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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 31, 2023 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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18 dead and 111 injured. both lists include adults and children. the brutal attack of the ukrainian armed forces on belgorod became a gross violation of international law, since they fired directly at the city center, and therefore at civilian objects and civilians. by this time, 22 apartment buildings, commercial buildings and more than 100 cars had been damaged. doctors are doing everything they can to help the wounded. both moscow and many other russian regions offered assistance. with the latest news from belgorod, our own correspondent alexander korobov.
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belgorod continues to come to its senses after the terrorist attack of the ukrainian armed forces, two missile strikes were carried out on the city in one day, the last one, of course , was the heaviest, a large number of victims died, doctors are fighting for their lives, now it is too early to talk about any results, shrapnel pierced the car door and wounded him in the legs, i don’t know how badly yet, but he has a phone number, now he doesn’t, he doesn’t know anything. x-ray was done, but the operation was taken away operation, and to remove the fragments , to pull them out, how seriously everything is damaged or the bones are still unknown, the city was very badly damaged, especially its central part, ammunition from ukrainian missiles scattered over a fairly large area, many damaged houses, broken windows, slashed facades , operational services are all in place, special attention, of course, now to craters and arrival sites.
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sappers work there, inspecting the area for unexploded ordnance, because the most important thing is safety for the residents, so that they can return to their homes , and generally visit some territories, because some streets are still blocked, power engineers are working to restore street lighting, everything is in place, law enforcement agencies are patrolling and monitoring the territory, a meeting of the security council just recently ended chaired by governor vyacheslav.
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the enemy, of course, will not be able to escape retribution. the moscow authorities have already announced their decision to provide support in the restoration of the city, their assistance many other regions offer it as well. there is a lot of work, of course, in the city as a whole, and in the region as a whole. the year was not easy, belgorod is called the white city, this day was the blackest for him in the entire 2023. alexander korobov, news! belgorod, well, here is footage proving that ukraine is targeting targeted neighborhoods; a resident of belgorod shielded her children with herself during a missile strike. in the first minutes of the shelling, she shielded the baby in the stroller and hugged the older child close to her. the moment was caught on cctv cameras. on what happened in belgorod the un responded. attacks on civilians and infrastructure are not violations of international humanitarian law.
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the convictions must be stopped immediately, the office of the secretary general of the united nations said. let me remind you that in connection with the shelling, russia has requested a meeting of the un security council, it should start any minute. earlier , russian copper stated that our country demanded the presence of the permanent representative of the czech republic at the meeting for explanations regarding supplies to kiev ammunition with which the city was shelled, but the czech representative refused to participate in the meeting. consequences of the shelling. in belgorod could have been more destructive, but most of the ammunition fired at the city was intercepted, the ministry of defense stated. according to the medical department , belgorod was hit with czech-made alha missiles with cluster munitions and vampire rockets. the ministry of defense believes that kiev is trying to provoke russia into similar actions, but emphasized that our military only hits military targets and the infrastructure associated with them. today is the kiev regime. attempted
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an indiscriminate combined strike on the city of belgorod, with two alha missiles in prohibited cluster ammunition, as well as rockets from a multiple launch rocket system. czech-made vampire, air defense missile alha, most of the rszzvamper missiles were intercepted. several rockets and cluster parts from downed missiles alha hit the city of belgorod. the kiev regime, by inflicting indiscriminate attacks on areas and committing this crime, is trying to distract attention from the defeat at the front, as well as provoke us to similar actions. we emphasize that the russian armed forces... work only on military facilities and the infrastructure directly associated with them. we will continue to do so. this crime will not go unpunished. vladimir putin was informed about the shelling of belgorod, said press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov, according to
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on the instructions of the president , a team from the ministry of health led by minister mikhail murashko and a group from the ministry of emergency situations were sent to belgorod to provide assistance to the victims. sergei sobyanin called the incident a great tragedy and promised to highlight it. assistance necessary for the restoration of belgorod, he noted that moscow doctors were included in the brigade of the ministry of health, and if necessary, wounded belgorod residents could be sent for treatment to the capital. all those responsible for the shelling of belgorod, including those who gave criminal orders to carry out strikes, will be identified by employees of the investigative committee, a criminal case has been initiated. on behalf of the head of the department, criminologists and experts from the central office were sent to the site. in ukraine , belgorod was shelled; as a result of the incident, people were killed, including minors. department investigators have opened a criminal case. to provide practical assistance, the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander ivanovich bastrykin, sent
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investigators, criminologists and experts from the central office to belgorod. the head of the department instructed to identify all persons guilty of crimes against civilians, including. those who gave criminal orders to shell civilians and infrastructure. the actions of each person involved will be given a legal assessment. protests are already taking place across the country in support of belgorod residents. in rostov nadon , a huge banner was displayed on the facade of the football stadium. against the background of the tricolor, the line “belgorod, we are with you” runs in large font. previously , many regional heads expressed their support for belgorod residents after the tragedy. appear on the network reports of new strikes on targets in ukraine, in addition to 10 regions of the country, the air raid alarm is now sounding in several more regions of ukraine. well, now let’s pause for a broadcast from the un security council, the sponsors who tried to pass off the consequences
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of the unprofessional work of the ukrainian air defense as deliberate strikes by the russian military aerospace forces on residential areas of ukrainian cities. we have demonstrated deceit with specific examples. of course, it is one thing to stand in line to participate in meetings convened by the kiev regimes by the regime and its sponsors to promote anti-russian propaganda, it is quite another to be responsible for the actions of their government. we want the citizens of the czech republic, as well as other western countries,
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the vast majority of whom are not hostile towards russia, to understand what their money is used for and what crimes their government is involved in. where is the representative of poland, who yesterday told us about the missile that flew into its territory, which 500 soldiers of the lublin territorial defense forces were looking for and could not find? voivodeship. where are the representatives of the european union? don't create illusions and don't pretend. brussels, along with washington and london, as well as most countries of the european union, are accomplices in the crimes committed by the kiev gang. there is a chance to fulfill your duty and give an objective assessment of the terrorist attack of the kiev regime against the peaceful russian city of belgorod a few hours ago. the city center and residential areas were shelled with cluster munitions from multiple launch rocket systems from
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the border town of volchansk in the kharkov region areas. here are links to video clips of belgorod residents with the moment the rocket arrived. i want to draw your attention to the fact that these are not just any fragments. and there it is clearly and clearly visible that a missile is flying, these are the consequences of this attack, the targets of the ukrainian missiles were the dynamo sports complex in belgorod, where at that moment gymnastics classes were being held with children, another city, where there were parents with children, was also under attack from ukrainian terrorists belgorod state technological university was hit, in order to increase the number of victims of the terrorist attack, they used cluster munitions, two alha missiles with prohibited cluster munitions were used, as well as czech-made rockets. thus, we are talking about a deliberate, indiscriminate, combined attack on
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a peaceful city. once again, i want to emphasize that this is not a strike on military targets with consequences, with possible consequences for the civilian population, but a deliberate act of terrorism directed against civilians . as a result of a pre-planned , carefully prepared shelling central part of the city. as of now , 18 people have died, including three children. we are very familiar with the narrative that we will hear today. none of this would have happened
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if you had not launched a special military operation in february 2022. lies, ladies and gentlemen. we launched a special military operation to stop what the kiev regime was doing in donbass for 8 years, shelling its cities and towns with impunity. but you didn’t want this, you didn’t want to notice. this can only be achieved by defeating this terrorist regime. which openly boasts of using terrorist methods against both its own and russian citizens. the shelling of populated areas of donbass , kherson and zaporozhye regions, crimea, and other russian regions , the merciless blind killings of civilians, testifies to the fire of the zelensky neo-nazi regime, mired in terrorism, lawlessness, corruption and cynicism, seeking in its impotent anger to please its western masters to kill both as many russian people as possible. all the organizers and perpetrators of this and other crimes the kiev junta will suffer inevitable
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punishment. we call on all responsible governments and relevant international structures to strongly condemn this brutal terrorist attack, committed using cluster munitions banned in most western states, and to publicly distance themselves from the kiev regime and its western curators who commit similar crimes. we are surprised by the secretary general's silence on this matter. it is no coincidence, as we all know, over the past week the ukranazis have lost a lot of good
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fortified positions in the suburbs of donetsk , from where they 9 flew, shelled the peaceful quarters of this city, marinka was liberated, the nazis are about to be expelled from arbeyka, the russian army is pushing back ukrainian militants along the entire line of combat resistance, here the nationalists are no longer accustomed to shelling, they would like to save their lives, filling up combat positions with the corpses of untrained recruits. in the kharkov region, especially closer to the russian border, the situation is different, or rather, different for now. we will, of course, correct it, as we have already stated, one of the objectives of our special military operation within the framework of the demilitarization of ukraine are to eliminate threats emanating from territories bordering russian regions, including those that became part of russia after the start of ieds. the more these threats create for us, the tougher we will act, i think this should be clear to everyone. and for those of you who called for negotiations yesterday, pan podalyak, adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine, answered today. here is his
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quote. there will be no negotiations, in the classical sense of the word, there will be ultimatum demands to the russian federation at the highest level, and russia accepted them. end of quote. these are the associations with the word negotiations in the vocabulary of the kiev regime. they, like hitler in 1943 and 1944, are confident in their invincibility and that the west will ultimately save their school. yesterday. in this hall, a representative of the kiev clique, sitting behind a sign of the former ukrainian soviet socialist republic, tried to read morals to us and test for the presence or absence of conscience. the kiev regime...
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dragging down not only the people ukraine, but also those who supply it with military equipment and ammunition, supposedly for defense against russia, there is clearly no hope for the united states and great britain, for them supporting the kiev regime is not only a geopolitical benefit, but also a commercial enterprise, but everyone else wants to believe , today's cynical use. shells for shelling civilians can still be cut off, thank you. this was footage of a meeting of the un security council, which was convened by russia in connection with the terrorist attack of the armed forces of ukraine on belgorod. well, this is footage from the checkpoint on the border of ukraine and poland. due to stricter rules
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, about 40 buses with passengers have not been able to leave square for more than a day. new restrictions, according to ukrainian media, became known on friday. they began to require certificates from the military registration and enlistment offices from men who were allowed to travel; they also carefully checked disabled people who had recently received documents; the border service denied the official change in the travel rules, but confirmed the fact of more thorough checks. now let’s break into advertising and then continue. only at alfabank. order free debit. spin the reel in the app and get a superkick every month, order a card in december and get a guaranteed 30% cashback on equipment, not just profitable, alpha profitable, win when you find a reason to get together, order at sbermarket, megamarket and scooter and
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the therapy of the eccentric president meleya hit the well-being of millions of citizens. but the head of state, apparently, will not listen to his own voters. at the height of the crisis, meley traveled hundreds of kilometers from the capital to the theater to watch his girlfriend perform. about the mood of seething buenos airos, sergey bril. the scale of protests against meley, like this latest manifestation this weekend in buenos, is impressive, but how long can such a protest continue? so, at the beginning of the reign of a democratically elected libertarian, then there seems to be a dearer freedom lover, from his slogan long live freedom, damn it, it will be remembered more quickly, damn it, from here! 5 years in prison for organizing an illegal meeting or rally, that is, repression against those who are not for him, is obtained by the only democrat, only one of his proposals,
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which brought the protesters to the famous obelisk in the center of buenos aires. this obelisk was placed in buenos at a time when argentina was the number one economy in the world. well, of course, since then there have been several times have changed. there is no doubt that miley inherited an economy that, to put it mildly, was very ingrained. but he seems to be a democrat. the political pendulum immediately swung, namely: the protesters were outraged by his proposals such as the rejection of mandatory primaries and a state of emergency, that is, rule by presidential decrees and the entry of parliament right up to december 31, 25. in this shooting, in what condition did he receive the presidential palace? there is no doubt that a lot of problems have really accumulated in argentina. accordingly, the reduction is shallow the official pes/dollar exchange rate to the real market level or, for example, tax. an amnesty for undeclared capital was an expected measure, but other measures made even his supporters groan.
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so, it turns out that on the day of the inauguration it was no coincidence that he got out of the car 200 meters before the presidential palace; on the contrary, there was the head office of the state, this is the argentine analogue of the election and vtb, it turns out that he decided to privatize it too, and his opponents are even more outraged by this , which is a pearl among others. argentine public sector there are only 41 organizations put up for sale, the ipf company, this is the argentine analogue of rosneft and gazprom, as well. in its commercials, the national carrier aerolineas argentinas positioned itself as the airline of all argentines who collectively dealt with the consequences of the extremely unsuccessful privatization a quarter of a century ago. the company has just reached operating profit thanks to the state, the more profitable the purchase will be for milea’s friends. among the beneficiaries of his reforms, more and more companies from the usa and its allied countries. is it any wonder that the day before the meleyan government officially rejected the invitation to brix. and here is another
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message from the noticias urbanes portal. that miley seems to want to transfer to ukraine two russian- made mi-117 helicopters that argentina has. the russian ambassador to argentina and activists spoke out categorically against this possibility. what's next? during the new year's ritual , shamans in neighboring peru predicted that miley would not survive until the end of his term, especially since he was also liquidating the national theater institute and the national endowment for the arts, that is, he turned the intelligentsia against himself. but. among the women around him, with whom he went out onto the balcony of the presidential palace, publishing a scandalous bill and an unusual first lady, who is a sister, and vice president victoria vijaroel, she is a key figure, the daughter of a military man from very conservative circles, her first visit was to police headquarters , which is now theirs, so long live freedom, damn it, sergey brilyov with the assistance of marcel lorrensuti, news from buenos aires. russian chess player
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valentina gunina won the world blitz championship, which was held in samarkand. about the success of the russians at the final chess tournament of the year in the material of stas redikultsev. russian chess players ended the year like royalty. at the world championships in rapid chess and blitz in samarkandi, the russians won four medals. two golds, silver and bronze. we have never won four medals at the world championships in rapid blitz chess. here. we have never had such a result, that is, if we take such an unofficial team competition or something, well, there is no doubt that the russian team, despite all the obstacles that we have, that are put in front of us, we are the best, that is , once again, it means that our guys have shown the strength of the domestic chess school , total dominance in women's chess, the
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rapid tournament was won by anastasia bodnoru. and valentina gunina skated through the blitz. in the final seventeenth game, gunina defeated one of the strongest chess players in the world - ukrainian anna muzychuk. the match is over unsportsmanlike behavior on the part of the ukrainian. she refused, contrary to chess etiquette, from shaking hands. after 11 years, valentina gunina is again the queen of lightning blitz. at the board , the russian demonstrated not only skill, but also outstanding fortitude. gunina is struggling with a severe autoimmune disease. i am undergoing treatment for lupus, so in general it’s quite difficult for me to play, so i can practice, but since i have problems with concentration, that’s why, that is, for me this victory is more valuable, because this is how it turns out to be double efforts, i’ve never won before, i really want to and i brought myself, probably for the new year, one of those desires is the next
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championship. i just love playing blitz, so i’m very happy to win the world blitz championship for the second time in my life. norwegian chess king magnus carlson is the best in samarkandi in both disciplines, but the powerful play of daniil dubov and vladislav artemyev kept the norwegian on his toes the entire distance. in an unpredictable blitz, dubov is second, artemyev is third, russia with two gold, silver and bronze medals, overall winner. announced the victory of his coalition in repeated parliamentary and municipal elections in 35 polling stations. according to preliminary data , the association serbia dare not stop received about 70% of the votes, as the serbian president noted,
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the coalition did not demonstrate such a result. even at the previous stage of voting, the opposition bloc serbia against violence has so far won only 12% of the votes, the next repeat elections will take place in eight polling stations on january 2, now a short advertisement, and after it watch the formula of power program, it gets better and better, up to 16% per annum in... the warehouse is the best percentage in savings. a warehouse with a favorable rate, register literally with one button in the mobile application in sberbank with prime more profitable. this is a corporate event. this is enterum. entorumin, a new generation enterosorbent. its mineral matrix removes toxins from the body while retaining nutrients . a smart solution against poisoning. vtbs.


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