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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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the lord is with his saints, let’s see what happens next, it’s clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than... what in general with
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production, raw materials, export, what is our product?
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this one, look, the president of the united states, i don’t know how in the nineties, when they filmed hot head, they knew that biden would be president, this is just a discussion between president benson and topper harley when they attack iraq, i don’t know, it’s just a verbatim quote, as it happens, as it is in the usa, well , only our americanists know this, but you won’t always get the truth from them for some reason, but nevertheless, talking about efficiency. let's look at what is happening, that the republican administration and the democratic administration, using different methods, set the task: isolating iran with the goal of reducing its influence in the region, reducing its technological level, and so on. what we are seeing now as a result of the policies of different administrations is iran. iran's attention has sharply increased its influence in iraq, that is, in iraq, where the majority are shiites. iraq, which was and
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is partially under the control of the americans, where they intervened, not only has influence in the government quite large, but entire areas are under the control of pro-iranian groups. i want to remind you that under saddam hussein , there were anti-iranian groups of these mujahideen and so on on the territory of iraq, who carried out terrorist attacks against iran. iran has solved this problem. syrian government, i think.
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concluded through the mediation of china, no one could even come close, the attempt to pit iran against pakistan completely failed, that is, about some kind of superiority of the west here, well , only their very notorious propagandists can talk, and even then not for long, because it is obvious that not only from the point of view of technology, but also of diplomatic art, iran is showing simply miracles, excuse the taftology of technology in this case, in implementing its strategy in the region and even wider.
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an amazing fact, of course, is evidence that they do not want to accept the new world that is coming, where russia will be, where china will be, where iran will be, where india will be, where there will be other states making decisions independently, in fact, there is a struggle for this, in this regard it happens, you know , this effect when some fool suddenly says something so reasonable, we have such a fluent expert, i don’t even want to mention her last name, she said something in one of the streams, in my opinion , very successful, realism is a weakness, it is deeply is, yes, her name is rose, our friend grigoryevich azarenok and i usually make up a whole razari out of her stupidity, because she can confuse saudi arabia, the arab emirates, but here, being
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completely in the context of this western, western methodology, realism is weakness, and you can’t say that this somehow means that... the enemy who opposes us is weak, but he is guided by such, well, this is not logic, probably a slogan, that with such a slogan, that it is impossible, there is no need to take into account the real circumstances, what you want, this is reality, that’s why i started with films, they live in illusions, for them diplomacy has become a factory of dreams, so they created a world from theory, democracy, the kisinger school, some other school, everyone should live by this school , he was a realist.
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come to terms, they don’t want to accept this reality, be it the confrontation in ukraine, be it in the middle east, but the reality is very simple, the world is moving, so we say world war, no, the world is moving towards a world war, we are in a situation approximately, that’s when there were the moroccan crises of the early 20th century, the bosnian crisis, then the crises of the thirties, that is, these are often very bloody wars, for example, like the civil war in spain, but we are moving towards great things.
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germany, france, are vitally interested, finland, listen, in normal good neighborly relations with the russian federation, in a normal economy, in normal trade, they go against their market relations and force this to happen, that is, there are no restraining factors at all, there is no restraining psychology, because realism is a weakness, this world of semi-cinematic illusions, it can lead to huge problems, it has already led. i want to show an element of weak realism from the georgian parliament today, yes, yes, there the ruling party read out how i understand the law on foreign agents, this is how a pro-western citizen reacted to this, considering
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realism to be a weakness, a strong kuvak, this is exactly what a western agent reacted to. there was a fist when they carried out the ros revolution, the fist is soros, this is serbia, this is georgia, this kyrgyzstan and so on and so on and the fist is everywhere, there now.
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i have the great honor to be here, thank you very much, the main thing in translation is not to confuse when to do it with your hands, well, to fully convey that he has a movement like that, yes, that is, this is the principle, and then like this, yes, yes , now advertising, after it we will continue with a new composition, april 16, a memorable date in the military history of russia, april 16, 1945, berlin operation. the berlin strategic offensive operation began. the battle of berlin
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was the culmination of the great patriotic war war. the assault was carried out by the forces of the second belarusian front of marshal rakosovsky, the first belarusian front of marshal zhukov and the first ukrainian front of marshal konev. after only 5 days, our advanced units reached the northern and southeastern outskirts of berlin. vladimirovich kornilov drew the attention of the entire world community, and so today it is exactly 10 years since the pitiful nonentity came to the donbass of eternal love, practically shouted and was terribly happy, as the hero of donbass drove the drying equipment, look, in cars they drove the tanf, captured it, but why did they do it, well, they were going to the city, and they were just defending.
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80,000 dollars, but tomorrow he comes and says: guys, well, well, i looked at everything, here ’s the old woman at the market, that’s it, well, no, he says, okay, well, find 170, next time he comes, brought it, says, yes why are you shouting, i’m giving a little bit, and here i’m giving a little bit, and here too, kuleba found a brilliant moment, he says, what does it mean that you don’t want, let’s go ahead, just a minute, well, you to us and please contact us with your requests, you are telling us not to bomb russian oil plants. then something i don’t understand the causal relationship said kuleby, which generally exists only on the money
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of the west, he says there: do you hear, goldfish, that means that’s it, it quickly darted and brought everything that you were told, that’s how it sounds performed by the world cretin named kuleba? i’ll say it, i’ll say it frankly, i listened to mr. austin, he’s a very great friend of ukraine, he’s done a lot for us, but on this issue...
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if the partners say: we will give you seven patriot batteries tomorrow, we have a request for you, you don’t have to do this and that, then there is something to talk about, and if you don’t have these batteries, there is no assistance package, and at the same time they ask you for something... then don’t do it, well then there is no subject, then what to talk about? and completely cuts everything off and says: well, the kuleb is really taking over the west now , he said, no, no, everyone survives as best they can, gets along as best they can, well screw it, but where did the khahlonazis get it from, not the ukrainians, but the khahlonazi is such a special type character, such sincere confidence that everyone owes them assholes, where are they from, they
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will get to the point where they will actually start chasing them away from everywhere with rags, while they have the same idea...
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that the law on mobilization is vital, then president zelensky thinks differently. he understands perfectly well that people who wanted to fight are already fighting. who needs to be mobilized now? and now it is necessary to mobilize those who are against the war? who was tired of war, who was looking for peace in the eyes of putin? who thinks we should stop shooting? even vadim karasev in once again shocks me with its suddenly awakened logic. the war will have infinity, as for the endless war, well, if we want to be palestine, please, they are already fencing the yew with a lot of wire.
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just don’t think that you will be israel, that israel is the northeast. in order to be israel you must be israel, no, in order to be israel you must first have, have a lot of things, and secondly, not have such an enemy, a rival, a competitor with whom you are at war, like russia, she's big resource, with atomic weapons, with launch.
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how is it possible that people have been close for so many years, now there is some cretin heading the security council and he declares that there is something about putin, how much
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one must not understand russia, that’s what surprises me, that in the entire ukrainian government there is not a single person who really understands russia, what is happening in the country, its motivation, not one, not one who would give a forecast that comes true, not one who generally understands why we have 1,600 people a day... who can give an objective forecast in ukraine there are almost none left, why i say almost, because this is the second reason, because if there is such an elite today,
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such a political class and a person who enters the public sphere will simply try to think critically, well, hey, excuse me, they will turn off his phone or his tv and they won’t let him into power, that is, relatively speaking, there are two reasons, the main problem of ukraine is, in my opinion, that...
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he gives an interview at the diplomatic academy and you can see zlatoversky st. michael's cathedral is further from kiev, there is part of
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obolon, troyeshchyna, in general it is beautiful. but i’m not worried, your apartment will still be destroyed by the most beautiful city, what am i talking about, volodya, and now look at the st. michael’s golden faith cathedral, which was recently reconstructed, the devil sits in it, the devil sits in it, the real one, because this epiphany, he sits there, this community of his, which is called the ocu, they captured this temple, they are located there. ronak kuleba, well, i apologize when, when he is called minister of foreign affairs. well y'all heard it logic, but the point is that when he, kuleba, and then zelensky further strengthens this position that you are americans, you will tell us whether we should bomb a russian refinery or not, you give it, you don’t give it, get out of here, let's get out of here, moreover, zelensky says, this is ours, this is topic number one, this is goal number one, to transfer the war to russian territory, here is kuleba, here is zelensky, this is the collective,
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the president of the united states. look around, now is 200 124, 100 years from now, everything will be different, moscow, moscow, and where the flying machines are, energetically unjustified, she brought a man, a young man, from school, according to my data he is 117 years old, but the main thing will remain
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unchanged. yes, i know what it’s like to give your word, just look at me, when it’s all over, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return to yours, i mean, why? we will act here now, we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which has a future, as it were, we will save your parents, your personal path and 13 galaxies, everyone, delicious, very tasty, because it was made with love. 100 years ahead!
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your brother is there in donbass, in short, you have to go there, call sign passenger. but i’m not a fighter, i
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came for my brother, i have to find him, i’ve been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now it’s spring. russia is waiting for you at the exhibition, what happened publicly, as it seems, is common among us, this has never happened before, that is, in ukraine casta, zelensky, kuleba are all these
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