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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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here, yes, i was standing in front of the bus, i saw a flash, guys in the sky, look, in the sky, then a gross violation of all the conventions began, yes, on residential areas of the city of donetsk, mine petals began to fall, they were dropped, i remember, in that at that time i was here, working with a correspondent from the italian state television channel, yeah, we filmed this report about... in the private sector, sappers are trying to neutralize these mines, which are prohibited by conventions, that is, he saw with his own eyes that this like, well, people, yes, that is, not barracks, these are people living, there they actually found eight petals in a person’s garden, with a self-liquidator, that is, they even without sappers, they have already begun to blow themselves up, now ukrainian troops have thrown petals at university street in donetsk , a car blew up in front of us. he understands
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for himself that this is a risk for himself, he films on emotions, how come, damn, well, this is a crime, he returns, sends the material to the editor, they tell him, sorry, but we can’t show him, that is, he was bought out, paid, so that he's in i didn’t place others in other publications or tried, that’s it, the material was archived, and he began to be disappointed, although i read fino a pochi giorni fa,
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when did this summer counter-offensive of last year fail, and has the mood of the mainstream media changed, because now i’m already i observe that the truth is slowly beginning to break through in these publications, which previously simply turned a blind eye to what was happening here; at the beginning of the sfo there was this setup, big bets were made. to destroy russia in the near future destroy first of all the economy , destroying the economy, this means the entire military production and the country, roughly speaking, this did not work out for them, these formulations began, they very much promoted the counter-offensive, which is about to bring ukraine to victory, this also did not work , and naturally they now have to somehow explain that, after all, it’s probably necessary...
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to improve relations, after all, well, there is also a crisis in connection with fuel, it is bought at an inflated price by the us west, that is starts, start and pay attention to the fact that most likely, by military means, as they wanted not to complete this, it is necessary in a different way, so yes, in information terms this is also reflected, the precedent is this, this is just the il-76, where... this is ukraine he says that missiles were stored and transported there, in the west they already understand that delivering missiles by plane to 30 km of the front line is madness, that is, kiev emphasized this, well , yes, they repeated, but they understand that this is getting worse, that is, people they are no longer pursuing this.
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janus putkanin, worked in finland as a journalist, editor, was a member of the local patriotic party, until due to political persecution he was forced to leave his homeland in... it was getting out of control, here before the start of the special operation the front line ran along this river, and there were cases when
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it flew side by side, absolutely many times, yeah. but we saw uh civilian population here and we had a discussion, the situation is calm and uh the fights has moved away already from this region, i think they haven't cleaned fully, it seems to me that the area here has not yet been completely cleared of mines. they will then say that everything is clean. and there are no signs that sappers usually draw. i think the cleanup will take two or three years, with priority given to public places.
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goes, here i had a good building , here is one foundation left, here two hailstones fell here, here i have seedlings here, here is one cherry tree left, it
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is wounded, there is a trunk, a trunk, and the rest, seven trees , i already planted new ones, they blew away in little ones. smokes, let's go, i 'm planting a garden, everything is fine, there's no light, well, it's dark, i'm sitting in the hut, yeah, what it’s not that... they didn’t drag, we didn’t have new mail, they sent to belovodsk they sent, to whomever they needed, household appliances, televisions, refrigerators, i’m standing in the field at the end of the garden, and here they are dragging the tv and hiding their face in the same way, they hide, they pull, i say, what are you saying, you pull, there’s no light, and if the lights are only live news, the news was shown to us then, well, they’re something.
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they are afraid, this method of decision-making is not democratic at all, people cannot do anything, they are pressured by huge propaganda in the media, hybrid operations and all this for them they get it into their heads, they are led to the shed like a herdsman and the sheep are afraid where are they drifting? our relations with finland, relations between russia and finland. first of all, i believe that
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the secret point of the 2014 agreement was the agreement with nato on the host country. he is the cornerstone of everything that happens today. it creates the basis for military operations, and it is here that the seed of future escalation in relations between finland and russia was born.
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about this operation we can say this: this is
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the plan for operation barbarossa 2.0. and that's when finland, in the person of the commander of the finnish army, and not president saolenie, who stood next to him illegally, without any discussion in parliament, signs this agreement, it turns out to be a military pact that was supposed to put finland in a position similar to the one when.. 80 years ago, the country collaborated with nazi germany, which allowed fascist forces to invade russia from finnish territory in alliance with the nazi germany 80 years ago.
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the project to demonize russia was launched in 2011 during the parliamentary elections in russia in 2011, suddenly russia was presented as an undemocratic country acting against its people. and so the whole trend towards russophobia
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and anti-russian sentiments rose in 2011 . it was rumored among people, in the media , heard from the lips of politicians , some kind of decision was made, which meant that russia is no longer a friend, it was a very strong message, and this line of russophobia, it would seem, is already working at its maximum, but they always manage to take it to a new , deeper level.
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his position has steadily strengthened in anti-russian russophobic agenda, now it is also at its peak, so this was planned a long time ago.
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when in 2010 i found myself in eastern europe, lived in serbia and became interested in the slavic world, then visited many cities in russia, in 2019 i learned for myself what kiev is, now in the donbass i am trying to open the eyes of the whole world to this. people in kiev, they are like russians, they speak russian, i have never heard ukrainian spoken there, they were there. if you have not been there, then it will be difficult for you to understand when 10 thousand people are full hatred, marching with nazi slogans, i didn't even realize that this still
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existed in the world. and one day after my lecture, people began to come up and say: “my dream is to go kill russians in donbass.” i reached out to people, it was very important for me to show the victims of war, the real victims
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of war, and these are civilians. there was shelling by two hymers, then about five or six people died and many were wounded. young people in donetsk, when they hear the sounds of shelling, they rush to the rescue to save people. i interviewed one of...
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snowball now those globalists who are advocating to continue this are having difficulty maintaining their narratives. and, for example, in
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germany, patriotic parties began to ask questions about their pressing problems, asking questions about why they were cutting their budget funding and should send money to ukraine. this question is closer to pragmatic people in the west and they want to hear what is really happening in ukraine now. further, in any case, here is the order, yes, this is the balance that was in the world, yes, where the usa and great britain first of all dictate their rules to the whole world, i am sure that it must stop, it must, because this supposedly yes order has revealed a lot of contradictions. there is a lot of injustice in different continents, in different countries, under the pretext of democracy , cities, killed, innocent
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people were wiped off the face of the earth, this is...
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is she really reading her mind or not? the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has a special tribute. who are you looking at today, well, here’s a girl standing scratched. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is? yes. watch only without amateur performances, like on the spot, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website.
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the opening ceremony of the world youth festival took place in the large ice palace in sirius. the organizers prepared a colorful show using modern computer technologies. it was watched by 12,000 spectators in a hall of hundreds of thousands of television viewers around the world. the festival runs from march 1st to march 7th in program of over 800 events. an intercepted conversation between the german military about attacks on the crimean bridge could quarrel
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between berlin and the nato leadership. the wall street journal writes about this. bundeswehr officers let slip that military personnel from great britain and the united states are already in ukraine, which contradicts official reports. this is another calculation from germany, western experts said, recalling scholz’s recent words that military personnel from the united kingdom and france are working in ukraine. on the south donetsk in the direction of the special operation, 16 temporary deployment points, four drone control points and an ammunition depot of the armed forces of ukraine were destroyed. according to the press center of the grouping of russian troops vostok , the enemy’s attempt to rotate units was thwarted under carbon. the engineering and sapper group at chervony was liquidated. the games of the future end in kazan today. the day before , the semi-finals in physical skateboarding took place. this is one of the most spectacular.


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