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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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here are new territories, settlements in eleven regions are in the flood zone, in kurgan the water in the tabol river is rapidly rising, its level has exceeded 6 m, residents were urged to collect documents and things for evacuation from houses that may be in the danger zone. the tense situation remains in the orenburg region; in total, since the beginning of the flood in the region, almost 18,500 residential buildings and more than 36 thousand household plots have been flooded. in areas where the disaster has receded, commissions began working to assess damage from the flood. floods are expected in tyumen. in the morning, military engineers began blasting ice to avoid congestion on the rivers. there is also a threat of an emergency in the novosibirsk region; the water level in the tomsk region has risen by almost a meter and is approaching a dangerous level. due to overflows, traffic on several sections of roads is limited. chapter.
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hello, first question for you margarta, what is the current situation in the flood-affected areas of the orenburg region. yes, alexander, greetings, right now we are in snt southern urals, where the evacuation of residents. right now, we have just called several people from a flooded house on a boat. i will note that evacuation is now actively underway, despite the fact that the water is low now. is decreasing and we
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observe that here, even in the snt southern urals , there is less water in some places, that is, the level is decreasing. in general, in general , as of today, by this minute, the level of the urals near orenburg is 11 m 61 cm. but i would also note that now the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, is actually working in the region, together with the presidential plenipotentiary envoy in priovsky igor komarov works in the federal district, they are now together in orsk, where they meet with affected residents, also inspect the consequences of the flood, also explain once again the support measures and check how the damage assessment commissions work. i would also like to note that rospotrebnadzor employees constantly monitor the sanitation situation in regions with floods. for example, in the orenburg region , daily water monitoring is carried out at all stages of selection. more than 5,000 drinking water samples have already been taken. there is also an active vaccination against hepatitis a, about 18,000 have already been vaccinated. citizens and
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sampling is also underway in temporary temporary accommodation centers, these are essential products , over 130 samples have also been taken of ready-made meals, and i would also note that evacuation continues in all snt, in all settlements and microdistricts that are now affected by the flood, and i suggest listening comments from volunteers, the application comes in, we go, we take people and animals, we help everyone if possible, and there are people who... from the flooded regions today evacuated in general evacuated 1708 people, of which 170 are children, now they are all located in five temporary residence centers in orenburg, all conditions for living have been created there, i suggest now...
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hear the comment, it’s good here, everything is organized, everything is there, well, communication with the service it suits us, we try to provide all the maximum conditions for people to live, that is, everyone has individual beds fully provided for everything, we have plenty of blankets and pillows in our bed room.
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as a result of the flood, groups from bashkartastan, tatarstan and samara have now been sent there, this is 144 people, 25 pieces of equipment that will be in full combat readiness in the event of a large-scale... colleagues, thank you, margarita, and now to the situation in tyumen, our special correspondent stanislav drenvald is there. stanislav, hello again, according to the latest events, the big water will come in the middle of the week, as i understand it, what is being done to ensure that the damage is as minimal as possible? hello, alexander, hello, margarita, well, in fact, a regional regime has been declared in the tyumen region, here are two. which big problems can bring big water - these are the tabola river and the ishim river, as you said just above, the ishim river is rising in kurgan, but today an increase in the water level has been noticed, which is approaching the already dangerous level, directly the highest in
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the tyumen region, about the governor said this today, let’s listen, we received an updated forecast, which significantly exceeds. the one we received back on april 5th is half a meter, a meter, and these are absolutely historical maximums that have never been observed on the ishim river, so this will now require us to make a certain recalculation of the number of houses in settlements that may be subject to flooding, in the city of ishim itself, where i am now, you see, the river is slowly rising, a lot of ice has accumulated, we have now started blowing up today in order to maximize quickly pass it past the city of ishim, so that there is no load and there is no pressure on the built dams, we are located in the settlement of uporov, this is the uporovsky district of the region, in fact, this
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settlement is located on the ishim river, here for now the water level is stable, today there was even a drop, but nevertheless you can. sees behind me, now there is a dam, which they are trying to strengthen as much as possible and not only strengthen it, but increase it by a meter, or even one and a half, in some places up to 2 m, this must be done so that if suddenly the water does come close to the dam, so that there is no breakthrough and such a situation does not occur, as for example happened in orsky , both regional builders and simply not - not indifferent people, residents, take part in this work. areas that may be affected flooding, let's listen to what the head of the main construction department of the tyumen region said, directly about the work here in the village of uporov, let's listen, today we, having a more negative
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forecast than in normal times, set ourselves the task of increasing the body of the dam to a level of one up to one and a half meters, the entire dam... 2.8 km long, now it remains to fill literally another 400 m to the required level, today we expect to complete this work completely, today it was announced in there is voluntary evacuation in the area, temporary temporary accommodation centers and temporary accommodation centers for residents are already operating , people who are in a potential flood zone are advised to come there, really not to take risks, all the conditions are there, there... you can actually spend the night, you can stay for a long time, there is food there medical assistance has also been organized, let's listen to what they say about the work of temporary temporary accommodation centers in the region, we are deploying temporary temporary accommodation centers for 464 places,
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we have five of them in the area, all services are involved, today the medical service, education, everyone is fully involved in staffing temporary temporary detention centers, they are, in principle , ready for us, we are now... ready to accept people, sleeping places, catering, psychological support for citizens, organization of leisure extracurricular activities with children who will be at temporary temporary detention centers, social services take an active part in dealing with people with disabilities , elderly citizens, palliative patients, and of course, people who are in the area of ​​possible flooding are now trying to get them to safe places. own property, while there is time, it is really necessary to do this now, because god forbid, when there is high water, time will pass there, well , just for hours, or even for minutes, there is an example of this, the water comes in fast, here we are today we talked with residents who are directly at risk
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of flooding; we are very grateful to our authorities, who quickly brought in such a large amount of equipment. 24-hour work was carried out to build a dam totaling one and a half meters like this they built up at a rapid pace, so yesterday our men went around laying sacks there, strengthening this dam, well, just on it. the main report to report to you about the participation of astrakhan residents in a special military operation and
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the work that we are doing with the families of our soldiers, listen, dear vladimirevich, from the first days, thousands of residents of the region have been fighting with dignity today, as evidenced by state awards and letters of gratitude from the commanders of military units , which we regularly receive, three of our fellow countrymen posthumously awarded the title of hero of russia. i would like to note that not only the regional government, at the expense of budget funds, but almost all enterprises of the organization are involved in the acquisition of equipment and the delivery of humanitarian supplies to fighters on the front line. we have developed a lively connection with the guys, i try to meet as often as possible not only with the commanders of our sponsored military units, but also with ordinary soldiers, it is very important for them to know that in their small homeland they are remembered and waited for, their families are taken care of. in our region the branch of the fatherland defenders fund is working effectively, but even before the opening, we
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began assigning coordinators of the regional ministry of social development to each family; one and a half billion rubles have already been allocated from the regional budget for one-time payments to svo participants and members of their families. we have introduced 24 regional measures of social support for such families and worked with the federal one. the federal medical and biological agency conducted a corresponding examination in march in the avstrakhan region of a large group of military personnel and combat veterans and dozens. children were sent for treatment and prosthetics, we also agreed
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to work on the issue of creating an appropriate specialized center in astrakhan for the entire south of russia, and today, vladimir vladimirovich, we are paying great attention to social rehabilitation, we are actively involved in the new program “time of heroes”, we very much hope that combat veterans will soon return to civilian life. in august. 2022, the astrakhan region took patronage over the kremensky district of the lugansk people's republic, part of its territories is still is located on the line of combat contact, but nevertheless, together with the local administration and the ministry of construction of the russian federation, we have developed a plan for the implementation of a special infrastructure project, it is five years old, but is constantly adjusted depending on the operational situation. bye. our priority is the restoration of social and
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engineering structures destroyed by militants, as well as apartment buildings. i visit the area, and i must say, vladimir vladimirovich, people, despite that they are holding on and building a peaceful life today. in settlements located further from the front line, we are restoring cultural and educational facilities; our doctors are traveling to the lugansk region. teachers, concert teams. in astrakhan, we host hundreds of children from the frontline zone on vacation. last year we ensured the health of 750 children, and this year we will continue this work. well, today we have 150 children from the belgorod region resting and studying in the ostrakhan region. moving on to issues of socio-economic development, i would like celebrate growth. gross regional product, and, probably, one of the most objective indicators is the budget. the consolidated
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budget of the astrakhan region over 5 years has grown from less than 60 billion rubles in the nineteenth year to 90 billion rubles in the parameters of 2024, we managed to increase our own income by 20 billion rubles per year. and as part of the implementation of your vladimir vladimirovich, initiatives for the implementation of large infrastructure projects and... social support , funds from the federal budget are coming to the region doubled from 11.9 billion rubles in the nineteenth year to the target for... the implementation of a wide range of social support measures, for example, 3 billion rubles were allocated for the payment of material capital last year in the region alone, every third resident of our country the region receives
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certain social payments on an annual basis, this amounts to 12 billion rubles. a situation arose in which one of the houses on studencheskaya street in the city of astrakha was not subject to federal legislation, we had to develop a unique regional law, provide a special article in the regional budget. and i want to say that people have been waiting for this event for 17 years, and now we are finishing making payments. dear vladimir vladimirovich, at every meeting you ask me how the problem of relocating citizens from dilapidated emergency housing is being solved, we have been actively carrying out this work for 5 years and completed the program ahead of schedule for housing recognized as
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emergency before january 1, 2017, in total we resettled 2,663 people from the service .
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and technical means for working on marine, oil fields. the industry today employs about 4,000 workers, our shipyards are provided with orders for 2 years in advance. also, in accordance with your instructions, a special economic zone of the industrial production type lotus has been created in the astrakhan region, and the only special port economic zone in russia has been declared. for 3 years in a row, the astrakhan region has been ranked first in russia in growing vegetables in open ground, and today the revival of re-growing is very active. i would like to note that
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the annual growth in agricultural production exceeded 2%, amounting to 70%. i cannot help but note the most important direction, which today is the driver of development of the region, this is the creation of the astrakhan hub of the international north-south transport corridor, this is fully facilitated by the implementation of your instructions to deepen the volga-caspian sea shipping canal, starting in 2022, the volume of completed work in the canal amounted to an unprecedented 15 million cubic meters. soil, due to which the through draft today it has been increased to 4.5 m. this allows the use of modern vessels with greater capacity for transportation across the caspian sea from the seaports of astrakhan and alya. as a result , we note that the total cargo turnover for 2023 amounted to 4.5 million tons. the volume of transshipment in
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relation to the indicators of the twenty-second year increased by 51%. this trend continues today. in january and february, cargo turnover also doubled. a very important part of the astrakhan logistics hub of the international north-south transport corridor is the road network. already underway work on the eastern bypass of astrakhan. construction of a northern bypass is planned. and i would like to note, vladimir vladimirovich, we are 100% fulfilling road construction tasks within the framework of the national project for safe and high-quality roads. you know that in the astrakhan delta. volga has a huge number of bridge crossings, when we began an audit of this facility in 2019, 160 problematic objects were identified, 50 of them have already been... and 20 bridge structures have already been restored using the latest technologies, such a volume of work on bridges is not it was a very long time ago. in 2024, we
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plan to complete the work and put into operation another 18 bridges, of which 13 are safe and high-quality roads under the program, while it must be recognized that the needs for repair and restoration of roads, including in the regional center, are colossal, the poor condition of the road surface is this is one of the main problems people complain about. technology for intermunicipal routes
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, by 2030, investments in this area should amount to 35 billion rubles. dear vladimir vladimirovich, for 5 years, starting from 2019, we have doubled the volume of housing commissioning, an indicator. at the same time, there is a very serious problem that is holding back civil road construction and restoration of the historical center of astrakhan, this is the wear and tear of the water supply and sewerage networks of the astrakhan vodokanal municipal unitary enterprise, which amounts to 92%. we are faced with constant breaks in water supply and sewerage networks, which... provokes the destruction of road surfaces, flooding of public spaces, which certainly causes significant social tension,
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all the infrastructure funds allocated to us by the government of the russian federation are aimed precisely at solving this problem; the total volume of investments today exceeds 11 billion rubles. but i want to note that this, of course, is catastrophically not enough; we, together with the territorial development fund, have developed a project. plan for the period until 2030, which includes 189 measures in the field of water supply and 63 measures in the field of sanitation, of course, this will require a multiple increase in costs, but this is the most fundamental task for astrakhan agglomeration in the next 6 years, i earnestly ask you, vladimir vladimirovich, to instruct the government of the russian federation to work on the issue of creation. a special targeted investment program with the allocation of funds from the federal budget, which will be used to modernize the fixed assets of the housing and communal services
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complex of the region; well , unfortunately, we cannot do without additional funds from the federal center. vladimirovich, i would like to separately share our successes at the international level, taking into account geostrategic position of the region, we are doing a lot to consolidate the status of astrakhan as an outpost in the south of russia. in recent years, we have managed to bring international cooperation to a new level, strengthen cross-border ties with the regions of the caspian five, in the economic and humanitarian spheres, and much is being done to build direct friendly relations with the leaders of the countries of the caspian macro-region. in august september , a large-scale festival of classical music will be held for the fourth time. art, caspian seasons a traditional caspian international media forum, which invariably... attracts special, separate attention from the journalistic and political community. dear vladimir vladimirovich, 5 years ago you instructed me
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to lead the astrakhan region, and the residents voted for me in the elections, during this time we have done serious work, assessed the problems, risks, formed development plans, we managed to resolve some of the issues, the rest are in the works today , we see the tasks, we see the paths. decision, so i ask you, vladimir vladimirovich, to support my nomination for a new term, i really hope that the people of astrakhan will also support this choice, igorevich, a lot of work has been done and indeed the indicators are generally satisfactory, there is growth in agriculture, there is also growth in industrial production, really, you... just said about construction, but according to my data, there is still a slight decrease, your data differs or i somehow did not understand.
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vladimirovich, in the report i proceed from the indicators that we achieved last year, we are in constant communication with the ministry of construction, we have a failure to achieve targets for the commissioning of apartment buildings, yeah, with individual residential construction we are overlapping the plans, most likely this is the issue, well, we need to look, of course, maybe the networks are worn out 92%, of course, this is very large, it may be a deterrent . in any case, your letter, here it is in front of me, i read it, familiarized myself with it, i have already issued an order to the government, or rather even to deputy prime minister khusnulin, who is in charge of this topic, he oversees the ministry construction, so i will talk to him again so that he will unconditionally support you, this needs to be done, you, your supply of doctors is good, better than the national average, this is
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a very important thing, there are those things. that we definitely need to work on them and i am aware that you and i have already talked a lot about this, because there are things of a subjective nature over the course of what you know about these problems and you know how to approach them, how to solve them, really, in 5 years you... in general, showed operational efficiency is quite complex, but very important for us in the region, you mentioned two free economic zones, lotus and the port, but once again, if possible, let’s return to the port of alya, because there it is becoming more and more important for us, how do you assess the situation there
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? shipbuilding industry using the southern center of shipbuilding, ship repair, since literally last year our shipbuilders laid down container ships and bulk carriers 20108, a type that can operate in the caspian sea, since the caspian sea is quite shallow, so we will... we were with you earlier we talked about this, i reported to you separately, i repeat once again, thanks to your instructions, today this task has been completed, which has significantly influenced the growth of cargo transportation, our port capacity
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today is... 16 million tons is a certain reserve, work is currently underway to develop a container terminal in the port of alya as part of the work and activities of the special economic port zone. ok, thank you. we will certainly work on this in the same way as on the development of the north-south corridor. you mentioned this too. in general, igorevich, everything is working out for you, well , everything probably never works out, but the main tasks are being solved and are being solved.
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vladimir putin with the head of the astrakhan region igor babushkin. the conversation took place via video conference. russia calls middle eastern countries to show restraint amid escalation. this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. according to him, moscow is extremely concerned about the growing tensions in the middle east and advocates exclusively for a political and diplomatic settlement. we are extremely concerned. escalation of tension in the region, we call on all countries in the region to show restraint, further escalation is in no one’s interests, therefore, of course, we advocate that all disagreements be resolved exclusively by political and diplomatic methods. all hypersonic missiles fired by iran reached targets in israel, the authorities of the islamic republic announced. tehran warned that if the jewish state strikes again,
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there will be a new iranian response.


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