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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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assistance included almost a hundred objects, primarily social ones, schools, hospitals, kindergartens, the result is not only in the construction of objects, this is also very important, because you can build objects, leave, reconstruction, construction of objects is always completed somehow, all this when -it ends, a little earlier, a little later, but since we are sister cities, the spiritual connection between the residents of our cities is very important for us. the results of the large general work of the chapter. two cities are also being brought together, for almost 2 years all efforts were aimed at solving the most acute problems, first of all , they restored infrastructure, housing and public space, and paid special attention to the development of the transport network. in 2022 , mariopol received a hundred buses, and trams returned to the city. we haven’t heard the noise of a tram for a long time, so for us it was dnikovinka, at first we just sat down with our grandchildren, just went one stop.
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knows, this is already history, when he met with the siege survivors, they said that the tram for us is a symbol of rebirth, a symbol of victory, they reconstructed the 10 km line with the help of petersburg specialists, now 13 trams run on it. let's say, negotiations are underway with our city of twins in st. petersburg regarding the launch of a second tram route, this is along the... trams go past new residential
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areas, newly built clinics, a fire station, zaks, who is still in the twenty- second was destroyed to the foundation, and today the first marriage was officially registered in it. we were given the task of restoring this object. today we can already say that all construction work completed, there remains a small amount of improvement and a multifunctional center, which is located in this building, and the wedding palace is operating as usual. thousands of specialists from st. petersburg are now working on sites in any weather , especially focusing on the reconstruction of the drama theater, it was blown up by militants of the ukrainian armed forces. the governor of st. petersburg personally visited the facility last fall. we will restore absolutely all the elements that were saved, we will definitely save them. the work is planned to be completed in 2025, but for now city residents are waiting in museums, theaters and concert venues in st. petersburg. cities actively cooperate in the field of culture, among others. to exchange experiences
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in healthcare, education, sports, information technology and digitalization. industrial enterprises also promise to build bridges in the near future. natalya solaveva, irina zaborskaya, lead. the second all-russian arctic youth forum was opened in kranstatt. more than 500 students and young professionals from different regions took part in it. in the museum of naval glory on cluster territory, fortov island, they discussed the prospects for the development of the arctic zone and its transport development. in moscow today , the creation and development media awarded the winners of the all-russian competition of best practices in the field of construction and housing and communal services for the best coverage. it is carried out by the ministry of construction and housing and communal services of russia together with the territory development fund. the ceremony took place at vdnkh as part of the russia forum exhibition. the industry is extremely large. more than 11 million people with related. industries
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480,000 organizations, this is the economy, this is business development, and most importantly, these are people, these are citizens. andrei vladimech, today he said in detail, these are social areas, the resettlement of emergency housing, major repairs, the formation of a comfortable urban environment, in general, the improvement of living conditions. and your work is the basis, it is the basis of dialogue between the state, business and, most importantly, people. the federation council, as the chamber of regions, notes that more than 60 regions took part in the current competition. i understand so, more than half a thousand applications were also considered by the competition jury to identify the winners. all these issues, as you know, were outlined in the president’s message last week, i mean the development of housing construction and housing and communal services, this includes the integrated development of the territory, the resettlement of emergency housing, and family mortgages, and of course, the president extended the competition comfortable urban environment until 2030, the federation council together with the government, together with development institutions,
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everyone who writes in russian, but lives abroad, regardless of nationality and citizenship, this is the main condition for future participants in the international literary competition russian prize. he resumed his work after a seven-year break. the goal
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remains the same - the preservation and development of the russian language as a unique phenomenon of world culture. the long list, the so -called longworm, will be announced in full by mid-june. a poem or story in russian, and send it. on wednesday , the public warning system will be tested throughout russia; sirens and loudspeakers have been launched, and the broadcast of public television and radio channels will also be replaced. during the exercise, it is necessary not
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to panic, remain calm and listen to information messages. the last test run of sirens was carried out in october last year. on march 6 , an all-russian inspection of the public warning system will take place, and the planned launch of sirens and loudspeakers will be carried out. the broadcast of television and radio channels will be replaced by the broadcast of a text message about the inspection. this set of measures allows objectively check the serviceability of warning systems, as well as conduct training for duty services. this is necessary to maintain the readiness of warning systems for the timely delivery of signals and information to the population in the event of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, including the threat of flooding of the territory. and the spread of wildfires. when you hear the sound of sirens, do not panic and remain calm. how to use plastic literally ad infinitum and is it possible to completely rid russia of landfills? special report by taras kucherenko about the new technology
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that sibur is working on. watch right after the short commercial. deposit, the best interest rate in sberbank with clear conditions, this is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings with a rate of up to 16% per annum, quick registration in the sberbank application online, deposit, the best interest rate, it’s more profitable with prime, everyone has their own image of success, someone dreams of overcoming gravity, flying into space, someone dreaming of having personal space. own apartment, and for another it is important to take their business to a new level, we will not achieve your goals for you, but we will give you everything so that you can do it yourself, what men are silent about
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these are articles, videos and podcasts from experts about sports and outdoor activities. sportmaster is a digital sports platform. such a number of young, talented and ambitious people can only be met here in sirius, where the world youth festival is taking place these days; it brought together 20 thousand participants from different countries, the environmental agenda has become one of the main ones at the forum. environmental agenda, i think you have already noticed that there are a number of
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special banners that we use for environmental education, they are hung here on territory of the festival, which talks about the process of recycling waste, talks about the process of its separate collection, and about some eco-habits, the environmental agenda is very tightly integrated into the educational program, there are a number of lectures, master classes, one of the most important services for participants - this is a five-way regime, sibur uses water that is bottled in containers created with the addition of recycled plastic, and all this, of course, affects the carbon footprint that it leaves the event after itself as a whole, and we strive to make it as low as possible. all festival participants, as a rule, were able to achieve significant success in business, media science, education and sports. tatyana zvozdyak came from neftyugansk, she says that the issue of reasonable consumption has become a priority for many in everyday life. tatyana is a teacher, and therefore she raises her
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students in the same way. now the problem is precisely pollution, well, environmental problems, after all, it is that we are incorrectly distributing our resources. when we were driving to festival, we had a clear list, a checklist of what we needed to take with us, yes, among all these materials there were those that could be used environmentally, that is, used. the creator of the film book project , blogger georgy kavanosyan, believes that reasonable consumption can be made more effective, but it is even more important to debunk tired myths related to the environment. many people believe that metal production is not environmentally friendly, that paper production is also not environmentally friendly, and plastic is generally an absolute evil. actually everything this is absolutely not true: there are no bad materials, there is only misuse of these materials. the same plastic can be specially selected and recycled.
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he is confident that talking about environmental problems can be done in an entertaining way, so he offers all festival participants to take a thematic quiz. which material is more environmentally friendly, one that degrades quickly in the environment, or one that takes a long time to decompose? well , probably the one that's fast, actually. which takes a long time, those that decompose enough quickly - these are close to disposable goods, and therefore they constantly need to be produced more and more, and this is a waste of resources, emissions from enterprises, in addition, the carbon footprint of their transportation is constantly growing, and those that take a long time to decompose - these are usually reusable products that we can reuse, and even if they end up in the environment, we can remove them from there and recycle them. many art objects at the festival are presented from recycled materials, for example, an installation called ecouniverse sirius. the eco-universe sirius
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is made of plastic, which has been given a second life. at its center is a star. according to the author, it symbolizes insight. that plastic no longer needs to be thrown away; various objects can be made from it, including works of art. the installation was complemented by a dance; it continues the story of how the world can be changed for the better if plastic is given an endless life through recycling. in an endless cycle of recycling , insight becomes movement, and movement inspiration that starts this cycle. the creation of the costume installation took about a month for the author of the anime. this is the first time i have come across recyclable plastic and this type of material and it was such an interesting experience for me as an artist, how can you rethink this and turn it into a beautiful image, artistic, the whole installation, it is not
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only beautiful, but it is modern in terms of recycling, subsequently it... can be completely recycled without harming the environment. anna decided to use recycled plastic in clothing decor to make the costumes not only futuristic, but also as close as possible to the main idea of ​​the concept. in our images we used different materials, both classic materials that are used in stage and dance costumes, and certainly different recycled materials. for example, we turned into a headdress. and bottles made from recycled plastic with such fancy flowers, and here we got a very beautiful headdress, and a whole glade of fancy flowers, which are also made entirely from recyclable eraser bottles even the festival’s sports program
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is environmentally friendly. russia is represented by a team at the international student basketball cup 3.3. three-time national champions, traditional training before the match, but the basketball is not quite ordinary, it is made of recycled plastic. the ball was made in collaboration with the vtb united league, the sibur company and the russian manufacturer of sporting goods. since last year, it has become the official ball of the vtb united league. listen, i didn’t notice any really super difference. to me it seems about the same thing, convenient, inconvenient, convenient. to produce the sword , only eight half-liter plastic bottles were needed. a master class will be held with this ball, anyone can take part in the master class, a participant in the festival, with absolutely zero preparation, come, try for the first time in their life, maybe hold the ball, knock, score, meet
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the olympic champions, get acquainted with famous athletes, maybe after our master class he... will go and sign up for the section in basketball and will become a basketball player. today, plastic is used almost everywhere in construction, medicine, the it industry, from polymers; instead of metal, some parts of cars, airplanes, and spacecraft are created , which has significantly reduced the weight of objects in order to not only use resources economically, but also environmentally, recycling is growing in the country waste, and on a huge industrial scale. the key task in the waste block is the construction of the necessary infrastructure. launch of circular economy cycle. over the years of reform, 249 facilities have been created with a total capacity of more than 20 million tons per year for sorting and 6 million tons per year for recycling. now 53% of msw is sent for processing, and the share of recycling has exceeded 12%. it is
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thanks to recycling that a circular economy develops; waste is returned back into new production. it is different, after use the item must be recycled, the raw materials must... promptly be returned to secondary circulation, ideally this cycle should be closed, more than seven tons of recycled plastic were used for making bottles for the festival, thanks to
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the separate collection infrastructure organized by sibur, they will once again become material for the manufacture of new packaging, and this process can be endless. 1 million bottles of water will be supplied to the festival - separate waste collection has been introduced at the festival, and due to this. it will be possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by another 15%, because the energy intensity of the production of secondary pellets, where recycled plastic is used, is lower than the production of primary pellets, due to separate collection plastic waste, but it will be possible to collect about 25 tons of plastic, if you look at it from the point of view of the effects of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, then this... is equivalent to ten air flights from moscow to sochi. this experience is not the first for sebor , the company provided water in bottles made from recycled plastic for
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participants in business programs at the exhibition at the russia forum at vdnkh. we have already made the eastern economic forum carbon neutral. we have set ourselves an ambitious goal by the end of this year to reach at least one carbon-neutral company. and that means. that in our portfolio there should be projects not only to reduce emissions, but to compensate for emitted co2, and therefore the second direction that is significant for us is forest climate projects, within the framework of this project we have focused on the mass planting of trees, by the end of this year we will have planted more than 5 million trees. the carbon footprint also depends on what the company produces, according to international... research by mackinsey , the production of a glass bottle produces greenhouse gas emissions three times higher than plastic. according to another data, the average human carbon footprint per year is
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about 14 tons of co2, plastic products account for only a little more than a percent and if they are recycled, the emissions are even less. the production of granulan at our enterprise, it began in 2022, we have modernized the existing production line. as a result, we have the opportunity to involve secondary and primary products and receive journals. vivellen is produced at the puef enterprise in bashkiria, and here they can produce recycle up to 1 billion/700 million plastic bottles. thor raw material, or flex as it is called, comes already washed and crushed , without paper labels. we carry out additional input control and then run it through. through our installation before cleaning, here we also separate labels from possible residues, and from other colors, it should be noted that we only use
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transparent, light blue bottles. a special installation in automatic mode allows you to remove the remains of bottles of other colors. product quality is almost non-existent differs from that made only using primary raw materials. this is monitored in the laboratory, which is working. based on cardboard, if you throw the cardboard into a wet bin, its, let’s say, marketable appearance is lost, it has already
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been removed from there for the purposes of effective recycling, it cannot be, if plastic gets in there, then its recycling efficiency is reduced many times over if it in a dry tank there is a higher 90% chance of recycling, if it is in a wet tank it is about 50 percent or lower, and the... more people will take part in the separate collection, the cheaper and easier it will become to make products from recycled plastic, and the more business representatives will be involved in such projects. today, 249 waste treatment plants have been built in russia, 350,000 containers are used in cities and villages for separate waste collection, including plastic, which is recycled. polymers are generally a valuable material that can be reused. with the creation of its own vivilen technology, sibur does not stop at plastic recycling issues. the company is working on the project future, which can provide limitless opportunities for economic development are closed.
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cycle and already this year we will consider making an investment decision on the construction of a thermolysis unit for chemical recycling, this is a completely new technology for the whole world that can make the waste recycling cycle, including polymer waste, almost endless, and this method allows completely decompose plastic waste, regardless of its type, the level of pollution, and decompose back into hydrocarbons. and collect materials again, imagine a world without landfills, where all products are immediately recycled, this is possible with the introduction of such technology, its development and use throughout the country. the first step in sibur has already been taken; it is planned that the project will start operating in the next few years. digital services. elections are coming soon, where
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to vote? let's look at the russian central election commission website. they have convenient services. you can find out the address of your polling station. find out about the candidates. also this information available in your personal account on the state services portal.
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this is where the heart of the continent beats. does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special gifts. who do you look like? well, there’s a girl standing in the burial place. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter? and do you know who the killer is? yes. watch only without amateur performances. stay where you are, don't move. for some reason i believe in you, ann medium, we look before everyone else, in the application or on the website, we need to create the future ourselves and do this together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone, every
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opinion will be heard. at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at, russia has become the fourth country in the world in exporting agricultural products, its revenue is 43.5 billion dollars, there were no such results. the president stated this during a working trip to the stavropol region. the region plays an important role in ensuring the country's food security. and the development of agriculture today is the focus of attention of the head of state. vladimir putin has already visited the largest greenhouse complex , solar dar. anastasia efimova knows what the company’s employees told the president. the largest, maybe even in europe, but what is much more important is that there is a greenhouse complex in russia.


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