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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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we can say that the spirit of cooperation and partnership between our countries is very strong, and we have established full-vector relations between our countries; it must be said that at the moment our relations are at the peak of their cooperation. i pay attention to the past and look, turning to the future, we see what we have now. current results have been achieved in our relations, it must be said that not long ago chairman sizimpin and president putin held negotiations, where the main milestones of development were noted and new ones were identified guidelines for development between our countries. it must be said that at the moment we constantly... support the mechanism of constant
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consultations, we interact with at a constant level, and both sides note that their interaction and cooperation are not directed against other countries, and of course, we will continue to promote, promote development of our sides. in a healthy manner, within the framework of a healthy vector of development, both sides emphasize that we are developing towards ensuring the advancement of peace, progress and we certainly see that everything cooperation between our countries...
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is aimed at peaceful development, at the absence of confrontation with anyone, and we oppose any form of hegemony, we reject any form of cold war consciousness, and we aim to form a community of common destiny, humanity notes that.
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in general, a brief summary of our negotiations, many thanks to mr. his excellency for his kozhada, then we will ask you to speak.
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ity, the presumption of innocence and much more that the west is now rudely undermines with its practical steps to introduce illegal sanctions against a number of states, including russia, of course, but the same policy is beginning to be actively applied to the people's republic of china, including in an effort to limit its possibilities for economic and technological development. and simply put, for the sake of eliminating competitors. we also looked at the upcoming cross-years of culture, russia and china, their opening is expected in the very near future, we talked about other directions
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humanitarian cooperation, including the preparation of new events, such as the international intervision song competition, open. the eurasian film award, and a number of sporting events, which, following the games of the future that took place a couple of months ago in kazan, where chinese athletes took an active part, the chinese delegation was sent, followed by the brix games, children of asia games, friendship games, many sporting events, which , unlike some others... will be based on the very ideals of olympism, which are enshrined in the olympic charter and which the current leadership of the international olympic committee, to their shame, i hope, despises and tramples in favor
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of the same hegemons who are trying to preserve this role of hegemons by hook or by crook, we said, as mentioned, dear minister wang about the upcoming seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries, let me remind you that the soviet union was the first to recognize the chinese people's republic literally the day after it education and actively collaborated in resolving issues of the formation of the chinese state, agreed to prepare a series of events for this anniversary, and also discussed possible events for the upcoming eightieth anniversary of the victory over german nazism and japanese militarism in defeat next year. germany and militaristic japan played a decisive role in the peoples of the soviet union and
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the people's republic of china. for obvious reasons, we spent a lot of time coordinating our actions in the international arena. and this coordination is based on broad coincidence of interests, coincidence of approaches to key international problems. and in light of the russian chairmanship in brix, they emphasized the prospects.
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legitimate concerns of all
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parties involved, primarily in the field of security and in this context, my chinese colleagues and i clearly state the need to take into account confirmed the conclusion about the futility of any international events that not only do not take into account russia’s position, but completely ignore it, that promote absolutely empty, ultimatum, so called the zelensky peace formula.
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in a broader context, we exchanged views on the prospects for the formation of a new security structure in eurasia against the backdrop of complete stagnation and self-destruction of euro-atlantic mechanisms. i would also like to note that the negotiations took place in the traditional atmosphere of friendship for russian-chinese relations and once again demonstrated the commonality of our views. countries on the main global processes, our desire to strengthen the bilateral relationship in the interests of peace and stability in the region and on the planet as a whole, we will continue the dialogue based on the plans that we have just approved in your presence, and i once again express my gratitude to our chinese friends.
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thank you. minister lavrov, let’s now move on to questions and answers. now a correspondent from an independent television company. the west uses aggressive methods of dual containment against russia and china to prevent their development and to impede the implementation of sovereign policies. are you and your chinese partners considering dual countermeasures, what could these be steps? well, i would like to focus on...
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are created as a result of the illegal policy of unilateral sanctions, which we will solve within the framework of brix, within the framework of the shanghai cooperation organization, in general, in principle , it is time in conditions when at any moment the united states and its satellites can bring down sustainable chains and financing, and logistics, transport chains, investment chains, it’s time to resolve issues so that all these tasks can be considered and decisions made on them within other structures, and the transition to national currencies, talk about the need to create alternative payment platforms, including the decisions taken in this regard within the framework of brix, the activities of regional organizations, such
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as the sco, already mentioned today, and the community of latin american and caribbean countries.
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structures within which it is possible to conduct meaningful negotiations on something and agree on something based on a balance of interests, the task of forming eurasian security arises, president putin mentioned this in his address to the federal assembly, and we chinese friends agreed to start a dialogue with the involvement of our other like-minded people on this issue, as for the next thing...
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we will insist on the need to receive direct, without any prevarication, assessments of the actions of the ukrainian regime, when we agreed to the presence of magathe experts, a permanent presence at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant power plants, we were guided, among other things, by the need for them to give an objective assessment of what is happening there, how the plant is managed, how nuclear,
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these terrorist attacks were prepared and carried out, i think that this time it will not be possible to evade responsibility, we are interested in cooperation with magathe, with the un secretariat, but of course, we will seek from them an honest recognition of what is happening not only around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, but in in general around ukraine, because there are still estimates.
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i would like to respond to the question of the russian correspondent, on the sides of the sanctions, this is a manifestation of bullying, violates international law and international order and contradicts the trend of world development, the chinese side resolutely opposes this, russia also opposes this, all countries must discuss it together. such practices, i am sure that any attempts to go against the trend of history will not work for these people in the end.
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history throws, as for hot spots, we can say that the world today is far from calm, unrest and chaos are not going away, china and russia, as the leading world powers , permanent members of the un security council, have an important responsibility for resolving hot spots. on at our meetings today, minister szekely rabrov and i substantively discussed many important international and regional issues, including the ukrainian issue and the palestinian-israeli conflict, as well as the situation in our region. emphasize that as a responsible power, the chinese side
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always proceeds. well, firstly, to defend the goals, principles of the un charter and the fundamental rules of international law and international relations. the second thing is to cherish peace, actively promote peace by agreement, promote the settlement of disagreements through dialogue between the parties involved. third, it is important to adequately take into account rational concerns and seek a sustainable political solution that addresses the
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indigenous issues.
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in this way, the arab people and the jewish people can peacefully coexist and thus achieve long-term peace in the middle east. in addition, the settlement of other regional issues is no less important.
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