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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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you know well the interests and needs of your constituents, the processes that are taking place in the regions, the demands of business, public institutions, and the upcoming changes in the tax sphere should, first of all , work for the benefit of the people and the economy of our country as a whole. dear friends, following the meeting of the council on strategic development, national projects in...
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we will create ample opportunities for young people who will very soon determine the future of russia, to ensure that our children go to modern kindergartens, schools, attended interesting and useful sections, well, all residents received high-quality treatment, including high-tech. so that they live
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in good houses, in comfortable cities, in villages, use convenient public transport, can find a profession to their liking, and develop. a solid basis for such work has been created, and we will continue to do everything necessary to ensure that such opportunities are available in every corner of russia. i am confident that through joint efforts, under the leadership of the president, we will achieve results for ourselves, for yours. family and for your country. thank you for your attention. pentalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest.
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friday - a supercake every week from alfa bank. this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets. paris cooperates with moscow in the fight against terrorism. at the same time, according to the russian ministry of defense, the french minister insisted on the non-involvement of ukraine from western countries in the terrorist attack and shifted responsibility for the isis group banned in russia. sergei shaigu responded by emphasizing that the investigation into the terrorist attack will
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be completed, all those responsible will be punished, and there is currently information about the ukrainian trace in organizing the terrorist attack. shaigu also added that practical implementation. industrial and financial sovereignty - records for housing commissioning and investment dynamics and an ambitious goal - to enter the top four economies in the world. the annual government report was held in the state duma. mikhail mishustin summed up the results of work for 2023 year, and relevant deputy prime ministers and ministers already on the sidelines of the state duma shared their expectations from... the russian economy has successfully adapted, despite an unprecedented number of sanctions, and the pressure only increased in 2023. in the government's annual report to the state duma, prime minister
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mikhail mishustin announced rosstat's preliminary estimates for economic growth in 2023. this is 3.6%. we concentrated on defense. own interests and development of their country. the high numbers of last year were the result of the implementation of the president’s decisions, the work of the government, all branches of government, business, public associations, and of course, our citizens. and this work was carried out to achieve national goals, to implement national projects, government programs, strategic initiatives, thanks to which changes are taking place in almost everyone. area in every industry. a responsible budget policy creates the basis for the country's economic growth. at the end of last year, the execution of budget expenditures was almost 100%. and this is the best result in recent years. and the income turned out to be higher than 29 trillion, and as noted chairman of the government, the russian
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economy is becoming less and less dependent on raw material exports. and after the event, in an interview with our tv channel, finance minister anton siluanov told us what the expected level of public debt is at the end of the year. our government debt is not high, today the prime minister spoke about 17% of the domestic product, i think that maybe by the end of the year it will be even a little lower, we are very careful about this indicator, since indeed servicing costs are in the context of rising interest rates rates and the cost of money in the market are also growing, so the issue of the budget rule, about which there was also a lot of discussion today, is very fundamentally important for us; budget rules regulate the level of marginal expenditures. budget deficit, therefore , the three-year plan that we adopted contains the principle of a budget rule and a budget deficit of less than 1%, this allows us to limit the growth of debt and, accordingly, interest expenses. the joint work of the government and the central bank
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helped slow down inflation, as for the volume of investments, there was an increase at the end of the year by about 10% over the last 12 years, this is a record, but far from the only one, 2023. 27% growth in the construction industry, we have not fallen in a single year either during the pandemic or since the beginning, that is, construction was very active, it worked out, these results were obtained because we very strongly support the development of housing construction, we have commissioned 10 million square meters, this is the largest commission in the entire history of the country, we are very actively investing in infrastructure, which means we have a record volume of commissioning on roads, a separate an important track for industrial development following the results.
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develops domestic inbound tourism, vat has been abolished on the sale of vouchers. in addition,
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there is a program of preferential lending for the construction of hotels, which will allow the construction of more than 20,000 rooms, of which about 2,000 are already receiving tourists today. last week, the results of a large selection of projects in the tourism sector were summed up, there was almost a trillion rubles, we supported investments of 900 billion only in this selection, and these are such very good investment projects, that according to the world bank, russia is one of the five largest economies in the world; an ambitious but feasible task is to enter the top four countries. yaroslav borisov, ivan usan.
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the state duma really has good prospects, this was confirmed by deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko in an interview with our channel. i believe that the industry is showing very good growth rates, and this is evidenced by the figures, including, over 3 years, production growth of more than 11%, 11.6%. increased by more than 70%. conditions for working in the field of breakthrough technologies, said the head of the ministry of education and science valery folkov. we have a number
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of megaside-class facilities, many of them in the field of experimental and nuclear physics. these are the installations of peak bugatchini and the gurchar institute. this is the installation corresponding to niko in dubna of the joint institute for nuclear research. well, the new vakoltsov megascience class installation under construction. this is a science city, near novosibirsk, a siberian ring photon source, this is truly an advanced infrastructure that allows you to do a completely different level of research, and of course obtain fundamentally different results. minister of education sergei krovtsov, summing up the government report in the state duma, noted the work in the field of professional training of teachers. we have completely... correlated the training program at pedagogical universities with the programs of schools, strengthened the practice orientation, that
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is, compulsory practice for students in schools, each pedagogical university has its own basic school, compulsory practice in children's centers, including in our federal centers, thanks, among other things, to the support of pedagogical universities, let me remind you that 10 billion was allocated by the president... we equipped the pedagogical universities with the necessary equipment, good, modern, which is now available in new schools in schools after major renovations. minister for long-range development. east and arctic alexey chikunkov in an interview with our channel spoke about the increase in housing commissioning. in addition, he stated that the construction of facilities has begun according to all master plans of cities in the far eastern federal district. this is one of the most visible results of the policy of advancing the development of the region for residents of the far east. we have more than doubled
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housing commissioning in 5 years. we are moving to a quarter based on the best world standards , and this is just an example when... planning and implementing all the benefits that are available, first of all, of course, the far eastern mortgage, allow us to give people a new quality of life at an affordable price. to carry out about 500 operations, this is the goal set by ophthalmologists from yakutia who came help the residents of donbass. for them, such a business trip is not the first, each time a new city, they consult and even operate for free, and on their own equipment with patients and doctors . express words of gratitude, oh, the first time i
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had surgery, i screamed right in the operating room, i see, because i couldn’t see to the left. i will be grateful for the last day. all procedures are carried out free of charge. operation by cataract removal is included in the state guarantee program for free medical care. right now, doctors are performing cataract surgery. thanks to the fact that doctors brought their equipment, the work process doubled . for the first time, a laser unit was brought for the surgical treatment of secondary cataracts and glaucoma. the laser is called yak and trioluma grenades. gives plasma, that is, when you press the shutter, instead of a beam it produces a small explosive, this explosive destroys the tissue, well, in order to reach us therapeutic effect. also, a group of ophthalmologists travel to other cities of the republic to provide assistance to everyone. this time the doctors visited dakuchaevsk, which is already the second sponsored city of yakutia. the head of the republic
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of sakha, aisen nikolaev, also came to see the doctors’ work. a large number of people came, and of course, people were very grateful, many after many. from blindness today we have already received the opportunity to see the light, to see family and friends, in total , more than 10 thousand people have been consulted during the work, it turns out to be 4 days, how many we are here, about 100-100 people have already received surgical treatment, we are setting the bar for this visit to perform about 500 operations, in general we are about to reach a figure of probably about 400 per year, we are also working on the issue of opening a mini-branch of ivdoku. so far there are certain difficulties with this, but they are considering different options for implementing this idea. valeria rodina, vladislav medyannik, roman frolov, vadim topalov, vesti donetsk. the actions of the head of the international olympic committee must be investigated after his statement about politicization of sports. this was stated by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry. according to maria zakharova, people like
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thomas bach discredit the olympic movement. mog will tell you more about the reaction to the scandalous statements of the head. usurpation of the right to sports and the complete reluctance of the international olympic committee to dissociate itself from politics. the statements made by the head of mog in a conversation with russian pranksters, as noted in the kremlin, are primarily damaging to the olympic movement, in particular by revealing the fact of surveillance of public statements of russian athletes. if this is a commission that could work to monitor various statements so that they would not...
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be attracted not just like that, but knowing about the friendship of some of them with russian athletes and taking into account their knowledge of the russian language. the foreign ministry compared such behind-the-scenes agreements with the german tradition of denunciation and called for an investigation to be launched against thomas bach before nationalism finally crushes international sports. that people like thomas bach discredit world sport, they discredit the olympic movement, they contradict. not only do they violate, they directly contradict world olympism. why do we literally hear words about a conspiracy between a person who... leads the international olympic committee with one specific country in order to prevent athletes from other
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countries from participating in international sports competitions? however, it would not hurt to investigate another statement by bach regarding a conspiracy against friendship games. according to his revelations, those athletes who attend the competition in russia may not get to the competition in the future. other international competitions, for example, the olympics, and bach considers the friendship games themselves a risk for...
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russian athletes, however, were not surprised by the revelations of thomas bach, surveillance and suspensions became clear back in 2022, pressure was already put on foreign athletes in on the eve of the games of the future, which, however, showed that real sport remains. out of politics. anna voronina, anna pogonina. news. as we age, changes in vision can change the way things are done. touphone is designed to nourish, restore and preserve youthful eyes, it is recommended to use daily for 3 months. touphone is now in new packaging, especially for course use. magnet - the price is what you need. with a discount of up to 50%. alfa friday - a supercake every week from alfa bank. this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing
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trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that... that joy lives within us, it can be found in every moment , easily shared, a holy spring with natural juice, fills life with joy moments, the source of joy is in you, pain can be different, it doesn’t matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy for different types of pain, pintalgin, we can do without pain, attention, in honor of the anniversary, the magnet returns 30% with bonuses for purchases, choose your favorite categories. in the application magnet 30 years next to you it’s easy to imagine the ideal home, so just imagine, and the rest...
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a house-click will do, from a dream to a house, one house-click, dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new issue copyright besagon tv program, it will be called, does crime have a punishment, i hope you will understand why we called our program that, and i look forward to seeing you.
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the work is built, the work is on the rails.
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this is my knowledge that the child has autism, but not autism, you may be scared, what a horror, that you don’t think about it, it seems normal, give your assessment, no education. it’s probably not easy to show sympathy, you can give advice, i know one prayer, another advice, we haven’t tried it for healers, in the end you can move to another table, but the simplest and most necessary thing is to say, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, if you don’t know how to behave and what to say, find out more about it, well, you can tell me that. did they
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jinx you? no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about this. more than 10 thousand objects have already been restored in donbass and novorossiya, and this is only through federal customers, while at the same time more than 7,000 objects have been restored by regional bosses. vladimir putin announced this at a meeting on the development of new regions of russia. read more anastasia efimova. housing, roads,
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hospitals, educational institutions are being built and repaired,


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