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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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the injured were sent to clinics in moscow and the region, several wounded were taken to the regional hospital in khimki, where our correspondent stanislav berwald worked, he has all the latest information about the condition of the wounded. information appears on the number of victims, while there is no information on the number of deaths, but the following can be said about the victims, mainly gunshot wounds and burns. also
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carbon monoxide poisoning, due to the fact that after the terrorist attack a serious fire broke out in the crocus building, but let's listen to the minister health care of the russian federation, all the data, the latest data on the victims, was not available. there are currently 115 patients in inpatient facilities, five of them are children, and one child is in serious condition out of 110 adults. 60 patients are in serious condition , more than thirty people have turned out as outpatients to date, the provision of medical care continues, including the country’s leading specialists, surgeons, anesthesiologists, traumatologists, orthopedists, vascular surgeons, and it’s worth mentioning that that now all hospitals in moscow and the moscow region are in a state of... full
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readiness, indeed, everywhere here in the khimki hospital, there are six people, there were six adults, all of them are in serious condition, while two of us have already been transferred by federal centers the city of moscow, where now all doctors are on alert, all the medical care that is necessary is, as they say, fully provided, qualified personnel are providing assistance, operations where necessary have already been completed, the patients were transferred to intensive care, are under observation, doctors from federal centers are involved in this work, teams from federal centers arrived to help our colleagues, in order to assess the situation, and if there is such a need, when the patients are stabilized, they will be transferred to federal institutions. federal institutions transfer those who are in a serious and extremely serious condition, and...
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medicine provides all the maximum assistance, a very important point, what they talked about is that it is necessary to donate blood, blood is always needed, or rather blood plasma, it is always needed, but as the minister of health said, there are enough blood components to provide assistance, but nevertheless, whoever has a desire to donate plasma, donate blood, and it will still be in business, and this very important, many thanks to those who are already responding, despite the fact that it is late at night. people are traveling to moscow, well, this is also a very important point, these are relatives who cannot reach their relatives by phone, they come to hospitals, where they now receive operational information, in the moscow region, just like there is an operational headquarters in moscow, hotlines are working, and the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov, also spoke about this. we posted information on the website of the ministry of health of the moscow region so that it would be.
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but it is clear who is where, in which medical institution in moscow or the moscow region, and accordingly, we have a direct line 122:00, and over the last 2 hours we have received about... 78 calls, and, accordingly, all the necessary comments and clarifications , and we will continue to give around the clock, accordingly, today doctors are fighting for patient's life. what happened today in crocus cannot be called anything other than a terrorist attack, it is truly a terrorist, cruel terrorist act, among the victims, in addition to adults, there are also children, including those who are in serious condition, now doctors are fighting for them life, now there is an opportunity to talk with eyewitnesses, with those who were directly in crocus city during the terrorist attack, this is what the victims say, i fell completely
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, they did what they did, i ran under the doors i meant it to be, but after some time it fell out. four, crawled out, looked full of smoke everywhere, crawled out the exit, as far as i understand, they either spilled something, or something, that it just caught fire with fires, yes, when i opened my eyes, i saw that i had clothes dorit, i started to drink myself fell between the rows that were passing by, a very important point, what i... noticed when we passed next to the crocus, there were cars of ordinary muscovites, residents of the moscow region, i talked to one taxi driver, he says: i came here for in order to simply help those who need help, take someone, and take the injured, take them to the hospital and
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so on, but this grief has really united not only moscow and the moscow region, but all of russia. speaker of the federation council valentina. vienko stated that the families of those killed and wounded in crocus city holly will be provided with all possible assistance, and those who are behind this crime will suffer a well-deserved and inevitable punishment, she wrote about this in her telegram channel. the degenerates who committed this monstrous terrorist attack must be destroyed, these are the words of state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin, he expressed deep condolences to the relatives of the victims and wished a speedy recovery to the injured. secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak called the terrorist attack on the kola kola a terrible tragedy and said that retribution would inevitably come. patriarch kirill prays for the repose of the souls of the dead and the injured people, vladimir legoida, the head of the synodal department for relations between the church, the community and the media, wrote about this in his telegram channel. head of spiritual
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directorate of muslims of russia, mufti sheikh ravil gainuddin expressed condolences to the relatives of the victims of the inhumane attack on visitors to the crocus city hall concert hall. he struck. we hope that the organizers and perpetrators of this crime will soon be found and punished. csto secretary general, imangali tasma ganbetov, in a telegram channel to vladimir putin , condemned the terrorist attack in crocus city holly. he also expressed condolences to the relatives of the victims , calling the incident a cruel, unjustifiable crime. official russian foreign ministry representative maria zakharova wrote in her telegram channel that the department is now... calls are received from different countries of the world from ordinary people, they condole over the terrible tragedy and strongly condemn this bloody terrorist attack that took place before the eyes of all mankind. those people who have a heart, all the people who have a mind, all the people
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who have a conscience, call this a monstrous crime, a bloody act, a terrible battle, we literally from the very first, the very first minutes when... the videos started flying around the entire planet, we began to receive words , condolences of unconditional condemnation from people all over the world, these are ordinary citizens of various countries, these are our fellow diplomats who are accredited in moscow and who work in the ministry of foreign affairs, write, call, ask to convey words of support, we we are already recording the official reaction... from the ministry of foreign affairs and heads of state around the world. huge questions were raised by the reaction of the office of the secretary general, the united nations, which stated, i mean otsest, his representatives that they were saddened by the reports
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of the shooting, all adequate people who have different emotional levels of reaction to such things had the same words, eh. horror, shock, shock, unconditional condemnation, righteous anger, compassion for the victims. azerbaijani president ilham aliyev sent a letter to vladimir putin. uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev, he condemned the terrorist attack against civilians and wished recovery to the wounded. that those who attacked people in crocus city will soon be found and will be punished, this is a brutal murder that cannot be
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there can be no justification, the president of belarus emphasized, he sent words of condolences to vladimir putin on his behalf of the entire belarusian people. the ambassador of russia and belarus boris gryzlov compared the terrorist attack in hruku city hollia with the tragedy in khatyn, remembrance day, which was celebrated on march 22. he told reporters about this at the embassy building, where in minsk people bring flowers and candles as a sign of condolences.
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this inhumane crime should not go unpunished, i am sure that the terrorists will receive the punishment they deserve, well now back to what is happening at the site of the tragedy, our correspondent egor grigoriev works there, he is live, egor, greetings, literally in the previous broadcast.
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firefighters still have a lot of work to do, despite the fact that they are now pouring water on the structure from the outside, inside they are working, well, as for the ambulances , they went deeper there closer to the entrance to the building, this most likely means that a large number of victims were immediately rescued and employees of the security forces of the security block, law enforcement agencies, get from buildings now they will be... also delivered to medical institutions to provide all the necessary assistance, but i want to say that
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volunteers are also working on site now, they brought water here, they brought food here for the ministry of emergency situations employees, for the employees the russian guard, the fsb, who have been working here since 8:00 pm, literally, we talked with the volunteers, this is what they told us, that here... water will be needed, yes, that there are gloves here , you have some warm blankets necessities, medications, sweets and everything
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investigators, criminologists, together with employees of the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs continue to work as best they can, now they are recovering the bodies of the dead, taking out weapons and ammunition that the terrorists left in large quantities, and conducting examinations. everything is possible, both ballistic and doctelloscopic, unfortunately, representatives of the investigative committee stated the fact that there are already more than 60 dead, and this figure may increase from minute to minute.
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weapons and ammunition, which are currently are being examined, genetic, fingerprint, and ballistic examinations have already begun to be carried out promptly on weapons, ammunition and other material evidence. in addition,
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investigators and specialists have already begun to study recordings from cctv cameras. at the moment, this is all the information about the progress of the investigation. the glow above crocus city hall is visible more and more strongly, a fire is breaking out, the work is difficult now for the rescuers, the work is difficult now for the power unit, obviously, unfortunately, there will be casualties more than 60 people, exactly what... svetlana petrenko said, now the list of victims, the list of dead has been published on the website of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, according to the ministry of health, 115 people were hospitalized in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region, 60 of them are in sufficient condition severe, as mikhail murashka said, emergency assistance was provided to literally everyone
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in need at this very moment, but ambulances continue to arrive. the victims are taken away from the crocus cityhall building, for obvious reasons, now approaches to the main the entrance is cordoned off, no one is allowed in there, and we also cannot get closer and show the full scale of what is happening there now, but it is also wrong to distract the operational services, i want to note that svetlana petrenko said that at this moment it is unknown, they were detained terrorists, how many of them were there? whether someone died inside, she did not confirm the information that an ied, an improvised explosive device that was camouflaged as a pacemaker, was found on one of the dead, possibly terrorists, although such information was previously appeared, but in large quantities they confiscated firearms and
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ammunition from there, the first eyewitnesses who saw the possible terrorists were driving near the crocus building. from sitiho, they saw a white car that had parked, several people ran out from there, they were already heard after a burst of machine gun fire, shortly before the start of the concert, the concert hall itself accommodates more than 6,500 seats , several tickets, several dozen tickets were just not sold out, a large number of people was going to attend a band concert a picnic of different ages, both young and...
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they are taken out and the bodies of, unfortunately, dead people are taken out, i want to say that words of condolences are now heard all over the world, in our consulates and embassies around the world, people bring flowers to buildings, they express words of support, i will again ask our operator to show the video screen next to the crocus city building, it depicts a burning candle as a sign of solidarity. and grief with the victims who died here during the terrible terrorist attack, people bring flowers today to our consulate and embassy in belarus in minsk. to our consulate in the united states and, of course , everyone expresses words of support, but we continue to monitor developments, we continue to watch what is happening here on
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the spot, we will probably soon have new data from both the investigative committee and other services and departments , who are here now doing everything possible to help the blocked people in crocus cityhole. to be able to bring victims to hospitals in clinics in moscow and the moscow region. egor, thanks for the detailed story, our correspondent egor grigoriev was on direct line from crocus cityhall. it works right on the spot. here are some urgent messages marked lightning. rescuers were able to enter the crocus auditorium, where, apparently, there was an epic fire. this was reported by the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov. a few more messages have a roof over the auditorium in crocus.
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now there is one picture on a black background of a burning candle - this is a symbol of grief for the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, one of these shields is in the area of ​​​​the sokol metro station, from there to our correspondent stanislav bernwald joins us. stanislav, you have the floor. yes, roman, hello, it is indeed a dark day for all of russia, that inhuman terrorist act that took place the day before, which took a lot of lives, and... now, of course, all the prayers and words of support for those victims, and those who came out of this hell, you see behind me, there’s really such a big banner, and i
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’ll say that well, it’s probably one of the largest, but all over the capital, now there are a lot of such banners, and not only in the capital, just a few minutes ago i was talking with my colleagues from novosibirsk, there are also banners exactly the same, well, really now... the whole country is watching, praying for the health of the victims and, of course, condolences to those relatives who lost their loved ones in this terrible tragedy, but it’s worth saying that today , well, probably every sane person is also very much touched, this is russian mutual aid, when russians unite, when great pain, tragedy comes, when everyone is ready to help to each other, but... taxi drivers , they simply amazed me today, people were driving directly to the rokus, they couldn’t get close, but they stopped and said that we will stand here and wait, whoever needs
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help, we will take them for free only the taxi driver, but ordinary people, volunteers who came and helped the rescuers, helped the doctors, brought water for the victims, in general everyone really mobilized, and most importantly, the most important... the same can be said about those people who at the time of this terrible terrorist act were located directly nearby - to the scene of the tragedy, who were the first to come to the aid of the victims, provided assistance, pulled people out, let's listen to what eyewitnesses said, i saved two families with small children, because my wife blocked everything, the police already blocked everything there, yes, so bad, so bad, really, what about you? russia,
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well, it’s worth saying that not only in but already to the embassy of the russian federation in various countries people are sacred, indeed, this is a tragedy that is not passed by. could have passed someone by, indeed, now all the prayers, all the thoughts are about those who are in hospitals, and i will remind you that there are also children in hospitals, they are in serious condition, so we were literally a few minutes ago in the khimki hospital, there six adult victims were brought there, their condition was serious, with us they transported from the khimki hospital directly to the federal centers, several victims, they were women, i noticed that some had gunshot wounds, and some had
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burns, but that's how my colleague is. such an extinguished fire, when the main flame seems to have been knocked down, but nevertheless it begins to continue to be extinguished, because this is called flaring up, so the process of the rescue operation continues, it should and must be called a rescue operation, because we hope that. ..there in the building, directly at the city hall crocus, there are living people who are now, of course, trying to save, employees of the ministry of emergency situations, we continue to monitor the events that are happening directly in the moscow region in moscow, all the latest news on our air, colleagues, thank you, this was our correspondent, stanislav bernwald, condolences, words of support in connection with the tragedy in korokuli are now coming from all over the world, members of the security council. he
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strongly condemned the vile, cowardly terrorist act in the concert hall in krasnogorsk. they emphasized the need to bring the perpetrators, organizers and sponsors of these criminal acts of terrorism to justice and bring them to justice, and also called on all states to actively cooperate in this with the government of the russian federation. french president emmael macron strongly condemned the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk. the statement of the elysee palace was quoted by the largest. french media in addition, the ministry of the fifth republic expressed solidarity with the russians in connection with the tragedy. peru and ecuador expressed sincere sympathy and condolences to the government and the people of russia. the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, expressed his deepest condolences to the people of russia in connection with the heinous terrorist attack. he added that hungarians are praying for the families of the victims of the tragedy. germany and canada have expressed their shock at the horrific attack on innocent people. holi in
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the german foreign ministry added that it is necessary to conduct an investigation into the circumstances of the attack as quickly as possible. the turkish foreign ministry and the country's ruling party also expressed their deepest condolences to the russian people. turkish politicians and diplomats called the incident a heinous terrorist attack on innocent civilians. the official representative of the ruling party, amer chilik, wrote on social networks that he shared the pain and grief of the russian people. italy decide. condemned the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole, prime minister giorgia miloni called it an unacceptable massacre. the european union condemned the terrorist attack in kroku siticholia. the representative of the eu foreign policy department, peter stano, wrote about this on his page. he added that europe is shocked by what happened and the thoughts of europeans with the injured russian citizens. the head of mit-malta and osce chairman-in-office janborg condemned the terrorist attack at kroku city hall and expressed deep
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condolences. according to borg, malta is shocked by what happened. venezuelan leader nicolas maduro condemned the brutal terrorist attack. and he offered condolences to the families of the victims. he expressed confidence in the unity of the russian people at this difficult moment. the austrian and swiss foreign ministers expressed condolences to the russians and wished a speedy recovery to the victims. the spanish foreign ministry said it was shocked by the news from russia. they expressed solidarity with the families of the victims and condemned any form. tunisia, the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, poland and portugal condemned the terrorist attack. words of support were expressed by the foreign ministries of france and armenia. the israeli foreign minister expressed condolences to the families of the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus. the us joint chiefs of staff are aware of the terrorist attack in crocus city, but currently have no plans to contact their russian counterparts about the incident. such
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a comment there. the fbi told the agency that they do not comment on possible contacts with russian intelligence services regarding the terrorist attack in the moscow region. our own us correspondent, dmitry melnikov, will tell you what statements were made from the white house. washington did not condemn this bloody terrorist attack near moscow. the white house reports that president biden is being briefed on events in the moscow region, and us authorities are monitoring what is happening. the only thing at this hour is the official reaction from the white house speaker. homeland security john kirby at today's white house daily briefing, at the beginning , he said that the united states has seen these horrific videos from moscow that show brutal shootings, that these images are terrible, that they are difficult to watch, and he said that in these moments are the thoughts of us citizens and the administration what about the families of those killed in this attack?


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