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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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look at how famously the game is being played in the middle east, that is, they...
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great, this is containment, really, well, well , they, that is, by making these statements, america made a colossal contribution to preventing a conflict from breaking out, no, america made a colossal contribution to the fact that come on, come on, we are behind you, everything will be fine, don’t worry, this was said publicly, by the president and the secretary of state. it has been publicly announced that the united states, in the event of a military incident, will be completely on the side israel, it was announced publicly to the whole world, is this how they are holding back, or what? why are they holding back? no, well, just so that those who talked about the fact that america is not interested, then tell the whole phrase to blinken, he didn’t even start with this, he didn’t even start with this, wait, you ’ll tell it. well, you’ll tell me the whole phrase,
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it’s just that no one listens, it’s much more than that, we’re not dim, it’s good that you’re listening, but well, we can ask you this, to me , you heard karuza sing, but it’s complete nonsense, to me sarochka sang, well, protect yours americans, people, our lord, my god, ah-ay, i always said that you love the subject of your scientific interest, why do you need me here?
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can’t, can’t, so he said that he was very happy, by the way, he told the japanese, you know, with us it will be like with ukraine, well , what can i do, today they told me everything, can you hear me in japan, by the way, the chinese don’t be offended, don’t be offended, but i have such circumstances, it’s very true, you know, in the far east, and after this story...
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procedures, democratic opinions, that’s why i think so, well, actually, it’s terribly beneficial for both sides, of course, this is what happens in congress and what is not accepted. because biden, realizing that all three approaches to the plan, well, not biden, of course, biden in quotes, those who are behind him, three approaches to the plan to destroy russia did not take place, there is no fourth, yet, yes, and, well, how - this is all, yes, everything would have been great, it would have worked out, everything would have been cool, if not for these bastards, the republicans, they didn’t cut it all off, they cut it all off, we were on there were edges of victory. we were on the verge of victory, this trump and these scoundrels brought it all down, now because of them we have all this, but i had a plan, i had everything, a wonderful story in general, on the other hand on the republican side, well, this is the second afghanistan, biden brought the second
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afghanistan, now there will be a world war, it’s all because of him, great, and under this noise the main task of those who are involved in this is being solved. reptilians, that is, to take a place over there, europeans in full, that’s all they can, so that they completely got involved in this ukrainian story, and america will be from the outside, well, look and say that it has nothing to do with it, it has its own problems, they need to solve their own, and so on, and the last, and the last thing i wanted to say, uh , that means there are some leaks about all sorts of peaceful initiatives, they publish something else. i need to watch today’s speech by our permanent representative to the un, comrade nebenzi, comrade nebenzi said, he said a lot of things there, and i’ll save time, you need to look at everything, but one phrase was very clear and precise: very soon the time will come when the only topic for
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negotiations will be the unconditional surrender of ukraine. i just think biden's weakness is misleading here. dmitry will agree with me or not, in understanding what the foreign policy of the united states of america is, yes, it is a giant ship that very slowly changes direction, and this takes decades. the theory of controlled chaos has become popular in america quite a long time ago; the essence is very simple: if chaos comes to a region, then from in this region, money goes into a quiet corner, which, moreover, as a rule... says dmitry, the main weapon of the americans is the dollar, thereby there is a flow of funds, brains, technologies there, look how now european capitals, european technologies have fled, the same thing now the money of the east will be waiting, plus the chaos
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of the war in the middle east is seriously affecting the trading opportunities of china, which they eat with their main enemy. japan is needed for exactly the same thing, chaos the far east are again working exclusively in the interests of the united states, look at how many enterprises, which have specialists from taiwan , have already moved to arizona and now they will produce, well, some in arizona, and some , by the way, in japan, well, the approach is just important here, so americans are always pragmatic, not emotional, in matters of foreign policy, and this one should not be confused. such a light flair of gilding of various people with a powerful iron fist of american interests, which always hits in one direction, they are never interested in fate neither israel, nor germany, nor japan, they are always concerned exclusively with their own fate, only
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the theory is not business, it is much deeper, only business they could betray, but they have a theory of a city on a hill, they have a theory of god’s chosenness,
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a significant part of them had an attempt to unite this club, when, so to speak, the clintons and bushes hugged, it was believed that until the end of foreseeable history, the clintons and bushes would succeed each other in the presidency. which means, accordingly, all other lower posts will be distributed, and the world will move further in approximately the same vein, and yes, probably, such a theory could have all these developments, so to speak, of controlled chaos and, so to speak, on the contrary, so to speak, there is peace through positions of power, all that is all those developments , which were made, so to speak, by think tanks, could have worked if fuel had not started to run out, if the oil had started to burn, yes, the ship is moving, the problem is that the engine is smoking, that’s all.
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that is why we want to know it, and why were we drawn to them? well, how can i say, a whole series periods in our history, we were drawn to them because they had technologies that, as it seemed to us then, we needed, objectively needed, not needed, let historians investigate, probably needed, at least most of them, the problem is the fact is that any technology, any goods that we needed then, they carry ideology on their backs, this, by the way, is something that our non-western partners understand very well, i give you technology, well, for example , internet, i'll attach mine to it for you
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ideology, i won’t just give you the internet, there are no fools, i’ll give you my ideology along with it and you’ll start thinking like me, i ’ll give you the internet, i’ll give you television, i ’ll give you netflix and 46 along with it genders, i will tell you about homosexuality, i will tell you about all sorts of other vulgarities, and you will watch it, i will give you social networks, and through these social networks... at least in the seventies of the last century, when western propaganda passed along with goods , because together with conditionally
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speaking, magazines began to arrive with imported cognac, boots and everything else , films began to arrive, when the internet appeared, that’s it, and here there is only one question, how to deal with this matter, it’s very simple, it is necessary that the pressure from inside is greater than from outside, how to deal with this, you need, so to speak, something of your own that generates the corresponding ideological meanings.
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the question here is, what to do about this? well , that means you have to be more active there than your enemies, that ’s all. this also seems to be the case, which means we need our own networks that will to act according to the laws that we introduce, and not the european union, the so-called, not united, they don’t cancel, i don’t know, i’m so modest, the americans are very worried, they are already shouting and saying: let’s have a treaty on space, let’s have a treaty on space, so maybe
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cancels, okay, now, that means, as for, this is why it matters who will be the president of the united...
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the united states, australia, new zealand, create the first circle, which includes initiates, yes, great britain. but great britain maybe, i’ll explain now why, it is included in the first circle, this is, so to speak, the circle of masters, the next circle, so to speak, is what is called subordinate countries, these are korea, japan, the philippines, and the philippines, apparently, so to speak, will be the first striker here by force, so to speak, in a number of directions, so everyone came to washington, everyone said, we are ready, the only punished master in this situation was great britain, because well, even the doctrine is with it. carried out, well, listen, australia, the united states, the philippines, japan is conducting an exercise, the united states, so to speak, did not invite britain, now, that means, the philippine leader, now, that means, accordingly, the leader, has arrived, has already arrived, yes, that means now there will be negotiations, that means now there will be a trilateral summit , here he is on the phone with the australian leader, but the british are not visible, well, there are technical problems, why did even cameron
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come there, no, just geography, and that, well, britain can even jump, but there ’s no way to get into the pacific ocean .
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already finally said, guys, you know, that we are finishing with you, you were needed for, so to speak, the implementation of biden’s project on ukraine, as if you were no longer needed for everything else, we took away your bmw, so to speak, we are from you, by the way, the taiwanese company is being dismantled, the next plan is to disassemble asml, which is located in the netherlands, which makes laser lithographs for all this, for all these same processors, a plan
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has been developed, their only problem , fortunately for us, is that i haven’t seen anything very often lately. so that the anglo-saxons, well, in particular, the united states, carried out their plans to the end, they are doing worse and worse with this, and if anything is a window of opportunity, in my opinion for us, then this is this, this is the time, maybe or maybe we’ll still get stuck, you know , by the way, regarding the security of israel, which has secured this opportunity for itself, israel has practically isolated itself even from the united states with this behavior, despite the huge lobby that exists there, and it has now. ..well obviously obviously there will be problems with this, so i guarantee you that at the conference in chicago it will be the same as in sixty-eight, half of the democratic party will refuse to support a candidate who does not say that we condemn. well, the money is still allocated by the congress, i understand that there was something like that, something always happens, mikhail mikhailovich,
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regarding various kinds of military blocs, aukuses, there is senta, seata, anzyuk and anzyus there, well, no matter what it is was, what was the boundary condition for the existence of a military bloc, there whoever makes the command decision must. immoral in its essence, well, in general, it’s correct by and large. returning to ukrainian affairs, i must say that the other day
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one distinguished representative of the ukrainian expert community uttered the following phrase: a significant phrase must be said frankly, he said this: from 1991 to 2013, we combined our efforts to destroy the rich soviet military heritage. while they were pursuing a policy that led us to war, here is the second, second half of this phrase, but simply wonderful, we repeat once again, they pursued a policy that led our state to war, if anyone thinks that in the modern history of ukraine, 2008 or 2014 were some years, well, definitely with a negative orientation, well, in relation to subsequent events, but in many respects this is... of course, this is correct, but in general, such a negative orientation has always been, that’s what he said, starting in 1991, but i ’ve changed the system coordinator a little, i’ll tell you about
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1992 , when the so-called headquarters of the united armed forces of the cis. since i was at this headquarters at that time, at that time, i can say that the ukrainian officers and generals who arrived there at meetings, took part in... meetings then pursued exclusively a policy aimed at disrupting any possible agreement, agreements of any document, here are all the draft documents that, as a consequence, became some kind of agreements there, all signed by the participants in the cis states, in place of ukraine there is an empty space, moreover, in the hour okay, they told us so, and i heard this with my own ears, well, like you guys,
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there are many issues with the formation of full-fledged branches of troops within them, especially on the re-creation of fighter aviation, and i must say a few words about
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the missile and space defense forces, which... previously existed until 1998 as part of the air defense troops as a branch of the armed forces, when the air defense troops decided to merge with the air force, they began to distribute the structural elements of these troops to new owners, and now the same rko troops suddenly found themselves part of the missile strategic troops, what connection, what logic is still unclear, then in general these unified missile and space defense troops were divided into several parts, however...
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to return to some old schemes there, but god forbid, to nothing old you can never go back, in general, thinking using various kinds of analogies, it is usually futile, i always call for a return to a new, again, recreation of the missile and space defense forces, but as part of a branch of the military in the form of armed forces, which are called aerospace forces. again, what else needs to be taken into account is related issues, like the formation of separate aerospace defense armies. so, strictly speaking, the cover of this type of troops, since these objects, individual aerotechnical units, some above the horizon, some beyond the horizon, are still the eyes of the supreme commander-in-chief, it must be said frankly that we don’t have any reservations in this regard, one node will be disabled, for example which one, i won’t even name it so as not to attract attention, it may have fatal consequences, so anti-aircraft missile cover, fighter
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aviation cover is in the composition... new and duplication, it is necessary, it is necessary, this issue must be dealt with, well, just immediately, just immediately, run away, yes, there is an engine start, 10 seconds , normal, there is mount a5, this is a colossal power concentrated in a relatively small mass, to keep this power in this small mass is the task facing the designer, angara, she first deduces how...
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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you only see part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a fake dept, change it.


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