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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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such, well, there were explosions in the yard at the top, such explosions were as much as flames, full of fragments, until recently the mountains of the voronsky urban district were the hottest spot in the region, now local authorities are assessing the damage, soon emergency services and construction crews will begin repair work. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. this is a big information evening, which we
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will talk about in the next hour, terrorists of the right sector refuse to fight, the armed forces of ukraine are checking who the supposedly most motivated militants send in their place to the meat grinder kyiv? the british the sun is yellow with an article about plans to destroy the crimean bridge. they give 100 days before the destruction of grozno and the pictures are beautiful. the connection with reality is of little concern to the audience of this tabloid. western grants are spent on zero content, no views, no subscribers, as supposedly independent journalists justify to their customers why the audience does not like russophobic content. the damage is catastrophic. ukraine showed the condition of one of the hydroelectric units of the dnepro-hpp after a russian high-precision strike. like the loss of shunting generation provokes an insatiable energy burst from the enemy.
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there is no chance of survival for the ukrainian militants who took refuge in a forest plantation, these are very spectacular shots of the use of our sunshine in one of the key areas of the donetsk direction, where things with the enemy, well, frankly speaking, are not going well, according to the propaganda of the kiev regime, some kind of active defense is being carried out there, but in reality it looks like this: here are absolutely unhindered sorties of russian aviation , firing missiles with factories non-stop and the filigree work of drane gunners inflicting targeted strikes against enemy personnel and equipment. directly in urban
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areas, in general, it’s a visual spectacle, and is it worth surprising without involving the gigantic losses of the armed forces of ukraine, as reported by the russian ministry of defense in just one day they amounted to 420 personnel, and the picture is complemented by interesting information about the inspection almost personally by commander-in-chief syrsky, commanders of the sixty-seventh mechanized brigade, which is staffed mainly by people from the terrorist right sector, that is, it would seem, selected nazis ready to fight the russians... all the way, as far as we know, a little earlier they were transferred to the north of the dpr, at least to hold the front, and at most for potential counterattacks, that is, they were waiting for successful actions, but they waited for something completely different, which anton potkovenko will specifically tell , anton, greetings, but it looks like these ideological guys didn’t want to go into battle at all, greetings, well, yes, they have a scheme for how to fight less, these schemes are currently being studied by special ukrainian commissions and we’ll see what they lead to , terrorists the right sector is being checked: for
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cowardice, or for failure to comply with an order, it would seem that the most motivated neo-nazis of the kiev regime should be the first to go on the attack, it seems they are not going at all. several important positions have been left in one of the key, now, directions of the front, for example , the unit commanders, we look at the statement of the press service, the right-wingers have a press service, and so official investigations have been opened, criminal proceedings are possible on trumped-up, as they say, charges, failure to comply with combat orders. the main feature of volunteer, neo-nazi units is that such units or formations are a mixture of a bandit formation and a totalitarian sect, with a selective lack of discipline; it is linked to the role of the leader, and not to the role of the state, and of course, when the contingent such... in the formation it begins to seem that
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something is going wrong, fighting begins, army instruments, they are very often ineffective and do not work, but how... exactly the unit is threatened, if not disbanded, then certainly a thorough change in the officer corps. the sixty-seventh separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, created on the basis of the so-called ukrainian volunteer corps, which in turn, since the fourteenth year, has been stuffed with militants of the terrorist right sector and under the former commander-in-chief zaluzhny lived happily ever after, namely, they did not fight in the front ranks, they drove the mobilized in front of them , but now things are going very badly at the front in kiev... very badly, and the right sectors have also been thrown into the meat grinder, why is syrsky putting forward the right sector, because under zaluzhny, the right sector played the role of barrage detachments, shooting so -called deserters, but here the situation was such that, to put it mildly,
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there was no one to send. tsersky is also carrying out an ordered moment, it is orders that he teaches from zelensky himself, to utilize the right sector. nationalist. in modern ukraine for a long time they were a real force, political, including armed national battalions, so zelensky may well be afraid of terrorists, right-wingers, even in the form of the notorious corps, as if part of the armed forces of ukraine, so syrsky is scattering the core of neo-nazis into other parts, there may no longer be a unit created on the basis of punitive forces, they themselves, it seems, really have such fears, the militants call the current inspection almost an accusation of failure to comply with orders. with a spray of movement, syrsky, you know, is tightening the screws, but will he succeed, since the terrorists are so toothy, but there is an opinion that the right-wingers in ukraine are no longer the same, and there is the right sector, and even the corps, arc, if initially they they called themselves an army, that's
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by and large, this is a kind of financial organization that exists due to some orders from... the service of ukraine, primarily the security service of ukraine, there is no proper personnel there, there is no organizational system developed in any way, they tried to quit, naturally in meat assaults, and they, as patented builders of the ukrainian nation, thought that this was a damn thing for them, the fact is that these people, they are not for the idea, no, they are for the money, all this is the work of the sbu and the central intelligence department of the united states of america, here. well, we are waiting for criminal cases in ukraine against right-wing terrorists, i wonder if they will be thrown in prison, because even the current check of commanders is very similar to the fact that the kiev regime is rapidly devouring
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itself. anton potkovenko escape of the nazis. the staff of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is ready for the next rotation of magathe inspectors. it will already be. the seventeenth group, the press service of zas reported this today. the situation at the station is currently tense, people are periodically circling over the object ukrainian drones, but there were no arrivals. the calm can probably be associated with today's meeting at the un security council, where the topic of ukrainian nuclear terrorism will be raised. the meeting is scheduled to start at 22:00 moscow time, our channel will broadcast it. last week, let me remind you, the kiev regime carried out a series of unprecedented attacks on the territory of western ukraine, including one of the ukrainian drones that hit the roof. they consider the target difficult, but still vulnerable, and most importantly they have figured out how to hit it, excerpt from a resonant article tabloid the sun, which allegedly learned the details of the planned attack of the ukrainian armed forces on the crimean bridge. allegedly, the account was due for a month, if not a week, which,
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by the way, was previously stated at the bank, it was the fulfillment of a long-standing dream, that is, the complete destruction of the bridge, that the next counter-offensive should begin, and on... of course , successful, in short speaking, faith in victory, or rather fantasies about it, despite the objective front-line scenarios, some people still have a lot of faith, but still, this particular horror story of a printed british newspaper stands out somewhat from the general series, but first of all, because here, well , the actions of the enemy are described step by step, which, quote: will allow a hellish fire shower to fall on russia’s favorite building, again, supposedly will lead to its guaranteed destruction, and the most important role in the scheme of the new... allocates western military assistance, what exactly and whether the foreign masters of kiev are overestimating its capabilities, let’s figure it out together with egor grigoriev, egor, welcome, well, what is there in this scenario, well, at least something realistic? alexey, hello, the very essence is realistic - this is the desire of the ukrainians and the british to hit
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civilian targets and civilians in the russian crimea. the british tabloid published a colorful horror film with pictures and photos, seasoned with the opinions of experts, everything would be fine, but... objects and casualties among civilians, the goal for the british turns out to be symbolic, in
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the meantime, but the provision of additional military supplies is out of the question of replenishment , such cargo is not carried across the bridge, information impact so that on citizens who are on kiev-controlled territory, to give them some rays of hope that a little more, that is , why do they have a bridge, from a strategic point of view, it makes no sense at all. from the point of view of the armed forces of ukraine, this does not give anything on the battlefield, that is , roughly speaking, in contrast to attacks there, for example, on control posts, oh, on command posts, on some kind of combat control systems there. the tabloid prepared serious graphics, a whole tactical plan, apparently for the generals of the armed forces of ukraine, ukrainian planes enter through the sea of ​​​​azov, launch storm shdou missiles, they evade russian air defense and destroy the upper part of the bridge. then a flotilla of naval drones strikes at the base of the bridge, it falls into the water, well, in
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general, it’s more like a script for an action movie, the entire bridge is folded 20 km, this is of course a horror story, the bridge is very well covered by air defense in addition, that is, this is not only air defense along the way, as they draw from the side of the azov sea, there are our complexes, there are our planes and so on, booms were placed on the side of the unmanned boats , that is... the underwater situation, that is, with the help of sensors. the tabloid at the same time does not hide the participation of great britain itself as a military sponsor in the alleged terrorist act. the publication continues to delight with graphics. so, ukraine is attacking russian targets with lightning speed using stormshadow, supplied... to britain, the missile is launched from a fighter using gps,
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but how many of these missiles are left, and most importantly, how many planes does ukraine have, they are waiting for the f-16, but to launch from them british storm shadow is impossible, and here the expert doubted. for ukraine, the great concern is that it only has a small number of aircraft capable of carrying out this attack. if they use them and suffer losses, they will not be able to carry out the future. first of all, they are intended for domestic consumers, that is, they are intended for
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english taxpayers, who must hear that such cool englishmen are helping the ukrainians, who, it turns out, have a real chance to strike at russia. english cynicism: feeding its citizens the alleged murder of russian civilians for scoring political points, tabloid the sun reveals. scheme: ukraine isolates crimea by blocking land bridges, strikes at russian military headquarters, but now we get to the point, waves of attacks continue until crimea becomes uninhabitable . this is the key goal of the terrorists, who no longer hide their faces , do not say in a veiled way, the plan itself, of course, is unattainable, but for the ukrainian armed forces it is informationally important when there are failures on the battlefield. egor grigoriev svidomo science fiction. during
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the day, fighters of the russian group of troops dnepr, who are working in the kherson direction, eliminated over fifty ukrainian militants, and also disabled a couple of artillery pieces, destroyed the command observation post of the elite national guardsmen of the kiev regime, and in response to the obvious military failures of the armed forces of ukraine, they resorted to openly terrorist methods, shelling the rear village of razdolnoye. about the consequences of the criminal attack, report by leonid muravyov. in the village of razdolnoye, such destruction was caused by just one rocket, they targeted an apartment building. this is an apartment on on the fourth, top floor, as a result of a direct hit on the roof, it collapsed along with the ceiling; now there are broken bricks everywhere, mixed with personal belongings and broken furniture. the explosion was so strong that glazing was damaged even in houses
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located within a radius of more than 100 m. the impact occurred around noon, many residents of the house were at work. children in schools; during the shelling, one person was killed, four civilians received various shrapnel and explosive injuries. razdolnaya, for the first time included in the summary of war crimes of kiev, using nato weapons and the latest drones, the command of the ukrainian armed forces is increasingly striking at populated areas located much further than the fifteen-kilometer zone along the dnieper. this is the arrival, and the skooks cut everything here. this is the village of velikie kapani. kamika drones hit the busiest places. with the help of drones, ukrainian soldiers remotely mine roads, here are the marines of the black sea fleet on the spot destroying a discovered anti-tank mine, at night it was brought and dropped by baba iga, a powerful drone capable lift loads of tens of kilograms. you can imagine what can happen, not just
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to passenger vehicles, but also to armored vehicles after such an explosion, a terrible thing, so we need to detect it in time.
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agreement, but secretly work in the same organizations, and also use a common wallet. conclusions from artie's investigation about how the structures of the foreign agent khodorkovsky and the extremist fbk deceive their audience. russian journalists discovered 10 companies in lithuania with general management , financing and legal addresses. the several dozen employees they employ are responsible for the production and marketing of two supposedly unrelated pseudo-opposition movements. this is not officially reported, well, apparently, so as not to lose without it. a meager number of subscribers, but extremists are not new to infiltrating their supporters. well, by the way, these characters are always ready to sink a competitor for the sake of an extra dollar, which was well shown by the scandal around a platform called just about, created with american money, a project on which millions were spent dollars, managed to attract only a few thousand viewers. other information dumps of foreign agents, past
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which such a large fish swam, did not hesitate to start a real squabble over this matter. i admired saw's skill. and evgeny petrukhin, evgeny, greetings, well, it turns out that russophobia is for sale, but not bought. yes, alexey, hello, one thing can be said, for sure, russophobia is rapidly losing value. we are about to hear mutual accusations of theft and misuse of western funds, the very media that position they claim to be independent, but in fact they are ready to strangle each other for western grants. and reproaches have already been poured in. some platform is about to be, colleagues from the same liberal circle are accusing them of having few subscribers and generally zero content, here is their telegram channel, where there are only 780.
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yes, but this supposedly free expression of opinions is paid for by the ocean customer, which -that gives you freedom on a leash. it is known that there is only one sponsor - the media department, which is stationed in prague and is sponsored directly from the american budget, at the expense of they are american taxpayers, some kind of grant-eaters they come out with, and of course idov is in a hurry to report that they say this summer the application sites will be launched in full force, he makes excuses as a loser, lies with reports, and... the constant change of some concepts, here we had a test period, here we didn’t have a test period, here we play music, here we wrap fish,
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so accordingly, now grant givers, both american and other foreign european ones, of course, are getting closer and closer to to realize the terrible thing, there is no point, no result other than lining the pockets of these amazing people who drew these... magical projects on the asphalt with chalk, there is no result other than this, and the argument for cutting funding may well be the numbers, they say, who are you looks, so why is there zero content, why is there no audience, is it the quality of the material, or has the russophobic position simply ceased to be interesting even to the relocants who fled through the upper lar? the effectiveness of this content is zero, now this is, in fact, a completely relaxing party that continues... to stew somewhere in their own small pot, a small cauldron quite far away, they have no time for that right now, liking the content of one of their own, which means relocation comrades, is
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taking away from themselves their own bread, well, who will go for this, well, in russia, who will watch the video of the same masha borzunova, a foreign agent, who has our country very close in a negative context, who tries to dispel the myths of russian propaganda, that’s how she is does, content from foreign agent masha borzunova on the main page of that same one is about to have 13 views, no matter how arrhythmia would happen from such popularity. foreign agent borzunova is trying to make fun of the heroism of our rescuers who are evacuating people from flooded regions, it comes out ridiculously, and therefore it doesn’t seem to get any views. the fact that the audience is not interested in this content is, in principle, not surprising, but what’s new? it's the same thing every day. russia is bad, everything is bad in russia, that is, people who are not in russia tell us, citizens of russia about how bad everything is here, it is impossible to feed
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people with this substance constantly and collect some kind of views, the behavior of the audience was, of course, influenced by the conduct of a special military operation, and people finally saw with their own eyes what what does all this russophobic propaganda lead to? pseudo-independent media, fed by the west, are fighting for the feeder, so the agency, smiina agent, counted the views of various anti-russian artists, bloggers, comedians, in general, came to the conclusion that if there is some normal numbers for views, then this is due to the channels of the authors themselves, and not due to promotion on the platform just now, well , that is, they wanted to directly tell the western customer that idov supposedly failed, but look how mikhail did it ineffectively. better give this money to us, we will use it better than mikhail did. here’s how, weren’t these supposedly incorruptible journalists
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declaring that they were speaking in one unit against the bloody regime, but why are you in your ranks going to shoot each other, you’re afraid that there’s zero content will turn into zeros on a bank card? evgenia petrukhina and sleight of hand. subdivision. successfully cleared the sky from new threats that the kiev regime poses not only to our military, but also to civilian targets, about how the crew of the beech complex performs its tasks. eduard punigov. these shots show the combat operation of the buk missile system in the southern donetsk direction. the soldiers of the eastern group are repelling another air attack. beech installations protect the sky around the clock, covering
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ours. understand whether it’s yours or someone else’s, operators command post can in a matter of seconds, at the moment we see how our artillery is being launched, here it goes, you see, yes, it is our artillery that is firing, which artillery will deprive ours, they move up from us when the enemy uses , that is, we observe from top to bottom, a few minutes later
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another one is discovered again. you missed by about 50-100 meters at that moment , what did you do, how did you react? at that moment we were working, we captured the target, launched one missile at a time, but since the complex is single-channel, we cannot to accompany two targets at once, respectively , the second target flew nearby, but thank god we missed, it was not scary, well, as we carry out the task, here is one of those shot down shells from khaimars, the missile flew towards mariupol, but was neutralized by air defense forces.
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sappers destroyed the shell right on the spot. anti-aircraft gunners are well aware that they themselves are a potential target, so they install additional protection on the beech tree. these are ordinary tracks taken from the matology, we broke them up, hung them, welded hooks, hung them for protection, because the main personal the train is located on the right side of the car. for survivability, we made this decision. the buk is capable of detecting targets at a distance of up to 100 km. the installation sees everything, missiles, planes,
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the damage is catastrophic! ukraine showed the condition of one of the dnepro-gest hydroelectric units after a russian high-precision strike. how the loss of maneuver generation provokes an insatiable energy hunger in the enemy. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally she came. spring, warm, sunny, bright, exhibition russia has blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you. at the exhibition russia. if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional who is ready to prove with deeds that you are the best in the profession,
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then rather take part in the national... you can just give advice, i know one prayer, another advice, we haven’t tried to see a healer, in the end in the end, you can move to another table, but the simplest thing is


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