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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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the head of the general staff of iran's armed forces announced today that the country has completed the operation against israel, but... is ready for further action. let me remind you that this night about 300 missiles and drones were launched into israeli territories. tehran claims that all the targets of the strikes were military installations. the israel defense forces say that 99% of the shells were intercepted. the country's defense ministry says the campaign is not over and that israel will coordinate its response with its allies. i will add that according to preliminary according to the data, the israeli air force base affected by the shelling continues to operate. in the morning , it was already canceled in israel. alarm signal authorities opened
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airspace to civilian ships. russia's foreign ministry responded to the new aggravation in the middle east. on smolensk square they drew attention to the fact that iran launched strikes on israeli territory in response to the shelling of its consulate in damascus on april 1. russian diplomats emphasized that moscow then condemned the attack on the facilities and recalled that sofbes was unable to adequately respond to incident due to the position of western council members. mid. also expressed concern about the new escalation. the department calls on all parties involved to exercise restraint and resolve problems through political and diplomatic means. a day earlier, iran detained the cargo ship eris, which belonged to an israeli company, in the strait of armus. and today the press reported that there is at least one russian citizen on board the ship. all the details are now being clarified by our country’s embassy in tehran, and this is what the diplomatic mission reported. is in constant contact with
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local authorities to clarify all the details of the presence of russian citizen timofey kolchanov on board the maritime vessel iris in order to provide the necessary consular assistance. we keep in touch with rosmoryak’s relatives. the aerofot flight to egypt and the united arab emirates, whose delays were announced last night, is already preparing for departure. this was reported by the airline's press service. we are talking about flights to hurghada from moscow and st. petersburg, as well as flights to sharmalshaik, dubai and abu dhabi from moscow. they're all like it follows, from the data on the schedule board, that they will be completed today during the day. the next aeroflot flight to tehran is scheduled for april 17. there has been no information yet about its cancellation or rescheduling. let me remind you that earlier today the federal air transport agency banned russian airlines from using the airspace of israel, iraq and jordan, as well as from carrying out flights.
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yes, against the backdrop of military escalation between iran and israel. aeroflot redirected the moscow-tehran flight to makhachkala, which was operated on the night from saturday to sunday. attack iran's attacks on israel were strongly condemned by the head of the european commission, ursula fondelien. she called on tehran to immediately stop the attacks. all parties to the conflict must refrain from further escalation, the politician said. about how other world leaders reacted in connection with the next one. emil mirsaev will tell you about the next round of instability in the middle east. the world is concerned about the next round of escalation in the middle east. tonight, at israel's request, an urgent meeting of the un security council will be held. jerusalem intends to - quote: categorically condemn iran for serious violations. the latter's post at the world organization stated that the un did not fulfill its peacekeeping duties and allowed it. the world community
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cannot afford another war. i am deeply alarmed by the real threat of destructive escalation in the region. i call on all parties to exercise maximum restraint and avoid any actions that could lead to large-scale military clashes on multiple fronts in the middle east. i have repeatedly emphasized that neither the region nor the world can afford another war. joe biden held a meeting with the national security team and has already contacted israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu by telephone, saying, as cnn sources say, that the states are not ready for a military conflict with iran, but in public the head of state chose much louder phrases. tomorrow i will convene my fellow g7 leaders to coordinate a joint diplomatic response to iran's brazen attack. my team will interact with their colleagues on throughout the region, and we will also remain in close contact with '. and while the middle east
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is rocked by another crisis, the former owner of the white house, donald trump, is trying to earn points from it. the people of israel were under attack. this happened because. we are showing great weakness, i will restore american power abroad after winning the election, and we will restore american power, now we are considered a joke. and while trump was speaking at a campaign rally in pennsylvania, washington sent an official message to the islamic revolutionary guard corps. any threat from the terrorist state of america and the zionist regime from any country will be met with a reciprocal and proportionate response from the islamic republic of iran, the source of the threat. the president of colombia also supported iran, saying that the crisis in the middle east erupted precisely because of the united states, which supports quotes genocide by jerusalem. it was predictable. we are now on the verge of world war iii, while humanity must rebuild its economy to achieve the rapid goal of decarbonization. us support
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genocide practically set the world on fire. bagota expressed hope that the people of israel will be able to quote: stop the madness of their ruler. however, it was he who was supported by western politicians and a dozen countries, among them, in addition to the united states, italy, portugal, austria, the netherlands, france, great britain, poland, the czech republic, canada, argentina, whose president interrupted his foreign tour and convened a crisis headquarters, as well as germany. if everyone basically limited themselves to simple formulations in the spirit of “condemn iran,” chancellor scholz made whole statement. iran's airstrike on israeli territory this evening is irresponsible and cannot be justified. iran risks causing a regional fire. we stand firmly on the side of israel, let's begin. discuss everything else with our allies. the actions of iran were also decisively judged by the entire european union, represented by the head of the diplomatic service, josep barel, and the president of the european council, charlie michel. the saudi arabian foreign ministry, as well as foreign policy, called on the parties to show maximum restraint to protect the region from the danger of war. department of chile.
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spain also took a neutral position, where, by the way, the number of arab population is quite high. we are following developments in the middle east with utmost concern. regional escalation must be avoided at all costs. true, some are allies. one nato bloc does n’t seem to hear each other. so britain deployed additional fighter jets to the middle east as a response to increased threats. iran promised a double response in case of intervention by third countries. emil mirsaev, news. and now to floods in russian regions in the tyumen region predicts the beginning of floods next week. the level of the ishim river is rising, evacuating residents of two villages that are located in the floodplain of this river. and now we are in direct contact with the studio. our correspondent, ksenia usoltseva. ksenia, greetings, what is your situation at this moment? daria, greetings, today we are working in the kazan region, this particular municipality may already encounter high water in the coming days. currently
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, active filling of flood dikes is underway. strengthened, increased to 9.9 m. as for water, the level in the ishim river today. is 748 cm, these figures are given from the gauging station in ilyinka, and the water has reached almost half a meter, the dangerous mark is 8 m. we talked with local residents in the village of ilyinko, i suggest listening to their opinion, you see, up to the mountain, before this everything was flooded before, this is normal, this phenomenon is so continuous there, 7 or 8 km from here.
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it’s precisely warning the population today that is the main task, along with strengthening flood control structures, people are given reminders, they explain how to behave in case of high water, we talked with the head of the district tatyana bogdanova, i suggest
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listening to what she says about this, the most important story is for the population to understand, that’s why our social workers the services have already been held several times. that means for our streets, which are subject to flooding, for evacuation, which means that 156 people will be needed, that’s 56 houses that are located in the soviet state farm. we already have about twenty, which means that the estates there have removed their property, today the application was for 14, so i think that when the water approaches the kazan village, this will also speed up the process, we are waiting for more water, well, no such boiling waters no, we’re taking things away, taking away everything that, as they say, the livestock has been killed, we’re removing everything little by little. places for keeping farm animals are also provided, as we see, residents understand
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that the river can pose a certain danger, today in the kazan region the governor of the tyumen region, alexander mor, is also working, he personally supervises the preparatory flood control work, in addition, a group of the regional department of the russian ministry of emergency situations has already been sent to the municipality, they will also participate in the preparations here. before the arrival of high water, i will also note that work is underway in other municipalities, the tyumen region is expecting a possible flood in the floodplains of the ishim and tabol rivers, and, for example, today they have already begun to deploy a water-filling dam on the tyumen-omsk federal highway in obatsky area, preparations are also actively underway there, we will continue to monitor the flood situation in the tyumen region, daria reports. a word to the studio. ksenia, thank you. our correspondent
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ksenia usoltseva was in direct contact with the tyumen region. and now the program “parliamentary hour” will continue broadcasting on our channel. hello, the parliamentary hour program is on air, we will tell you about the main events of the state duma this week. deputies called on the ministry of construction to sort out the tariffs for servicing gas stoves and water heaters. in almost all regions, prices are rising gas equipment maintenance. head of the bank of russia. reported to the state duma that if we had not raised the key rate, inflation would have been much higher. any questions
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for elviriulina? the deputies recommended that the regulator pursue a monetary policy aimed at maintaining price stability. great water has come to russia. san, unfortunately, this is your home. very bad. deputies are working on the ground to analyze the reasons. if something bad happens in our constituencies. source of ideas about all norms of the modern russian language, who and how
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is creating a national vocabulary fund, there are errors in this automatic recognition, this needs to be corrected by a person already, as well as support for the space industry, the development of cooperation within the framework of brix, the law on fair pay for overtime work and other topics further in our program . protect the real incomes of russians.
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the chairman of the state duma proposed to deputies of the bank of russia and the government to work on measures to increase the affordability of housing for citizens. this topic is one of the central ones in during the report of the head of the central bank in the state duma. vyacheslav volodin emphasized that today a mortgage, including a preferential one, helps buy an apartment. the problem is the price of housing itself. more housing began to be built, but its price increased. therefore, our task today, together with the central bank, the ministry of finance, and the government, is to do everything to ensure that housing is affordable for citizens. let's think through these issues and make sure that people have the opportunity.
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revaluation of securities for which in 2022 the main profit factor is positive year, the revaluation was negative. the main issue for discussion is raising the key rate. the first results of this decision show that the peak of inflation is behind us, said elvira nabiulina. the high rate of the central bank protects the incomes of citizens, and this is a direct contribution to the fight against poverty. if we had not raised the key rate, then...
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precedent-setting sanctions, this is a huge achievement for our country, this is truly a joint achievement. the faction leaders noted the work of the bank of russia under sanctions pressure at preliminary meetings with elvira nabiulina. thus, vladimir vasiliev said that thanks to the coordinated work of deputies,
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the government and the central bank, it was possible to overcome the sanctions shock, enter the medium-term phase and...
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increase the responsibility of banks, introduce administrative responsibility for banks that do not pay enough attention to the requirements for the security of transfers, so that they have an additional incentive for development technological protection of the translations of our citizens, how do you feel about our initiative? we believe that we need to move in all directions, but i certainly
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i agree with you, it is necessary to increase the responsibility of banks for anti-fraud procedures, minimal anti-fraud procedures. as a result, the state duma voted for a resolution to take into account the report of the bank of russia for the past year. in the text of the document, deputies recommended that the regulator pursue a monetary policy aimed at maintaining price stability. maria burkova, andrey brumberg, anna melikyan, elena bogdan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. spring has arrived and high waters have arrived; the situation in the orenburg region is especially difficult. region, thousands of houses are gone. underwater. state duma deputies work in the region. the issue of eliminating the consequences of floods is under control in the relevant safety and anti-corruption committees for ecology, natural resources and environmental protection. - said state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. elena zhelnina will continue. san, unfortunately, this is your home. very bad. they find their houses on
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the tops of the roofs and float past; thousands of buildings have gone under water, somewhere entirely, somewhere half. residents of an apartment building sectors are also trapped. my yard is all in water, that’s okay, five storeys there are flooded right up to the windows, just up to the windows. we spent the night today. the catastrophic flood in orenburg began on the evening of april 5. the water broke through a dam built in 2010. it protected the city of orsk in the east of the region from flooding during the spring floods of the ural, op and korovya lakes. residents of the suburbs of the regional center did not believe until the last moment that the flood would reach them. in the first days of the flood, they still walk the streets, and a day later they begin to swim in inflatable boats. next we go along the central one. now we are still walking along the central one, here the knee is already clear, motorboats are already appearing on the streets,
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a state of emergency is in effect in the region, the level of the ural river in orenburg reaches its maximum in the entire history of meteorological observation in the region and exceeds the dangerous mark, the water is washing away the border between europe and asia . practically we can say that we can say that there are no roads, practically as of today, well, the most serious situation, all engineering and communication facilities have been damaged, almost all of them will have to be rebuilt to restore tram traffic, because almost everything on the tram tracks was carried away, the situation in orenburg and other flooded areas is discussed at a plenary session in the state duma, chairman. vyacheslav volodin invites deputies to immediately go to the field and reminds that politicians representing the orenburg region are already in their constituencies helping people. if
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some kind of trouble happens in our constituencies, we need to be with the people and help them. and we see, now there is a flood the situation is very difficult and alarming in a number of regions, so i am appealing to those who have not yet left. to your constituencies, you can do this immediately, just support us, colleagues, let’s ask ourselves and start helping people who are waiting for help more effectively, and of course we draw conclusions so that this does not happen in the future.
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documents, it is necessary to simply somehow
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focus on the fact that in addition to why not take care of animals as part of information, because today it all falls on the ministry of emergency situations. cancel the oge and the unified state exam in regions affected by the flood, nina ostanina suggested after a visit to the region. has already sent an appeal to the federal ministry, we are raising questions about the education of children, temporary detention centers, today they are usually located in schools, it is clear that children do not study in these schools, and those who are in temporary detention centers do not study either , high school students, ninth graders, parents, teachers are very worried, the state duma is discussing measures that will support people, compensation should be at the level i... the indignation of the residents of the orenburg region, who today receive compensation, a one-time compensation of 10,000 rubles. for partial
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loss of property. 50 thousand rubles, and for the complete, complete liquidation of property, well, a house that cost several million rubles, here you are, dear comrades, as much as 1000 rubles. officials should be put in prison and they should be forced to pay normal money to people. questions about the environment, specifically about cleaning river beds. in soviet times, we had 300 dredgers.
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regions, houses, roads and bridges were flooded. in every second subject of the country there is open fire season. at 11, a special fire regime was introduced. how to prevent fires was also discussed at an extended retreat of state duma deputies at the national crisis management center of the russian ministry of emergency situations. we have.
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large agricultural holdings, in which nothing is being done in terms of protecting themselves from fires, and not only rural holdings, this is happening. we need to look at these questions now. this season , the first large forest fires have already been recorded, including in specially protected natural areas, preventive measures have been taken. in the regions, our project has acquired more than 60 thousand forest fire and forestry equipment and machinery. in collaboration with.
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would revise the guidelines for calculating payments for servicing gas equipment. the reason was numerous complaints from citizens. details from alexander shavirin. checking the compliance of gas appliances with established standards, monitoring the presence of draft in the chimney and the tightness of all connections. all this is necessary in order to prevent a gas leak tragedy. this is the task of service organizations. the government approved the minimum list of works back in 2013. nothing new now.
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at the plenary session, the problem was raised by alexander khinshtein. numerous requests from citizens are the reason for the state duma to appeal to the russian ministry of construction. in a number of regions, prices for servicing and repairing gas equipment have more than doubled, and the difference in cost is not only between regions, but within one entity, between different companies that provide such services, vyacheslav emphasized. volodin is almost in all regions, the cost of servicing gas equipment is rising, when they begin to analyze the situation and conduct a dialogue, there is a reference to the methodological instructions of the ministry of construction of housing and communal services. after a sharp jump in prices for services, service organizations unanimously
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refer to methodological recommendations. building russia, are you?


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