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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine, became an ordinary police psychologist, but i’ll kill me, why did you provoke him, you wanted to help the guy, she’s digging valera for you in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, also what, it will hurt, saying that... you
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know how to look directly into people’s heads, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website. let’s translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions, the director visited irkutsk on tour nikita mikhalkov, he presented the performance to the local audience.
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who and what and what opens our eyes, the svo forges a new elite, the finale of the play 12, the jury eventually found their defendant not guilty, the eighth juror takes custody of the guy and lesginka the audience gives a standing ovation, the problems that we pose, that you have , we... and we will solve them, in one way, very important, learn to speak , listen to the truth, and if this is so, then victory will be ours. ilena malyshkina, alexander mokin, vesti irkutsk. and now it's news time economy. nickel and aluminum prices rose by 9%. due to new sanctions against russia. the us and
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uk have banned the supply of these metals. as a result, the price per ton of aluminum approached $2,500. the price of nickel is already above seventeen. according to bloomberg, the london and chicago stock exchanges will suffer due to the sanctions. they will not be able to replenish their metal reserves in the same volumes. our country accounts for 6% of the world supply of nickel and 5% of aluminum. kamaz increased production of new trucks by 3 and a half times generations k-5. according to the results of the quarter, more than one and a half thousand cars. the company noted that now the production of these trucks does not depend on supplies from unfriendly countries. most of the components were localized. as for sales, in 3 months, kamaz sold almost 8,500 vehicles. foreigners have begun to issue russian world maps more often. a businessman writes about this with reference to the banks surveyed. thus, a subsidiary of sberbank, yumaniya,
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increased its issuance sixfold in the first quarter, russian standard bank doubled, and sofcombank by 20%. more kartmir was all discovered by tourists from china. the peak occurred in february. when the country celebrated new year. and the uk will never be able to confiscate russian assets; there are no legal grounds for this, the political publication writes. experts estimate that assets worth £44 billion are currently frozen in the country. officials understand that their withdrawal would damage the reputation of the kingdom's financial institutions and negatively impact future peace negotiations. it was economic news. short. votter, it tastes better on fire, burgers, well, debts for credit cards carry interest rates, you need help,
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you take out credit cards, transfer debts to money, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with help. on easter, the russian lotto unites people, when we are together, our help is greater, in the charity easter draw, from each ticket sold, 10 rubles will be transferred to charitable causes, we will draw thousands of cash prizes, every second ticket wins, closing a loan is like a holiday, for a holiday it is customary to give gifts, and tinkov gives you a great gift, money, apply for a loan with tinkov before the end of april. all payments are on time and we will return the 5% rate in cash, we approve of your flame, tinkov, like this, no need, like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this at the megamarket children's leisure products with cashback up to 40 %. what men are silent about,
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painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. lamgitase against prostatitis. real the legend is immediately visible, it is almost impossible to touch it. but not for you. this is your legendary alfabank credit card. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year of interest-free. and you receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm. not just profitable, alpha profitable. pairs grant and grand.
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and anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on, attention, in honor of the anniversary, the magnet returns 30% with bonuses for... a credit card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card
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, everything will be the way you want. touch croque star burger votter on fire tastes better. for the first time, health screening was carried out in remote areas of yamal; reindeer herders were able to see a cardiologist, pulmonologist, rheumatologist and other doctors. subspecialists from st. petersburg worked with patients for 2 weeks. anastasia will tell you about the arctic chickup panko. from the capital of yamalo nenenets. autonomous okrug to the small village of iersale, which is beyond the arctic circle,
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about 200 km, it doesn’t seem that far, but getting there is not easy. you can only get to iersali, now it’s freezing, by helicopter, here it’s like a local taxi mi-8, every day, including on holidays, it transports passengers along the route to solihard and back. almost 800 people live in eersalei and the nearby tundra. the majority are representatives of indigenous, small peoples of the north. of them lead a nomadic lifestyle, breeding deer they constantly mow down, that is, they roam with their herd. soon the saratetta family will go to the tundra for 8 months, closer to the kara sea, but before leaving there is a routine examination at the hospital. first, a consultation with a therapist, the doctor interviews patients, checks blood pressure, takes blood for analysis, and then sends the family to more specialized specialists for a detailed examination. together with their parents they will go to the arsk sea and...
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so that the tundra people can come to see him, everyone goes to the therapist initially, but the therapist cannot take the widest possible and consider all these narrow problems, he may simply not identify them, so whatever one may say, there is some kind of base through which a gynecologist, urologist, endocrinologist should be there, one way or another everyone should at least sometimes go to these specialists for consultation. the arctic check-in takes place not only in yarsal; residents of the gedan tundra were also able to get access to highly specialized specialists. about twenty families live in the area of ​​the east misayakha deposit, there is excellent ecology and a lot of moss, the main
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food of deer, and there are good neighbors nearby. east mestayakha is the northernmost of the large developed oil fields on russian land. the mission of oil workers in the arctic is not only to extract sulfur, we also feel responsible for the land on which we work for the people who live on this land. and the locals who live here know that if something happens, anyone is needed. help, contact the oil workers, we will not only always help, we ourselves offer this help. now oil workers are offering the local population to undergo a routine medical examination. they help the topic with children to get to the oil field health center. it is located 20 km from the alenevodsky chumy, while the nearest regional hospital is 140 km away. hello, how did you get there? fine. they come to the health center with their families. germans trust doctors and do not argue about fulfilling all their prescriptions. the examination went well now and your blood pressure was said
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to be high, they gave me pills and allocated them, tundra medical examination - these are 10 different areas of diagnosis, checking the heart, pressure, blood vessels, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, consultations and medical recommendations after the examination. tundra dwellers are distinguished by their good health, they easily tolerate frosts, rarely get sick, but even they need a routine examination. this is the harsh life in the tundra. it hardens the body and it better resists various diseases, firstly, and secondly, infections that walk among us. in the human population, when we are in large groups of people, there are not so many of these infections in the tundra, and there is less chance of the spread of these infections if during medical examination doctors have identified diseases, they send patients to the regional center, or leave them for treatment at their health center. when i got sick, i was immediately hospitalized, a snowstorm
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came with two cockroaches, the staff was responsive. he feeds me deliciously, the rooms are spacious, don’t get sick, but come to us, because problems are identified in time - this is the key to good health. after the appointment , patients receive first aid kits containing medications, vitamins, a pulse oximeter, and a breathing diagnostic machine. reindeer herders spend most of the year pumping and do not always have opportunity to get advice from experienced doctors. thanks to gazprom, each of the residents of the peninsula will be able to undergo a full health check before the start of the mowing season. soon the tundra dwellers will drive their reindeer to the shores of the kara sea. gazprom neft has a long-established practice; we have been providing assistance and support to the nomadic population at our fields and in our medical centers for a long time. yesterday we went to the clinic. good feedback from the residents of arsale, from the nomadic population, that they really
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enjoyed this opportunity with pleasure enjoy. arctic chekab series of medical examinations of indigenous people. has been carried out for several years, in 2024 gazpromneft scaled up the project, now the yamal nenets living near the village of novy port in yeersal, the administrative center of the yamal region, have the opportunity to undergo examination. due to the nomadic life of the nenets, the arctic chuka is held at a time when most of them will return to the village for lenin vodka day. this is the most important holiday of the local residents, one might say, the calling card of yamal, and the day of the reindeer rocks. every weekend throughout two months are celebrated in different cities and villages and it’s not enough, but now this holiday has reached here in jerusalem. the key event of the reindeer herder's day, reindeer sled racing, an extreme and unpredictable sport. wayward reindeer can overturn the sled, catch their antlers on each other, or even leave the race;
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it is difficult to predict the winner here. we are alniods, we must support traditional sports. everyday we drive these all the time, why not drive this one here? the ideal running team can be assembled for more than one year, here’s how and horses, good racing animals are looked after and bought from other deer. a reindeer's sports career is short-lived, a maximum of 4 years, the optimal age for competition is from 6 to 10 years, at the forefront, then the rest follow in turn. the epel in the back, which is on the edge, is the most important advanced epel. dennevoda is a bright, eventful holiday; fairs open on these days, where you can buy national clothes, shoes, reindeer skins, northern delicacies, for example, white cheese straganina. you don’t need a lot of effort, no cooking, nothing, just planed everything thinly, in principle, it
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is included in the daily diet, it replaces us, as we have quick lunches, quick breakfasts, with us. kind of everyday, but it’s like breakfast, lunch, dinner. at the festival, competitions are held for the best nomadic families, national dresses, the most beautiful and practical art, long, narrow national sleighs are judged. at the bottom of the reindeer herding farm, you can touch the everyday traditions of the tondra people, listen to their songs, see dances, and of course, visit the hostess in the local tent. usually spines and deer are boiled in water, this is the most common thing for... for the broth we cook, add deer blood, and a little bit. nina prepares a traditional meat broth from venison for the guests, she was born and raised in the tundra, raised three children, a strong woman who does not know what fatigue and illness are, tells her there is simply no time to lie down if my stomach hurts there, but deer they’ll run away, i ’m going to lie down because of my stomach because, let’s say, my neck hurts or my head hurts a little, i can’t lie down, ersolkichesky
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had a checkup for the first time in two weeks about a hundred families were examined, for a small village this is... a good indicator, then the morals are not indifferent to their health, so next year doctors will come to imal again to take care of the health of the small indigenous peoples of the north. anastasia panko, mikhail vikulin, mikhail mirzayans, tatyana klepcha and alexey mustafin. news. there are classics that you like more and more every time, classic grand burgers and a new one, grand piquant with...
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your chance to get yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. catch pieroger. poultry is not easy, but anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprom bank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on for headaches, there is ascafen
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p at an affordable price. and ascafentra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. touch the rock star burgering, votter on fire and taste it! krasnodar, tomsk, st. petersburg, kazan, volgograd and rostov-on-don. entrepreneurs from these cities have already received money from the considerable business fund. it's your turn. we'll give away 100 million rubles entrepreneurs all over.
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100 years ago in the cinema from april 18 magnet price what you need cheese lithuanian 1449 hello my friend. promised, today we’re preparing pilaf, hey-hey, don’t transfer the butter, oh, i need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer online via stb, it’s faster and more convenient, thanks for teaching me, it’s someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, it’s not necessary like this, it’s necessary like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this on the mega market there’s a moulinex multicooker for 9,999 rubles. at the bigfest chicken premiere for 100 rubles. and other offers at very favorable prices price. grandfather, do you prefer fishing or tinkering? receive your pension from postal banks. of course, there is profit there.
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transfer your pension to post bank and receive 2.0 rubles. and a chance to win a car. receive your pension profitably from postal banks. 150 years ago it opened in paris. but there is an impression from it, there is not one light source, there are many of them, it’s like we have on television, the characters are illuminated from all sides, left, right, full face, there is still
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backlight from behind, then there is a free drawing, sometimes a violation of anatomy and proportions man, which is very important, technique, the impressionists began to paint ala primo, right away with paint on canvas, before that there was a complex multi-stage, multi-day process, this was underpainting, writing out details, foiling, here, everything is written, by the way, not very well, the french knew and painting technology, many did not study at all like the customs officer henri rousseau. why the french, because this movement arose there, later post-impressionism with its numerous channels, favism, pointillism, cubism arose. the impressionists broke all ideas about painting, turned the history of art is reversed, but what is important for us is how their best works ended up in russia. when the french themselves did not pay attention to...
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the sculptures were nationalized in 1923 and combined to create a museum of new western art in moscow. in 1948 it ceases to exist, it is clear why: in the country the only true style in art is socialist realism, everything else is nothing for soviet people to watch. it was decided to divide this collection between the hermitage and the state museum of fine arts. slight tension, of course present during work distribution.
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director of the state museum of fine arts. the sculptor sergei merkurov pays more attention to sculpture, this is understandable, from the hermitage the chief expert antonina izorgina, a most sophisticated specialist , was divided, it turned out that it was approximately equally divided, the only thing was that the moscow bias was to take as many things as possible from those gravitating towards impressionism, that is, those that maybe today or tomorrow it will be possible to exhibit, and armitage was ready to take things that may never be exhibited, matis and picasso and... it was supposed to be exhibited in that situation, but the arbitration was ready to store them until the moment when it could be exhibited, but all these works are not shown until the thaw of 1956, then we skip a decade, in 2000 a descendant of ivan morozov living in the west , wants to sue the paintings collected by the foreman, sues the american court, but loses, and on april 25, 2013 , a bomb explodes, director of the pushkin
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museum. society begins to become feverish, this is a painful topic, because then many other museums will demand the return of things that were taken from them to strengthen provincial collections in the republics of the ussr. the director of the hermitage, pyatrovsky, is actually trolling: “okay, we will give matis to the pushkin state museum of fine arts, but then let the state museum of fine arts return the rembrandt to us, then this one was closed. the next scandalous story with these masterpieces will be in the fall of 2021.”
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our museums, the hermitage, the pushkin museum and the tretyakov gallery are sending a collection of post-impressionist impressionists from the morozov collection to a grand exhibition at the louis vuitton foundation in paris. this fund was long-time partner of the pushkin museum. the exhibition has the best - 17 russian and 30 french artists. this happened after the skivian gold from the crimean museums was detained in the netherlands. we don't have independent curators, right?
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i, as a curator, when i heard that i would have to give something out of the funds, i was always overcome by two feelings, and the first was a huge feeling of anxiety, how museum objects would survive transportation, new exhibition conditions, how they would return, how all this will affect their future safety, in paris at the luivviton foundation, of course, it was a tremendous success, the exhibition was watched by more than a million people, it was supposed to close on february 22, 2022, but it...


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