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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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these are so deeply right-wing, here in germany, where we are, there is the afd, a very right-wing organization that everyone is afraid of, which opposes migrants in general and takes, as is believed here, downright fascist positions, it’s possible there were some such people in ukraine , in the same way, all foreign agents believe that in ukraine no one oppresses the russian language, the russian language is not a language, not a jackdaw, but as you comment on the law on...
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no longer territories, russia lives as if since the time of nicholas i, nothing has changed, that’s it, we have to conquer crimea, this is an archaic narrative that my generation, i repeat, people of my profession, had to work with, but they didn’t work with it, carried away by freedom and the opportunity to travel. in general, i believe that the word great is a parasitic word that must be exterminated. even a great writer.
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we need to help just this hated russia, this huge one, because it is so huge that it will always be, it simply cannot not exist, if it is not sovereign and not a great power, it is not brilliant tinsel for our history, to be a great power on a dress to put away in the closet to wear on holidays like an order, this is the only way and format of our existence in world history, because... we are special, any nation will say i
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’m special, yes, ours there are features of each, but there is no such thing that, firstly, it is huge, in which all are climatic. zones from permafrost to desert, it united representatives of different faiths and so on through a tolerant orthodox core, and so on, and our historical experience, despite separate some private, so to speak, clashes, just speaks of the rare collaboration of different nations and cultures, in general, the state builder, this is even proven by this - the event of the 16th century, which became the day of national unity, when, for example, the tatar the elders still remembered the brutal conquest of ivan the terrible, they could have retreated, then it was easy to retreat from moscow, no, they collected money for the militia and gave it to minin and pozharsky, because they understood
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that in the russian, orthodox autocratic they will have a worthy place in the kingdom, we did not interfere, what is western european history? we also absorbed a huge number, this is a cemetery of peoples, the third was exterminated, the third was expelled, the third was necessarily assimilated, what does the auksburg religious world mean, whose country is that and faith, this is such violence against the inner world, over the inner freedom of man, we have never had this there wasn’t, they hate it, the fact is that you can’t control the world from one point while huge russia exists. we arrived in prague here on vinogradskaya street there is the mouthpiece of western propaganda that has existed since
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the cold war, the radio station radio liberty. the station's website states that the corporation, as a private grantee, is funded by. after all, in each of them there are strongholds of american intelligence; in the federal republic of germany, for example, in addition to the bases, there are also powerful radio stations belonging to the cia, freedom and free europe. back in the day, soviet documentary filmmakers conducted
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an investigation on radio liberty showed who really works here. both were created in the early fifties, at the height of the cold war. the task is to wage a psychological war against socialist countries, sow national discord, destroy people’s faith in the socialist system, call for opposition, and, in addition, conduct subversive activities and, of course, espionage. the bosses here are from the cia, the rank and file, the pasosinka collection, do not look much like editorial corridors, more like an underground passage of some secret military plant. all doors. in free europe, they have one peculiarity: they can only be locked from the outside, like in a prison. each of these has undergone full training. they can shoot from umbrellas, eternal pens, they can do it all. but the specialization here is different: poisons. to poison the souls
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of people, and preferably not one by one, but en masse. at the very beginning, broadcasting was carried out from western territory. in germany, in 1995, the radio station moved from germany to prague, this is the czech republic. in 2009, the radio station moved to a purpose- built building near the city center, as radio is not as popular now as internet media. several russian-language online publications were created under the roof of radio liberty. crimea-realities, caucasus realities, tatar-bashkir service. and even a whole tv channel.
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they answered, we are journalists, we are here to make a documentary in which we will talk about radio liberty. propaganda, which exists with the money of the west, serves only one thing, to rock things. the situation in russia, using the internet for this and through it to zombify russian youth. hello. many young people who were fanatical in their time adherents of non-systemic opposition, after living in the west, their eyes are opened to russia. one of the returnees, nikita khatuntsev, came from the united states with his american wife. walked, yes, shouted, down with the authorities, down with the party of swindlers, fars, shouted all sorts of different things, well, uh, that i
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was 20 years old there, at that moment i thought that’s it, i can’t live here, there is no freedom, no democracy , no, what else is there, uh, that’s it, we have to, we have to, we have to run, well, we need to change our lives radically, and i, uh, left with the words, like claremontov, probably this i said forgiveness to russia, then i left - i left at the beginning of 2010 - and so on, well, in general, all the countries you can think of, that’s when i listened - their
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presentations, everyone talks about their countries with aspiration, with some kind of, you know, with patriotism, it’s probably also correct to say, well, it’s clear that people love their strange people, it’s clear that they are proud of their side , so i had a friend there who also studied with me, uh, a guy from russia, that’s who he was then i also made a presentation, i made it with some kind of, you know, smell, so to speak. yes, and then for the first time i thought about it, why do we treat ourselves like this, this was my first call, i was preparing this material for several weeks, in the process of preparation i began to notice that some things were happening metamorphoses in my mind, that they say, listen, why is it bad, i thought, yes, here, here, this is cool, beautiful, this is a cool country, this is great here, live, work and have children, do what you want, build , why do we treat ourselves so badly? if we talk about the wife, then she i used to study ballet professionally, so you can say, well
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, partly i was a russophile, i even remember how i came to her house, to her parents’ house, i saw in her house hanging portraits of, well, the greatest ballet figures, anna pavlova , rudolf nureyev, george balanchidze, that is , in this regard, it seems to me, she was greater at that moment. he had more love for my country than i had for my own country, we got married there after another 2 years and moved back to russia, now i think i’m a happy person, i have i have a wonderful wife, i ’m happy with everything in my life, this is my home, my country, my friends, my acquaintances, my family, naturally, i want to live in my own house, live by my own rules, by my own rules.
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not so long ago, some of our liberals took this hatred of russia almost for true love for the fatherland and boasted that they saw better than others what it should consist of, but now they have become more open and even the words love for the fatherland have become ashamed, even the concept expelled and eliminated as... harmful and insignificant,
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from a dream to a house one house cli. friend, hello, as promised, today we are preparing flow, hey, it’s not the first day of butter, oh, we need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer it with vtb.
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admire the stars, my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase, afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma, how do you like it, cool, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, regularly replenish and you’ll save up 16% faster, you don’t have to do it like this, you have to do it like this, like that, like that. okay, i understand, like this at the megamarket , coal gray is only 2,290 rubles. what are you waiting for, you are a metaphor, i am an example, i adapt, i am changing, i am developing, and so it has been for 110 million years, and what are you waiting for, change and change,
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period, bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises, we take loans, easy to apply for, we are together. we take out loans from the bank, and good quickly, we are at sofkom bank, loans that everyone knows, for you, who wants to solve all the mysteries of nature, for you, a hundred plus, who are especially attentive to details, i checked, and for you, for whom curiosity opens up new ones horizons, ruviks, you know where to find out, you ’re from here, i say, of course from here, grandfather, but you like fishing or crafts more, receive your pension from the post bank, of course, because there are benefits there, transfer your pension to the post bank and get 2.0 rubles and a chance to win a car every month, and this is for you, it’s profitable for you to receive a pension, post office banks, let’s do this again, and now skoto, there are other ideas, of course, let’s
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pay the bills, legal, without a qr code for a long time, the camera itself is everything. vtb! so how did it turn out? of course, we also received 10% cashback from free vtb debit card. vtb. everything will work out together. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. you don’t do fashionable haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other. you don’t create fashionable things, you give them the opportunity to be in the spotlight. for each of you, this is not just a business.
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in the city in half a day it grew by more than half a meter, about the same amount remains to reach the critical level. rescuers are building water dams and calling for the evacuation of coastal residents districts. my colleague stanislav vasilchenko spoke with those who are already in the temporary accommodation center. oksana, her husband and child have been living in the thirty-first gymnasium of kurgan for the fifth day. there is a temporary accommodation center on the basis of the educational institution. the family moved here from the shevelevka microdistrict as soon as the evacuation began there. or not to delay while there was an opportunity, as they say, to calmly take things, leave comfortably, come calmly, get settled, without panic, without any cataclysms, so we decided early, not waiting for the consequences, as they say, because if the electricity is turned off, it will be problematic to lower the bags, somehow get there, somehow, or wait for the ministry of emergency situations.
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valentina vasilyeva also evacuated at the first signal; she remembers very well the severe flood that occurred in the region. 30 years ago, then, together with their mother, they missed the chance and had to escape from the water on the roof of the house. 94 i was 37 years old, my mother was almost 70, such an overweight lady, she and i climbed onto the horse to eat, took them off the roof, we are still grateful in hindsight, for this for the volunteers who came by boat, imagine taking such a lady from the outbuilding onto the boat, but this time it’s easier to do it in advance. perhaps it was not even completed, but they were warned to protect it from, volunteers were there, alexander did not evacuate, on the contrary, he himself came to save his house, to live in it now without vandals and destruction... it’s possible, the man asked for a temporary overnight stay here, they accepted with understanding , just as if, well, they weren’t left to the mercy of fate, as if, well, okay,
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i’ll get out, i have the opportunity, here grandmothers, grandfathers are children here, no matter how hard it would have been for them, of course they didn’t give up, they organized all this. today 40 people live here, while the gymnasium can accommodate three hundred. this is not the first time that the school has become a temporary shelter for local residents. in 2022 , severe natural fires occurred throughout the kurgan region, then more than 500 houses burned in populated areas, a gymnasium sheltered the fire victims, this was the first time for us, it was very scary, that is, the elements were really very is dangerous for people, at this moment you empathize with them, so we also tried to create the most comfortable conditions, this was last year in may, that is, now according to what has already been achieved, now according to what has already been achieved, yes, that is, we have... we have it, in general, i think it turns out very well. now in the kurgan region, 99 temporary accommodation centers are each provided with everything necessary. there are also enough supplies in 31 gymnasiums. there are bed linen,
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cots, personal hygiene products and drinking water supplies. there are even slippers for the residents certainly felt at home. all inclusive, enough beds for everyone. there is a shower, a tea room, and three meals a day. we feed mostly. nuggets, cutlets, meatballs, mashed potatoes, stewed cabbage, well , they ask for more, no, they gorge themselves on what they have, everyone is happy, everyone thanks, they say, the health of the guests is under the reliable supervision of doctors, a therapist, a psychologist and, of course, a children’s specialist work at the temporary accommodation center doctor. we observe children throughout the day, at 9:00 we examine children, measure temperature, looked at head lice, monitored the general condition, the children, who are now adults, were vaccinated with hepatitis a. while parents are at work, the teachers
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of the thirty-first gymnasium take care of their children’s leisure time; they conduct classes more often in a playful way, trying to distract the child from worries about the current situation. volunteers from the russian youth movement actively help with this and also don’t let the children get bored. today we will conduct.
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an ultrasound diagnostic specialist sets up an office right in the pool at the sterlit reception. the research is extremely important it decides where the fish will live until autumn. sturgeons spent the whole winter in such special ponds, the living space is spacious 7 square m2. here the fish can feel freedom, while remaining under the supervision of specialists. in winter, sturgeon go into a kind of hibernation. you can’t compare it to a bear, it’s a fish in suspended animation, but it’s like it’s completely. it does not go into overdrive, its metabolism slows down, it practically does not eat, which means that wintering occurs due to the supply of substances that it
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received during feeding in the summer. with promotion temperatures in fish hatcheries, the time has come for baniteration accounting. this is a kind of sturgeon inventory. the fish are weighed, scanned for chips and an ultrasound scan is performed to determine whether the eggs will be sterilized this year. we determine the stage of maturity of the reproductive products and the fish that spawn. at the fourth stage of development, that is, which is ready to be received this year, it is deposited separately in the pool, and those fish whose caviar is at the second or third stage, that is, it will produce caviar this year will not be, that is, the caviar is not yet ready to be received, accordingly, we are planting it and will be transplanting it into kura-type cages for summer maintenance. in nature, the king fish lays eggs only in fresh water; it is important that for spawning it needs to go up the river; currently this is impossible due to large waterworks, such as the krasnodar vodkhran. already from the moment of its construction, the setrov population in the azov sea began to decline, in order not to lose such golden fish, three fish hatcheries were built. now 50% of the population
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sturgeon consists precisely of hatchery fish. currently, their growth is observed, this is primarily due to the efficiency of artificial reproduction of the factories themselves, as well as the organization of fish conservation measures. now the fish hatcheries are home to more than 19 thousand fish, which form the broodstock . last year, all three hatcheries released 8 million small fish into the water. 4 million juveniles, this is steril and ossetor. we worked within the framework of the state assignment, and accordingly , we fulfilled the state assignment. on the tsar's spawning the fish will leave in april to find out how many expectant mothers among sturgeon this year will need that same bannetting count. next in line for an ultrasound are the asitras. the same procedures await them. the fish that spawn this year will remain in this pool under observation. how much caviar you will get depends on the weight of the fish;
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a ten-kilogram individual can give more. 2 kg. anastasia pirogova, konstantin popov. news.
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us president joe biden believes that an iranian attack on israel will not escalate into a full-scale war and will not lead to further escalation in the region, the white house announced. earlier, the iranian ministry said that they contacted washington and brought to the attention of their american colleagues that
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their attack on israeli territory was on the border. natalya goncharova studied restraint and the reaction of world leaders. the russian foreign ministry responded to iran’s attack on israel by hezbala and the houthis. on smolensk square they drew attention to tehran’s statement that it carried out the strike in accordance with article 501 of the un charter on the right to self-defense. russian diplomats emphasized that earlier, due to the position of the west.


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