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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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russia will continue to protect the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant from attacks by ukraine, this was stated by our country’s envoy vasily nebenze, he called on magathe to do everything to prevent a nuclear incident at the plant, the situation was discussed at a meeting of the joint venture. in
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israel's response to iran's attack, the washington post writes about this. they stated that they would not leave iran’s actions unpunished. but tehran, in turn, warned that if israel strikes again, a response will follow immediately. rallies in georgia at night , police detained 14 demonstrators. the protest was sparked by the scandalous bill on foreign agents, which was supported by a parliamentary committee the day before. the georgian opposition considers the document pro-russian. in the tomsk region, the number of flooded houses is growing ; there are already more than 3.5 hundred of them. the water level in the opya river is more than a meter above the danger level. a state of emergency was introduced in several areas. and my colleague alexey smirnov comes into direct contact with the studio from the region. alexey, i greet you, tell me the meeting of the operational headquarters just ended flood, what the participants said and to what extent.
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in general, the situation is dangerous. good afternoon, tatyana, greetings to everyone who is watching us. well, yes, indeed, a meeting of the operational headquarters ended a few minutes ago, but uh, as it became known, the situation is difficult, but not critical. indeed, several houses were flooded, mostly, uh, snt, several snt, in fact , some houses were very much flooded right up to the roof. but in populated areas, about forty households remain flooded, those who needed it needed evacuation, everyone was evacuated, some were placed in temporary detention centers, uh, but the majority of people chose to stay with relatives, in general the situation in the tomsk region is stable, on the river the water level is rising, but in tomsk the water level is the opposite.
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is decreasing, although this, if you can see it behind me, i am now in the center of tomsk, opposite the regional administration, here in this place stands, the river, i must say, is being cleaned up this year in sections, somewhere it passes, somewhere there is already clean water, well, in particular within the boundaries of tomsk, it is icy congestion, now specialists have carried out ice explosions this morning in order to relieve the pressure, destroy the ice fields, but this work will continue, there were explosions the day before, that’s how it became known today, as soon as the situation allows, the tomsk shipping company will withdraw the ship for in order to help clear, break the ice and push it downstream, today a command has already been given for municipalities to prepare to carry out... an assessment and assessment when the water goes away.
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damage and calculate damage calculate compensation financiers are now preparing reserves, well, it’s worth saying that at the moment it’s the small rivers that are causing concern, within the boundaries of tomsk, there are three of them, these are ushaika, kirgizka and basandaika, here ushaika - the most increased today + 70 cm within the city limits, this is the maximum, but in the upper reaches up to one and a half meters, to critical levels. the water has not yet reached, but the situation is being monitored by operational services and employees of district administrations, so now all attention is paid to the flood in connection with the flood even went unnoticed in the tomsk region, since yesterday the fire season was opened, but no one paid attention to this, now all attention is focused on the flood, colleagues, alexey, thank you with the flood in...
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told our correspondent alexey smirnov. and a colossal volume of water is now moving to the mound due to discharges in neighboring kazakhstan of over a billion cubic meters in full. the already abundant tabol river. evacuation has already been announced from several areas. now the flood peak is at 10 km from the capital kurgan. over the course of a day, the river level rose by more than a meter. the situation may be aggravated by heavy rains that will arrive today. according to forecasts, more than half of the monthly norm will fall. hundreds of houses , roads and bridges have already been flooded. 13,000 people were taken out of the disaster zone. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander, arrived in kurgan the day before. he will check how the banks of tabol are being strengthened and protective dams are being built. residents of the tyumen city of ishim are asked to urgently evacuate due to a critical rise in water in the river of the same name. the notification has already been sent out, and door-to-door visits have also been organized. in the peak region, flooding is expected
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in 2-3 days. a state of emergency was introduced there in advance. in the orenburg region, high water is moving west from the regional capital. the oleg region is now under attack from the elements. the water level of the urals has already exceeded critical values ​​and the water continues to remain: special equipment is being brought into the area and the height of the dam is being increased. but in orenburg in orgsk the flood began to subside. hundreds of household plots were flooded in buryatia, dozens of people were evacuated. water came close to the capital ulanuda, to clear the congestion on the selenga river , sappers are blowing up the ice. a high danger regime has been declared in the krasnoyarsk territory in flood zone 23. in the coming days , water is expected to rise in several sections of the yenessey. in total, large-scale floods across the country have affected almost 40 regions, with about 16 thousand houses in the flood zone. the international atomic energy agency
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must stop its verbal balancing act and point to the source of the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. with such a statement at the security council meetings permanent representative of russia vasily nebelze spoke to the un security council. in his own impunity, he again switched to the tactics of direct attacks on the station. first, with the help of a kamikaze drone , a strike was made on the territory of the canteen, in which a truck with food was being unloaded at that moment. three people were injured, one of them was seriously
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injured, and only 20 minutes before the strike, this place was visited by an agat expert located at the zas, in accordance with the plan agreed upon in advance. in response, the head of the atomic energy agency said that the organization is not yet able to identify those responsible for the attacks on the station. according to rafael grossi, magata needs direct evidence, which is supposedly missing at the moment. however, the agency is confident that such attacks create a dangerous precedent. we are dangerously close to nuclear disaster. these reckless attacks must be stopped immediately, although fortunately this time they did not result in a radiological incident, they significantly increase the risk at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, where nuclear safety is already in place at risk. the context in which they occurred is important. in the months leading up to these direct attacks, there had already been an increase in the number
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of isolated drone incursions in the vicinity of a facility in the nearby town of energodar. let me remind you that last week the kiev regime carried out. and residents of the border areas of the belgorod region brought diesel generators in several settlements due to attacks by the ukrainian armed forces
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, the electricity was cut off. volunteers of the popular front of the all-russian student corps deliver the necessary assistance rescuers. the topic will be continued by igor pikhanov. volunteers of the popular front are preparing food packages to be sent to the border villages of the belgogorod region; humanitarian aid is needed by local residents, etc. ukrainian militants, the delivery of food there is difficult, there are cereals, canned food, that is , shelf-stable goods that are necessary for cooking, there approximately such a package weighs 10-12 kg in the territory heavily damaged by shelling , depending on the configuration and contains everything necessary for approximately week. past burnt-out houses and destroyed infrastructure, regional self-defense fighters are taking volunteers to remote villages, cars are driving along the highway at high speed, otherwise it’s impossible to get to the front within easy reach. kamikaze drones are hunting for civilians, a wing was spotted not far from here, that is, a copter or an observation
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aircraft type, so at any moment, in any place, we are now one and a half kilometers from the border, the car arrives in the front-line gorky municipality, in five villages , half residential houses were damaged or destroyed by militants of the armed forces of ukraine, the village of state farm was left without electricity, now only three people live here, the rest were evacuated, volunteers delivered... food and diesel electric generators, despite the difficult situation, yuri returned home from moscow the day before, returned home, well, with his wife still, we decided to go at our own risk. the volunteer’s main load of humanitarian aid was delivered to the city of graivarn. thanks to the work of the name defense unit, the number of shellings decreased, people gradually returning home from evacuation. social services are distributing humanitarian aid and shops are opening. local resident. i was leaving for half a month; her apartment building was damaged by an attack by the ukrainian armed forces. they just
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renovated a beautiful one, you’ll admire it, suddenly shells came, pierced the roof, broke our windows, damaged pipes, gas and water pipes, and flooded the apartments in the next entrance. the city is quiet, but the situation can change at any second. enemy shelling continues. ukrainian militants are hitting residential buildings. and civil infrastructure, in the roof of this store was hit by a mortar shell, the building received extensive damage, fortunately, at the time of the shelling there were no visitors there. after each attack, pensioner grigory kholod conducts a walk around his street in the private sector. there are almost no people left here. the man watches the estates of his neighbors, as soon as they see windows broken out by the blast wave, covers the openings with film, and in case of a fire calls the ministry of emergency situations. and in the yard there were chips like this. well, there were explosions in the yard above, such explosions were like flames,
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full of fragments. until recently, the gory-voronsky urban district was the hottest spot in the region. local authorities are currently assessing the damage, and emergency services and construction crews will soon begin repair work. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. and now let's talk about economics. konstantin, a new report from the central bank has been released, what’s in it? yes, tatyana, based on the results of march. inflation continued to slow down. the growth of consumer prices in russia slowed down in march, as stated in the analytical commentary of the central bank. first of all what is striking is the rapid decline in the growth rate of the consumer price index compared to the previous month. the figure has been declining throughout the first quarter of this year. in march, current inflation, taking into account seasonality , was significantly lower than in the fall, but it was still above 4% in annual terms, while annual inflation was practically not... amounted to just over 7.7%.
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the central bank cites high domestic demand as the main pro-inflationary factor, which continues to outpace the company’s ability to increase production. and yet, the regulator still believes that this year inflation in russia will drop to 4-4.5%, taking into account the ongoing tight monetary policy, which experts believe will continue following the results of the next central bank meeting. it will take place next week. sustainable. the net profit of the novolipetsk
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metallurgical plant in 2023 increased by more than a quarter, this is reflected in the financial statements. revenue exceeded 933 billion rubles, which is 3.5% higher than the previous year. it was previously known that last year the company paid excess profit tax of 5.5 billion rubles. in addition, nmlk will return to paying dividends after more. than a two-year pause, shareholders will receive 25 rubles. for one security. the moscow arbitration court awarded commodity trader glencore almost 115 million euros in a lawsuit. sberbank. sber filed it in connection with the refusal of a western company to pay for the supply of petroleum products due to sanctions. the court decided to recover damages from four divisions of glinkor through shares in a number of russian assets. before sberbank has already filed a claim against the trader for almost 118 million euros, which was also satisfied last year. the european union reached
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a record level of dependence on oil imports in 2020. according to recent eurostat data. the figure was 97.7%. a year earlier it was 6% less. this means that at the moment the eu does not meet even 2.5% of its own oil needs. eurostat experts noted that the increase in import dependence coincided with significant changes in sources of supply. simply put, oil from saudi arabia arabia, usa and norway are significantly more expensive than russian ones, which affects the overall statistics. at the same time, production is in the eu. in the twenty-second year continued to decline, the figure fell by almost 7.5%, hitting a record low. well, at the end of the issue, i’ll tell you, as always, about currencies, the dollar today costs 93 rubles, 58 kopecks. the euro exchange rate is 99.79, that’s all i have for now. tatyana, konstantin, thank you, my colleague konstantin churk was there with economic news. almost 40
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russian regions are experiencing large-scale floods. there is water in the orenburg region. shifts from the capital to the west of the region in the epicenter of the ilek region. the peak of the flood is expected in kurgan. an evacuation has been announced there. the water level in tobol is rising. crews of the grad rocket systems struck the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces under carbon. after receiving coordinates from reconnaissance, the fighters took up a firing position and opened fire. as a result , manpower and equipment were destroyed. the united states will not participate in israeli retaliation. to attack iran, the washington post writes about this. tel aviv said it will not abandon iran's actions unpunished, tehran warned that if israel strikes again, a response will follow immediately. russian prosecutor general igor krasnov arrived on a work visit to cuba, negotiations are planned with his cuban colleague and other officials of the prosecutor's office of russia and cuba have already successfully
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implemented four cooperation programs. and the czech republic agreed to purchase 180 thousand artillery shells for ukraine with money from western countries, prime minister petr fiala announced. at the same time, earlier the president of the czech republic said about their readiness to supply 800 thousand ammunition, but not all allies agree to sacrifice their own security in favor of ukraine. victoria koroleva will talk about how the money issue leads to a split among western politicians. us senators are deadlocked again, speaker johnson. the american president raises the money issue at every opportunity, as happened at a meeting with the prime minister of the czech republic. i want to thank you for your help, mr. prime minister, for helping to provide ukraine with almost a million
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ammunition. the us is ready to do its part, congress just has to. continuation of funding, they must do it now, immediately, and will see overwhelming support in the house and senate if only they allow a vote. meanwhile, the white house emphasizes that they are not going to participate in the direct defense of kiev; against the backdrop of support for tel aviv , excuses are made that the states cannot help ukraine defend itself from air attacks in the same way as they help israel, because the threats of the two conflicts are incommensurable.
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if their attacks continue to be successful, it will become a more disastrous war of attrition for ukraine, because ukraine does not have enough anti-aircraft systems to shoot down, for example, the russians are planning. according to analysts, ukraine is now dependent on western countries; the greater the tension among them, the worse the situation in the ssu. victoria koroleva, news.
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the united states has turned ukraine into a testing ground for the illegal implementation of military-biological programs. this statement was made by the russian ambassador to the united states anatoly antonov. the diplomat noted that washington has almost completely destroyed the international arms control system. according to antonov. american nuclear weapons stored in europe are direct evidence of a violation of the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. and now footage from telegram channels is miami. in the north of the state, powerful forest fires have broken out, and the causes of the fire. it is still unknown, local rescue services report several outbreaks, firefighters are working there and due to large-scale smoke with almost zero visibility on the roads of the authorities already. restricted vehicular traffic in several areas. washington expects that israel's military response to iran's attack will be limited in
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scale, the american television channel nbc reported, citing sources in the white house. and the washington post writes that us authorities refused to participate in israeli retaliatory measures. according to the newspaper , the united states fears that such a step will lead to an increase in conflict. israel, for its part, stated that... it will respond to aggression iran. we are carefully assessing the situation. we remain at the highest level of readiness. iran will face the consequences of its actions and will respond accordingly. the idf remains ready to confront any threat from iran and its terrorist proxies. and tehran reported that if israel attempts an attack again, iran’s response will follow immediately. the media of the islamic republic emphasized that this time the armed forces will not wait 12 days. let me remind you that on april 2, israel launched a missile strike through the diplomatic quarter in damascus.
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the iranian embassy complex is located there. at least 13 people were killed. in response, on the night of april 14, tehran sent several hundred drones towards the jewish state. and now let's talk about the sport of danilov kazan for the champion. russia in swimming, a new world record was set the day before. tell us, who became its author? this is miron lifintsev, who set a new junior world record in the 100 m swim in 52.34 seconds. hockey cup finalists determined gagarin of the current season. the yaroslavl locomotive will be paired with magnitogorsk metallurg, which beat avtomobilist 3:2 in the final seventh match of the semi-final series. the scoring was opened already in the middle of the first period, when metal player dmitry selantyev completed a devastating counterattack with an accurate throw. just 5 minutes later
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, alexey makeev decided to change at the wrong time and danilo yurov freely threw the spyatak 2:0. during the first period, the driver threw only one shot at the opponent's goal, but 8 seconds before the end, a second scoring attempt followed. pucks to maxim denishkin's account. the visitors started the second period better, but again quickly. missed, denis zernov scored, only 20 seconds passed, the same maxim deneshkin scored a double for the motorist, but the spectators never saw any more goals, the metallurgist from magnitogorsk advances to the final. the fight between the two best boxers from russia for the title of absolute world light heavyweight champion will still take place. artur biterbiev and dmitry bivol, who have never lost in their careers , have signed a contract for the upcoming fight.
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wbc, wbo and ibf. thirty-year-old bevel also won all of his 22 fights and is the wba and iboo champion. some time ago our. went to abu dhabi to talk to document dmitry bival’s preparation for the fight, watch the full version of the interview today after 13:00. all athletes have certain good qualities, good preparations that we use, yes, and not always for one fight you can use them all, yes, that is , you forget a little about some, but no matter how... you use them, to create something new, rarely something is being created just like that and quickly, but there are some old techniques, some old , i don’t know, training methods, of course
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they... every athlete always has them somewhere for almost every fight, but what we use something from the old somewhere and remember something, so we need to use this, for example, in preparation and get ready. russian chess player ian nepomniachtchi played white pieces in swordplay with indian representative damoraju gukesh in the game of the tenth round of the toronto candidates tournament. despite this result nepomnyashchiy continues to lead. it is he who has igukesh in the table with six points each. in the women's tournament, russian alexandra goryachkina lost with white pieces to chinese leitinze, and russian ikaterina lagno played nichu with ukrainian anna muzychuk. here after 10 rounds he is in the lead.
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tayanka, leitinze and tanjuni, they have 6.5 points each, followed by goryachkina and lagno, they have 5 and a half each, the games of the eleventh round will take place on april 17, nepomniachtchi will play with black pieces against vedit, lagna will play stanzhuni, goryachkina piled up. that's all about sports for now, see you in the next hour. look around, now the year is 200 124, 100 years from now, everything will be different, moscow, moscow, where is the car and the um, flying like it ’s energetically unjustified, she brought
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a man from school. a young man, according to my data, he is 117 years old, but the main thing will remain unchanged, i know what it means to give your word, just look at me, when it’s all over, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return to yours, i mean, why not, we will act here now, we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which is the future, as it were, we will save your parents and...
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a short message with you about the main thing. almost 40 regions of russia are experiencing large-scale floods, in the orenburg region, large waters are moving from the capital to the west, in the center of the disaster is the ilek region. flooding also threatens the mound; evacuation has been announced in several areas. russia will continue to protect the zaporozhye nuclear power plant from attacks by ukraine, stated russia’s permanent representative to the un vasily nebendya. he called on magate to do everything to prevent a nuclear incident at the station. the situation at the nuclear power plant was discussed at a meeting of the un subvisa. the united states will not participate in israel's response to iran's attack, the washington post writes. tel aviv said it would not leave iran's actions unpunished. but tehran predicted that if israel strikes again, then the answer this time will be last.


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