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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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what if israel commits war crimes or violates international law? does this mean that we christians should support them no matter what? and i fully understand and am fully aware of the shameful history of christianity, especially when it comes to anti-semitism. but the problem of anti-semitism cannot be solved by blindly supporting zionism, especially since... this support for zionism comes at the expense of the palestinians. i always say that it seems to me that many christians in the west repent of the sin of anti-semitism, they repent of our land, in the sin committed on their land. so, to answer your question, no, i do not think the bible condones or calls for unconditional support for political education. i think the bible calls us to be good neighbors to all people, jews, muslims, buddhists, atheists.
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who blows up churches and kills christians, i think you've lost track of what's going on. if you were to send a message to christian leaders in the united states, in government or churches, or just citizens who care about their religion, about their fellow human beings christians, what would you tell them? i would remind them that when the state of israel was created, it was not created on empty land, it was created on land where millions of indigenous palestinians lived, including palestinian christians. and...
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our numbers continue to decline, and so we ask you, listen to us, talk to us, and my message as a christian leader right now is that there is a very very brutal war going on in the gaza strip, which i described as genocide, because that this is a war in which even famine is being used as a remedy and fellow christians are suffering because of this war, the time has come. christian leaders, to recognize
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that war is not the answer, be it iraq, afghanistan or libya, when we realize that war does not help, when we take seriously what jesus said about peacemakers about mercy, there must be other ways, so i would invite listen to them, learn more to avoid...
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the path of the world of justice, and we must avoid the simplistic polarization of good and evil, listen understand what is happening, and i i beg you, as a christian pastor from bethlehem, i beg you to listen, holy father, thank you for a very worthy and reasonable analysis, i hope that all christians in the west will hear it, thank you, thank you. well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is accruing, you need a holva, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to a holva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay them off, make purchases or get rid of debts on credit cards easily with a holva, tires can be found conveniently and quickly, there is a search by brand autovito. let's do this again, and
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is there an alternative? and this is the fundamental difference between the 2024 elections and the 2020 elections . then everything was clear. the voter came to vote already fully determined, only 3% of americans were looking for some kind of third force, and this greatly helped joe biden, because he then united the minority, due to wider support among undecided voters, and won. now the situation is radically different; everything suggests that the presence of any third candidate plays into trump’s hands. trump's electorate is more united, more energetic, he longs for revenge, but for biden everything has been falling apart over the last 4 years, minorities, african-americans, muslims are turning away from him, this is happening in the wake of dissatisfaction with what is happening in the gas sector and
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the actions of israel, biden is supported less and less by women and young people. new data shows that the democrats' long-standing advantage among blacks, latinos and... trump's remarks against immigrants and people of color, so it turns out that the grouping of third-party candidates are all on the left flank, if we name those who are there, then this is , first of all, of course, robert kennedy jr., they give him from 15 to 19, or even up to 21% of support, there is also the socialist corn west, the leader of the greens, jill stein. in general, everything indicates that if the third force continues to be
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so popular in these elections, it will play into the hands of donald trump. democrats are responding to third-party candidates like never before, promising they won't repeat the mistakes they made in 2016. the democratic national committee now even has a dedicated team that is engaged in the fight against the threat of a third force. if we talk about historical precedents and... look at how candidates from third parties, candidates from third forces showed themselves in america, then we can recall several significant episodes, the most significant, perhaps, will be the participation of theodore roosevelt, a republican who thanks to the fact that he ran not from the republican and from the democratic party, he tried to stay in the white house for a third term. roosevelt then received a record for a third-party candidate.
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had already gained electoral votes, but none of them became president of the united states, of course, in our more modern times, the most famous such character was ros perot, no one doubted in the ninety-second year that george bush sr. would easily be able to remain in white house in the second sector, but nevertheless, the bush team made a serious mistake, they missed rosa pero, and rosa perot immediately began to attack the current us president, and since he... was in the same niche with him, that is, many of their policy statements
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coincided, and he personified the craving for fresh faces, then bush sr. did not get re-elected, bill clinton moved into the white house under the now famous slogan, the economy is a fool. then there were also interesting twists associated with the participation of candidates from third forces, however, they were already associated with the defeats of non- republicans, like george. senior, but democrats. the 2000 elections were fatal for the democrats in this sense, when republican george w. bush, then vice president of bill clinton elgor, competed for the position of us president. all of us we remember the unprecedented counting of votes in florida, then for a long time they could not determine the winners, so it is believed that the person who brought confusion to everything.
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but even if half of those who support johnson and stein had voted for the democrats, the electoral situation would have been completely different. now, according to many, this situation is repeating itself for the reason that such a heavyweight as robert kennedy jr. intervened in the race. robert kennedy jr. is not jill stein, he is not even that left-wing
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lawyer, nader, he is a politician with a name. politician around which a large myth has been formed, based, among other things, on his very name, if you talk about the biography of robert kennedy jr., then it is confusing for his kennedy family, for the huge kennedy clan, he is the edoky anfant terible, the fact is that he had a stormy youth , yes, he was a lawyer, but he also had problems with drugs and sprees, difficult relationships with women, and with all that kennedy. does not hesitate to exploit the history of his family, the family itself is against him, but he always emphasizes that his uncle was president of the united states, his father robert kennedy, john kennedy's brother, was also killed during the presidential campaign, as was his brother, for us robert kennedy is, first of all, the person who conducted
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behind-the-scenes negotiations with our ambassador in washington dobrynin during the caribbean crisis or how the americans... at one time both his uncle and his father. we had the opportunity to speak with kennedy about how he sees the future relationship with russia should he become president of the united states, the 47th head of the white house, we must give kennedy his due, unlike many american politicians who now
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literally run away when they see the microphone of the russia tv channel, i had something similar in my time. according to various polls, he gains from 15 to 21% of voters, but what worries democrats very much is that many minorities, especially latinos, are turning their faces towards kennedy, he is conducting a rather vibrant election campaign in arizona, but in
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other states too, while he is registered only in yuti, but signatures are being collected, and yes he... has enough finances to run his own company, he himself is not a poor man, well , many were impressed by his choice of candidacy for vice president. i am proud to introduce you to the next vice president of the united states, a brilliant scientist's lawyer, and a loving mother, nicole shanahan. nicole shanahan has never been involved in professional politics. she is a famous lawyer, investor, we also know her as the ex-wife of one of the founders sergei brin, shenohan - these are big connections in california and big money too, all this works to strengthen the electoral power of robert kennedy, because it is clear that no political career in america can
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be made without serious sponsors. reputation. impeccable, after her divorce from sergei brin she received part of his fortune. politically, she is an independent thinker who left the left due to the rise of radicalism on that flank. this party had to devote itself to diplomacy and science. she was supposed to stand up for civil liberties and freedom of speech. and most importantly, protect the middle class, the american dream. today, i believe the democratic party has lost its way. i wonder what. robert kennedy is now the youngest among the famous us presidential candidates, he is younger than biden, younger than trump, and nicole shanahan, who became his vice-presidential candidate. 38 years old, fresh ideas, a fresh voice, a fresh look, of course, the same joe biden lacks all this, the democrats are looking for and catching fleas, they are trying
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to find kennedy’s weak points, doing this is probably not so difficult, because kennedy i've inherited many places. kennedy entered the arena at one time as an environmental lawyer, he defended against the effects of harmful emissions. quarantine measures in the direction of the need for vaccination, in general, now the democrats remember all this to him. you cannot quarantine the entire society, you need to protect it from the sick,
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protect the weak, but society must be open, it would be possible to distribute vitamin d to people, even this would be better than locking them in their homes. but it turns out that in today’s america and trust in traditional institutions falls, so every such attack towards kennedy, he is at the same time. for part of his electorate it is also advertising. robert francis kennedy jr., the candidate being bankrolled by billionaires to help re-elect donald trump. his political platform is extremely dangerous. he promotes conspiracy theories, has made millions of dollars fighting vaccines, and is known for racist and anti-semitic remarks. don't vote for kennady jr. despite all the efforts that the biden administration is now making and pre-election. democratic campaign, it is unlikely that sooner or later they will have mechanisms in their hands that could prevent robert kennedy from interfering in this race and influencing its outcome,
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yes, they will most likely try to make sure that he is not registered in some states, but again not all states are important, that’s what’s significant, this is also such a very important point, robert kennedy is becoming more and more popular in the swing. outcome of the us presidential election. as for trump's behavior, his strategy regarding robert kennedy, it is clear that the republican is not overjoyed, because kennedy is already taking away points and votes from his direct competitor. nadi jr. is the most radical leftist candidate in the race so far, and he is a supporter of the green transition scam and other disasters that are destroying our economy. i think he will gain votes from crooked joe biden and that
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will serve america well. trump can't win a head-to-head race with biden, he can't get close to 50% of the vote, but he can win a race with multiple candidates if people spend their votes on people like kennedy. it so happened that... in these presidential elections in the united states, the topic of international politics, if not the main one, then one of the key ones, is the situation in the middle east, and ukraine, by the way, there are contradictions within the united states, in this sense the comment is very interesting, which was given by another independent candidate for us president, socialist, philosopher, cornel west, yes, his chances are very minimal, they say that his support is approximately 5%. but here's to cornel those far-left democrats can vote for west, thus also taking away some of the votes from trump, this is what cornell west said about both trump and biden,
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here is how he looks at both of them. if we do not stop considering people only as objects of manipulation, we will only multiply lies and hatred, then the country will end. the american project, as we understand it, will end. we need to mobilize people to show them. us presidential candidates were nominated by people who were deprived of even mathematical chances, like a math teacher from dallas named dusty eby. my name is
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literally someone else, and i will fight for the presidency of the united states, my first name is literally, my middle name is someone else, my last name is someone else, america needs something different, we want and deserve something better, well, he doesn’t hide it, that this is, of course, not a political action, because a lot of signatures need to be collected, without financial support this is impossible, but nevertheless, this someone else expresses interest.
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the designer is angara, she first displays the space warhead, on reference orbit, the orbital block goes 200 km around the earth. composites are the main trend in modern rocketry. they completed the task brilliantly.
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during the special operation, the russian military defeated military equipment and personnel of the ukrainian armed forces in 129 regions within 24 hours and improved the tactical situation in several directions. this is new data from my defense team. they also reported that the launcher and radar station of the irist air defense system made in germany were destroyed. our military department published footage of the strike, and then flaming technology. the un security council will hold an urgent meeting this evening on the topic of the iranian attack on israel.
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it turns out that the report will be given by:


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