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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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we continue our news review. germany has begun transferring its military to lithuania, as stated by the german ministry of defense by 2027. the brigade must be fully combat-ready, the kremlin has already called this the creation of another source of tension, we will discuss this and other topics with the leader of the federation council committee on defense and security, vladimir chizhov, he is now in direct contact with the studio. vladimir alekseevich, hello. good afternoon. the first soldiers from the german brigade arrive in lithuania as part of the expansion of nato presence. in a year or two there are reportedly plans to station 500 german soldiers there. tell me, how do you evaluate these maneuvers?
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and sweden joined nato, for example, lithuania in recent years, finland , and well, this was generally to be expected, because our main criterion has always been not the number of flagpoles at the headquarters, the headquarters of the alliance’s apartment in brussels, plans for their implementation in part. this is, of course , an additional factor of escalation as regards the potential relationship between russia and nato. i might add that back in 1997 year between russia and the north atlantic...
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alliances, the so-called fundamental act on the principles of relations was adopted, and many no longer remember this document, but formally it remains in force, and there are two obligations, which are specific obligations that nato has assumed . by the way, nato is still feminine in the russian language, despite such... a formidable appearance, because the organization, yes, of course, has two, two obligations: first, that nuclear weapons will not be deployed on the territory of the new members, we're keeping an eye on this, of course. so far, it seems, but based on the data that the alliance is violating this provision, but no, but the second condition is that on the territory of the new members...
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significant combat forces will not be permanently stationed, yes, we can say that this is not specified in the numbers, and there were conversations, well, there was an understanding that this is no more than a brigade per country, well , brigades, firstly, come in different strengths and 5,000 soldiers is , of course, the upper limit for a brigade. but we 'll see what comes of it, especially since on the territory of lithuania there have already been for years, units of the air forces of the alliance countries have been deployed on rotation, which are mastering potential theaters of military operations, and deploying several aircraft with their crews there, so all this, of course, was ... will be the object
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of close attention and analysis in the ministry of defense russia and in all related structures. vladimir alekselevich, you mentioned this fundamental act, we now see that many treaties, including in the arms sector, are being denounced at the initiative of the west first of all, but we saw similar steps from turkey, yes, and what do you think, this fundamental act, how relevant is it now, does it make sense, maybe... take the path of denunciation, well, first of all , it is a document that is not legally binding, therefore it does not require denunciation, and it was not even signed, but was adopted at the russia-nato meeting, just like the subsequent document of 2002, the so- called rome declaration on the fundamentals of relations, nato has never went to some
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legally binding documents that would limit freedom of action in a critical situation. but naturally, the fundamental act, like other similar documents, they act only when there is the political will of the participating country, we’ll see, but in any case, this is a document under which there are signatures of the leaders of all the then member states, this not easy. a verbal promise not to expand nato one inch. as for nato activities, last week the alliance accepted the decision to create a non-military mission in ukraine, while stoltenberg named two scenarios, one of which is the defeat of kiev. tell me, how do you assess the current
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role of nato in the ukrainian conflict? well , of course, as negative, i would even say inflammatory. because at the same time the same stoltenberg. and other nato officials are saying that nato is not not a party to the conflict, that there are no nato troops on the territory - or rather in the combat zone, and will not be, at the same time , some kind of non-military mission is being created there, even if not military, eh, but nevertheless - this is also additional...
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stup said that diplomacy is powerless in resolving the ukrainian crisis, how would you comment on finland’s position from the statement? you know, i know mr. stub quite well. we have known him for many years, when he was still a member of the european parliament, then he was appointed minister of foreign affairs, we talked several times, he never spoke so, i would even say hopelessly, regarding the possibilities of diplomacy, well, maybe now leading the country , which... became a member nato, something has changed in his worldview, and that would be regrettable. vladimir zelensky agreed to help from the united states on credit if congress does not approve
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funding in the form of grants. do you think the ukrainian economy is able to withstand such a load, or will it be a deliberately non-repayable loan? you know, the question is more interesting. will the american economy be able to withstand such a load? and the fact that in this case we would be talking about a deliberately non-repayable loan, just like all other loans, all other assistance, which was provided to the kiev regime over the last period, so i don’t think that anyone is in their right mind in washington or in other western capitals. seriously hopes to receive some money from zelensky and his entourage. well, you are talking about whether the us economy will withstand such a load, because it is generally accepted that a significant part of the funds will remain in the american economy and will be used for military
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production, in the us military-industrial complex itself. of course, according to experts, we are talking about about 75%, but... still one of the main buyers russian gas, now liquefied, what do you think this says about the eu’s energy policy and, in general, about the effectiveness of anti-russian sanctions? you know, i was a little surprised by the formula that , as before, these three countries have never been
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one of the main buyers of russian gas, and the main buyers were germany and italy, meaning europe as a whole , european states, but i agree with you, yes. but because, let’s say, our gas pipelines haven’t reached spain yet, but that’s why now they... focuses on liquefied, liquefied natural gas - this is the product that the european union has left outside the framework of their sanctions regime, therefore the increase in exports of liquefied natural gas from russia to the eu countries has jumped, by about 30%, somewhere even by 40, and what does this say about the energy policy of the ip, well, it says that, in general, while pursuing a policy
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of minimizing dependence on russian energy resources, after all, these countries are not completely losing common sense, unlike some others who are capable... for example, like germany, and cut off the supply of russian, russian energy resources, and calmly contemplate the explosion of northern flows and at the same time, at the same time, close their nuclear power plants, remaining, in fact, with coal and others. tell me, vladimir alekseevich, i wanted to talk to you about the gogauzia, the head of the autonomy, evgenia gutsul
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, is again in moscow, in addition, the region is again in the center of the information field, how do you assess the situation, is it likely to worsen, can events go according to the forceful scenario, do you think, you know, the issue of gogauzia did not appear today, not yesterday, probably for 30 years it has already been on the agenda. including within the framework of the policy of creating a turkic world, which in this case was always hampered by the fact that the gogauzes, being a turkic people, remained orthodox. well , as for today’s political situation, of course, the vector of development of gagauzia and moldova and the politician
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does not have the... strength, but the fact that the gogauz people have the right to self-determination is not a question here. vladimir alekseevich, what concerns, let's also discuss other regions, as for the middle east, israel attacked the iranian consulate in damascus, several generals were killed, we know about this, tehran promised an answer, what do you think, what consequences could this have for the entire middle east, and what role does russia play in the middle east today? should russia's mission, in such a global sense, be
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expanded or changed in some way? you know, israel hit the iranian consulate in damascus and the ambassador’s residence there, and this is a blow not only against these specific objects, this is a blow not only to the relationship... with tehran and damascus, this is a heavy blow to international law, this is a blow to the un charter under the vienna convention on diplomatic relations of the year sixty-one, the inviolability, inviolability of buildings, premises, diplomatic missions is a sacred principle that must be respected even in conditions of hostilities. what will be
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iran's response, and i think we will soon see, but the fact that this question further aggravates the situation in the middle east, and a certain logic can probably be seen in the fact that the goals that... the israeli government set for itself, and in relation to gas, these goals were not achieved, the hostages were not freed. hamas continues to resist, so such diversionary maneuvers, of course, fit into the logic of mr. nitanyahu and his entourage, but let’s see how this will be assessed in the united nations; it is known that
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this issue will be discussed in the security council. let's see how israel's western sponsors behave, including. vladimir alekseevich, let’s return to europe, wanted to talk about the fact that at the end of april the un general assembly may adopt resolutions on the genocide in srebrenica, and in may, as reported , kosovo may be admitted to the council of europe. how do you assess the development of events in the balkan direction, what do you think can be expected in the near future? the situation in the balkans... continues to remain tense and difficult, although in general, in relation to serbia, we can talk about political stability after the elections that took place, but here’s what regarding the actually political provocations you mentioned, namely the draft
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resolution of the general assembly on the genocide in serebryanitsa, and the decision: a multi-stage decision pushing kosovo towards membership in the council of europe, then these are, of course, additional, targeted factors that lead to additional escalation. specifically, with regard to the silver coin, you know, because the crisis that we observed in the nineties, including in bosnia, i myself spent a year there in the office of the high representative, and i saw it with my own eyes, it was a civil war, and it is difficult to call it another term, when there is a civil war, war crimes are committed by all sides, there is no such party that would
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be in the balkans - but who exactly is responsible for them has, by and large, long been established, to say that it was genocide, well, you understand, because , by and large, there on the territory of bosnia, and in general the former yugoslavia, well, with the exception of kosovo, where the majority were albanians, in
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the rest of yugoslavia, by and large historically, he lived alone in...
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from there and whiled away his life quite prosperously in another part, take this to the question of who are the angels there, who are the devils? yes, vladimir alekseevich, thank you for your comments and your assessments, thank you for answering the questions, let me remind you that we had connections with the deputy chairman of the federation council committee on defense and security, vladimir chizhov. well, now let’s return to the topic of floods in russian regions. vladimir putin once again spoke on the phone with. from the minister of construction and housing and communal services erek faizulin. previously, vladimir putin also received reports on the flood situation from the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, and the governors of other affected regions.
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us treasury secretary janet yellin concluded her official visit to china, where she met with senior officials and businessmen. i will summarize the results of six days of negotiations with my colleague anna lazareva. she joins the broadcast. anna, hello, what did you manage to agree on? yuri, hello! agreed to start a dialogue about excess chinese capacity. chinese-russian trade can withstand pressure from america. under this heading, an article was published following the visit of us treasury secretary jeanette yelin in the state-owned chinese publication global times. the illustration for the article is eloquent. a brown panda bear at gunpoint from american weapons, the publication was a response to the statement of the head of the us treasury that chinese companies should not provide material support. in the ukrainian crisis, otherwise they will face serious consequences, as the article notes, despite external pressure, china's readiness to continue trade and economic cooperation with
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russia will not change; moreover, beijing may take retaliatory measures. china has not yet loudly declared its protest against this formulation, but simply warned that, as always, no one will be able to quarrel between russia and china, what is china’s response? said, but it is very likely that these will be restrictions on the activities of any american companies in the chinese market. the global times article notes that the reason for western pressure on china due to its trade with russia is not only ukrainian conflict, but connected with washington’s desire to contain beijing through sanctions. i would like to emphasize that western countries should not be vilified. normal state relations between china and russia, the legitimacy of china and chinese enterprises should not be harmed. china will take decisive measures to protect
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its legitimate position. beijing’s rather harsh rhetoric is quite understandable: russia and china are strategic partners. the volume of trade between countries in the first 2 months of this year reached $37 billion, an increase of 9%. exceeds the result of the same period last year. export from china to russia. dollars, this is an increase of 26%. russia and china have actually completely switched to payments in national currencies, rubles and yuan. we can characterize relations between russia and china as very stable. china is well aware that the stability of its world system is based on. on equal terms with the united states and russia, so, of course, there is no
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need to say that china, for some reason, can surrender russian interests. the main topic of the negotiations us treasury secretary in beijing became aware of the consequences of overproduction of chinese goods, which, according to washington, could negatively affect american companies. the world market is filled with chinese. products at artificially low prices, threatening the viability of american and other foreign companies. we have seen this story before, and i have made it clear that president biden and i will not accept this reality again. the results of the negotiations, judging by the statement of janette elin , the states were satisfied with, however, for now there are agreements are of a framework nature. the chinese side expressed, as it is formulated, a fundamental agreement regarding the reduction. volumes of industrial output, however, it is important to emphasize here that specific volumes were not agreed upon, and, among other things, were not discussed in the context
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of certain specific forms of products. during her visit to china, yelin emphasized that china is a key market for american goods and services. the united states does not seek to break scan relations. moreover, in washington it is believed that the development of the event would bring catastrophic consequences for both economies. yes, anna, thank you, anna lazareva spoke about the results of the official visit of us treasury secretary janet helen to china. the launch of the angara heavy launch vehicle may again take place tomorrow. a preliminary reserve date was announced by roscosmos. as stated by the head of the state corporation, yuri borisov, the start was stopped by automation. hangars, let me remind you, was previously scheduled for noon today. he was supposed to be the first in the history of eastern. such rockets were launched from the cosmodrome in arkhangelsk region, the automation stopped the start process due to a failure of
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the central unit oxidizer tank inflation system. in this situation, fuel draining is provided, we will finally understand the reasons and the launch is tentatively scheduled for a reserve date for tomorrow. the russian economy continues to develop confidently, consumer activity is growing, this can be seen in retail trade turnover. mikhail mishustin stated this at a strategic session on the development of supply-side economics. the prime minister outlined the conditions under which the russian economy can enter the top.
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work to connect the southern direction of the moscow high-speed diameter, this year, at the end of this year we should come to the simferopol highway and varshavkoe, connect it, thus unloading these two routes, but at the end of the twenty-fifth year we are already planning to come out with a link with the moscow high-speed diameter with kaluga, with highways, with kievsky and minsk, thus incorporating... a whole number of highways and seriously unloading the moscow ring road and improving the transport provision of hundreds of thousands of residents of moscow and moscow region.
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