sunset of the ukrainian tour. the industry started with broken roads and rotten sewers . no one imposed here, that is , the infrastructure was not developed here, in principle, what was developed was that private business invested, that the condition of the roads was a condition. well, engineer. infrastructure, well not just leaves much to be desired, it is a catastrophic left-hander not occupied by the settlers. they were placed in boarding houses because of the drowned villages, the left bank, they left from the destruction and the war there was a flood. we managed to leave on time, they were looking for us for two days.
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you think my knives are dead, damn it, helpless old people, tormented by surging troubles, are gradually coming to their senses as a marine. the surf is brought from the other side, the feeling of peace and security is a small town, skhodovsk. on the black sea coast. it was a children's resort here and today there are a lot of children , they came and did not wait for treatment, my house where i lived, uh, he drowned completely , there is nowhere to return, there and passing there and drowned there and uh, these cholera bacteria, and all. this is all flooded with water and normal. no, there is no light either. that's all, that is, our only way is to the kuban in the kuban. the family will either start a new life, the parents have already been issued a certificate for buying a house, their native country ukraine has declared them traitors
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. that side is now looking for a way back. it seems to me that it was even fashionable to leave, and then shout about it and left the occupied territory, and then awareness comes, i think god dress and it all starts mom. why should i leave? there are those who left and returned from the businessmen, yes the farmer. the local history museum did not stop working, luring visitors with new exhibitions of a casco-chinese papier-mâché warrior, the third century bc, the ruling dynasty, the khan then defended the shooting today they weren't there either. fund. there was no library. and i had to look. i found. i didn't have any books. pushkin's work. pushkin was not there, the authorities of the country that is now smoking
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, behind the front line, for many years incited hatred for everything russian. russian scientists were forbidden to transfer data, we must share experience, but alas, for many, that is, politics is higher than science, a reserve was created for russian germans in the falzfein in the middle of the 19th century, and in 1914 nicholas ii came here, footage remains. chronicles. the russian emperor passes through the zoo, inspects the reserve from the tower , leaves for the net, where wild animals graze 510 virgin lands, all around is wide, deeply thoughtful, breathing calmness. in soviet times, they were engaged in breeding productive breeds of livestock, so
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the steppe pig was crossed with the english one and the ukrainian pig was the ancestor of a new breed, the boar, askany became. the first one is not inferior in productivity, and exceeds the english pig in fertility. some germans. the reserve was created by others during the great patriotic war, destroyed after the war, it had to be recreated today, hundreds of rare species of birds and colors of book animals live in pens, deer, davids, and on the road and goats saigas, zebras, residency's horses, przewalski's horse is the only one in the world that has never was a domesticated person. and now a herd of horses grazing in the steppe is running away from us; they were not harnessed to the wagon, they didn’t put on bridles, and this freedom cost the horses dearly to hunt them. streamif almost completely
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in the russian reserve, and scania nova, the przewalski's horse was saved from extinction today, 60 heads are here, and in total there are a little more than 2,000 in the world in the winter of 21 , a massive death of migratory birds began in the reserve , several hundred common cranes died then ukrainian justice attributed everything to a farmer who allegedly treated the land with pesticides, and the cranes pecked this poison and got poisoned, but the reason was different in may of this year , the askania reserve of the new one appeared in the reports of the russian ministry of defense here according to military department. there was one of the ukrainian biological laboratories, which worked on the order of the pentagon, in particular, employees collected and transferred to american curators strains of especially dangerous infections, including a strain of bird flu, as many as five n8 with a mortality rate of up to 40. percent foreigners came to askania, so in the nineteenth year the swedes worked here , just studied
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migratory birds. what kind of research? they spent remained a mystery, but the avian fungus began to massively spread around the outskirts of the outbreak, now and then appear before still artificially grown by a virus or synthesized by a virus. how a bird becomes infected, maybe by injections, then it is transmitted. it's already instant. there you see the very essence, in which, if they use birds for their own purposes, then there is no need for the bird to die, it is necessary for it to endure, because it is longer. the management team came only in the spring of this year , all the scientists who made a name on scania nova , defended dissertations here 40 people, left the reserve and left for ukraine before that, they destroyed all the archives. here in this box. this is how these documents were lying, and these are the main documents that are now available for work on the restoration of this project
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for the restoration of ponds. they just burned documents. it's all about them. this is a long-term search that the zoo is the heritage of ukraine, you know in this regard? here you come here you are, that is, if you start to bend it all, and we will say. what kind of russia is bad, contrary to kiev's plans to destroy the askania reserve , the new one is developing as one of the attractive tourist routes offers guests stock up on bread and apples. and feed a wild animal with carrots, please. this is your lunch. be kind. that’s great , it’s impossible that below they begin to attack. that is, what they trample under their feet below, the ukrainian authorities, for many years destroyed tourism. in the sea of ​​azuvia, this region was considered depressive, and since 2014, seaside resorts have turned our battalion into bases. azov is a narrow strip of the world on the map of the south-east
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of ukraine has turned into a zone of ukrainian looting and nazi lawlessness. wake up how can you? it was, well, mostly just smashed. it seems to me that, well, so that someone else does not get his snow-white boat poseidon before the start of the special operation and rolled tourists near melitopol, but today there is no one there, but here in melekino, which is seven kilometers from mariupol, the height of the beach season, and living private hotels from coastal cafes the smell of fried chebureks stretches. you don’t eat pies, liberated a year ago, the azov villages of the city lead a quiet life, everyday and leisurely , the main flow of vacationers from the lugansk and donetsk people’s republics in their exhausted face war. light sea breeze breathes
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powerful pores into life. what else do you need silence? calm and excellent. everything, of course, new tears were just not what we originally wanted to go to russia. we are satisfied. for us, this is for us the victory of small shells under our feet, soft sand and unusual silence in the light of the july evening sea. it is outside of politics, you can look at the sunset and think about the good, how the waves carry away the sorrows of people elena erofeeva vitalievna ivanovich natalya novgorodova this week, they spoke in detail in altai during mikhail mishustin's trip to siberia to the far east, they support the industry, provide both financing and development of related sectors of the economy. so already all 11 far eastern regions. covered by benefit program. flights are being modernized in parallel with the modernization of airports and railway stations, and the production of liners and trains is increasingly focused on domestic
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equipment and components in large logistics and infrastructure projects, report by alexander evstigneev il-96 russia's special currency detachment lands at the ulan-ude baikal airport and in an hour. mikhail mishustin will ask questions about the reconstruction of the air gates to buryatia. are you planning an international terminal? each year, passenger traffic to buryatia increases by 100,000 people and has grown by three times the attraction of baikal. the highlight of the region, which is experienced by itself, the topic of air communication , transport accessibility has become one of key during the trip of the head of government to the far east and siberia, thanks to targeted programs, a lot has changed here, for example, chukotka to kamchatka used to fly through moscow for two days. now a direct flight is 4 hours and 10 times cheaper. the president's decision
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was to subsidize in accordance with the route. today they are already 30 days old. and these are the solutions they actually develop related industries. they bring investors for these taiga lands from horizon to horizon; they have always played a special role. small aviation helicopter connecting thread with large land, the ulan-uden aircraft plant reaches a capacity of 100 aircraft per year. despite the fact that the company is under severe sanctions pressure. a few years before the sans offensive, we installed not 8 and 171 and its modifications on this helicopter, but already engines. production facilities in ulan-ude produce the mi-8 mi-171 in two variants of the k-226. i look forward to next year, certificates of airworthiness and commissioning already. so to speak, a new model, as you promised, with imported units along the entire line. here they are dozens of almost finished helicopters among the customers are private companies , law enforcement agencies, the ministry of emergency situations, doctors , oil workers, gas producers, that is, almost all
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industries where powerful reliable eternal machines are needed, manufacturers of railway equipment also enter foreign markets jointly. company. on the base. transmash holding will produce for india 120, 16 long-distance car electric trains plus 35 years of service maintenance, the largest contract in the entire history of the industry the prime minister noted that the kazakh painting was carefully prepared for his arrival. honestly, well, honestly. the strategic importance of the enterprise's work here is repaired by two-thirds of all locomotives in the country today, without a serious turn to the east without the creation of new logistics corridors will be very difficult. here, specifically at this plant , you are involved in, among other things, helping the country to fulfill all the tasks that it faces. in vladivostok, the head of government met with students of the federal university, the future belongs to the eastern direction and these young people. if you
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want to compete to be the best, then you you just have to understand what 's going on in the world. who knows not shy, for sure. you know, you know, yes, but you know that sberbank launched correctly absolutely yandex in september, there will already be a fear of a forum of small towns. they are the homeland not of abstract territories, but of specific points where the task of the government is to improve small towns so that they want to stay, create a family, live and work, not leave in search of happiness, simplified the coordination procedures in the field. in land relations, this made it possible build, repair roads, schools, hospitals, and other important facilities. in compressed. the terms discussed everything from ideas and concepts to specific solutions, for example, a new sea portion is being launched in primorye. sukhodol is a new logistics hub for trade with asia. 700 jobs are now so historical, and let's say so. little unemployment in the country in order to attract people, you can still use digital platforms. well,
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tell me to now we then already, who wants to work in the portuguese is offered the following conditions. we pay 3 years accommodation, we provide them with delivery by buses plus meals. an example of how everyday life can bloom with bright colors is the best city project 22 years old park. lighthouse in magadan instead of a landfill on the embankment. now the seating area. here is the author you won the ring. how much is 300 million? yes? i congratulate the object being built there is beauty, the republic of altai here is an excursion. the premiere is conducted by german gref tells what manzherok is now how long is the track today in perunovskaya, the longest track is 5.5 km. we have only 23 km of trails, on which you can already skiing year-round resort for the first season, which received half a million skiers, if possible, make a lot of skiing and here from two and a half thousand rooms. we think that approximately 500-600 rooms will be five stars. the rest of the pancakes. it is very important
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to build another cable car line. they put snow cannons, pull communications upstairs. this, of course, is all very important, but no less important is the spirit of the geniuses of the place, for example, here in the resort of manzherok it is like a mergen, a collective image of the ancient altai hero. he stands at the highest point area 1250 m, keeps order and we bring good luck. aidar and vadim graduated from the shchepkinsky school and serve in the national drama theater and introduce tourists to traditional altai music and singing. people have never heard it, never seen it, how can one person produce two or three sounds at the same time. this is of course mesmerizing. this, of course, attracts people precisely for the exotic, they go to altai, to kamchatka , to norilsk, to baikal in the country, there is a boom in domestic tourism plus 5 million people a year,
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the government canceled vat on sales hotels, campsites, a recreation center and a company can reimburse vouchers from this tax, the funds paid to use them sberbank investor giant forms entire clusters to provide tourists with comfortable conditions at the hotel and all the infrastructure around, and the big data that sber provides to businesses helps triple the efficiency of investments and the success of one project stimulates the rest as managers. we will build a new airport for 1,200,000 passengers, and the arrival must e, the expansion of the strip by 550 m and the construction of the platform beyond polyarny norilsk also meets its part of the infrastructure with heat under 30 degrees of non -surrendering snow and tundra to the horizon . and live about , among other things, the improvement of the environmental situation . we are talking about the so-called northern program. it will capture 99% of the dioxide. sulfur start a sulfur program or treat very in no case should there be a transfer of these colleague deadlines. you have a very profitable
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business. and everyone understands this and knows well that today the owners have begun to seriously invest in technology in order to, well, finally solve all the problems that the residents face . here the footage was, in 10 years, 500 abandoned buildings and structures will be dismantled and 600 tons of scrap metal will be removed. now, when it is actively developing the arctic, norilsk is no longer the edge of geography, but a place where they experience, transferring technology. that's from an industrial exoskeleton. we tested a bunch of skeletons. the competition is big, but our best economy is safety. how much is this 1 million rubles. in particular? we will launch the service , it will be cheaper not to buy, we will be the manufacturer. well, or, for example, before the plans for maximum loading of such an important exclusively russian transport artery as the northern sea route of icebreakers , we advance the need for construction there in particular. uh, now we have an agreement with a production star. another icebreaker.
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instead of the retired icebreaker in aigach, norilsk will develop people here have to feel. they are not on an island, they are on the main arctic outpost of russia north siberia the far east are waiting for everyone who is ready to come behind a labor wheel for fog because of the smell of the taiga alexandra evgeny vladimirovich
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dmitry novikovskaya news. infantry is infantry. it's just running in the field. a tank is a tank. this is power, where the heart


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