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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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which may shed light on the criminal case of the owner of the establishment, dmitry portnyagin. he is accused of tax evasion and money laundering. therefore, it is not surprising that the investigative team first came here. the club is not easy; only those entrepreneurs whose income starts from hundreds of millions of rubles are allowed behind closed doors. an important note, all this is according to media reports; the security forces themselves have so far refrained from commenting. however, this does not stop them from overturning the headquarters of the five, including using a crowbar and a sledgehammer. portnyagin
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has already come to the attention of law enforcement officers more than once, but now the clouds may thicken even to the point of official charges. he allegedly failed to pay more than 60 million rubles to the treasury. it seems that tax literacy was not included in the courses of this information businessman either. but the scandals continued in succession. portnyagin was more than once called such a shoemaker without boots. while he was teaching people how to do business on stage, some of his companies went bankrupt one after another. what is the turnover of the souvenir business in china in terms of money? well, about 15 million dollars? per year, what margin? but a good question, i don’t know for sure, entrepreneur portnyagin doesn’t know the margin in his business? yes, we will put this in the announcement, tough, yes, it will happen today? according to smiobski , they could have taken place in partnyagin’s bathhouse complex, as well as at his house. true,
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it was not possible to find the blogger himself in the apartment, now he is not in moscow, his wife, ekaterina portnyagina, had to take the rap, investigators have already interviewed, having learned about this, the scandalous businessman hastened to justify himself, 60 million, allegedly just penny fines that the family still disputes. court, and in general for the tailor who outlined the list of the richest people in the country, he promised such a sum, supposedly a mere trifle. but what to do with the second criminal case, as some media claim, initiated under the article of money laundering, the issue cannot be solved with money, it seems that in order to figure it all out, partnyagin is about to fly to moscow from a plane, straight to the investigator. alena skachkova, anton sitnikov, lead the duty department. and we return to the topic of the arrest of the alleged drug dealer of the tver region murderers, just a few minutes ago vasily buryakov, who opened fire on police officers in the moscow region, after which for several days. hid in the woods, was taken
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for questioning by the investigative department of the investigative committee of the russian federation in the city of shchelkovo. we will tell you all the details in the next episode of our program, today at 21:30. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in the telegram channels conducted by the duty department and the honest detective. maxim ovchanchan was in the studio. well, right now on the russia-24 channel again the main facts of this day. and that's what we'll tell you about. how is flood control going? regions? the president is in constant contact with the heads of the constituent entities; what support measures were discussed at the meeting with the head of state? let's talk about the damage in orenburg and the serious problems in the gurgan region, when the peak of the sexual crisis has passed. the angara heavy rocket again launched for the first time from the vostochny cosmodrome. what does this mean for the development of our space? the fsb and
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the russian ministry of defense stopped the landing of saboteurs in the ssu on the tendra spit of the kherson region. we will tell you about the joint operation of the military security services, as well as about the plan of the militants of the kiev regime, which was not destined to come true. the verkhovna rada of ukraine approved the toughening law. the israeli air force attacked rafah in the south of the gaza strip, a new round of escalation in the middle east, the development of which could be an iranian attack on israel, western media write. this
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issue has been resolved, how will the situation develop? development of the eurasian.
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changes hourly, the words with which the head of state began today a meeting on eliminating the consequences of floods, as the president reminded, the most important thing is to provide assistance people who find themselves in difficult situations. the focus is on the situation in the kurgan, tyumen and orenburg regions. lastly, as the governor reported, today a record water level in the ural river was recorded in the entire history of observations. the damage exceeds 40 billion rubles. but this is, of course, very preliminary.
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this was your separate order, uh, we deployed three of them, there are 136 patients who receive separate medical services. all temporary temporary accommodation centers have 24-hour medical duty and are organized personnel, there is a single window where you can restore all documents, territorial commissions are being created to assess damage from an emergency situation, we will form.
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in parallel with this, starting from april 6, continuous information, warning and preventive work was organized in all municipalities and settlements potentially falling into the flood zone. from the same time , preparations were organized for the deployment of 99 temporary accommodation centers for citizens with a total capacity of 25,287 people. in order to during preventive evacuation and actual evacuation, 6,151 people were resettled from flooded areas. the ishim river may also reach its maximum level, half a meter above the recorded maximums, this is the forecast. for now, the reservoir is in the riverbed, but based on the experience of floods in previous years, the tyumen region. citizens to provide full assistance in removing valuables there and evacuating people, we all instructed
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that households that are exposed to the flood zone be informed in advance, all people were informed about the possible risk, and distributed. reminders, we are now paying special attention to families with children, especially those families that are under our control, as problematic, where the parents are, respectively.
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today, colleagues confirm that there is enough of a group, there is a certain concern, also about the kurgan region and the tyumen region, as for bottled water, bottled water is distributed free of charge directly in orsk, there are no problems. i'll check everything on site tomorrow. on behalf of the head of state , the head of the ministry of construction is now working in the region. on flooded he has already met with people in the territories, and as iraq fayzulin put it, there are enough nuances and bottlenecks, but it is already clear how exactly the existing issues can and should be resolved. now in orsk we already see 588 houses that have been freed from water, and work has now begun on door-to-door inspections in order to evaluate the initial ones.
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i hope that such coordinated work will continue, and we will minimize everything, both risks and consequences. vladimir putin asked the head of the ministry of emergency situations to report on the situation with floods in the regions every day, in fact, exactly like this the same as it is happening now. restore power supply to transport links as quickly as possible.
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ministry of health, rosrezerv, rospotrebnadzor. at the direction of the head of state , the minister of construction and housing and communal services irikanovich fazulin arrived in orenburg on tuesday. he must assess what needs to be done to restore housing and urban infrastructure, also in the kurgan and tyumen regions, taking into account the current situation. the most important thing is the safety of our citizens, providing them with everything they need. and here, of course, it is very it is important to organize work to restore reliable energy supplies
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and resume transport communications as soon as possible. i also ask all relevant departments to evaluate the possibility of compensating for losses incurred by enterprises and organizations in flooded areas. the flood affected about 40 russian regions, and the water level in the tom river increased significantly within 24 hours. at least three villages have already been cut off from the regional center of tomsk, and approximately 100,000 have been sunk. houses, a state of emergency was introduced in the city of obaza in the south of khakassia, due to ice congestion on yanisei, flooding of summer cottages began there, the rescuer was warned about possible flooding of low areas. in kamchatka in the kurgan region, a large body of water is moving towards the capital of the region, almost 5,000 people were evacuated, and local residents joined the work to strengthen the dam. in the tyumen region , the water level in the ishim and tabol rivers continues to rise, nine low-level bridges are flooded. in orenburg , the level of the ural river continues to rise, already about 11 m. the most tense situation is developing
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near the grandpark apartment buildings, equipment and water were working there all night. came close to the dubki residential complex. the peak of the spring flood in orenburg will pass today. next, the water in the ural river should go in the direction of the village of ilek. this was announced by the governor of the orenburg region denis pasler. in general , 12,000 houses and about 15,000 plots remain flooded in the orenburg region. for the third time , the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, flew to the region. two il-76 military transport aircraft of the ministry of defense were delivered to the orenburg region over 90 tons of humanitarian goods. to help flood-affected residents,
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this, like this, like that, i understand, like this at the sports megamarket... in a neighboring city they introduced emergency shutdown schedules for electricity and water. in exchange for russian defense, they announced today.
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escape with water and prepare for a complete blackout. this is the message residents of the kiev region received from local authorities after a targeted strike on trypilska tesa. the region is introducing an emergency power and water shutdown schedule. the water will also be from 6:00 to 9 in the morning, and then from 12 to two, and then again from six again until... one, the water will not be hot at all and the electrician should be turned off at 2 o'clock after a night shock in the turbine a powerful fire broke out in the workshop,
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as reported by the ukrainian centerenergo, all the workers are alive, samates is completely destroyed. the water was turned off in the morning for about an hour, then turned on, but it was impossible to drink it because it was black; they said that after lunch there would be no water at all. trypilska tes was the most powerful power plant in the kiev region. it also supplied electricity to the cherkassy and zhytomyr regions. previously, ukraine was left without uglegorsk tes. in addition, the zmeevskaya et in the kharkov region was destroyed. after the destruction of tripolia et, most likely kiev will actually begin experience truly real interruptions in the supply of electricity and ukraine will also have to reduce the volume of electricity production at nuclear power plants. the reason is that without a sufficient amount of balancing power they cannot work, what kiev is waiting for is demonstrated in kharkov, as local residents report, in the city after today’s massive
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strike there is practically no electricity, even traffic lights do not work, residents are leaving the city. we now have approximately 240 thousand subscribers in kharkov, the metro is not is functioning, now our specialists are working on site to clear out the actual rubble and eliminate the consequences. substation buildings in the lviv, odessa, zaporozhye and ivano-frankivsk regions also came under attack; arrivals at underground gas storage facilities were reported. if even in the summer there is enough capacity of the ukrainian gas transportation system and gas production capacity to provide the remaining industry, although it is scanty, and the population with gas, then with the onset of cold weather - the capacity of the wells. will not be enough. at this rate, experts believe that by the fall ukraine risks being left not only without electricity, but also without heat and gas, and here it will either have to purchase resources from europeans, or force local residents
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to leave their homes and leave cities to die, because kiev refuses to negotiate . anna voronina, ivan kuznetsov, anna nikulaesh, news. the situation at the zaporozhye npp was assessed by the head of rostechnadzor, alexander trembitsky, and service specialists. visited, among other things, the fourth power unit of the station and checked its readiness for cooldown, we fulfill all the requirements of the russian side, fulfill all instructions, including the decree of the president of the russian federation, we use the permitting documents of the previous regulator, but we work with colleagues within the framework of the current legislation of the russian federation and within the framework of the recommendations of magat, the work is planned, systematic, we control it. together with the corporation and the operating organization, but naturally with the management of the station, mobilization is being tightened in ukraine,
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what amendments will eventually come into force, i found out our correspondent, egor grigoriev. the most terrible, fateful, decisive, as the law on mobilization is called in ukraine, and each amendment was voted for today by a list, so that they could quickly, without explanation, start with the most important one on demobilization. the key edit, friends, is about demobilization after 36 months. 227, 227. this means that there will be no demobilization; the ukrainian armed forces will be released either with a disability or in a coffin. all loud speeches by deputy poroshenko, they say, will not be allowed. the words remained just that. yesterday at the discussion of amendments at the end of the rada meeting only a few dozen deputies remained.
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there are many unpleasant innovations for those liable for military service, in addition to cancellation, demobilization, now you must always have a military registration document with you and present it at the request of the police or an employee of the territorial recruitment center, without a military id they will not be allowed to go abroad, they are of limited fitness and must re-pass an annual medical examination , this procedure will be for people with disabilities. the summons will be considered served even if the post office puts a stamp indicating the impossibility of delivery letters. if citizens have more than one vehicle, it may be confiscated for the needs of the front. this applies not only to cars, but to agricultural machinery, and evaders will be deprived of their rights. high -ranking officials, police officers, deputies, their assistants, owners and managers of strategic enterprises can forget about the above. servant of the people.
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it is very possible that these words will soon turn into another amendment to the law on mobilization, which, however, has not yet entered into force; zelensky must sign it, but is there any doubt about this? egor grigoriev, vitiy harutyunyan, lyubov strovoitova, news. dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who were called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreigner, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for. they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we are focused and angry. they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and
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many of them have property there and... this is a war. war. vitaly kishchenko. you understand that i have no solder for you, no no weapons. get ready to go to moscow. brother we write down as missing. it won't suit me. i came for him. i have to find him. nadezhda markina. looks a lot like him. sergey gorobchenko. tell him that he has no brother, he was killed. alexey shevchen.


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