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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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in russia there is a day of national mourning for the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus city holly. according to the latest data from the investigative committee , the death toll is 137 people. today, state flags have been flown at half-staff at all government institutions. we mourn inscriptions, light screens, advertising bills, public transport stops. entertainment events have been cancelled. funeral liturgies are held in churches. vladimir putin lit a candle today in the church on the territory of his residence.
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a huge queue has formed of people wishing to leave flowers at the circle of the city hall, people are incredible flowers, toys, candles are lit; according to the ministry of internal affairs, more people have come to the spontaneous memorial over the past 2 days.
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russia these days is more united than ever. as for the kroku svetihol building itself, i will ask you to point the operator in the direction - i will ask you to point the operator to the crocus city hall. now it's cordoned off. in principle
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, almost the entire territory, so , unfortunately, we cannot get closer to the point, i hope that in the next live broadcasts we will definitely do this, for two days rescuers worked and cleared away the rubble, it was quite difficult, i would like to ask you to bring it to the western side. the rescuer dismantled it manually, literally sawed the metal. structures on the outside of the crocus, so that, since heavy equipment could not immediately get in, from the western side of the building from top to bottom, the rescuers literally dismantled the buildings, provided such a passage, thanks to which small equipment also worked, the rescuers still got inside, i think that now you see footage from inside the building that was taken by my colleagues,
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who actively monitored and supervised the work governor of the moscow region, andrei varobyov, he also shared that today from 18:00 it’s already been exactly 4 minutes, they are giving out the things of the injured victims, this is the eighth hall of the second crucus pavilion, and... and, of course, the governor of the moscow region noted that if possible, all items will be issued today. what time are we ready to give things to people? the police gave the go-ahead, the prosecutor's office gave the go-ahead, the sc gave the go-ahead, go ahead, bags, tags, and people can calmly come up with tags from 18:00. cars are also ready for delivery
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traffic police officers are now actively contacting motorists. in turn, they do not ask, if the owners of these cars appear here, that they bring documents, if, of course, they have been preserved. a total of 383 cars were present in the parking lots during the terrorist attack. well, let me remind you that from 18:00 in the eighth hall of the second building of crocus city hall will be donating the belongings of all the victims and members of the dead, right now. you see the telephone number of hotlines where you can find out all the detailed information: 8800, 550, 50, 30. let me also remind you that on the 22nd, in addition to the concert, there were dance competitions.
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we were able to talk to a woman who came and brought her team; she is one of those who are receiving it now. their things, when the children who came running from the first floor were shouting that they were shooting, all the stands were rising, in general, they didn’t understand where to run, but that they couldn’t go in that direction, we had to run in the other direction, since we came for almost two weeks sports dance marathon, yesterday we were supposed to... my an adult couple took part in this class of students to start, and the twenty-second category, i, as a decent citizen, so as not to interfere, at the moment i left everything in the wardrobe.
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roman, let me remind you that the rescue operation is over, which means that there are no living people under the rubble now, but the search operation is actively continuing, it is active now. dog handlers are also working, and my film crew and i saw quite a lot of police officers today, including with dogs. the head of the terrorist attack arrived today investigative committee alexander bastrykin, he held, he held an operational meeting and also ordered to check the state of fire safety and whether emergency exits were open on the 22nd. the number of victims of the terrorist attack increased to 154 people, including hospitalized people and children; the death toll, according to the latest information, unfortunately also increased to 137 people, including three children. well, we continue
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to work here near the spontaneous memorial, where people come to lay flowers. let me remind you that at 19:55, exactly at this time there was a terrorist attack. all over the country, from murmansk to the north caucasus, from kaliningrad to vladivostok , mourning events are taking place; in st. petersburg , the largest spontaneous memorial appeared at the exit of the metro station and the technological institute. within a few hours, all nearby stores ran out of flowers.
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a report by dmitry akimov about how grief brings people together. there are a thousand people on the palace square of st. petersburg. the young people hold candles in their hands. the entire base of the lenin monument is strewn with flowers and toys. in all ural churches they pray for the repose of the dead and the speedy recovery of the injured. fury boils against this uncontrollable madness.
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i think it is the duty of every citizen to honor the memory of those 140, 144 people who passed away. a very terrible, of course, tragedy for all russian citizens. condolences to those who have lost loved ones, organized mourning events throughout the country are being held by the young guard of united russia, in kamchatka activists laid flowers on...
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in a terrible terrorist attack today, people from the new together with the relatives of the dead and the wounded regions of our country, as throughout russia, in the donetsk and lugansk republics, today flags are lowered at half-mast, all entertainment and sporting events are cancelled. we faced the same thing, people died, innocent people, children, old people, we understand them, in lugansk people bring flowers to the temple, and then go inside to light a candle to pray, only tears, because this is inhumane, and great trials, i hope that the people of russia. it will be more convenient, there will be mutual assistance, mutual assistance,
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they can’t get us on the battlefield like i did i understand, already, let's beat those who cannot stand up for themselves, because where the battlefield is, there are weapons, and they can be answered, but here there are no weapons, let's kill those who came to live as families, the whole country is in mourning and experiences the tragedy together as one big family. dmitry akimofe and maya alenova. news. the basmanny court of moscow will soon make a decision on a preventive measure against four detainees suspected of shooting people in the crocus city hall concert hall. investigators brought them today actions in the building of the central office of the investigative committee. investigators also continue to work at the scene of the terrorist attack, collecting evidence, and all the circumstances of what happened are being clarified. the department has released some information about what is already known about the crime. during the inspection of the place.
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bryansk region , a makarov pistol and a magazine from a kalashnikov assault rifle were found and seized in a car. the necessary comprehensive investigations have been assigned to the seized weapons.
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in the bryansk region, employees of the akhmat regiment of russia were awarded; they are involved in protecting the state border and received participation in the arrest of suspects in the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. our correspondent igor pikhanov gets in touch directly. igor, greetings. it is reported that the fighters refused the ceremony. in the bryansk region, as throughout the country , they mourn the victims of the terrorist attack. hello , yuri, the bryansk region, together with the whole country, mourns the victims of the terrorist attack, mourning has been declared, national flags are lowered at half-mast, parishioners in churches are praying for the repose of the dead, as well as for the health of the wounded, spontaneous memorials have been organized in every city, people fresh flowers are brought there and lamps are lit. let's give the floor to the residents of bryansk. this is a terrible tragedy for our entire country. i ... as a teacher, i perfectly understand this pain of people, working with children, people came here
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with families, and it’s simply terrible how many people died, this is by far the most terrible event in russia, this could have happened to anyone, this is i simply have no words, i can’t even say anything, it’s just a child crying, there are children there, i can do this in every city. will happen. local telegram channels with links to their sources law enforcement agencies report that the operation to detain especially dangerous criminals has been completed. in a remote forest zone of the bryansk region, in order to ensure that during this operation none of the random eyewitnesses were injured, investigative actions are now underway, let's look at an episode from the interrogation, you had a weapon, where did you drop it here or there, somewhere on the road, look, in these neighborhoods you threw it or there near moscow
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they threw it, my friends, when they... resisted, but despite this they were taken alive, this is important for the investigation, now they are testifying, the remaining accomplices of this crime will be identified, and most importantly, the customers, meanwhile, the leadership of the special unit that participated in the detention of the militants thanked their employees for their professionalism to the fighters from... akhmat russia 12 medals were awarded for courage and 20 departmental medals from the ministry of defense. the operation was carried out jointly with employees of the special purpose center of the fsb of russia. during the operation, none of our soldiers were injured. novel. thank you. igor pikhanov was in direct contact with the bryansk region, where today they presented awards to employees of the akhmat regiment of russia, who distinguished themselves
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in detaining suspects in the terrorist attack in kroku city hall. in hospitals now. there are more than 100 victims of the terrorist attack, some are still in serious condition, the best doctors are fighting for their lives and health, including doctors from one of the largest clinics in the capital, the botkin hospital, where our correspondent anastasia ponko now works. currently undergoing inpatient treatment in moscow and the region there are 110 people, but doctors are observing good dynamics of treatment, patients are still slowly, but still recovering. necessary blood components, medicines, beard. all this is available, and in sufficient quantities, all victims who needed surgery have already had them performed, and immediately after the terrible tragedy, patients requiring increased attention after emergency care were immediately transferred to higher-level institutions, according to the ministry of health of the moscow region under 154 people were injured in the terrorist attack in cityhall, there are children, now
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110 people remain in hospital treatment, 12 patients are in extremely serious condition, the condition of thirty-three victims... is assessed as serious. 47 patients in a state of moderate severity ; 18 people in a state of mild severity are preparing for discharge under medical supervision. today , a rather large discharge is being prepared at the skrefosovsky ambulance, these are mainly patients with poisoning from combustion products, they feel well and are already asking to go home, so the doctors do not interfere and are ready discharge people, that is, out of thirty-two patients, 10 will be able to find themselves at home today. the nature of the damage is very extensive, there are patients with carbon monoxide poisoning, and with poisoning by combustion products, there are patients with poisoning by combustion products with burns, there are combined injuries, there are combined injuries when there is poisoning by combustion products, burns, and injury to bone structures, and abdominal organs
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, that is, such a very wide spectrum, a list of people was published yesterday. the city is not from moscow, then for relatives, who will come here to moscow, a free accommodation center has been opened here. we are ready to accommodate all relatives who arrive in moscow to help their loved ones who suffered in the tragedy of march 22, psychological assistance has been organized, we work around the clock at any time and are ready
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to receive our guests for accommodation. according to the latest data, 137 people died in the terrorist attack, three of them.
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i help, i regularly donate blood once every two or three months, now it is even more necessary to do this, the situation demands it, duty calls, well how else, you need to donate blood to those who need it, it will help, god willing, in moscow and the moscow region more than 5.00 people donated blood for the victims, and the figure is clearly not final, the components of donor blood are now enough to cover all applications from moscow and hospitals near moscow, we are very grateful to everyone. who came, yesterday more than 3,000 people came to donate blood, and unfortunately, not everyone was able to take blood because there were contraindications,
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but people were understanding about this, in total we managed to prepare more tons of blood for victims and patients. the current supply of blood will be enough for patients in medical institutions for 4-6 months, however , there are no plans to stop accepting donors yet; blood donation points will continue to operate. until everyone wants to donate blood. anastasia ponko, mikhail verdiev, ramil batyrov and valeria borovikova. news. serbia honored the memory of those killed during the terrorist attack in the moscow region. with a minute of silence to express condolences, the rally began on the day of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the nato bombing of the federal republic yugoslavia. what words of support did the serbs convey to the brotherly people of russia on a tragic date for them? let's find out from the head of our bureau in belgrade, daria grigorova, she is in direct contact. daria, hello, we are waiting for details. yes, hello, roman, today all of serbia really mourns the victims of the bombing of yugoslavia, which began
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exactly 25 years ago, when the first bombs fell on the independent republic, but belgrade residents also perceived the tragedy in moscow as their own. we are now on republic square in the very center of belgrade, where at these moments a protest against the north atlantic alliance began. those who bombed yugoslavia 25 years ago never answered for it. this is what those gathered are demanding today. as a result of nato aggression, according to serbia, from 3,500 to 4,000 people were killed, about 10,000 were injured, 2/3 of these people were civilians. but the international tribunal for yugoslavia never found war crimes in the actions of the alliance, and people here today are in favor of investigating these crimes, nato crimes in yugoslavia and against joining nato and the eu. we can see both anti-nato and russian flags at this rally.
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there are some assumptions, but be that as it may, they will not achieve anything good. they just hurt innocent people. i don’t think they will be able to scare the people or the leadership of russia. serbian president aleksandar vucic and the head also sent their condolences to the russians.
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we mourn, and before the start of the match there was a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack, when the meeting had already begun in the northern stand of the fans of the belgrade club, the inscriptions brothers forever were stretched out, the fans raised russian serbian flags, the fans sang katyusha, began to chant russia russia , the dinner was also very touching when a banner appeared above the podium with the figure of a fighter in a camouflage uniform on both sides of him... the fans formed the flags of serbia and russia, in general, we were at this match, it was truly special, it was a special meeting, with a very special atmosphere, before the game the zenit players visited
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the church of st. sava. in belgrade, the leadership of the church of stars stated that the goal of the game was first of all, express support for russia. this is a special match because it is a friendly , brotherly match, in which the result is not important at all, and it is special because it takes place at such a difficult moment after this horror in moscow, after the terrorist attack that was carried out by these satanists from the west, ukraine, america, england , so it is important because . full of emotions, so this is an important game, although friendly, but explosive, because i repeat, it comes at a very important moment, and i think that the fans of the red star showed their maximum, how great is the love of the serbian people for the russians, today we must be together to show our love, respect for each other, and i think cervena zvezda did this, especially the fans, today mourning events
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are taking place throughout serbia, as if in memory. about the victims of nato, and about the victims of the terrible terrorist attack in the moscow region. novel. daria, thank you, it was daria grigorova from belgrade. britain supplies ukraine with ammunition from united uranium. this is exactly what nato used in iraq and the former yugoslavia. the result is a sharp increase in cancer diseases and genetic abnormalities in newborns. about how serbian villages in the bombing zone live, and what are the streets of death? in a special report.
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it seems that this is an ordinary balkan village with snow-covered houses under tiled roofs, but something is wrong here. you can't hear the children's talk and the dog's barking. this village is dead, all the inhabitants left several years ago. ivica nikoli. recalls that the serbs hid from the ottoman janissaries on this mountain for centuries, and then founded a village here. this is my home, where i was born. my father is here my grandfather was also born. after nato aircraft struck the top of the mountain with ammunition containing depleted uranium, death settled in the village. more than ten people from this village died. three neighbors and
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four uncles died of cancer. after the bombings, no one wants to live here. the people are very scared. nato members tried to destroy the television and radio repeater, which stands on a mountain not far from the village. here is footage of the bombing. they aimed at the antennas and hit the cows.
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a group of about 10 was sent there the people who were supposed to clear and repair everything there, only one of them is still alive, the other nine died from cancer.


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