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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 14, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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today is, of course, a difficult day, a difficult day for the west, despite the endless pre-reading about the isolation of russia, they all clung to the tv today and watched every word of vladimir putin. the main thing they heard in the words of the russian president was the threat of nuclear war. although putin was talking about something else. the americans are obsessed with the idea of ​​conflict with us, while trying to do the dirty work.
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this is how they will meet to resolve differences over ukraine, european leaders are preparing for the fact that the project of war with russia to the bitter end, well, first of all, the project is obvious, indeed , there will be a victorious ending, we always win, but it’s not clear why these three are meeting, to discuss something, where to run, or something, why should you run, comfortable housing awaits you in a barracks in kolyma, you don’t need to go anywhere.
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somehow it’s not good, because the hungarian atilla the hun, he’s doing well, the hungarian wasn’t scared, orban said that i will meet with trump, and the pole said that no, not the hussars, not at all ponitovsky’s ulans, he’s completely scared, and he said i'm not allowed, i'm not i’ll go, and then trump will come and say, well, come here, that’s it. where is my fort, where
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is the fort named after me, they didn’t name everything, we will answer, and so it will be said, it’s easiest for scholz, but he will simply even forget who he is, he will forget everything out of fear, well, that’s okay, russia’s confident action on the ground battle in diplomacy, a pain in the neck for those who are used to ensuring their well-being through the misfortune of others, in fact, if it’s so serious, well, i’m like everyone else. ours to say that to shine on the absolute work of the russian federation, well, first of all, i want colleagues dmitry konstantinovich kiselyov, because this is a confidential intonation , calm, precise, verified, it is of course very expensive, it completely changes
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the balance of power, of course you will excuse me, but when such an assessment is given to the west, well, listen for yourself, many people in the world seem to they look at us, at what is happening in our country in our struggle for our interests, in my opinion, what is important, what, and why this happens, not because we are formally there. members of brix there or do we have some kind of traditional relationship with africa, is also important, this is important, but the essence, in my opinion, is completely different, ordinary citizens of these countries, they feel with their hearts what is happening, our struggle for their independence
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and true sovereignty, they associate with their aspirations for their own independent development , but... the belly is human flesh, and the pockets are money, but they must understand that the vampires' point ends? well, in principle, these are no longer colleagues, these are no longer
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negotiating partners, this is a completely different assessment, excluding the possibility of, well, trusting relations, and of course, here too...
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guarantees must be spelled out, they must be ones that would suit us, in which we will believe, this is what we are talking about, but now it is probably premature to say publicly that this could be, but we certainly won’t buy into some just empty rumors, i don’t remember either. that we don’t trust anyone, don’t remember, vitalich , yes, thank you, well, really, so that they might hear something enormously new, you can’t say today, but as often happens with putin, he threw out several phrases that raise
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the bar of this, well, let’s say, our confrontation, is being raised by peaceful means the bar of our confrontation with the west. readiness for a decisive battle, hopefully not a nuclear one, like putin, these phrases are interesting to decipher, really new, well, the vampire ball, i think that he finally formulated this metaphor, formed in his head from conversations with the leaders of arab countries, african countries, asian countries,
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putin everything, that means, with france, with macron, with finland, well, naturally, ukraine concerned speech, i wanted to note these points regarding ukraine. well, what pleased me most was the phrase that putin said, starting from the shame of a drunken nose in tobacco, that we will not deal with people whose nose is of the utmost substance, but putin then directly said in cocaine, that is it is clearly, almost clearly stated that there are no conversations, negotiations, compromises with zelensky...
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he was made the second zelensky. the americans do not feel sorry for ukraine; this has been discussed many times. they don't feel sorry for france either. and specifically macron. he is simply being led, pushed towards this , to ensure that, in this crazy manner in relation to crossia and personally to putin , he reaches the same stage of international degradation as he did.
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feels that he is being led along this path , being pushed about finland, i listened to your discussion on sunday, where colonel georgy shakhnazarov was very correct, in my opinion, one of the few said that this is a question, why exactly sweden, finland is joining there, he said who join in the hope that when russia is defeated and divided, then they they will get the corresponding piece, if...
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the idea, they don’t talk about it, russia is noble, it will forgive anyway, it will forgive us, they will remember that finland, through finland with europe, with all the capitalism, yes, they will say, here we are the monument to nikolai and vladimir lich was preserved, we have everything, red flags, i’m sure that they, they believe in it, and the germans believe that russia is asking them, believes, but i wouldn’t want them to forgive, yes,
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that’s it you propose, well, i propose such a selective one, there is no need to carry out decibation, but to put up all these countries, and decimation - when every tenth person’s head is woven, maybe casting lots, that’s with whom i love russian intellectuals, and for such humanism. sounding humanism, inescapable, i said , let’s not get fed up, let’s cast lots, there are 30 european countries that have rallied against us, it’s there or 50, it doesn’t matter, well , here are five matches, that means, that is, every fifth trip, not a trip, on the contrary, we will restore good relations with them. personally, i am against the idea that our timber was supplied to finland again, so, but if. if we get lucky, will draw the right match, well, that means someone else won’t get the forest, but not in such a way as to
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forgive everyone everything, which some people still dream about here in moscow, it’s very difficult to live without being in paris once a year, since per year on the cote d'azur, but it's hard for us in general, can you, for example, follow my path, the beaches of iran and north korea are waiting for you? who are you talking to? to those who are ready to follow my path, because in my opinion all other countries have already imposed sanctions against me. russian intelligentsia is divided into two large parts: one is torn out, the other.
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tells who is afraid, who is happy, this is wonderful, but for our foreign policy propaganda we need 100 putins, i mean 100 equally authoritative or approximately as authoritative - speakers who the whole world would listen to, interpret, retell, here in the west there are such for us, often second-rate, but we interpret them, alas, from us . and we interpret them here, here yes , we quote them, we constantly discuss them, well, for the people it’s somehow generally half and half, well, really, that’s how i i’m not talking about the people, but creme de creme, but it’s a cream dividing the cream often mert delyamer, so why do you think about them vladimirovich lenin said very precisely at one time, now i’m approaching vladimirovich lenin, and so look, we had
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an obelisk in the alexander garden, erected in pain, or rather, the obelisk was before...
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where is it this year, 150 years old nikolai berdyaev, some claim that this is the most famous russian philosopher, i think what a mess it was then, no, where are our berlyaev readings? broad, where we have on tv, there are numerous programs and so on, it is necessary and why it is not necessary, i have a question as a philosopher, to a philosopher, and vyrdyayev was studied so seriously, it is important to me. well, there’s a nuance here, we might run into trouble, so just a second, you all know well from the monuments of the millennium of russia, they are all good people, i’m not talking about good people, but now, pulling out at a moment when the country is painfully searching for its path, pulling out the same one there berdyaev, please, if you want , pull it out, but now let’s
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let's conduct berdyaev's readings, so, in general , perhaps the most famous living thing. a holiday, come on, not a holiday, it needs to be recorded, because our perception of political thought is only that of the west, putin likes ilyin and berdyaevna. the most popular, the most popular , probably still in the world, but if i don’t want to offend anyone, vladimir solovyov, who has nothing to do with me, the most popular is vladimir lenin,
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no, no, i mean if we are talking about political thought after all, vladimirich is a little about something else, well, we can argue, we will say that vladimirich is a great politician, but if we are talking about political philosophers, this is still a slightly different category of thinkers. in general there are no political thinkers as such, no philosophy at all, that is, there are simply philosophers, there is no philosophy, but that’s a separate story, no, i can call moscow state university to tell the faculty of philosophy of moscow state university that you are closed, that at the request of tretyakov, moscow state university is closed faculty of philosophy, with the absence of philosophy as such, well, there are a lot of things that, but that’s not the point now, i mean what do you see, you immediately enter into an argument, i am developing your thoughts, that’s right, there is something to argue about here. just compiling a list of who should be placed on this monument is already why to confirm what putin
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would say not at the crossroads and crossroads of the road, the high road is not today the russian began a state that has existed for more than a thousand years, it rests on what the problem relates to russian political thought, were wildly anti-state, that is , the tragedy is that they hated the state terribly, who bokunin, excuse me, i’m not talking about chiodaev, who also, politely speaking, belongs to us; we also liked to remember radichego, he’s also a big lover of statehood, well, we can also get intertwined with kropotkin, kropotkin and so on, all the popular names in the west, their there now for...
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but we don’t have anything more relevant in our lives now, that is, i would, for example, advise people to still study the kalashnikov assault rifle, so it’s somehow much more useful, kalashnikov’s honesty easily fades even in the lower grades of high school school, no now, russian political thought, alas, is not even known to graduates of the humanities, but the history of political thought embodies russian domestic political thought is embodied precisely by those who know the structure well. samat kalashnikov, no, they defend, and formulate, do not formulate, you love, give a constructive proposal, here is my
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constructive proposal, erect a monument to the political millennium of political thought in russia, open it publicly, vladimir vladimirovich will cut the ribbon, approve, by the way, the list, a list of these and it will be better on earth because of this , it reminds me of something, i...
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i saw with my young eyes, brought up by a soviet officer, how negotiations were conducted, i see, to the kremlin, yes, that is, this is the elite of the elites, finished the moscow school, the kremlin cadets, the kremlin regiment , then and so on, and of course, brought up in such a patriotic sense, when i saw all these negotiations, all this public that was now fleeing, the mau, the gozmans, the kochs and so on, they were there then among everyone, now, looking at what vladimir says vladimirovich. looking at how they are discussing their election campaign in america, i just sigh with a huge sense of relief, we didn’t just get up from our knees, we are standing on solid feet, i want to say that today, by the way, gillary clinton said that a vote for trump means a vote for putin, that is, our president is one of the obligatory points of the american election campaign, when did this ever happen, i don’t remember this at all in soviet times,
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well, of course not in post-soviet times. this already says a lot, they recognize us, they they are afraid, and after reading today’s interview with vladimir vladimirovich, i generally believe that there should even be some kind of political information on this topic in higher educational institutions , because today’s interview is simply filled with such interesting phrases, quotes, just a kaleidoscope that answer all our questions that we sometimes ask here, why does this leader say this, and why do they behave this way, and where is america, and where is huh? and where is france, where is germany? and these words, let’s say, powerlessness, yes, well, it’s obvious that this whole golden billion, by the way, i think putin said two or three times, it’s powerlessness, with all its billion-dollar sanctions, that in fact is now showing powerlessness before the unity of the russian people, that’s how loudly pathetic you can say, because that’s the way it is, or the phrase about sleeping joe, we’ve already
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called biden, as soon as we haven’t called him here. france, sweden and finland, well, naturally, focusing on america, also probably not by chance, it seems to me that he clearly emphasized to the whole world what a new period the life of the world community begins, we have shown everyone that we really are national.
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he gave the example of france and another phrase: they stepped on their tail.


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