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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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april 10 is a memorable date in the military history of russia. april 10, 1944, liberation of odessa. the troops of odessa general malinovsky liberated odessa from the nazis. at noon , a red flag was raised over the opera house in front of the formation of distinguished units. odessa was one of the first to receive the high title of hero city. the occupation of the city by romanians and germans lasted 907 days and claimed the lives of 82,000 inhabitants. a credit card is beneficial in
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the mysteries of nature, are a hundred plus for you, who are especially attentive to details, i checked. and for you, for whom curiosity opens a new horizon. ruviki, you know where to find out. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on magnet - the price is what you need. chocolate alpin gold from 49-99. and we are with gifts. where does all this come from, you’re retired, vtb is retired, the rate for pensioners is vtb savings account up to 18% per annum. vtb, everything will work out. m3 seven howitzer, made in the usa, d-20 gun, self- propelled gun, carnation, three cars and dozens of militants. according to reports from the russian ministry of defense,
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these are the current losses of the ukrainian armed forces in the kherson direction of the special operation in the zone of responsibility of our dnepr group of troops. its fighters methodically knock out enemy artillery on the right bank, but ukrainians fly in response. not as high as the kiev regime would like, mikhail andronik will confirm. hello dear, let's work today. fighter with call sign cousin with nata's equipment, worked for many years in his native village on tractors and combines, it is not surprising that in the special operation zone he became a mechanic-driver of a tank of the sumrak battalion. management says almost the same thing. two levers, gearbox, gears, gas, clutch, brake, everything. nothing complicated at all, but you can’t accelerate a tractor to 70 km/h, but a t-72b3 tank is easy, this video was filmed by ukrainian drones, the kuzy crew on a combat mission. like a garne of joy, hurray, the joy of the ukrainian armed forces soldiers gives way to bewilderment, the tank is smoking, but
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still rushing along the road to the very bank of the dnieper. they kept trying to stop the car, as if they were constantly hitting the engine room, trying to stop it. already finish off two mines on the starboard side, another strike from a kamikaze drone in the stern, but the tank did n’t care, that day the commander with the call sign black recalls, they were working direct fire on the ukrainian armed forces’ commander. fired nine artillery rounds, hit the target, watched, saw that they hit, and were even able to return back, everyone was alive and well, so the tank had to be sent for repairs, the heroic crew they issued a new one straight from the factory, today cherny, kuzi and yukos have another combat exit, before each departure to...
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work along the right bank, along the fortified bsu. t-72b3 tanks are the most numerous in the units located in the special operation zone. workhorses, reliable and powerful. along a suspended trajectory, the projectile hits targets at a distance of up to 11 km. rate of fire eight rounds per minute. therefore, the tank does not stay at the firing position for long. the grad rocket system will clear the fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine. to the firing line we rush to position together with the platoon commander with the call sign cat.
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the fortified area has been completely destroyed and now it is important to quickly leave the firing position. the bopal detector is beeping, and enemy drones are already combing the forest plantation. it was on the first one. a little bit, and then it’s no longer scary, everything is automatic. the weapon is ready, the gaze is directed upward, the tension subsides only when the ural enters the shelter. i was lucky today, but that doesn't always happen. here he shows the battle scars left on the sides of the vehicle after being hit by a kamikaze drone. the tank was caught a little by fragments. poseklo, it cut the top pipes a little, but since we fired the first shots, the first shots came out of all the corpses, there were no radioactive shells there, so no detonation occurred. the code laughs if. he had nine lives, but now there are eight left, coherence and skill in calculation is only half
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the success, luck is also important, the cat murka, the local mascot, is responsible for it in the artillery division lotus, after each launch he waits and worries for us that we won't feed her. leonid muravyov and andrey potapov, conduct the kherson region. there will be an investigation petition for the election of a preventive measure in the form of detention. news from the capital's headquarters on the case of zalina marshinkulova, who became a defendant in a criminal trial. public justification of terrorism, a pr woman who tried to make a career based on her ideas about feminism has not lived in russia for a long time, so the charge was brought in absentia, as the investigative committee clarified, the in-depth article includes marshenkulova’s activity on social networks, namely some publications in her telegram channel, in which they actually found signs of sympathy for terrorists. in the near future, the accused faces not only arrest in absentia, but also being put on the wanted list. by the way, on the list of people who...
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she considers herself a feminist, and is a defendant in a criminal case under the article on justification of terrorism. after the bloody terrorist attack with vladlen tatarsky in st. petersburg, she wrote a quote: this bandit was blown up today. and then she also clarified that she does not believe that it is necessary to sympathize with the death of the cannibal and aggressor, this
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was what the curators from the soros foundations, under whose leadership she advised, advised her it works, and moreover, here marshenkuva actually threatens everyone who supports the svo. she warned all the people who shared the position of vladlenno tatarsky, so to speak, that in principle, if they die from the dust of terrorists, there is nothing in it. there’s definitely nothing special about the western project, she’s trying to use this fake hype to earn an audience among liberal-minded russians, especially those who have gone abroad today, they call you and me murderers , they continue to do this, attributing this to certain epithets, they will crack down on russians who support them, even humanitarian ones. or the defendant in another criminal case, foreign agent daria sirenko, also
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an ardent supporter of feminism and ukraine. true, she is now hiding in georgia, so why should she have left russia then straight to kiev, well, since that’s her worldview. sirenko demonstrated her anti-russian position in every possible way, collected money in support of ukraine, even wrote a book with an eloquent title, i wish my ashes home. it's clear on social media. made it clear that we are talking about russia, here is daria’s publication against the backdrop of the burning kremlin: she does not hide the fact that she wants moscow to burn, she does not hide the fact that she wants the ukrainian armed forces to win, to continue shelling our cities, if she wants ashes your home, you still need to be prepared to intervene in some way.
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the psyche has floated, so maybe then take a pause in political judgments for a while and try, as they say, to put her head in place, otherwise her recent plans to be elected to the moscow city duma look strange in themselves, she wants the ashes of her home, she herself has more than once admitted that she has... mental problems, she is running from some imperials, from some patriarchal men, perhaps from patriarchal men without...
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extreme liberals are very strongly asked, especially those who live in the countries of the european union in the west, to actively feed information to their readers and western media that russia is allegedly committing some kind of atrocities, in the manner inherent in extremists from the lgbt community, in fact, lying openly large audience zygor is already accusing suvorov. in punitive operations , he started a pseudo-historical project with friends, foreign agents, it is clear under whose order, oh, his pro-western pen would not have been sharpened, and that money is no longer coming from russia, but it was not possible to challenge the status of an agent, but now how will he not easily do pseudo-historical project and at the same time not to return to russia, otherwise he is now on the wanted list, when such a person,
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accordingly, crosses the border of the russian federation... he will be detained in addition to the federal wanted list, we have an international search, and if an interpol warrant is issued, then this person will be detained and the issue of his extradition to the russian federation will be decided, so they can wave at us from abroad as much as they want, but there are legal mechanisms, they work, criminal cases the plague on the agent, of course, will not be cured, but it will quite possibly be put into a stage of some kind of remission for the period of serving. a deadline that neither marshenkulova nor the foreign agent zygoryuserk seems to be able to avoid. evgenia petrukhina foreign agents, criminals. soldiers of the russian group of troops center again occupied more advantageous positions on the avdeevsky front of the special operation, and managed to repel 11 counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces. as a result , up to 395 ukrainian militants were eliminated in the southern donetsk
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sector, where the vostok group performs its tasks. the enemy's daily losses exceeded 100 personnel, as well as equipment . quite a few were destroyed, including through the efforts of mobile atgm crews. eduard punigov saw how they work. as soon as aerial reconnaissance detects enemy equipment, an anti-tank missile crew immediately moves to the forward position. complex of the eastern group of troops. soldiers move unnoticed through the forest belt, avoiding open areas of the terrain. a couple of minutes of preparation and a shot sounds. throw it away. this is a fagod atgm, it is also called mobile artillery. the cumulative projectile penetrates armor up to 80 cm thick, and the thermobaric projectile burns out enemy fortified points. the complex is quite light, so the mobile crew is not tied to the area. soldiers quickly move along the entire front line and provide fire support to infantry units. mostly
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we work when intelligence provides targets that have already been specifically specified. this crew , led by me and the platoon commander , moves to a position, a ready-made position, we create camouflage and specifically wait for this or that column to move, these are armored vehicles, non-armored vehicles, maybe an ambush of a specific site. during breaks between combat work , crews must practice shooting skills at a special training ground, which is located not far from the front line. the lead rod is capable of hitting targets at a distance of approximately 2.5 km. mobile crews carry out targeted strikes on enemy armored vehicles, tanks and manpower. the missile's hit accuracy is almost one hundred percent. the bassoon has enormous destructive power, it is capable of penetrating even serious armor. for example, here is a training target, as a result of a missile hit, the body was destroyed, everything inside was burned out, essentially nothing remained of the car. the enemy suffers strikes from mobile atgm crews very
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painfully, it is extremely difficult to detect them, and the damage they cause in the ukrainian armed forces is costly too expensive. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. moths, but who is to blame? the notorious democracy? why are there only girls of easy virtue on the streets of settle, while other states are drowning in drug addiction? and we are with gifts, where does all this come from, you are retired, in vtb pension the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum vtb, everything will work out. cars can be found conveniently and quickly; there is a search by car brand. we take loans, it’s easy to apply for, we are at sovcombank,
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good car, find it on the author, the charity easter draw of the russian lotto wins every second ticket, from each ticket sold 10 rubles will be transferred to charity, buy tickets at branded stores on the stoloto website, you have a form, for baking, for... squatting, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but save up for a subscription, vtb savings account, top up regularly you’ll save up 16% faster, why aren’t you in shape yet, we’ll be spinning for a long time, we’ll buy quickly, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 16%, vtb, together everything will work out, great car, i agree, perfect, just need to change the oil, we’ll stop by. do you have the ideal oil for my car? here is an excellent oil - rosnema. 83% of buyers choose it again.
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let’s say, do you have any other ideas? sure, let's count we'll pay. yur, it’s been a long time without a qr code. the camera calculates everything itself. so how did it turn out? of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card. vtb, together everything will work out. they spent billions of dollars, but still didn’t understand why nothing has changed in many cities, quotes from the washington material post about the problem of homelessness in california, in this state there are more than 170 thousand people, and this is a third of all american homeless people, so that somehow to clear the streets of spontaneous tent cities, local authorities launched three dozens of social programs, like a black hole, they have already spent... 4 billion dollars in 5 years, an average of 50,000 per homeless person. however, an audit of all these activities revealed an alarming lack of transparency at all levels. it turned out
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that it is not always possible to track where the money was spent; in some cases , only a little less was spent on renting social rooms for the homeless than it would have been needed to build a new house. well, in general, we can conclude that the so-called fight against vagabonds is a very profitable business, so the more degraded wards, the higher the profits, and where the homeless are, there are other problems of total poverty, which anastasia ivanova will tell you exactly, anastasia, greetings, well, it seems no one else knows about the american standard of living dreams, well, he turned out to be too accessible, hello, alexey, the residents of sethla have no time for sleep, the aromas of love have not attracted for a long time, and the name aurora makes you involuntarily roll your eyes and sigh with sadness, it’s all about just one of the busiest city street, with the seemingly romantic name... aurora avenue. here, in underwear or even without it, with bright makeup and high heels, dozens of young ladies walk around without offering themselves. it doesn’t matter what time or day of the week there are always customers. i
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’ve been seeing all this for a long time, i’ve seen pimps, i ’ve seen prostitutes, i’ve seen drugs, i ’ve seen homeless people, i call prostitutes homemade girls, until they get rid of these girls, no matter in a legal or illegal way, then nothing will change, prostitution has already become an unspoken calling card of the city, girls come from many states of america, hence the local showdowns, where the police and overtrainers are afraid to get out. and the local residents are accustomed to the fact that this is how the owners of brothels divide the territory of the girls, and no matter how the authorities reduce the number of motels , there is no less prostitution, they don’t know what else to do, not only is it a port city, but where is the burlik simply vital? naturally, blacks populate, a large percentage of blacks up to 10%, and latinos, which means the liberals received full power.
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state and began to support the minority and began to openly fight against the large traditional population, yes, that is , this has led to such forms, the cities will be filled with this rabble, in the light of day prostitution is not officially legalized, raids are carried out, but this is more of a formality, the whole thing ends control by bribes to the police, the most active residents organize a meeting, think about what to do, at this time the young ladies on the streets do not stop working and taking 500 dollars.
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in arizona and pennsylvania people also walk like zombie. trank is a mixture of fentanyl apioid tranquilizer for horses and cows. they sell it illegally, but still on every corner: 3 dollars per tablet. how many consequences? amputation of limbs, if you're lucky. the addict's brain cells still die faster. the same drug cartels, they earn billions of dollars by getting americans hooked, and the american market is the richest in the world, and the richest. so much money for all these drugs, well, that is, it’s like the drugs are flowing through the open southern the us border, well, this, well, there they are trying, of course, law enforcement agencies are trying to at least somehow control it, but it’s not really working, gradually this fintanyl fever is starting to cover western europe, that’s where they seem to be actively coming to scotland, to britain, spreading substances are so rapid that in the united states they began to create special places for
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controlled... taking drugs in small doses, but the situation only got worse. controlled consumption sites reduce the use of emergency services. of course, if you prevent someone from overdosing, they won't die, but they will continue to use, most likely somewhere else other than supervised settings, they will eventually overdose. but the determining factor is not the place of consumption, but the fact that they are generally addicted to the use of deadly substances. really, where did it all start from the notorious democratic everything possible for a person ended with tents with drug addicts, homeless people in large american cities and prostitution, if it ended yet? the american dream remains only drug intoxication, but apparently they haven’t figured out what to do about it in reality in washington yet. anastasia ivanova american tragedy.
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vladimir putin constantly monitors the flood situation in russia, receives information from the field and coordinates the work of everyone. the official representative of the kremlin, dmitry peskov, told the authorities about the president’s work tasks today. he noted that the ministry of emergency situations continues to receive unfavorable forecasts for floods in different regions of the country. the most difficult situation at the moment is in orenburg. the water level in the urals is rising. 2.0 houses in the regional capital are already flooded. the flood is approaching high-rise buildings in the city center. meanwhile, in orsk, where the dam was previously cut through, the peak has already been passed; water has left several hundred houses. read more about the stop in the report.


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