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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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of debt instruments, the share of reinvestment decreases. we expect that the set of measures signed today to stimulate investment activity in the republic of belarus and the russian federation will contribute to the arrival of new russian investors and the implementation of large mutually beneficial projects. by the way, we propose to significantly increase the investment channel for the implementation of infrastructure projects in belarus in the field of tourism and health improvement. belarus is one of the most popular destinations. among russian tourists, for example, over the past year , more than 1,100 thousand russians visited our health resorts and hotels, and this number could be large, but it is constrained by the lack of accommodation places; almost all places in belarusian health resorts have already been sold out for the second half of this year, so we invite russian investors will fill this demand in order to achieve their goals.
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colleague roman golovchenko.
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expecting anything grandiose at today’s security council meeting. this is how the russian representative to international organizations in vienna, mikhail ulyanov, put it. in his opinion, there will be a useful discussion, highlighting what is happening, but... no ukrainians calls by name, will not become the guilty country. quote. well, in france there was an opinion that kiev, with the help of attacks on zas, is forcing the west to increase assistance. the leader of the french patriots party, florian philippot , noted that paris must force the ukrainian leader vladimir zelensky to urgently stop these provocations. it is high time for us to understand that we will all become victims if an accident occurs on zaes, because of such people. attacks - emphasized filippo. unfortunately, this opinion among western politicians is rather nonsense. magatay at least condemns the attack on station, but the perpetrators are not named, as mentioned above. what does such loyalty to the kiev regime lead to and what is the current situation at the zaporozhye npp.
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report by olga kurlaeva. for almost a year and a half , the zaporozhye nuclear power plant site was considered probably the safest place on the entire line. zaporozhye nuclear power plant. on april 7, the situation changed dramatically, and now the air raid alarm is sounded almost daily right here at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant site. at this time , stay near power units without body armor and helmet are strictly prohibited. for the first time, an air hazard at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was declared back in the summer of 2022. in the fall, the shelling practically stopped. they replaced it with a shell. unmanned aerial vehicles that circled in the sky above the nuclear power plant. in april, ukrainian
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drone operators switched from surveillance to combat operations. five drones in one day, one of them landed on the dome of the sixth power unit and did not explode. the second, a deafening rap, detonated already on the ground. what's bad is this exact place, right next to we have a tank. in each tank there are two of them, for each block, each tank has about 500 cubic meters. distilled chemical desalted water, which is used in the technological process, but this arrival fortunately damaged only the casing, and the tank itself remained intact, a day earlier there was an attempt to attack an acid-nitrogen station, a couple of weeks before this, the drone fell not far from the fuel storage for diesel generators . and who shoots anyway? well, for me i don’t know, for me there are no questions, the opposite bank, of course. from september twenty-two at the site of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant there are foreign
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observers from magate, their visit was initiated by the rusatom concern, but kiev did its best to prevent the presence of experts, coincidence or not, but after the foreign inspectors appeared on the skid, the intensity of shelling from the right bank fell, this is really a deterrent , yes, so their presence here is positive, these are eyes and ears, which, well, in my opinion, should inform them regardless...
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they are under pressure there that we are establishing a peaceful life here, that everything enterprises are starting to function, everything is fine with us, we work, we receive salaries, life is in full swing for us, anastasia kislaya works at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant in the office management department, observes the attacks of kamika drones on the station infrastructure, the arrival was through those windows, well, between the windows . a drone arrived. here we have fragments, elements of
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unmanned aerial vehicles. in the office of the head of energodar, eduard sinovoz, there is a collection of fragments, shells, shanks, debris and fpv drones. this is a motor from an fpv drone, who was carrying an rpg charge, so he ended up in the administration building and just by luck, there were no casualties. actually this is it. at the moment there were a large number of people, in energodar itself the regime of alarming skies has been going on for almost 2 years, and if there was a long period of calm at the site of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, then the city expects daily provocations from the right bank of the kokhovskoe reservoir. the regime of silence, which is announced during the rotation of missionaries from magathe, is ignored by the ukrainian side. in the november rotation, when missionaries drove past atomgrad, ukrainian drones attacked.
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what is the point, there is only one sense, fear, but despite the constant shelling from ukrainian positions and provocations from the kiev authorities, the energy gift joins the family of russian nuclear scientists and becomes. yes, in the city they renovated the swimming pool and opened a unique boxing school, in a specialized atomic class, there is a queue of people who want to study. we had help from rusatom and sports equipment, and an office, and repairs, we also had modular boiler rooms, i see they were installed, yulia sergeevna, director of the fourth school in the city of energodar, she was happy about the return
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of schoolchildren to the educational process, recalls how in 2022 in the city that was being built. all the unions there is not a single russian-language school left, we have been waiting for this, finally we have waited, we speak the language we want, our children learn their native language, no one forbids us how to speak what language, as it was originally with 14'.
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energy sector, constructive and international nuclear agencies have developed relations, rosatom is always open to dialogue. international observers record violations without giving their assessment, but the residents of a russian nuclear city. zaporozhye region, what they used, how much they beat, to whom what information was passed on, and most importantly, what will happen next, all these are so-called unanswered questions, the obyran attack on israel,
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tension is growing, the world community is calling for restraint, what is the next step, it turns out the zatelya. according to the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov, moscow is extremely is concerned about the escalation in the middle east and advocates exclusively for a political and diplomatic solution. the russian foreign ministry also called on both sides to show restraint. the situation will be discussed today at the un security council. the meeting was convened at the request of tel aviv. israel's main ally, the united states, also fears an escalation in the middle east. according to the publication of the politician. this is precisely what can explain joe biden’s restrained reaction to the iranian attack, as if the us president does not want to provoke the parties to further rash actions, and, according to the media, this primarily concerns israel. the americans were unhappy that 2 weeks ago israel bombed the iranian embassy in syria. well, actually, the iranian
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attack on april 14 was a response to the attack in damascus. statements from european authorities were harsher. regarding iran, the germans and french condemned tehran’s actions, which, of course, caused a reaction from the iranian foreign ministry. there, the words of european politicians were called irresponsible. here's some more interesting data the iranian ministry of defense and the ministry of defense openly declare that they warned all their neighbors in the middle east, including turkey and the gulf monarchies, as well as the united states, at least 72 hours in advance about the impending attack. americans, naturally,
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are for business and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing more. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bankur, nothing more. the us does not have information about whether israel has made a decision? about the response to iran's strike and how exactly it can this response looks like this, according to the coordinator for strategic communications at the white house national security council.
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to the iranian air attack on the night of april 14, indeed, on that very night, when hundreds of drones, cruise and ballistic missiles were sent from iranian territory to israel, the government directly decided the question: is it worth responding immediately, without waiting for flight time, without waiting attacks on israeli territory. at that moment the decision was made to wait and see what the attack would be like. so as to respond to iran adequately and even beyond that. but the next day the media wrote that severe pressure began, severe pressure began from partners from the united states.
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joe biden directly persuaded netanyahu not to respond to iran and immediately perceive the successful, repulsed air attack as a victory for israel. to stop there and not to provoke the start of a full-scale war on... the states do not need it at all, especially in the context of the approaching presidential elections. this pressure was obviously quite significant, yesterday at the meeting government has not yet come to a decision on whether and how to respond with a strike against iran ? benjamin netanyahu did not speak at the end of yesterday’s meeting; the outcome of the day, or rather the night of the military confrontation with iran, was summed up. this campaign is not over yet, we must be vigilant, pay close attention
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to the instructions of the israel defense forces and the home front command, and be prepared for any scenario. at the same time, we repelled the first wave of attacks, and we did so with great success. as for the instructions, rear control, here everything looks quite calmly. civil defense tonight. canceled all special notices and warnings, schools and kindergartens opened , mass events were allowed, even earlier israel opened airspace over the country , we visited bengurion airport yesterday, it is operating as usual, but the issue has not yet been resolved, it is still on the table the israeli government is weighing it, american publications do not rule out that an israeli response may follow, including even today.
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what do iranian authorities say about their future actions? hello colleagues, but the iranian authorities do not intend to take any further actions now, everything has already been done, the general staff of the iranian army announced this the day before. the islamic republic of iran against israel, in fact, led to the fact that the iranian authorities are completely satisfied
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with what is happening. iran is not currently interested in further escalation, this is another statement by official tehran, but if it does happen, then responsibility for it will already lie with israel. of course, now in the islamic republic is preparing for the possible. measure on the part of israel, and we are talking here not only about any military response, but also about economic impacts, possibly some kind of sanctions with the help of western partners, which israel will try to apply regarding the islamic republic, about the challenges that iran may face on the eve, during a meeting with the government, the president of the islamic republic, ibrahim roisi, spoke, his words were quoted by the iranian agency irna. here's a quote. the president said that the enemy will strive undermine the economy of the islamic republic and worsen the lives of the people, he also called for vigilance, redoubled efforts and coordination
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among government bodies. iran does not intend to take any action unless israel, of course, responds with an attack for an attack, this is another statement from the official, official tehran, and here also in the iranian republic, in the islamic republic of iran they said that if israel. bears the blow of retaliation for the sunday attack by iran, then the retaliatory blow of the islamic republic will be much stronger, and israel will strike, regardless of whether it strikes directly on the territory of iran or on the territory of neighboring countries in which iranian forces are located, for example, syria. this is what the iranian foreign ministry spokesman said at the briefing. iran does not seek to escalate
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tensions in the region and, reaffirming its commitment to the principles and purposes of the un charter and international law, iran will take stronger measures against any israeli actions that cross iran's red lines on at any level. well, if we talk about what israel’s military response might be, then it is indeed possible that tel aviv will choose to attack not directly on... the territory of iran, but to attack neighboring countries in which iranian, for example, the same syria, because over the past six months, idf aircraft have purposefully systematically destroyed syrian air defense systems; whether this will happen or not, only time will tell, and the allies, especially washington, have called on israel to restraint and urged not to respond blow to blow, and also to take a break, and so on. with
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passion, weigh everything thoroughly, think it over and make some decision, colleagues, yes, alexander, thank you, our correspondent in the region, alexander belivov, spoke about the statements from the country of tehran.
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regional development in focus southern federal district, a new center for
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the rehabilitation of participants. special operations will appear in astrakhan, the same will be opened in volgograd. working meetings of the president with governors, socio-economic indicators and more, what else were discussed? there is more and more water, over 15,500 residential buildings are flooded due to spring floods. in the tomsk region , a dam was partially destroyed, and an urgent evacuation of three more settlements was announced. well, in tyumen, where the peak of the flood is expected in the near future, they began to blow up the ice on the ishim river. meanwhile, the tabol river continues to rise in the kurgan region of novorsk, where the water has receded and disinfection is being carried out. work to eliminate large-scale floods and provide assistance to people is personally supervised by alexander kurenkov. head of the ministry of emergency situations today again in orenburg, assessing the scale
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of flooding in other regions of the country. the weekend passed quietly, but the threat remains : ukrainian drones continue to fly over europe’s largest nuclear power plant in zaporozhye.


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