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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 31, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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there was a rather serious fragmentation, donetsk was subjected to massive shelling from the apu, there are dead and wounded from the scene , our correspondent reports. tatarstan chuvashia mari el is recovering from a devastating hurricane that froze over this part of the country over the weekend, costing the lives of nine tourists. in china , a devastating typhoon reached beijing, flooding the streets and houses of everything. more than 30,000 people were evacuated in the east of the country, the russian armed forces did not allow the advance of the armed forces , the head of the special operation reported today defense ministry conference call with the leadership of the enemy army.
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it is obvious from great britain, usa, germany, france and poland that the supplied western weapons do not lead to success on the battlefield, but only prolong the military conflict. the minister of defense also spoke about the situation in the krasnaya limansky direction of belarus and in congress in just 2 days on july 26-27 , more than 400 and 31 ukrainian military tanks were destroyed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement, of which three german leopards, two french, as well as 32 armored fighting vehicles . in general
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complexity, 63 units of armored vehicles, using manners, counterattacks and counterattacks, the russian formations of the military unit liberated settlements, kovalevka and sergeevka on the krasnaya limansky direction, as well as the molchanovka railway station on the kupyansky direction, from the nazis. and what happens on other fronts of the special operation, where the enemy was still trying to break through the defenses and go on the offensive. how it ended will be told by the material of yevgeny nikopot, the kleshcheevsky artemovsky district, the direction near the wrecked ukrainian tank is detonating ammunition with such force that the fighters watching the explosion decide to take cover, the command of the army constantly throws more and more forces to storm the russian positions. on these shots on the attack. three armored personnel carriers went, two remained burning in the field , it remains hot, of course, the artyomov direction is on the flanks. uh, confrontation, but rather fierce. and here is in the area of ​​ticks, where the enemy periodically, and he even tries to take
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a position for some moments, but our units are drinking. ah and push the enemy back according to the head of rio the dpr tense situation remains in the maryinsky and ugoldar direction in terms of manpower and armored vehicles of the enemy , mortars, blah blah operators, in these frames, the work of russian artillery in ukrainian. staromayorsky, it can be seen that several armored vehicles of the enemy were destroyed by fire on the agenda of the old mayorskaya, which passes from hand to hand. now our units were able to knock out the enemy, the enemy is imprisoned on him, serious losses are coming, positional confrontation is going on almost the line of contact, with the exception, probably, just in the liman direction in the north of the republic, and there are certain successes and our units, but they are advancing in the period and the armed forces of the russian federation are achieving some success, without significant success, the armed formations of ukraine are attacking mirny settlements, including including in the kharkiv
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region those parts of it that are not controlled by the kiev regime, if we talk next to the boss line of contact, there are such places in the village of bogdanovskaya, religion. settlements, that is, directly closer to kuplensk. this is iman the first, that is , these parcels are under a permanent magnet in kharkov and nearby cities. kharkov to okruzhnaya already today, uh ukrainian authorities and formations are making attempts to evacuate entire enterprises, in some areas they are taking people out to release them. as i understand it, settlements for the formation of their fortified areas cannot be ruled out that his team reacts in this way to the approach of the front line by large ukrainian cities. the case when the counteroffensive was praised in kiev gives the opposite effect to eugene under svyatoslav lugachev to lead. today, the president thanked the state duma deputies for the work done during the spring session,
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which turned out to be longer than usual or even the longest on what the head of state has done during this time. the chairman of the lower chamber came to tell their conversation. elizaveta khramtsova will sum up the past season for russian legislators. the work of the current composition of the lower house of parliament turned out to be the most intense at first the fourth session of the state duma was the longest for the seventh convocation, and all these months, on key issues for the country, deputies, regardless of party affiliation, demonstrated solidarity and support for the course that is being pursued in russia thanks to support at key moment in the development of the country and above all, of course. ah, foreign policy. here i see that in essence the concept of all political parties, despite the fact that u have many colleagues. different approaches to solving social economic issues and some domestic political issues
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naturally, but on the key fateful moments connected with the life of the existence of the russian state itself. i always feel the support of the deputies and i want to thank you all for this. one of the priorities of the state duma was the creation at the legislative level of a system that would provide social support for participants in a special military operation. we created a system for their relatives, based on your instructions, which is based on 70 laws , just such an amount of time was clean. here in this area, in order to really form coherent legislation, because we have not called for these before, of course, such problems do not solve another priority. the integration of new regions into russia's legal space in this area was greatly helped by the experience in 2014, when crimea was returned to the country and sevastopol , the president confirmed the previous developments,
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they really help to set up the legislative system faster, but there are still significant differences in the situations with crimea and donbass. although there are specific and it is very significant. hmm, people in the donbass , for example, since 2014 have been living in conditions of almost military operations, and that’s all. it's true. and now tragic events are taking place in these territories associated with hostilities, so all this is unconditional. we must take into account hmm when we build our actions in this direction , the session of the state duma adopted 54 laws on the legal integration of new regions. and these documents relate to virtually all spheres of life, according to vyacheslav volodin , to work with so many bills before, than to take a single year, the high pace of work was maintained, despite external pressure on the country. of course, it was reflected in the legislation. here, of course, it was not easy. e, due to the fact that
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over 16.000 sanctions have been announced in our country. and this period of time depends on the adoption of 192 laws. uh, in a month the government adopted, and hmm, more than 300 measures to support citizens of the enterprises of the regions. all this was done in fulfillment of the instructions of the president, and it must be said today that we see how effective this is. and despite the unprecedented challenges. the political system of russia has shown its stability. it is quite obvious that the entire deputies are independent of their political outlook. everyone united around the country, and again, regardless of their party programs. everyone understands that the achievement of the goals of a special military operation will ensure the future of our state of russia
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, the speaker of the state duma shared with the president plans for the upcoming session in the lower house of parliament. hearings will be held on the development of small and medium-sized businesses. this will allow to fulfill the task set by the head of state to create conditions for the development of business at the highest possible pace. summing up the results of the work of the russian parliament in the past season, the president will continue and tomorrow on tuesday he will receive the speaker of the federation council valentin matvienko elizaveta khramtsova news. nothing today , the president signed several laws, one of them establishes a fine of up to 30,000 rubles. for non-appearance at the military registration and enlistment office on the agenda, this is 10 times more than before, another fine of up to 400,000 will threaten companies and organizations, who do not provide lists for military registration of employees, another law signed by the president limits the share of foreign participation in the capital of domestic news aggregators. now more than half of the shares. they should
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belong to the russians. another law prohibits registration on domestic sites using foreign e-mail. another one gives the right to fathers who take care of a child from birth to 3 years old to demand the right to pay alimony from their ex- wife, of course, if she has necessary funds for this. very popular in russia here's mega power for unlimited, watch videos, listen to music , use foil on social networks, delicious
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for the sake of a kiss of a beloved, we are different , so it’s good that there is someone who understands each sberbank for each one for 160 million, as well as cotton bed linen and cozy solutions for a nursery with discounts. in the world of hundreds , you can't. try. first month for only 399 rubles. decide how many gigs.
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we see the consequences of the shelling of the center of the city of donetsk is on fire, the bus is still on fire uh, the car can be seen that the spacing was enough serious, fragmentation, most likely, it is either an rszo, or it is barrel artillery, nato, a sample of 155 mm caliber. now the shelling continues from the street, we must leave. we were on the spot, literally a few minutes after the shelling, and they hit specifically on e , the civilian sector was damaged, and the residential building was damaged by the administrative building, and there are no
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military men there and are not located and have never been why it was necessary to attack the city center, and in the residential civilian infrastructure to attack civilians is not clear, but nonetheless less, and ukrainian militants have been behaving this way lately on a regular basis this information, which has just come to us four, one injured and one dead as a result of the shelling of voroshilovsky. she pulls up, rescue vehicle. well, the worst thing here is that the second wave of shelling may begin now, we must pay tribute to the rescuers, who, under shelling, immediately began to put out, uh, the fire that had arisen, and the second wave of shelling began just at the moment when we were guys, did not stop not for a minute localized the fire, but killed electrical networks, and the wires lay right on the road, and public utilities are working, most likely, it was the arrival of the hammerson, apparently, the fragmentation was completely destroyed, and not a single
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glass was left on one side. here , directly, arrival in the car, most likely, another dead person. here are the dead . this is the very center of the city ukrainian militants continue to terrorize civilian infrastructure and civilians. this is not only a war crime. you know what i want to tell you. it's just chaos, but what is the peaceful people of the city center? well how it starts like this, all the services are in place, because the fragment is flying. immediately after the shelling of the voroshilovsky district, the pro-nazis transferred the shelling to the kievsky kuibyshevsky district, the situation continues quite tensely, all services are working in an enhanced mode, it is worth saying that for the past few days ukrainian artillerymen have been attacking donetsk with particular cruelty since yesterday morning yes late evening attacks was subjected to the kuibyshev district of the city. donetsk was beaten
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schools were beaten in kindergartens and hit, and in apartment buildings. we were today, and in place of the high-rise building cannon artillery. ukrainian militants worked there, most likely, it was a 155 caliber direct hit on the apartment as a result of this shelling, but, uh, a little girl suffered during her life. now fighting doctors failed. e, a teenage girl born in 2006 is also recorded destruction of a residential apartment building. uh, there was a direct hit on the apartment on the second floor, the load-bearing walls were destroyed. the facade of the building is also glazed during inspection fragments of a supposedly nato-style artillery shell were found, which will be sent for examination. we have a sleeping microdistrict here, a large one, a sleeping bag of military people here, the military, if
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the sleeping people put a garden here, one kindergarten, the second there is a sleeping magnet, what are the solid houses and shops now the city has noticeably lowered and, uh, this is understandable because the ukrainian militants continue to attack the city of donetsk is also under attack. and gorlovka well, in fact, all areas of the city of donetsk along opportunities are asking people not to appear on the streets. it's really very dangerous andrey potapov anton khobotov together donetsk people's republic. the kremlin commented on the recent attacks by ukrainian drones on russian cities, including the moscow network. the regime is in a very, very difficult situation, a special military operation continues, it is obvious that the counteroffensive is not working, since it was conceived in kiev, it is also obvious that the many billions of resources that were transferred by nato countries to the kiev regime actually spent inefficiently. without
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whole. and this also raises big questions for the western capital and a big drive comfort for taxpayers of course, there are some acts of desperation in the background. these failures, of course, are the kiev regime. he resorts to similar terrorist practices of delivering terrorist strikes, characteristics of strikes that are aimed specifically at civilian targets , precisely at some social targets, and it is disgusting to continue to fight with these people. and the russian media commented on the plans to hold negotiations in ukraine in saudi arabia, according to maria zakharova, a large number of different initiatives are now being offered. she stressed that moscow is in contact with partners and added that if this event helps the west to understand the dead end of the so-called plan of the president of ukraine, then it cannot be called useless. let me remind you earlier dmitry peskov said that russia would follow the negotiations on the ukrainian issue, however, prerequisites
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there is no way to enter into peace negotiations with the current position of kiev. well, in kiev itself, the image of the coat of arms is being dismantled of the soviet union, it will be replaced from the monument to the motherland with the coat of arms of ukraine. and the monument itself is going to be renamed mother ukraine, this plan was conceived by the kiev authorities several years ago as part of large-scale decommunization, then they did not find money. where did they find out anastasia ivanova ? after all , there are simply no others left to change meanings and appropriate monuments. went on hand heart, to be honest, this is such a historical event, like never before our ukraine has always been and will be and we don’t need these all of them, we remove this brabunny speech, bandera fans do not support anything. kyiv officials.
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they promise to leave the soviet coat of arms in the museum of national memory in order to create a new history and show off a descendant, then, as they destroyed their own past, it was discovered in 1981 by leonid or something brezhnev and was dedicated to, of course, the victory day before us was created from steel sheets, which were welded technologies. paton of the same yevgeny oskarevich pan whose welding was it? impenetrable on t-34 tanks, but the modern ukrainian authorities, starting in 2016, it was vetrovovich, the director of the institute of national memory, who repeatedly made statements that the soviet coat of arms on this monument would not be in place of the coat of arms. the ussr will be this curve. an artificially created symbol of ukraine hastily, a trident made, the engineers themselves say for a long time could not come up with a concept they found. her online low quality steel, what
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managed to buy it will be different in color from the monument. in addition, no one undertakes to guarantee the stability of the structure, by the way, the first version of the trident was generally rejected, but now they are selling it in parts for only some 10,000 hryvnias for a small piece of low-grade steel and no one cares that in this way they desecrate the national emblem and leave the monument in open position. this is a very dangerous replacement that needs to be done very quickly and quickly. to avoid the danger regarding the wind load, the terrorists of kiev created nothing of their own, but spend a lot of money on the demolition of soviet monuments to rename city streets. everything that in some way resembles a common past with russia, i’ll remind you like this over the monument to the motherland , mothers mocked before, they highlighted the monument in the colors of the american flag , destroy it. they can't, because there will be clearly hmm such a hole in the sky, uh, everyone is used to this look. from the left. shore shore on the right
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bank, but here they are before everything. here they knock down i put symbols, they cling to a new one, in my opinion, this is such the highest symbol in the world there will be degradation and action of this people's regime. this regime plans to rename the monument, as in the bandera song. it will now be ukraine's mother, which will continue around the moment of pagan round dances. well, just so that they don’t make the memory of the soviet people and you won’t erase the anastasian there. national e-costumes open-air exhibition of paintings in krasnoyarsk a festival of northern culture was held everyone had the opportunity to get acquainted with the traditions of the indigenous inhabitants of siberia the festival was organized with the support of rosneft ekaterina pavlenko, the northern world has been immersed in the folk ensemble tagon has been pleasing
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with creativity for 35 years of the life of the peoples of the north. what do i see, then i sing? right now there will be a song , e, white deer. this is exactly where you will hear the rhythm, how the deer rides, how it’s like everything, it’s strumming, as he thinks the festival of northern culture was held on the embankment of krasnoyarsk participants in traditional attire show clothes made of deer fur on girls jewelry made of leather and beads in at the same time, workshops on making toys were organized for children. spinning, i like it. it is very good to the touch and it is so soft, and here about 30 artists have gathered and the paintings are immersed in the world of the north as canvases of cubic structures. by the way , the festival is held for the first time for krasnoyarsk thanks to the support of the indigenous peoples of the north, and for rosneft is one of the most important priorities of social activity over the years of work in the region. we work in
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the melkinsky municipal district and have implemented many charitable social grant programs that help to preserve the originality of culture, national, which help to save the rosneft enterprise every year. provide assistance to the indigenous peoples of the north. these are more than 20 nationalities, by the way, to plunge into the world of culture of the north, everyone can still have time for an open-air exhibition until the embankment will last until the end of summer ekaterina pavlenko igor ladyzhensk, krasnoyarsk well, warnings about thunderstorms are widespread in the regions of the urals. grad and squally strengthening of the wind, meanwhile in the volga region continue to eliminate the consequences of the hurricane that has already swept there. he hit the region over the weekend meteorologist ekaterina grigorova katya joins us we welcome it turns out that bad weather is coming to the urals from the volga yes, and in the epicenter of bad weather. now the north-east of the european part of the country during the day in the kirov region has already occurred, the second thunderstorm in a day in kirovo-chepetsk. after the downpour, the square called the river of time partly
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began to justify the name, the first night thunderstorm in the region gave birth to its duration, according to local residents. it lasted over six hours. rains began in the urals today. they lowered visible on the m5 highway ufa-chelyabinsk. the worsening of the weather has traditionally led to an increase in the number of accidents, at the same time, videos continue to appear on social networks due to the vicinity of the elchik lake of the republic of mari el , where they died during the hurricane, the rest of the following shots taken in the midst of bad weather, children and emotional people, however, refrain from viewing them. now the center of the cyclone over the eastern part of the kirov region , the warm front passes through the perm territory, through the sverdlovsk region, the cold front crosses udmurtia. further stretches
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along the border between tatarstan and bashkortostan of the samara orenburg regions. today, the main zone of precipitation associated with the cyclone stretches for 1,500 km. from the arkhangelsk region to the chelyabinsk region, tomorrow the territory of rains will become even more and , in addition, processes will be activated on the atmospheric front in the chernozem region. so tomorrow , august 1, the most intense rains will take place in the murmansk and arkhangelsk regions. in the perm territory of the chelyabinsk region. more than 10 mm will drop out here. rain intensity per day in the center of western siberia. tomorrow it will be even higher or they will bring me more than 20 mm, short showers, they will pass and in the central region there will be a triangle in the rainfall zone, i will note smolensk near moscow in voronezh. rains can be accompanied by loads and squally wind amplifications. in chelyabinsk so far, without precipitation, partly cloudy, very hot according to the weather station, plus 31°. in the evening there will be more clouds, it will rain, possibly a thunderstorm.
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tomorrow afternoon the air will warm up to 28° c. thunderstorms will continue to rage. possible hail threaten strong winds on wednesday due to clouds. it will seem sunshine, although short thunderstorms too. perhaps in the afternoon plus 28 by the end of the working week the weather will be hot and dry, but in moscow today the air is variable cloudiness by 15:00. managed to warm up to 25 °, tomorrow +27 is likely. rain. on wednesday, too, it will not do without precipitation, but the weather will remain hot in the summer and will remain in the capital. yes, and i will add that the atmosphere will continue to warm up and the warmest days will be fridays and saturdays, when the temperature in moscow can rise to plus 29-30 and one degree for the first time. although no. well, almost for the first time in years. yeah, it's not fair. our weather pleases with such temperature. thank you ekaterina grigorova told. where is the cyclone heading, which made the hurricane in the volga region, but also about forecasts, of course.
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as a very young man, he joined the ukrainian galician army. there, they were trained as scouts for saboteurs. and, of course, monsters, the holocaust in lviv was organized by the ukrainians, 6,000 people were destroyed.


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