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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 11, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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an honest assessment is, of course , the viewer’s reaction, a performance, an outstanding, laconic , powerful, strict, very strong performance, when there is some kind of overlap between modern theater and that theater, it’s always some kind of miracle, there’s generally a decision, well, in my opinion look, it’s so unobvious, yes, theaters in yekaterinburg, perm, suzdal are also participating in the anniversary program; in st. petersburg alexandrinka, in addition to performances, there will be lectures and a master class.
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fifty of russia’s best athletes in this discipline took to the start line in the competition. the winner spartakiad became the oldest experienced participant. winner and multiple medalist of world championships andrey sobolev. at 34 years old, andrei sobolev remains the best. since 2010, i have skated, skated a little in russia and skated a little with russian athletes. we mostly skated in europe, with more serious people. as it were, we were building up our sports skills, so to speak, but i think that in the near future, because we are now skating with our already russian ones, i think that i already see that russian athletes, who are younger, they are already starting to catch up with us, discipline, we often see experienced athletes on the podium, in recent years he has been a little in the shadow of other younger guys, just as ambitious as he is, he remains one of their idols, he
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somewhere closer to the same age, to vic vad , vic was here today, but andrey, what ’s nice, today he got ready for the most important race, yes, that’s what we have, and he brought himself to the right start of the season, well done, are working, in the women's competition the winner of the olympics in the parallel giant was sofia nadyrshina, two-time world champion in snowboarding sofia nadyrshina confirmed her status as the favorite of the competition in parallel disciplines, well, in principle, we are not comparing what happened before... but a worthy victory, a worthy start, replacement with some other one, we all know what, in this year it will definitely take on some significant significance in these competitions, everything is going well, the spartakiad of the strongest lives up to its name, really the strongest, today we saw, well, the top elite of the world snowboarding, we dominate and will dominate in this discipline, we have a good tradition, sobolev,
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nadyrshin, well-known names throughout the world. as part of the spartakiad in the solnechnaya dolina complex, medals will also be competed for in such snowboard disciplines as sloupe, snowboardros and big air. in the suburbs of vyasa, everything is just beginning. they really did it, as you can say, some kind of world cup, because there are so many people and such a quality of the slope or track, this only happens at world cups. it needs to be done, maybe not every year, every other year, or whatever.
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you’re too lazy to go somewhere, there’s sbp button for online shopping, well, see you later. this america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. 2.5 million illegal migrants crossed the us- mexico border in 2023. historical record. to make it clearer, the population of one more chicago, two more, and yes, came to america without documents. three san francisco or six miami. texas took the brunt of the blow, where operation lone star was launched with the involvement of the national guard to counter the chaos. now, in the election year, the conflict between texas governor greg abbott and
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his colleagues from twenty five republican states and joe biden, went beyond a simple dispute about powers, they started talking about a parade of sovereignties. and even about the civil war. the epicenter is the city of iglpas, a border town, known at one time only for the fact that one of the scenes of the film no country for old men was filmed there, but now it is the center of all news reports that come in the context of this confrontation around migrants. what is eagle pass? it is a large border crossing, one of several border crossings that connect. the united states and mexico, and there is a rather remarkable place there: shelby park , this is an area that was used for local sports competitions, a picture from there at one time, a television picture, flew around the world, then hundreds of migrants, sitting on the ground, were under
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surveillance employees of the american border patrols, they did not have enough space to place them in shelters, they were sitting on the ground, this was the same shelbeep. a couple of weeks ago 600 people passed through this checkpoint people in one night, whole caravans passed through here, elon musk came to us, and this is good, because we need attention, we need help, the situation is getting out of control, as the situation with illegal migration worsens, governor greg abate made a decision on that it is necessary to strengthen the border, they say the feds are not coping, biden is not coping, we will deal with this issue ourselves here, gregba. ordered the state national guard to take over the powers of the feds, who should be responsible
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for controlling migrants, the surrounding area border crossing and the iglepas border crossing itself were taken under control by the texas national guardsmen. what did they do? they stretched barbed wire along the rio grande, installed booms, inflatable barriers on the water, installed containers in this place, well, the border was completely... impenetrable for migrants, after which several rounds of negotiations followed, which did not lead to anything, the administration was white home appealed to the supreme court, the supreme court decided to admit border service officers federal park in shelby, this is a small area about 4 km long, and after that greg abbott refused to do this, the situation reached a new level, there are 25 more governors of other republics...
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the republicans are not going to give up, texas is sticking with what it has its own constitution, a state according to american laws is such a mini-state, they have the right to protect their borders, the fact that in this case the border of texas coincides with the border of the united states means nothing to them, in general talk about creating an independent nation texas, they have been going on for several years, they intensified in the nineties as they became popular here in the united states. the tea party movement, this was partly due to such a renaissance within the conservative wing
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of the republican party, the process itself, the possible withdrawal of states from america, is usually called secession, the leaders of the movement for the independence of texas had already made several attempts to hold a referendum, but during the course of the referendum only 8300 signatures, and this despite the fact that the total population of texas is 30 million human. even the local branch of the republican party did not recognize the results of this referendum as valid, although it is clear that now, especially on social networks, in the election year, this rhetoric has intensified, because uh, well, this is a sign of uh modern america, any topic is controversial, it splits society and sounds there is immediately a mood that it is necessary to completely dismantle the united states as a union as such. in reality, again, there is no constitutional procedure for
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realizing these independence aspirations texas, at one time in 1869 , a christ-like case took place, from the point of view of american case law, which was called texas v. white and others, it concerned whether it was necessary to pay on bonds that were issued in texas during the civil war, when texas, as it is known that he was part of the confederacy, then the supreme court of the united states decided two important things: it ruled that texas, even while being part of the confederacy, did not leave the united states of america, remained one of the states usa, and secondly, and more importantly, it was decided that the legal procedures for the secession of an individual state from the union, that is, from the united states, are constitutional in practice and in theory. american law does not exist, that is, most of these conversations that are currently underway can
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be described by the now fashionable word hype, which , however, does not in any way prevent us from continuing to theorize and fantasize on this topic. with a population of 28,305,000 people, texas would rank fiftieth in the world, ahead of, for example, australia. texas so big that poland fits entirely into it and still has some left. headquarters of such giants as american airlines dell axon mobil. the situation with coronavirus at one time had a very strong impact on internal migration to the usa, the fact is that a lot of people from liberal states and not at all poor people, faced with very strict restrictive measures introduced by the democrats, left california for new york these states moved to texas, perhaps the most important fugitive
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is illon musk. elon musk 4 years ago moved to texas. now texas is his main headquarters, he is building his new spaceport there, a new huge tesla factory is being built there, a number of other companies have also moved their headquarters to texas, these are chevron, oracle and so on, that is, the tax base for texas is growing everything is very good in the economy there, in addition to the court decisions that were made addressed to greek abbott and the texas republicans, there are also economic levers of pressure, as in the old ... soviet comedy they promised to turn off the gas. biden recently adopted a decision that reduces quotas for the export of liquefied natural gas. this year. eh, the situation, of course, may change in 2025, especially since there is reason to believe that the administration will change, but for now this is a blow directly to texas,
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because texas is the oil and gas capital of america, but. biden, of course, put all this in the form of support for the green agenda; liquefied natural gas is perceived as a threat to climate change, so it was presented under this sauce that the solution is temporary, it should not greatly affect the balance of prices in the world should not affect the balance of the amount of hydrocarbons, but the republicans here blame biden and are already calling him almost a traitor to the national economy.
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texas is one of the key sponsors of the republican party, not only in texas, but in general, the second such sponsor is the american military-industrial complex. as for the general perception of illegal migration itself, it is frightening, firstly, the number of these people, and secondly, they increasingly began to pay attention to the fact that the flow of these migrants itself is very strange, that is, if previously it was considered normal everyday arrival. people with families, with children, now even from the video frames it is noticeable that a lot of young people are staying, firstly, and they come from those regions where street gangs dominate, drug trafficking is flourishing on the part of the most powerful criminal cartels, and there is a serious people have reason to believe that many of those who are staying are members of
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these cartels and these criminal gangs. this is a disaster on all levels, this. humanitarian disaster, health disaster, social disaster national security, all this is done deliberately. when joe biden became president, he inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years, and he deliberately broke the system, opened the border, and the numbers immediately skyrocketed. 9.6 million immigrants entered this country illegally. in new york, local governments are spending more and more money on maintenance. migrants, the last tranche of 150 million will be paid to hotels so that they continue to host migrants and place them there. $53 million allocated for a program to ensure that migrants are provided with bank cards, in general, this turns into a very serious financial burden, plus, and this is also
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probably the trend of the last six months, crime has begun to grow noticeably - on the part of visitors, the most egregious case occurred here in new york a week ago, when a group of migrants beat two new york police department officers right in time square in the center of the city. most of all, of course, new yorkers were outraged not even by the fact of what happened, but also by the reaction local liberal prosecutors. and only one of these migrants ended up behind bars, the rest were released even without bail, and as it is now reported that people from africa, the middle east and other regions began to arrive in the states, perhaps america needs to say thank you to itself here, because the arrival such a number of illegal immigrants,
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including due to decades of the destabilizing activities that the united states carried out in all regions, that is, sowed chaos, now they are reaping a storm in the form of illegal, illegal migration. this history, of course, needs to be viewed in... the context of the american election cycle, yes, of course, the problem with migration exists, and it cannot be denied, but it’s all about how it is used, here, of course, the parallels with 2020 and the blm movement, then it hit trump directly, and trump eventually lost his place in the white house, lost his second term and lost the opportunity to implement the reforms that he had planned for himself. well, there is reason to believe that now the republicans, in a certain sense, are taking revenge on the democrats and answer them with the same coin. it’s clear that
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eaglepass in this case is an absolute symbol, caravans go there, governors go there, there’s a huge amount of press, but if you walk in both directions from this checkpoint, or go somewhere in the outback of arizona, new -mexico, california t
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... border in the world, there is nowhere in the world what is happening on our border, i hope that neither the republicans nor the democrats will try to make a deal on this issue, because
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a bad deal is worse than no deal at all. trump is an experienced politician, he does not constrain himself with specific obligations, he always says that under him the situation at the border was not catastrophic, everything unraveled and became loose under biden and, accordingly. when he returns to the white house, the situation will also be better than it is now, why was the system really effective under trump, at least more effective than now, he at one time very successfully took advantage of the amendment that was adopted - in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and these are the covid ones the restrictions were cleverly used by his republican administration to control migration flows, moreover, after... biden ended up in the white house, he maintained these covid restrictions for some time, they had to be lifted under pressure from the left wing of the democrats, these are representatives of
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various minorities, first of all, there are racial minorities, national minorities who are categorically against any restrictions, and trump , like many republicans, is a supporter of the theory that the united states have. with a long-playing strategy, they are dealing with a very specific plan. the essence of this plan comes down to the fact that the democrats, if not today, then tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, want to ensure that supporters of their party, new citizens of the united states, who will be directly obliged to receive passports of their citizenship to pro-democratic administrations, will in due time increase their electoral base , the fate of the presidency, the president is determined by the so-called.
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the trend is already noticeable, for example, in texas in recent years, houston, the technological capital of this state, nasa headquarters is located there, there are many high-tech industries, houston has become a democratic city, they vote for democrats, houston is represented by democrats in the house of representatives, in general, republicans quite reasonably see here a threat, well, to their future, as a claim in the future . to ever again become the ruling party in the white house, in the house of representatives, in the senate, but the parallel irony of this situation is that even if biden is here works for some kind of bright future common to the democrats, then of course he makes his immediate future, his own prospects very gloomy, because there is no longer any doubt that the topic of migration in this
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election cycle for... will almost be the number one topic , this was america , all the best to you , we’ll skate cleanly on points, you remember everything, you know everything, we calm down, get together and win,
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don’t look, don’t look around, stay yourself, yourself, or what? yes, if i were you, i would punch myself in the face, right? that's it, that's cool, ice three.
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usually we try not to reveal the inner workings, but only we have details from a key participant, many might not like it, while everyone in a circle shows what happened, who are you anyway, only our program will tell how it was, like the byev
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regime. it was painful, i have to admit, well , apparently we will show you more than others, not an easy task, i am aware of this, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we watch on sunday at 22:00. russian troops repelled five attacks. enemy in the kupinsky direction, two in krasnolimansky and another one in khersonsky. this was reported to the ministry of defense. here the most active fighting took place in the donetsk direction, 11 attacks were repelled there. in the donetsk direction, units of the southern group of troops defeated the manpower and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of novoye, krasnoye, kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka of the donetsk people's republic and repelled them.


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