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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 6, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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another echelon of rescuers to eliminate the subsequent flood, but in the place where the dam broke last night, specialists are now working, researchers are also working there, it is already known that a criminal case has been opened. a criminal case has been initiated on this fact, on the grounds of crimes provided for in part one of article 216 and part one of article 293 of the criminal code of the russian federation. currently, investigators of the regional investigative department are carrying out investigative and procedural actions, aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. during the preliminary investigation, a legal assessment will be given to the actions of the officials who were responsible for the maintenance, construction and operation of this dam. i note that the height of the dam is designed for a water level in the ural river of 5.5 m. and here the water level is already 9.6 m. today
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a briefing was held in the city administration building, and the governor of the orenburg region denis pasler took part in it, he said that payments to victims will be doubled. let's start from monday let's start paying, because there are packages that have been formed, we need to pay people. and also tell us what numbers we have there? what about the payment figures we have 10 thousand one-time lump sum payment for those who are in the emergency zone property payments 25-50 thousand, that is , these are the decisions on property, and let’s double them all. earlier, when people were evacuated from the old town microdistrict in orsk the night before, they appeared.
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in the altai territory, the situation in flooded areas is gradually stabilizing, from about 380 houses and 470 plots have already become free of water. employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations, together with regional rescuers, pumped out about 140,000 cubic meters of water from local areas and erected 17 temporary dumps with a length of 10 km. targeted assistance was provided to 400 residents. ongoing. aerial reconnaissance using unmanned aircraft in the biysk salton region. in the samara region
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, the number of flooded residential buildings has decreased by a third in one day; rescuers are providing assistance to people, clearing yards of debris brought in by the flood, pumping out water from basements. 456 people, including 74 children, were evacuated from the flood zone. at the moment there is no transport connection with two settlements. in the chelyabinsk region , seven settlements remain under the control of the russian ministry of emergency situations, where 28 residential buildings and 67 household plots are flooded. at the same time, within a day. 12 houses and 30 plots were freed from water. well, the current floods in kazakhstan have been called the largest in the last 80 years. a state of emergency has been declared in ten regions , the situation is particularly acute develops in the west of the country. to the report of the chief of our central asia bureau, robert frantsev. kazakhstan is facing the worst natural disaster in its history. the spring floods turned into flooding on a scale the country had never seen before. he stated this.
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national security committee. at night , a deterioration of the situation in the west of kazakhstan was recorded. about 12 thousand people were taken out of the city of kulsary. despite the fact that for more than two weeks, residents prepared for the arrival of water, erected fortifications, but the elements turned out to be stronger. now flooding threatens the region's capital, atirau. but the geography of the disaster is very wide; the tobol river in the kostonay region of kazakhstan, located near the borders of russia, may overflow its banks along its entire channel, rescuers warned. they predicted that the largest reservoirs , verkhnetobolskoye and karatamarskoye, should have received up to 700 million cubic meters of water over the entire spring period. in fact, in the last 2 days alone, the two reservoirs accounted for more than a billion cubic meters. residents of kustanay
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were called upon to prepare documents and things first necessary in case emergency evacuation is required. humanitarian aid is being collected all over the country, neighbors and a consignment of items are also helping. takaev called on the nation to unite, promised that no one would be left in trouble, the government has already been instructed to print the state reserve to compensate for the damage caused, but it will only be possible to assess it when the water goes away, for now it continues to remain. robert frantsev, armanbeletov, tatyana safarova, kazakhstan, central asian news bureau. alfabank for business. connect overdraft with guaranteed limit up to 30 million rubles. get
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and vladimir putin signed the law on writing off interest accrued during credit holidays on consumer loans for participants in a special military operation. the document comes into force on the date of official publication: banks will be reimbursed for half of the lost income based on interest. almost 6 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget for this. modern technologies, confidence
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in stable operation, reliability and energy efficiency, flexibility for use in any industry, new quality for your success: russian electric motors. the us sends money to ukraine, but they themselves live in debt, rep. marjarie teilar greene pointed out. washington's debt increases by $40 billion every night, she said. at the same time , the media continues to distract americans with anti-russian rhetoric. how this could end in our joint project with the carlson tv youtube channel. since joe biden became president, the us government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars
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participating in an undeclared war against russia, and in all this time no one has explained the goals of this war, why it is needed at all it is obvious to the united states, and to the whole world, that at least some politicians are driven by ethnic and religious hatred, and this is apparently one of the reasons, but no one has officially told us why we are doing all this, but one of the results... this was sending at least 75 billion dollars to the government of ukraine so that they would fight this war instead of us. and nothing happened. 2 years have passed, the war is still going on, the population of ukraine is being exterminated, hundreds of thousands of ukrainians have died. and in the country itself there is devastation. the country is ruined, as is happening in time of wars. russia as a country is much larger, it has 100 million more people and much more industrial capabilities. ukraine cannot win, everyone knows this, all over the world, this is clear to absolutely all people, there is not
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a single adequate person outside the united states who thinks that ukraine will somehow be able to defeat russia, because this is not so, but in the united states about this is almost not said, on the contrary, on cable news they tell you day after day that russia will lose any day, here is a selection, and we begin with breaking news, victory, victory, victory, that's the word. appears again in statements by us authorities regarding ukraine. ukraine can win. ukraine is already winning. but let's not forget how badly russia is losing in this war. ukraine is winning. yes, this is a difficult battle, and it is not yet obvious that ukraine will win in the end. but for now, ukraine is winning. and it is important that the world realizes this. russia is losing this war. they have terrible losses, such losses. they haven't seen anything since world war ii, but instead almost nothing. at the moment, i think
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it would be correct to say that ukraine has the advantage. ukraine is winning this war, all thanks to the enormous support from us and from others. and we must continue this pressure on putin. president zelensky says the end of this war is approaching. he is right? well, in my opinion, it is obvious that ukraine is winning. they are all clowns and liars, and if you watch all these programs from outside the united states, then you laugh hysterically, and these are the leaders of the world, people who are obviously lying, lying shamelessly, and this is leading to the death of hundreds of thousands of people, and they are not even ashamed of it, this is the beginning of the end for russia, they say. the last video was filmed a year and a half ago, but they knew even then that it was all a lie, and now they know even better, but that didn’t stop them. pressure on you, on american taxpayers, while your country is falling apart,
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while your country is being invaded, tens of millions of illegal immigrants are coming to us, but this has not reduced the pressure on the us congress to send more money from the government of ukraine, another 60 billion. nobody they don’t want this, most american voters are against it, certainly most republican voters. even the majority of congressmen and republicans said that they were against this. but the leaders of the republican party and, of course, the democratic party, are all for it, here is the leading republican of the united states senate, mitch mccon, the infamous mitch mccon from kentucky.
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and the symbol of all this is: will we help ukraine or not? will we help ukraine or not? hundreds of billions of dollars, us dollars have been spent on this a war against russia, a war we are losing, while our own country has already become poor in some places. well, history will remember mitch maconall for what he is, a vicious fool, but... michmaul leaves, but amazingly, those who replace him have absolutely the same views, and meanwhile zelensky, the head of ukraine, the country , which canceled elections, a country where there is no freedom of speech and religion, where christianity is being destroyed, the so-called democracy on the other side of the world. zelensky tells the american media that, in fact, the united
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the states haven't done enough for him, so he's doing everything he can to lobby our leaders. our media. and, by the way, zelensky, what a surprise, communicates directly with some owners of american media, explaining to them exactly how to talk about ukraine. but behind the scenes , he's also trying to lobby new house speaker mike johnson of louisiana. here is zelensky himself. last month you said that if we have america's support, we will win, and if we don't have america's support, we will lose. this truth. it's so simple. ukraine.
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and charlie joins us from kyiv. charlie, we know that president zelensky spoke with speaker of the house mike johnson on tuesday. what he told you was his message as a us legislator. john, he told me that he told the speaker that the $60 billion relief package should have been approved yesterday. and it should have been approved yesterday. well, apparently, he conveyed this idea to the speaker of the house, mike johnson, who, immediately after the start of the new session in congress, declared that he was in charge. priority, and this is in the moment america experiences an invasion, there will be sending that $60 billion to ukraine, possibly in the form of a debt, not that anyone expects ukraine to ever pay it back or be even grateful for that money, they are already ungrateful . so, we sent a message to the speaker of the house asking him to come and explain why, when the majority of republicans, both voters and members of congress, are against it, why he decided
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to join the democrats in doing something that the american people themselves believe we should not do, v sending another 60 billion to pay pensions to ukrainian bureaucrats for the lost war, and he, of course, did not respond, we also sent many requests to zelensky himself to clarify his position, and he, of course, also ignored us, well, we don't have much power in our hands, but there is a person who serves in the us congress who speaks the truth loud and clear on this issue, she is from georgia, her name is marjarie taylor greene, she joins us to explain that she does when faced with all this madness, congresswoman, thank you very much for coming, some of which has already been said. was wrong, you think, it's just that from the outside it seems like mike johnson, the speaker of the house, a republican who is sort of a conservative, that he's working with the biden administration to put the needs of ukraine above the needs of the united states, and that that's what what is it that his own voters don't want, do you think that's true? yes, tucker, that's exactly what it is, because the details of this
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relief package that we'll be voting on... when we get back to washington next week, we'll find out about these details from... let me explain something to you: not a single republican congressman i've spoken to at this conference has any idea what's in this package . aid to ukraine, which will be in the amount of 60 billion dollars, and this is even in the offices of the leaders, mike johnson did not go into detail about them, we learn about them from the news just like the rest of the american people, and it is outrageous when you see how zelensky during this interview he says that now we will lose all these territories, now, we need this money so much, these 60 billion dollars should have been approved yesterday, that's what i will say, our country is collapsing under the onslaught of illegal immigrants who come across our southern border every day. and it pisses me off so much, because it pisses off the american people, at the same time, our so-called republican speaker of the house works with chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries, and the pro-ukrainian
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mitch mcconnal and the white house and jake sullivan, with whom he constantly talks on phone, we are furious, people have eaten their fill of this, we don’t want another 60 billion dollars going to ukraine, because just last night tucker, we got another 40 billion dollars deeper into... so no, ukraine, we want first take care of we don't want to send 60 billion dollars to our country, about america. so, do you think it will be the case that the republican speaker, after the break ends, will be able to pass this package without the republican majority, but with the help of the democrats. could this be possible? happen? yes yes. because that's what he plans to do, that's what i was told, but first tucker, let's go back a little, the last vote we had on funding for ukraine was
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september 28, twenty-three, that was about a month ago, at this in the voting , only 101 republicans voted for $300 million, $300 million was given to ukraine, and that’s only because i created such a scandal, i said, take this money from our department of defense. member of nato, this does not increase the level russia and ukraine, which is not american security, does not protect the united states of america in any way, in fact it only brings us closer and closer to world war iii. so, on september 8th of twenty-three there was a vote, 117 republicans voted against, that was the majority of the majority, every democrat voted yes, every one of them, not a single
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democrat was against, our republican speaker of the house is going to adjourn the hearing next week, he's not going to miss this package through the committee on amendments, he won't let us make any amendments, amendments are the way to change the law, amendments are the way... mike johnson is going to tie our hands and prevent us from making changes, he will put it to a vote, all the democrats will vote yes, and also a small portion of republicans will vote in favor, which is less than the majority, and no, this speaker, he is not a republican, this speaker of the house is a democrat, since there is no difference between.
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own interests, but he is not an american, certainly we hope that he is not voter in our country, but zelensky calls all these people and lures them to his side. it's a little strange to see the american speaker of the house paying more attention to a foreign leader, many foreign leaders, than to his own constituents and fellow members of congress, isn't it? yes, of course, especially considering that mike johnson completely changed his position within about 5 months of...
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dollars for the war in ukraine, and 70% of americans are against it, that's 70% of americans according to the latest polls, the majority of our republican majority. also do not support funding for ukraine, people want a peace agreement for ukraine, not further killing of ukrainians and russians, this needs to end. and yes, mike johnson has turned so far from who he was before what he stood for that people are already wondering if he is being blackmailed what happened to him, since he is already completely out of touch with all of us. do you think he is being blackmailed? i do not know. but tucker, i can't imagine what could have caused such a radical change in him. for example, if we break down the second part of the omnibus appropriations bill,
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let's break it down. so. mike johnson is against abortion, the second part of the law passed 2 weeks ago, there is full funding for abortions, he funded the promotion of the trans agenda among children. well, i mean, how could this even come from a christian conservative, speaker, republican, he did nothing for the southern border, for its security, and this during this brutal murder of laken riley, and all this while... social networks is gaining popular video of illegals breaking through our...
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trying to put him in jail for the rest of his life, so we don't even know who mike johnson is. i myself don’t understand anything anymore. i often talk to people about their religious preferences. i understand that this is kind of none of my business personally, but mike johnson talks a lot about his christian faith. and he says his faith influences his decision. so, knowing this, here he is funding the government of ukraine, which is putting priests in prison, literally, imprisoning priests to prison, prohibits the christian denomination. send the army to close churches and he also finances the war in gas where christians are killed blowing up christian churches, since a christian can be for using taxpayers' money to kill and imprison other christians, i don't understand how this is possible, and neither will you, it's called hypocrisy, that's what it 's called, it's absolutely the opposite of everything that our christian faith teaches us,
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it's against what the bible says. you know, tucker, if we turn to biblical teaching, the bible teaches us not to take on debt, because we become slaves to the debtor. and yet, when americans woke up this morning, they discovered that they had a debt of 34 and 6 trillion dollars, and it increased by 40 billion while they slept, and this is absolutely contrary to our christian faith, contrary to what the bible teaches us, but finance murder every day.
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the package passed the house after a recess with mike johnson as speaker. yes, whatever i saw. everyone i've talked to, it 's happening next week. he will suspend the certificate process, he will put the law to a vote. all the democrats will put on their yellow and blue pins, flags and scarves, they will vote yes. yes, and you know, there will be a certain percentage of republicans who
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will also support this and... this can be stopped if the american people, if the american people, tucker, let me tell you something, because this is very important, the american people can stop our government, they can when they decide that it matters to them when they realize that within 10 years, 10 years from now, the budget office says our debt will be about 55 trillion.


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