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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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further escalation in the region, the white house announced. earlier, the iranian ministry said that they contacted washington and informed their american colleagues that their attack on israeli territory was limited. let me remind you that this night about 300 missiles and drones were launched into israeli territories. tehran claims that all the targets of the strikes were military installations. the israel defense forces say that 99% of the shells were intercepted. the country's defense officials say the campaign is not over and that israel's response will be coordinated their. israel is coordinating with its allies. a new round of escalation in the middle east will be discussed by members of the un security council this evening. now diplomats from all over the world are calling on the parties to the conflict to show restraint. natalya goncharova studied the reaction of world leaders. the russian foreign ministry responded to the attack by iran, hezbollah and the houthis on israel. on smolensk square they drew attention to tehran’s statement that it carried out the strike in accordance with article 51 of the un charter on the right to self-revolution.
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coordinated international action, which the uk also supported, almost all of these missiles were intercepted, saving lives not only in israel, but in neighboring countries such as jordan. i can confirm that our aircraft have indeed shot down several iranian attack drones. british sky news experts emphasize that now western partners will try to quickly resolve the iran-israeli conflict. we have been seeing a shadow war between israel and iran for years, but now this is the first... attack, there is now pressure on israel to showed restraint. beijing is also concerned about the escalation in the middle east; the chinese foreign ministry called on the parties to the conflict to maintain restraint. china expresses deep concern over the escalation of the situation and calls on relevant parties to maintain calm and restraint to prevent further escalation of tensions. while the world media is discussing a series of attacks tonight, strikes are heard again near the lebanese baalbek.
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according to al jazeera, the gas attack continued today. meanwhile, overseas in washington, israel's closest allies are discussing their next steps. us secretary of state antony blinken is holding emergency meetings with partners to plan next steps. the g7 countries also planned to discuss escalation in the middle east, well, in tehran , in persian figurative fashion, they said that the next slap in the face will be even stronger. natalya goncharova, vesti. now about the situation with floods in russia , according to the latest data, almost 200 settlements across the country are flooded. the water is fast resides in the tabul river near kurgan. the level is already above 5 m. flooding of the right bank part of the city will begin when the water rises to 6 m. almost 7.0 people have been evacuated. there are more than 700 people in temporary accommodation centers, including 257 children. in kurgan, employees of the ministry of emergency situations continue to lay water dams, working around the clock. at the moment, their length is 1. in the tyumen region
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, the forecast for the beginning of the flood next week is that the level of the ishim river will increase, residents of two villages that are located in the floodplain of this river are being evacuated, in the orenburg region in the zone floods remain... we will learn more about the situation in the orenburg region from our correspondent margarit semenyuk, she has now contacted the studio directly. margarita, greetings, what is the situation at this time and what are the data on the water level in the ural river? yes, yuri, greetings, as you have already said, in nikolskoye, there really is water now, they will start working there now.
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in connection with the flood, there are also currently 271,465 applications in progress from residents
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of orenburg and the orenburg region as a whole from the entire orenburg region, now on 924 received one-time material assistance and financial support . you can submit an application through the state services portal or through the mfc in person, come to the mfc to write an application. we continue to work in the region to monitor the situation and provide the latest information. yuri. yes, margarita, thank you for the situation with floods in the orenburg region, my colleague margarita semenyuk is monitoring. the head coach of spartak moscow was fired. spanish specialist guillermo abascal, who led the red-whites from summer of twenty-two. last season , spartak, under the leadership of abaskal, took third place in the russian championship, now
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spartak is sixth. there is only one victory in the championship in the last five matches and is 12 points behind the leading zenit. and the last match for baskal was the game against sochi. the day before, the muscovites lost to the worst team in the championship 0:1. bosnian specialist vladimir sliskovich was appointed interim head coach; he worked as obaskali's assistant. and the next match of spartak, spartak will play in wednesday in the russian cup, will play against zenit. for headaches there is ascafen p, at an affordable price. and ascafen ultra with enhanced composition. to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card
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the forces of the armed forces of ukraine in 129 districts improved the tactical situation in several directions, this is new data from the ministry of defense. they also reported that the launcher and radar station of the irist air defense system, made in germany, were destroyed. our military department published footage of the impact, and then the blazing equipment. more than 500 pupils of sports schools from the belgorod region came to kuban, on the black sea coast, a rich program has been prepared for them. the day is calculated literally minute by minute, training. study, as well as exciting excursions and master classes. we tried to do everything for the guys to make this
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trip memorable for a long time. victoria kolomykova talked with the young athletes and their teachers. seventeen-year-old vlad fedoseev has been playing volleyball for 8 years, but beach volleyball is still new to him. in their native belgorod , children were unable to attend their favorite sections due to shelling. he likes it here. at home there, you can’t really walk around much on the street because of the sounds. these loud missile hazards. and here it is possible. at any time from training in your free time, yes, at least restore your sleep pattern, otherwise i usually fall asleep very late, we find ourselves in such a very difficult situation at the moment, it is very important now to support the children, support the parents in order to bring their children to to safe places where they can continue to learn to do what they love. the daily routine of young athletes is planned literally minute by minute; in the morning they study remotely. then training, and in the evening in free time. day it's intense and interesting. in addition to
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volleyball players, football players, swimmers, and acrobats came to anapa for these training camps. more than 500 children and 40 coaches. a place has been prepared for each of them where they train. leisure activities have been organized for these children, again, in cooperation with our mayor of anapa. military glory, gorgipia museum, all outdoor events. and this is a special training center, it was opened on the territory of a sanatorium for children from belgorod, here schoolchildren can receive additional knowledge in all subjects, this is in addition to distance learning, there is everything necessary for studying, the center operates like a regular school on weekdays, and the children’s favorite place is the canteen, the children are fed five times a day in a balanced and varied manner, on a buffet basis, each he can take what he likes, they feed us cereals, pizzas, there are mini-pizzas. sometimes they give you pilaf, rice, mashed potatoes, pasta, cutlets and
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a lot of other things. children will be in anapa until april 21, belgorod schoolchildren will be in kuban sanatoriums they are being accepted for the second time, and, as the health resorts say, they are ready to provide assistance in the future. victoria kolmykova, konstantin popov, lead. the world will not be able to do without oil, at least for the next decades. the head of gazprom neft, alexander dyukov, pointed this out at a lecture that took place. at the exhibition at the russian forum at vdnkh. why will demand only grow? anastasia ponkova sorted it out. oil came from the remains of dinosaurs, lies in underground lakes and gushes out from there in a fountain. this. the most popular myths about one of the main resources of the country, how things are in the oil industry and what is really true, said the head of gazpromneft alexander dyukov, he gave a lecture at the international exhibition forum russia in the lecture hall of the russian knowledge society. over the past 25 years, we have made a very serious breakthrough, we have increased production volumes, we have developed new production regions, we have created
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new oil production technologies, we have modernized. our processing, we have developed new markets and ensured our technological independence. the global oil industry is almost 5 billion tons of oil production per year. it provides more than 30% of global energy consumption, powers one and a half billion cars, allows the transport of 4.5 billion passengers on airplanes and another 10 billion tons of cargo by sea annually, the numbers are enormous. history, prospects, frequent stereotypes and
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prejudices in this room speak about the current stage of development of the oil industry. a third-year student at the gubkin university of oil and gas, he is a hereditary future oil worker; his great-grandfather, grandfather and father connected him with this area of ​​his life. in a few alexander will develop gas fields for years, but is still gaining experience. we managed to both repeat some facts about oil and learn something new. for example, if we talk about the new, then this is really the level of digitalization in the oil and gas industry, digital twins and artificial intelligence and various such new technologies. i really didn’t know about this level of their implementation, there were a lot of students at the lecture, after the main theoretical part they could ask the head of gazprom neft any question who dared to do so straight from the auditorium i asked for an internship at a large company. the moscow oil refinery is currently undergoing a modernization process. please tell me how possible it is to undergo
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an internship during the commissioning period? thank you, well, we will for the sake of it. to see you, so let 's come up after this event, leave your number, and we will definitely invite you, you will be able to do an internship at our moscow oil spinning plant. some experts predicted the decline of the oil industry back in 2003, but more than 20 years have passed, and oil reserves have not been exhausted. another myth that the head of gazprom neft personally dispelled. in the coming decades, humanity will not yet be able to do without this resource, consumption.
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ecosystem. to work in such conditions , special technologies are needed that allow them to work reliably, safely and autonomously. it's difficult, but the oil industry is growing rapidly. it is, perhaps, faster than other industries that it has gone from labor mechanization to automation and almost complete digitalization. anastasia ponko, alexander dvornikov, dmitry maslennikov and tatyana klebcha. news. now there is a short advertisement, and then watch a special report by olga matsyevskaya about how donbass students fought in the area where they were held. from a dream to a home, one home is just a click away. what we bring back from our travels with avito: a little sea, delicious traditions and
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choose, buy with convenient delivery click on the megamarket, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply, we’re at sovcombank, we take out loans, and good quickly, we’re at sovcombank up to 5 million. loans, which everyone knows, i just understood that they couldn’t be allowed here, because if they came, they would slaughter my family, and it was impossible to allow them here, under no circumstances, and that’s why i wanted to go serve and see them off. the most important criterion is probably why someone should go and i should stay at home. i wrote to the guys when they just called us, and we, it means, we
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had a conversation, in the hostel, a general conversation, and i asked there who was going, all the guys who were 18 years old at that time, they said, we we're all going, we're all going, we've already got our things packed, we're all about to leave.
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the young guard is my history of my city, since i myself am from the city of krasnodon, i was born in it you... and i still live, for me personally, it was still a feat, because they were even younger, they were much younger than
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me. they were 14, 15, 16 years old, they had already fought, wanted to defeat fascism and strived to win. anatoly went to serve at the age of 21, then he was in his fourth year of studying wind instruments at the lugansk academy of culture and arts, and in the future he wanted teach children how to play the naclarinet, i just understood that they couldn’t be allowed here, because if they came...
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they would first recapture their lines, and then they would stand on the borders, since at first i was an infantryman, i’m a motorized rifleman, but i was assigned to the artillery , i’m an artilleryman, first i was on howitzers, then on hail, and then on hurricanes, artillery shelling - you say, the worst thing in the whole world that happens is... when for about 20 hours they fired at us from all the guns and no one i couldn’t even get out of the pit, believe me, it happened it’s scary, what did you think of, what did you think then, at least they hadn’t smeared it, at least there was dirt then, but somehow i didn’t want to wash it off, i didn’t want to, i think i’ll survive, i think i’ll survive.
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in any case, because if they don’t survive, my mother will get me out of the ground with anyone, talking about terrible things, tolya often smiled, here such a reaction to reality is not uncommon, life in the trenches goes hand in hand with humor, he tells his grandchildren, he will tell this is exactly what the servicemen and i laughed about, told each other jokes in the field then everything was like there they dug dugouts and laughed at each other too. you were baiting us that we didn’t do anything there while we had free time, well, of course, then there was very little of it, believe me, how do you feel now, yes, it’s okay, everything, everything is fine, everything is fine, that such, that is, you get a shell shock, there are, well , there are a lot of shell shocks, i have, i have a lot of small concussions, and there is one like that. now
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you’re going through recovery, no, i’ve already gone through everything, everything’s fine, i went to a sanatorium in st. petersburg and moscow, i went to all sorts of things forums, in general everything recovered fine, tolya was recovering from a shell shock injury, he remembers how his comrades ran to each other’s aid under artillery fire. seryoga ran towards us screaming, what happened, we thought, damn it, how did this happen?
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500 meters away, probably because of this , the wave just burned me and my legs, my legs were burned, my clothes were burning up to my knees, the sparkles were just half the burns were severe on my legs. anatoly still wants to work with children, but after his experience he decided to change his profile. my commander says that you says the little one, come on, he says, at least tighten up a little, he says, he coached me a little in physical education, well, how could i get a little addicted to this, you want the children to be able to protect themselves at any moment, well, this it’s also possible, but somehow, the commander called me maestro, well, it was difficult to pronounce maestro, everyone is either an artist or a musician.


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