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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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sofia sergieva will tell you. what happens when the sun hides behind the horizon, life is answered by artists from nizhny novgorod. their heroes live the night differently, each window often has its own dramatic plot, in the spirit of hitchcock, fincher with references to cult films of the nineties. within the walls of sytin's old printing house, the contemporary art fair catalog presented the works of more than 200 artists from 53 galleries. the opportunity to see art in such a volume. it’s striking how actively our russian artillery market is now developing, how many new names there are, how many names are already guaranteed to remain in the art system, so you can only have fun, the participants were selected by the expert council of the association of galleries, and the places for their stands were drawn by lot, no preferences, all in equal conditions. the catalog allows you to simultaneously get acquainted with new trends in art, and at the same time get an idea of... a new interpretation of already
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known subjects, albeit in such fantasy forms, there are many imitations here, such as, for example, this chair is made of stone, it is actually made from foam rubber. sculptors and artists used the most unexpected elements in their works: bricks, fresh flowers, plasticine, beads, vladimir grik laid out the painting cube 1962 with bugles for two months. a terrifying nuclear explosion, but if we take a step away from the painting, and then another. and completely different characters who are busy with something, doing something, they generally have their own lives with a separate plot going on, and here are a few more, we will pay attention to the works of elmira safina and the phenomenon of the nineties, shuttlewomen in the aesthetics of folklore, mythical creatures live on the fabric of trunks, in canvases of carpets, everything new is a well-forgotten old, this soviet nostalgic packaging design, it was so perfectly laconic that...
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they came and there was a theater where they spied, and here ulyana is a little ironic , she makes a digital she-wolf, where she can be used as a hold for an ipad, we have a she-wolf in russian boots, a she-wolf with a scythe, that is, again , like a she-wolf precisely as a symbol of motherhood, a nurse. the debut of the fair catalog took place in december last year with the participation of 31 galleries and 6,000 guests, including those who are at the very beginning of their creative journey, to... watch
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what his colleagues are doing, look, look what he shows, this is for this, this is just real such a bregelian holiday, we have something to show, i am very pleased with the new generation, they very firmly understand their path, follow it very firmly, firmly follow what they were taught, the catalog will remain in the walls of the printing house until april 14 and will return only in the winter to open it to the art community new names. sofia sergieva, andrey svorov, lead. the us, south korea and japan held naval exercises. as explained in seoul, six ships, including the american nuclear aircraft carrier theodore roosevelt, protected the region from quote: nuclear missile threats from the dprk. but washington is confident that risks also come from beijing. our correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov, has all the details. this is a meeting of the pacific triad in washington, another step towards a big war in asia, for which the united states is preparing its allies. joe biden talks about this directly with.
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china in the waters. at the summit, the allies once again swore an oath to washington. our partnership is not based on convenience or expediency, but as a natural extension of the relationship and strong cooperation between our three countries, so the prime minister of today's japan is not at all embarrassed that at a meeting with vice president harris and secretary of state blinken, raising a toast to jeroshima, the americans they mean the local painless team, not the victims of the atomic bombings. so, i toast my loved ones
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san francisco giants, for your jeroshima toyakarp, for all the strong ties between our peoples, but the main thing why kishida was called to congress was the legalization of the growing opposition. usa and china. china's current foreign posture and military actions pose an unprecedented and grave strategic challenge not only to the peace and security of japan, but also to the peace and stability of the international community. the strategy of so-called dual containment should, according to the us plan, be carried out by third countries, and japan has its role in this understands scripts clearly. by the end of this year, the united states is going to deploy. mid-range missile systems in the pacific region, and this will be the first deployment of such systems in the region in the last 30 years, russia and china are preparing a joint response to this. moscow and beijing will respond to double containment by the united states with double confrontations, as
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the heads of the foreign ministries of russia and china have already stated. in addition, if necessary, russia is also ready to deploy smaller missiles medium-range, after the us withdrew 5 years ago. we reject such comments and sent a demarche to the japanese side. i want to emphasize that china has always advocated peaceful development and adherence to international law, and remains committed to a defensive national policy. we have never started a war and do not pose a threat to anyone. at the same time, japan was invading neighboring countries and
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committing inhumane crimes there. it was a disaster for both the world and the region. the japanese should reflect on their own history and stop making up theories about the threat from our side. now a short advertisement, and then the america program with valentin bogdanov, we will talk in particular about the pre-election situation about who and how can intervene in the race of the main candidates. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that 's why credit cards... the card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. one of my friends decided to take a break where there is no connection. and then he catches it. i
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per annum everyone can. open a deposit on this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. americans are tired of their own. politicians, a gelop poll released in late march found that 63% of us voters believe that both the republican and democratic parties work so poorly that a third option is needed. the two existing ones, joe biden and donald trump, categorically do not suit every fifth person who plans to vote in november, so is there an alternative? and this is the fundamental difference between...
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the other, everything suggests that the presence of any third candidate plays into trump’s hands. trump's electorate is more united, more energetic, he thirsts for revenge, but with biden everything over the last 4 years has been falling apart, minorities, african americans, muslims are turning away from him, this is happening in the wake of dissatisfaction with what is happening in the gas sector and the actions of israel, women support biden less and less. and youth. new data shows democrats' longtime advantage among blacks,
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latinos and asian americans has shrunk to its lowest level in more than 60 years. this leaves president biden and the democrats incredibly vulnerable. even trump’s recent harsh statements against immigrants and people of color do not change the situation. it turns out that the grouped candidates third forces are all present. on the left flank, if you name those who are there, then this is , first of all, robert kennedy jr., they give him from 15 to 19, or even up to 21% of support, there is also the socialist cornall west, the leader of the greens, jill stein, in in general, everything indicates that if the third force continues to be so popular in these elections, it will play into the hands of donald trump. democrats are responding to third-party candidates like never before. they promise that they will not repeat
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the mistakes made in 2016. at the democratic national committee party, now there is even a separate team that is fighting the threat of the third force. if we talk about historical precedents and look at how candidates from third parties, candidates from third forces performed in america, then we can recall several significant episodes. the most familiar. perhaps, there will be the participation of theodore roosevelt, a republican who, using the fact that he ran not from the republican and from the democratic party , tried to stay in the white house for a third term. roosevelt then received a record for candidate from the third party the number of votes, he collected eighty-eight electoral votes, but did not win the winner in that election, it was 1912, became woodry. then there were two landmark speeches by southern politicians with
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a difference of 20 years, first, the senator from south carolina, strom thurmont, won electoral votes, this was in 1948, and 20 years later, george wallis, the former governor of alabama, also won electoral votes, but no one of them did not become the president of the united states, of course, in our now more modern times, the most famous such character became ross perot. no one doubted in 1992 that george w. bush would easily be able to stay in the white house for the second period, but nevertheless, the bush team allowed it to happen. rosa pero missed a serious mistake, and rosa pero immediately began to attack the current president of the united states, and since he was in the same niche with him, that is, many of their program statements coincided and he personified a craving for fresh faces, bursh sr. was not re-elected, to white bill clinton moved into the house under the now famous slogan,
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the economy is a fool, then there were also interesting twists and turns associated with participation.
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for each other, because we try and it turns out, either we are all spoilers to pull votes to our side, or no one in the race is a spoiler, we cannot be considered second-class citizens. there is a point of view that in 2016, when hillary clinton competed with donald trump, in general, too... some of the votes, especially left-wing progressives, who had a fairly serious anti-rating, lost hillary clinton, thanks to or because of participation in this same race as jill stein. jill stein is the leader of the greens, a politician with a bright, partly radical leftist agenda, in general, the democrats scattered their votes, donald
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trump collected the votes of moderates and also became president. if libertarian candidate johnson and green party candidate stein had not entered the race, many of their supporters might have stayed home, but even if half of johnson and stein's supporters had voted democratic, the election would have been very different . . now according to many. this the situation is repeating itself for the reason that such a heavyweight as robert kennedy jr. intervened in the race, robert kennedy jr. is not jill stein, this is not even that left-wing lawyer nader, this is a politician with a name, a politician around whom a big myth has been formed,
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based including his very name, if you talk about the biography of robert kennedy jr. that she is confused, for her kennedy family, for the huge kennedy clan, he is sort of anfant trible, the fact is that there was a stormy youth, yes, he was a lawyer, but there were and problems with drugs, drinking sprees, difficult relationships with women, and with all this, kennedy does not hesitate to exploit the history of his family, the family itself is against him, but he always emphasizes that his uncle was the president of the united states. his father robert kennedy, john f. kennedy's brother, was also assassinated during the presidential campaign, as was his brother. for us, robert kennedy is, first of all, the person who conducted behind-the-scenes negotiations with our ambassador in washington, dobrynin, during the caribbean crisis, or as the americans call it cuban missile crisis. at that time
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, many of our military personnel considered a nuclear war with russia not only inevitable, but also a desirable scenario. they. wanted to strike first, as quickly as possible, believing that this would give them an advantage. we were on the verge of killing tens of millions of americans and russians. kennedy himself adheres to the same pragmatic principles in matters of foreign policy that guided both his uncle and his father in their time. we had the opportunity to speak with kennedy about his vision. future relations with russia, if he becomes the president of the united states, the forty-seventh head of the white house, we must give kennedy his due, unlike many american politicians who are now literally...
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the fact that many people turn their faces in kennedy , but what worries the democrats very much , these are minorities, especially latinos, he is running a rather vibrant election campaign in arizona, but in... and yes, kennedy has enough finances to run his company,
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he himself is not a poor man, well, for many i was impressed by the choice of vice-presidential candidate. i am proud to introduce you to the next vice president of the united states, a brilliant scientist's lawyer, and a loving mother, nicole shanahan. nicole shanahan has never been involved in professional politics, she is a famous lawyer, investor, we also know her as the ex- wife of one of the founders, sergei brin. shanohan has big connections in california and big money too. all this works to strengthen the electoral power of robert kennedy, because it is clear that no political... in america can be done without serious sponsors. shanahan's reputation in silicon valley is impeccable. after her divorce from sergei brin, she received part of his
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fortune. politically, she is an independent thinker who left the left due to the rise of radicalism on that flank. this party was to devote itself to science diplomacy. she was supposed to stand up for civil liberties and freedom of speech. and the most important thing is to protect. youngest known candidate in i wonder what robert kennedy is now us presidents, he is younger than biden, younger than trump, but nicole shanahan, who became his vice-presidential candidate, is generally 38 years old, fresh ideas, a fresh voice, a fresh look, of course, the same joe lacks all this biden, the democrats are looking.
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expect it from the sick, protect the weak, but society should be open, it would be possible to distribute vitamin d to people, even this would be better than locking them in their homes. but
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it turns out that in today’s america, trust in traditional institutions is falling, so every attack like this against kennedy is, at the same time, also an advertisement for part of his electorate. kennedy's robert france jr., the candidate being bankrolled by billionaires to help re-elect donald trump. his political platform is extremely dangerous, he promotes conspiracy theories, has made millions of dollars fighting vaccines, and is known for racist and anti-semitic remarks. don't vote for kennedy jr. despite all the efforts that the biden administration and election campaign are now making democrats are unlikely to have mechanisms in their hands sooner or later that could prevent robert kennedy from intervening. in this race to influence its outcome, yes, most likely they will try to make sure that he is not registered in some states, but again, not all states are important, that’s what’s significant,
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this is also... a very important point, robert kennedy is increasingly and becomes more popular in swing states, it is swing states such as michigan, georgia or wisconsin that always determine the outcome of us presidential elections. what regarding trump's behavior and his strategy towards robert kennedy, it is clear that the republican is not overjoyed.
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it so happened that in these presidential elections in the united states, the topic of international politics, if not the main one, then one of the key ones, was the situation in the middle east, and ukraine, by the way, internal american contradictions, in this sense , a very interesting commentary that gave another independent candidate for us president, socialist, philosopher, cornel west.
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like a dallas math teacher named dusty eby, he changed that name on purpose, changed his id, got a new license, which literally says someone else, this is also the slogan of his election campaign. my name is literally someone else, and i will compete for post-president of the united states, first name literally, middle name someone else, last name someone else. americana.
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the explosion thundered a second after the engine was started in moscow, reportedly an attempt was made on the life of former sbu officer vasily prozorov. what is known at this moment? the water is rising, eroding another dam, and a mass evacuation has been announced. river level the urals near orenburg grew even higher. what are the current values, how many houses are in the flood zone, and what are the forecasts? new attacks on belgorod. two people were injured in a drone attack, and five more ukrainian drones were shot down over the novgorod region. what is the situation at this time?


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