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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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iran launched dozens of drones towards israel. an idf official said that the air force was tracking them and was preparing to intercept them, warning of gps failures. iran shigra iran launched drones from its territory towards the state of israel. we are monitoring the threat in the airspace . they will reach israel in a few hours. the idf and the air force are following the plan that we prepared in advance.
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israeli airspace is closed from 1 pm to 7 am for all flights, defense systems attacks, the air force is on alert, dozens of aircraft are in the sky. they will try to intercept iranian drones and missiles before they even enter israeli airspace. according to cbs, the us military in iraq also received orders to shoot it all down as early as possible. in recent years, and even more so in recent weeks , israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from iran. our defense systems are deployed. we are ready for any
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scenario, both defensively and offensively. the state of israel is strong, the defense army israel is strong, our community is strong. we appreciate the support of the us, as well as the support of the uk, france and many other countries. i set a clear principle: whoever hits us, we will hit him. we will defend ourselves against any threat, and we will do so calmly and decisively. meanwhile, hezbollah launched missile attacks on israel from lebanon. in tehran. emphasizes that iran targeted strikes only at military targets of the jewish state. the xir claimed that this was a retaliatory strike after the idf attack. april 1 israel bombed the iranian diplomatic mission in damascus. seven high-ranking ksir officers were killed. iranian president ibrahim reisi promised a tough response. iranian television. large-scale operation of islamic revolutionary guard corps drones against a target. in
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the occupied lands began a few minutes ago, residents of border towns, as well as residents of iraq, saw drones flying towards the occupied lands. ksir in his statement announced the response of the aerospace forces to the crime of the zionist regime, which attacked the consular department of the iranian embassy in damascus killed a number of commanders and military advisers of the xir. from iran to israel. between them iraq and jordan or syria. the airspace over these countries is also closed. flights of russian airlines to israel, iraq and jordan are suspended until all restrictions are lifted, this was reported by the federal air transport agency. the egyptian ministry of foreign affairs stated that it maintains contacts with all countries of escalation of tension and seeks to contain the situation in order to prevent a new round of dangerous instability in the region. in the city of takmak. 11 people died in the region, two
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are listed as missing, five were rescued from the rubble. this is a consequence of an attack by ukrainian militants on a peaceful city. they fired from multiple launch rocket systems. five houses were destroyed. local authorities provided temporary housing to all victims. rescuers continue to clear the rubble. the russian army repelled 13 attacks in the control center and liberated the village of pervomaiskoye from militants. zelensky’s formations lost almost a thousand more. soldiers, mercenary officers, a tank and six other armored vehicles, as well as 13 self-propelled guns and howitzers were destroyed, air defense forces shot down 222 combat drones. anton stepanenko will tell you how on the zaporozhye front the soldiers of sudaplatov’s battalion are destroying positions in the armed forces of ukraine. it takes about 45 minutes to drive from the point of permanent deployment to the unloading point. the pyatikhatkinsky direction of the zaporozhye front, despite kiev’s attempts to break through the defenses, held out. position together with neighbors. here
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the volunteer battalion bars 32, better known as sudoplatov, is kept, the driver turns on the night vision device, then without headlights, they work very actively here in the pub during the day. the first impression was as if i was blind, i couldn’t even see my outstretched arm, the night was so black, how in such darkness the soldiers unloaded a pickup truck, found the way to their dugouts, a mystery, the steps were short, like walking the road. whether he is trying to eat or not, however, darkness is not a hindrance to combat operations, operators without pilots go out hunting at night, we are trying to set up a rotation, night movements, where they go, why they go, where they come from, they regularly observe the reconnaissance schedule is torn so that the enemy cannot get used to it, transport
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is clearly visible because it heats up, it it is displayed well, people, it happens, you know what happens, that you can confuse people with animals, with hares, because when you stick your head out of the trench, the hare runs around the landing, so it looks very similar, you have to fly to reconnoiter. the storm operator is experienced, even on such a small screen he can see the target, observe, double-check that there are no mistakes, finally gives out coordinates, then the commander decides what to destroy the drones with, it’s like a sniper rifle, you can say, well, most of all the desire, that is, to win does more in total damage to the enemy, reconnaissance itself most of all gives great results, which is without exception. neither artillery, nor fipivi, nothing, will work, it’s getting light quickly, the howitzer crew is preparing a gun, the peculiarity of the position, the closer to the front line, the deeper in the enemy rear they can cover targets, the other side is a high probability of a retaliatory strike, a shot,
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in the present at the moment, a very large number of birds are flying in the air, and their counter-battery warfare is also working at a high level, so we are trying to fire as few shots as possible. second third shot already hit the target, the smaller the better and faster, they worked and ran away. the peculiarity of the sudoplatovo battalion is its exceptionally high operational interaction with its neighbors, the command post is in constant communication with the commanders of neighboring units, and the allies also receive video from drones online, so the decision to destroy targets is made quickly. if we can’t do something, we can’t get it, then our neighbors are already working, we have good neighbors, and a system. again, it is designed so that they can work with ours birds, they don’t need to raise their own, the work is very effective, battalions of birds hang in the air constantly, they work on the principle of a carousel, thereby ensuring constant control, which is what gets me the most tired when working, well, i probably have my neck constantly
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looking down like this, here it’s just normal, it hurts so much at the end of the day, the bird crews are a priority target for the enemy, they are being hunted, the crew is destroyed. deprives the unit of intelligence data, for some time it seems to go blind, because of this, when going out to hunt, operators are no less when searching for targets, they are concerned about safety, there is a whole range of measures, right down to landing approach methods, so as not to be tracked, in addition, each crew has anti-drone radars, rep stations, so that they are warned about the threat in advance, we can assume that this is permissible, or it is fpv it’s flying, or it’s a mavic working, well, that is, a reconnaissance uav, and so, accordingly. we take measures, that is , firstly, into the shelter and see at what frequency we then turn on the rap or with a drone strike, if there is no shelter and there is no rap, which do? if there is no such thing, then why did we end up here at all? these are already incorrect actions of the calculation that is located in the forest clearing. the price
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of their work is exceptionally high, as is the degree of risk to which the crews expose themselves, but in addition to the enemy targets that they find for artillery every day, they have something else to boast about.
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they send us away as well, like waste material, and they themselves are somewhere on the side, when they were taking us into captivity, our people started firing at us. it turns out that this means that we are already a losing stage, that we are no longer needed by them, yes i was captured and thanks to this, that i remained alive, that i was not shot, for saukha, yes, than in russian captivity, especially for those ukrainian military who see no point in dying because of zelensky’s sick fantasies and want to save life, ministry of defense they organized a separate communication channel, this is radio frequency 140. in russian cities
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, a comprehensive check of the public warning system is being carried out, as is happening in belgorod, which is regularly shelled by ukrainian militants, alexander korobov will tell. this sound has become an integral part life. enemy missiles are flying towards residential areas, it takes less than a minute to find shelter, we managed to take cover thanks to the siren, then we heard the siren, quickly ran, sat in the kitchen, a bang, a flash of glass rang on all floors, after each one.
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activity sms messages often arrive late, so preference is given
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to an electromechanical device. one of the main problems is warning the population in places with insufficient internet and cellular coverage. the solution is digital television and radio broadcasting. modern technology is not not only improved the picture and sound, but also opened up new possibilities for transmitting various additional service signals, for example, alerting the population in case of an emergency. coverage of the territory is almost one hundred percent. this allows you to send the necessary signals to any point in the region. to receive the reproduction of such signals , the orala hardware and software complex was developed. it includes not only a receiver, but also a loudspeaker. attention, a technical check of the public warning system is underway. built-in amplifier provides audibility of both the siren itself and voice messages at a distance of 300-400 m. and the volume of the notification is possible. compare it to a jet plane taking off or a grand rock concert. the system is completely
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russian; the design used domestic developments and the unique capabilities of the digital broadcasting network. the devices have already been installed in many border villages of the region. work to improve the population security system in the region continues, and we cannot stop there. threat enemy shelling persists. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, lead. belgorod region. in orenburg , over 3,000 houses and about 8,00 household plots were flooded. more than 188 million rubles have already been paid to those affected by the flood. about the situation margarita semenyuk. people from this house are promptly evacuated. the brick structure could not withstand the flow of high water and the basement wall collapsed, emergency services are on the spot. i’ve been living here for 40 years and we’ve never had anything like this. i feel sorry for the animals, cats. they are shouting everywhere, i feel sorry for the people,
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what about the house, there was a lot of water coming into the house, the basement collapsed, uh, there’s already water on the first floors. a serious struggle against the elements is unfolding on cherepanov street; people are trying with all their might to protect their residential complex on the embankment and hold back the flow of water. the situation is the same in the area of ​​the dubki complex, people have prepared themselves. special transport so that they could get into the apartments for a while, due to the fact that uralskaya street was flooded and it was impossible to get into the dubki residential complex, the administration turned to...
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even those residents who deliberately stay in their houses, under the control of rescuers, for this day water has entered 800 houses in orenburg and the orenburg region, the most persistent owners are given essentials on boats, we are sailing to my friend, i brought him a motor pump, i want to deliver it, he saves his house a little, it floods, but he has one generator
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working, so he pumps it out and more or less saves part of the house, does not rise, here is the second... the urals are capturing more and more territories, flooding the ural and dangus streets. you won't be able to drive a car there in the next few days. margarita seminus, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov, lead orenburg. and about 7.0 residents of the kurgan region had to be evacuated from flood zones. there is a state of emergency in the region.
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stanislav vasilchenko found out how to cope with the elements. the flood is moving upstream the tabola. in the southern regions of the kurgan region, more than 200 private houses and 300 household plots were sunk. high water approaches the settlements of utyatskaya and baraba. it is very close to kurgan, no more than 50 km. the ministry of emergency situations reports that it is urgent to evacuate. in kurgan , they also record a rise in water on the tabola, with a rise of 7 cm per day. now the norm has been exceeded more than 4 m. maximum. the rise in water level in the regional center can reach 9-11 m, then in a worst-case scenario , almost 10,000 people could suffer. to prevent such a development of events, more than 14 thousand people are today involved in the construction of strengthening embankments, the main one stretches along the entire mound for 30 km in addition, a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered 20 more water pumps to the regional center.
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we are posting posts tonight along the dam in krugan. on behalf of the president , the minister of construction and housing and communal services irek is working in the kurgan region faizolin, he assessed the current flood situation and checked how ready the region was to face the elements; now the most important thing, of course, is to live.
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a state of emergency is still in effect in the kurgan region and mandatory evacuation of the population from the flood zone is being carried out. 99 temporary accommodation centers have been organized in the region, in which more than 800 people are already staying. this number is likely to increase in the near future. stanislav vasilchenko, denis tsitseronov, nikolai purtov, valeria sapegina. news kurgan region. everyday, six people died, eight were injured as a result of an attack by a man with... everyone ran, i didn’t know what was happening, i thought it was some kind of prank, but then i saw a guy with a knife running towards the cafe
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where i work , i didn’t really see him, i was running away, this is some kind of madness, i thought that i was going to die, i saw a man running after the attacker, screaming, you wounded my wife, i didn’t know what to do, that’s it this happened next to me, we ran into the store and locked ourselves in it. trade employees the center acted according to instructions developed in the event of a terrorist attack, they began to lock the shops along with the people hiding inside. they closed the door, barricaded it with furniture, screams were heard, no one understood what was happening, people around were crying. someone screamed shrilly: i didn’t know what to do. fortunately, a colleague grabbed me by the scruff of the neck, dragged me into the store and locked the door. the attacker behaved calmly, did not shout anything, was in no hurry to attack... people selectively, and did not spare the mother and her nine-month-old child. this mommy ran up and extended my child, she looked very bad, covered in blood. we tried to stop
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the child's bleeding by covering the wounds with cloth. we called the ambulance police. the baby's mother could not be saved. doctors are fighting for the baby's life. journalists note that only one visitor resisted the attacker, and in an extreme situation he apparently switched to his native language, russian. he had a fence post in his hands, at first we thought some jokers were having fun, but then we saw a guy with a knife, and this man was trying to stop him. when the attacker i turned around and saw a thirty-centimeter hunting knife in his hands. inspector amy scott was the first police officer to respond to the call. she caught up with the attacker, who was ascending to the fifth level. he turned around, moved towards her and swung his knife. then she.
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in paris, toulouse and lille, about 20 thousand bikers took to the streets, almost paralyzing traffic in protest, dissatisfied with the introduction of mandatory technical inspection from april 15, it will affect more than 3 million vehicles such as motorcycles, tricycles, atvs, scooters. fine 135 euros. a match between the leaders of the russian football championship took place in krasnodar. the local club krasnodar hosted the zenith with a full house
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in the stands. the match was attended by 3,500 spectators, among whom was our colleague danila makhalin. the krasnodar stadium has been a calling card for the club for 8 years now; it is modern, comfortable, beautiful, and also has a huge park around it. rasnodar was considered a home team that could beat any opponent on its own field if it wanted. but this once st. petersburg zenit, the champion of the last five seasons, came to visit, which in the first round let krasnodar pass ahead of itself , only recently being ahead by one point in the table. we will be champions this year once again. aren't you tired? no, not of course, well, maybe 5 times in a row is enough, but krasnodar has never lost, somehow it won’t work. will give up the championship, uncompromisingly, of course, no, this year we will be champions, you have such an intuition, yes, today we will already win 50%, we are champions, everything
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is in order to become a leader. championship there were krasnodar, a squad without losses, a full stadium with thirty-five thousand people and loyal fans who firmly believe in success, today we are rooting for only krasnodar, only for the bulls, okay, the victorious one, whoever scores, the victorious one scores, in short, cordaba or spertsan, i understand, krasnodar i spent the entire first half on a roll, so alasa’s goal looked logical.
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did for self-confidence, in the standings, of course, we were four points ahead, this is very pleasant, but of course we were preparing ourselves for the decisive game of the season, so to speak, but again it’s still very many games, thanks to this victory, zenit takes a big step towards another championship, now the st. petersburg team is four points ahead of krasnodar seven rounds before the end of the championship. just 3 days later zenit plays with spartak in the cup and then in the championship with orenburg. krasnodar
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will receive the torch at home. meeting with you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, exhibition i have been waiting for you for an eternity, i was in such a hurry, russia has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring. now spring awaits you at the russia exhibition.
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