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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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the chancellor's statement on social media was intended to impress more than just a generation. tiktok is, after all, a chinese invention, which is also subject to severe persecution in the united states. on saturday, scholz just went to beijing to convince the chinese leadership to abandon support for russia and put pressure on moscow. last time, in november 2022, the chancellor successfully failed this mission. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, gleb napara and andrey putro, news! germany. the united states took an active part in repelling iran's attack on israel. at the same time, according to sources in the american administration, biden told israeli prime minister netanyahu during telephone conversations that washington would not take part in tel aviv’s offensive operations against iran. from the usa, our correspondent, valentin bogdanov. iranian drones
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were still on the launch pads, and joe biden's helicopter was already landing. from the vera case, where the weekend was disrupted, the us president traveled by train. heavy gait, dissatisfied view, biden was heading to the situation room. this is a shot from there. at the table are secretary of state blinken, pentagon chief austin, national security advisor salevan, and representatives of the intelligence services. then they are waiting for a video message, but... iran has launched an air attack on israel, president biden's national security team is receiving regular updates on the situation and will meet with them this afternoon at the white house. his team is in constant contact with israeli officials as well as other partners and allies. this attack will likely continue for several hours, president biden has made clear. our support is safe. israel,
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immediately after it became known about the american fighters. according to the raiders, the attack is coming. they also helped fight it off over the syrian provinces of suwayda and dra; they shot down several iranian drones. according to reports in recent hours, the united states has intercepted drones that were flying towards israel. it 's not clear yet. where exactly they were intercepted, iraq, syria or even jordan, and it is unclear what interception systems are being used. for the hawks, of course, were a bit small about whether world war iii would break out again, some demanded that it start before dawn. iran has begun conducting drone strikes on israel. president, we must act quickly to aggressively retaliate against iran. blackbear, a republican and the number one man in their party, expressed restraint.
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god bless the people of israel, they are under attack right now, all because we have shown incredible weakness, it is impossible to believe, this would never have happened if we were in power, you are you know, they know this, everyone knows this, however, to believe that he never left the white house, trump has enough opportunities, maralaga, the republicans go to work, the speaker of congress johnson flew in the other day. we are all happy to be here today with our former and future president in this beautiful place, maralaga. president trump is our party's nominee and we look forward to a historic event in november. we will win the senate and take back the white house. americans are waiting for this. johnson sought advice from trump on what to do with military aid to kiev, ukraine, most republicans are pretty fed up. will you support the aid package for ukraine if the speaker agrees to accept it? we
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are looking at this issue, we are observing and thinking about a loan, not just a gift. we have already donated billions of dollars. our country is in decline, huge inflation is returning to levels that no one believed in anymore. terrible things are happening in our country, but this is the most insignificant thing. we have russia here, which could lead to a world war, this chaos should not have happened and would not have happened.
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ukraine must end, we should not be responsible for this war, we are responsible for the war on our border. i clearly said this to speaker johnson, there is only one border that matters, that is the american one, and if anyone thinks otherwise, then it’s time to resign. taylor greene has already formalized the move to fire johnson, just as his predecessor, also a republican, kevin mccarthy, lost his job. mike johnson and marjerry taylor greene are fighting over who will be the first to run to donald trump, to their daddy, and will win the dispute over the financing of ukraine. before the next vacation, the congress will naturally have a priority.
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next week the house will vote on aid only for israel, no aid for ukraine, no money for the border. how will you vote? i will always be for israel, i hope the speaker will be able to pass a law on assistance only to ukraine, everything is interconnected, iran is helping russia with weapons, iran, russia, china and north korea want to establish a new world order, but there is no ukraine in the list of law projects, which congressmen have included in their schedule are still not there, but there are six initiatives dedicated not to military equipment, but to household equipment; assistance to kiev for republicans turned out to be less important than, for example, the law
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to threaten the use of nuclear weapons, which causes concern throughout the world regarding the real possibility of another catastrophe as a result of a nuclear strike. real cooperation between japan and the united states is needed more than ever for the deterrence that our alliance provides. born in
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hiroshima, i see my political path as promoting a world without nuclear weapons. according to the united states, the strategy of dual containment, such is the gratitude for tokyo’s participation in it in relation to moscow and beijing, and should be carried out by all kinds of ukraine, including japan or the philippines, whose president
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also rushed to america. gratitude, like for a portion of sushi, nothing special, like screens in the form of japanese fans in the lobby of the white house, past which biden’s guests were rushing past. who invited designer brian rafanelli to plan his granddaughter's wedding naomi, joe biden was probably hoping for a reciprocal courtesy from the invitees, but they were clearly more interested in the fricosse of sweet beans with pistachio cake in the finale than in the electoral prospects of the host. mr. bezos, will you donate to biden's company? hello, the richest us citizen remained silent.
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people told him where to go, what to say, and of course, joe never went anywhere without his trusty giant cheat sheets. at a joint press conference. next question: who should i call next? wait a second, i have a list here, wait, i'm sorry. taking a glass of californian wine in his hands, the guest decided not to lower the degree of ambiguity, reaching the point of absurdity, that as a child he went to school in new york, of course, they knew, he was surprised why kishida did not stay in america. i really wanted to like it, fantastic. let me close with a line from
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star trek. boldly go where no man has gone before. the galactic swing is not only from the prime minister of the land of the rising sun, to eclipse the luminaries are literally being tried by those who claim us power. this is a video trump released on the eve of the solar eclipse. the previous time this was observed in the united states was in 2017, and trump also watched from the balcony of the white house for some time without glasses. biden recalled. enjoy the eclipse guys, but do it safely, don't be stupid. not that anyone will listen much to one or the other, about one in five americans going into the election today would not vote for either biden or trump, so...
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it is definitely not possible to prevent it. the night attack is the focus of today's urgent meeting of the un security council. israel and iran prepared separate letters for it. in the israeli there is not a word about their recent attack on the embassy in damascus, in the iranian there is a promise of a more decisive response in case of escalation. the situation in the middle east has become another crisis that the current american administration is simply unable to cope with. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin. denis lisitsin, news of the week from new york. a credit
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the peak of the spring flood has not yet passed; entire settlements are going under water. tens of thousands of people are forced to leave their homes. on thursday, the president held a meeting via video link with the heads of the most affected regions, with the head of the ministry of emergency situations and other ministers. i listened to their reports, and at the end of the meeting , the president called on the ministry of construction not to waste time, and where possible, immediately begin to restore housing and infrastructure. look, somewhere the water hasn’t arrived yet, somewhere it hasn’t left yet, but already. now we need to think about restoring housing, especially housing, well, and infrastructure, of course, so please don’t delay in advance, prepare for this in advance, please, anton germanevich, add something, we are in contact with the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of construction, calculations are being prepared, money
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will be immediately allocated, resources are in the reserve fund yes, great, on the same day, measures to eliminate the consequences of floods in the ural and siberian regions were discussed at a government meeting. there is a lot of work ahead. the most important thing is the safety of our citizens, providing them with everything they need. and here, of course, it is very important to organize work to restore reliable energy supplies and resume transport communications as soon as possible. i also ask all relevant departments to evaluate the possibility of compensating for the losses they incur.
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neighborhoods and microdistricts are defended with bags of sand, clay and soil; any material can enter. at night, our men built all these barricades until 2:00 a.m., filled them up, brought tractors here, brought in equipment. there are chaotic defensive lines and strategic areas in this area, where the most great construction forces. this improvised dam around the residential complex has been erected for several days now, the water is gradually washing it away, and the builders are strengthening it. the house itself is located on a hill, but if there is an embankment. if it doesn’t hold up, then the whole area, located below, will be at risk of flooding. today, for the first time, no increase in the level of the ural river is recorded; data from gauging stations even shows a slight decline of several centimeters per day. but this, of course, does not change the general situation. the water finds new ways and continues to flood one street after another. let's go, it will be full by morning. a bag with
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things and documents is ready. the faithful dog is patiently waiting for evacuation; although he is afraid of water, he remains with his owner until the end. there is nowhere to take the furniture and... equipment, where will we take it? i have three relatives in this city of orenburg, all three relatives are flooded, all three relatives are flooded, that is , i have nowhere to take it out, what can i do, i scattered it among the neighbors, and here the depth in some places reaches 5 m, namely suburban and holiday villages from floods suffered the most. 600 houses went under water. local residents give a tour of the places where their houses recently stood. in water. road signs are almost invisible, without knowing the area, strangers will not pass even by boat, so people rely only on themselves. they evacuated on their own and also helped their neighbors get out of their flooded houses. i went to my missy’s to save myself, here people’s lives were saved first of all from each other, so they didn’t have time to take anything out of their homes, only what they could lift to the second floor survived,
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the water from the ceiling was 10 cm. goran ilievsky shows the situation in the house of his neighbor, who is waiting for us in the boat. the two of them lived here for several days when the water began to flow. the goron house is visible from the window, it is one-story, so only the roof sticks out of the water. finished 2 months ago. this is already the opposite bank of the urals, but the situation is exactly the same, two separate snts, actually united into one large village with a population of about a thousand residents, who have organized their headquarters , monitor the situation, take shifts on duty, and go around the territory by boat. eat and a stationary post. evgenia and her husband, dog and cat have been living in a tent on the roof of an unfinished building for several days.
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we will work out a mechanism so that we can also support them, about eliminating the consequences of the flood in orsk, where residents can already see the degree of destruction of their homes, alexander kurenkov spoke at a meeting with city residents. the head of the ministry of emergency situations emphasized that the victims themselves will monitor the work of the commission and the progress of work. wherever you go, whoever you talk to, take feedback, please allow me your phone number, where can i find you? this is the law. the regional authorities so far estimate the damage from flooding in the orenburg region at more than 40 billion rubles. orenburg
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for a week now, kurgan and its surroundings have been living in constant anticipation of big water, the flood wave is already at the very approaches to the city, they began to prepare for its arrival in advance. hundreds of sandbags are constantly sent up from here, with their help they have already managed to build up the main nine-meter one.


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