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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 12:00am-12:32am MSK

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"investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that..." at the top of the world, stood up, dusted himself off, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure, it is now 2.124 years old, sounds plausible. this
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looking from the future, 100 years ahead, if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. artmasters. the result of vladimir putin in the presidential elections was an indicator of trust and unprecedented consolidation of society. the elected head of state received a certificate for a new term on tuesday, his fifth. and i once again discussed the voting results with the chairman of the central election commission, enfilova. he called the work of the central election commission difficult, but for stability of the country is very important. about how the meeting went in the material by egor grigoriev.
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- ela pomfilova noted, this is the wisdom of our people; the most cynical machinations of ill-wishers could not interfere. they relied on terror. this is something that has never happened before. i mean, why? how can i show up? intimidate people, cause fear, panic. and that is, with the hands of their accomplices, ukrainian, that is, sitting.
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killing people all together, our commission members faced the same thing: telephone threats, but they failed to intimidate anyone, the created voting system once again showed its transparency and openness, there was video surveillance of the voting process at polling stations, more than 317 thousand observers, including foreign ones,
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the most important attention was given to donbass and novorosiya, crimea and sevastopol, ahead of the implementation of the orders of voters, which, as recognized by the candidate people can only be done by the current president vladimir putin, and this work has been going on for a long time, thanks to a strong team, vladimir putin’s confidants, representatives of various professions activities, which helped them better understand the essence of voters’ appeals, often solve problems on the ground, and this is also an indicator of trust in the leader of the country,” she noted. this is consolidation, solidarity, that we are all fighting for the country now, it seems to me that this is how these elections turned out, it turned out with a record result, it’s worth recalling, 87.28% of citizens voted for vladimir putin, that’s 76,277 thousand people, support since 2018 year has grown by 20 million votes, each of which matters. egor grigoriev, news! moscow hopes that jerusalem and
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tehran will show restraint and will not allow a new round of confrontation, this is a statement by vladimir putin; the president discussed the latest events in the middle east in a telephone conversation.
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among the observers this time are experts from finland, pakistan and iran. and also data from the ministry of defense about the situation in... a person, but the realities of combat work suggested that a third one is needed, this is how the siberian dodges the response on the move, the vehicle assembly monitors the sky, rode with the wind all winter, you carry out a combat mission, then only remember that you seems like you're on outside in the cold, and this is quite normal,
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it will be colder here in siberia, the jet fighters of the central group of troops are mastering new positions. the good thing about the new point is that it has not yet been copied from the air, but at the same time it takes more time to shoot and adjust. in position, everyone knows what to do without words, they understand each other at a glance. the faster and more competently we do our job, the greater the chance of hitting the target, the faster we will help our infantry.
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arrival and this is the landing point of the projectile, something is constantly flying around whistling, we are leaving the position on a broken wheel, we are literally driving on the rims, what kind of shooting is this? the platoon commander, despite the alarming situation, encourages, it’s also fun here, there are also interesting moments here, fun, excitement, but there is no room for error, without room for error, the crew successfully completed the job, the alligators will complete what they started in combat... we meet the helicopter trio at on the way back, passing by avdeevskaya liberator square. on this patch in the middle of the destroyed houses, the flags of those units that knocked out the enemy from these streets. pavel prikopenko, konstantin piunov, andrey rudenko, oleg bandarenko, vesti, avdeevka, donetsk people's republic.
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the year 2024 in russia was a record year over the last decade, this was stated by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, who assured that rescuers will work as long as necessary. in orenburg, about 5,500 houses were flooded, over 14 in the region. in orsk, more than 500 tons of humanitarian aid have already been given out since the beginning of the flood. in the kurgan region, meanwhile, rescuers are evacuating the population. the flood situation there is complicated by rain. according to the latest data, the water level in the tobol river is up to...
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the dam, ordinary city residents take part in this, because they understand that high water is a big problem and a big disaster. tyumen region, small town. over the last week, builders have been strengthening and building up the dam around the clock; at the peak of the ridge it is already 8.5 m, a good shield. now we are working on the construction of the embankment, in principle, probably, it will take a day or two and we will sort of finish it, level it, and reach the level of the area, the so -called borovushka, here with us. private there are quite a lot of houses, yes, the task is to somehow raise the existing dam, here we
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are already doing the filling, laying it out with sandbags, raising it by about 30 meters, this is with a reserve, we need to lay out approximately 650 m, then we will reach the level and close it accordingly apartment buildings and the borovushka area. in addition to the builders , ordinary residents of the city also came out to strengthen the dam, because everyone understands that big water will bring big troubles if everyone doesn’t stand on it together. voluntary evacuation, temporary accommodation centers are ready to receive hundreds of people.
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after the governor declared a state of emergency in the temen region since april 8 , a decision was made, agreed with the department of education and science, in the city of ilotorovsk, the agrotechnological college has three public facilities. promptly, by the tenth day at 15:00 we have prepared 365 places for residents of the city of iltorsk who may end up in the flood zone. waiting for a big one. pets, evacuated citizens on the territory of the intermunicipal shelter for catching homeless animals, how many are there now? today we have four dogs and three cats, and we are ready to accept, yes, we are ready to accept up to 100 dogs and 36 cats. but the water level in another river and shim in the south of the region has already exceeded the maximum
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permissible level. now large waters envelop the village of ilyinko; palinko, novogireevka and ofonkino are also in danger. residents are urgently evacuated to a safe zone. stanislav bernval, sergey ukhvaryonok, danilo kuznetsov, lead. together with the governor of the kurgan region vadim shumkov, the minister emercom alexander kurenkov, assessing the flood situation. from above it becomes clear. the situation is difficult, the water is rising. later, the minister visited the village of gledyanskoye. the head of the ministry of emergency situations was convinced that preventive anti-fall measures worked here. the dams protected 650 residential buildings with a population of over a thousand people from flooding. today , about 4.00 people are involved in bank protection work in the region, day and night. in addition to employees of the ministry of emergency situations, these are volunteers, representatives of city services and ordinary citizens.
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thank you, good luck everyone. emergency mode the situation in the kurgan region remains, mandatory evacuation of the population from the potential flood zone is carried out. more than 1,300 people have already been evacuated. 16 temporary accommodation centers have been deployed in the region. the minister of emergency situations, together with the head of the region, visited one of them for an inspection. we assessed the living conditions of the evacuees and answered their questions. what is he just worried about? we built a dam there and laid it with concrete slabs so as not to wash away.
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strengthening measures in new areas where the water has not yet reached, while it is imperative to carry out work with the population, according to the minister of emergency situations, people need to be explained that now evacuation is not a recommendation; during an emergency, it is a matter of preserving health and life. stanislav vasilchenko, denis tsitseronov, nikolai purtov, khaled tankiev. news kurgan region. the georgian ministry of internal affairs
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detained 11 participants in the protest against the law on foreign agents in tbilis. the protesters threw stones at the police. bottle, the action itself had already come to an end, rostovel avenue was empty, in front of the parliament there is practically no one left in georgia, however, they promise to resume the rally on wednesday at noon, when the parliament continues to discuss the law on foreign agents. the topic will be continued by olga ponomareva. tear gas detention. when the crowd became heated, the special forces began a harsh dispersal of the demonstrators away from the parliament building. georgian operators were injured. rustavi-2 tv channel one of the policemen. water cannons and pepper spray canisters did not immediately appear at parliament. this was preceded by brawls when the crowd stormed the police cordons. but the main goal of the protesters was these gates of the service entrance to parliament. the protesters intended not to let
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the deputies through the service exit. it was them who were covered by the police cordon. on tuesday, the people's representatives considered. in the first reading the law on foreign agents. it is characteristic that when the document was presented in parliament on monday, the pro-western opposition reacted like this: its representative simply demolished the executive secretary of the ruling party from the podium. coincidentally , before this, the law about agents was subjected to obstruction in the european union. well, when the law is adopted, any citizen of georgia, going to the website of the public national registry agency, will know how much. what organization received, and these are huge sums, huge, they are not 20%, 100% financed from abroad, they will not be able to launder this money, pay the so-called kickbacks, as this has already become a vicious practice, because abroad they are also people, they are also corrupt. a year ago, the georgian
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parliament already tried to pass a law on foreign agents, but only it passed the first reading how the european union brought criticism. mass protests broke out, a small nuance: this time, together with the europeans , the us ambassador expressed his opinion during a meeting with the prime minister of georgia. it’s a strange thing, when addressing the protesters, they call the law russian, despite the fact that the united states was the first to adopt documents on foreign financing, back in the forties of the 20th century. and the georgian bill is copied from the american one literally word for word. the european union is discussing the adoption of exactly the same law. in america he has been working since the forties after the collapse of the soviet union, our european colleagues believed that in order for democracy to develop in georgia, it was necessary to support the main aspect of democracy in their opinion in the western hemisphere, which was not the government sector. over time, unfortunately, part of this civil society has become politicized and now we all know that at least 20-30 or 40% of the income
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that leaves abroad ends up in some kind of political process. a year ago, the adoption of the law on foreign agents was postponed indefinitely, this time only day until wednesday. olga panomaryova, anna voronina, lead. the american congress today plans to present a new bill on military assistance to ukraine, this time not completely gratuitous, but provided partly on credit and partly at the expense of frozen russian assets. however, while the majority of republicans are happy with this option, the democrats are unhappy. since their opponents consider it necessary to split support for the kiev regime and israel into different packages, so now joe biden is looking for simpler schemes from european allies, but in his own signature style, he confuses everything. report from our staff correspondent in the usa, valentin bogdanov. in the north atlantic alliance, the czech republic now has a reputation as the most disciplined eastern european barracks. on the ukrainian
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march, the czechs are sometimes even ahead of the poles. and recently in prague they also announced that...
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year and saw russian tanks on the streets of my city, i don’t want to see them there again. but making money on soviet tanks is always, please, in the bloomberg article, details of how the owner of the csg concern mikhail strnad became a billionaire after the start of the conflict in ukraine. in ninety-five, stranado's father yaroslav began. buying decommissioned t-72s throughout eastern europe, as if for scrap, quickly realized that selling serviceable weapons is much more profitable than using gun metal,
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they began to invest in africa, as of 2022, 100 tanks have already left for ukraine, csg is thriving, the production of heavy ammunition has increased more, than 10 times, and the number of personnel increased almost threefold and amounted to 1000 people at the enterprises. countries peter fiala more and more on arms brokerage, this is from his financial times column, which was published on the day the czech prime minister arrived in america. we are working to obtain another 3,000 shells; we have already concluded contracts for the first 180,000, they will be delivered to the ukrainian front in the coming months. there is no change on the ukrainian front, no matter how much you give to zelensky, he is always looking at someone else’s plate. now the israeli one is especially attracting attention. they say that our allies cannot help us with this or that weapons, because this will be perceived as ukraine’s involvement from nato countries in the war. well, i want to ask you
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a question: is israel part of nato or not? here is the answer: israel is not a nato country, but nato allies, including nato countries, defend israel. the man who was upset urgently needed to be calmed down, because with such conversations he puts the curators in an uncomfortable position, they instructed.
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now he’s desperately trying to come up with the word happiness for the white house. the contours have been determined for the allocation of finances totaling 95 billion dollars for israel, taiwan and ukraine will vote. separately: kiev is owed approximately 48 billion, including in the form of loans using frozen russian assets as collateral. we will vote on aid to israel, on aid to ukraine, on aid to the indo-pacific region. everyone will have the opportunity to express their views and make amendments as they deem appropriate. congressmen have 72 hours to do everything about everything, that is , until friday, but to representatives of the right.
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ukraine did not consult with the us before on how to reach preliminary agreements with russia in istanbul in march of twenty-two
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can shoot down missiles in ukraine just like in the middle east. there are no western military bases in ukraine that would be under threat, this is how the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, answered a question from a ukrainian journalist. moreover, it will also not be possible to build a defense similar to the israeli iron dome. according to barel, the dome took decades to create, and the european union has neither the money nor the time to build such an air defense system. here's what the eu can really help is by expanding sanctions against. iran, as he put it, for allegedly supplying russia with ballistic missiles, despite the fact that these accusations have been repeatedly denied by both tehran and moscow. european leaders may consider this issue at the next summit, which will be held from april 17 to 18. the united arab emirates has experienced a record amount of rainfall over the past 75 years. showers hit several cities, including abu dhabi and dubai. rain is forecast to continue
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until wednesday morning, with some dubai hotels extending accommodation for tourists who were unable to fly home due to bad weather. according to the association of tour operators , about 2,500 russians are now awaiting departure; their flights have been postponed; in total, dubai airport previously postponed almost fifty flights. more details about the situation, emil mirsaev. planes float, cars sink, roads rumble like rivers. a thunderstorm came to the waterfalls of forever sunny dubai shopping centers, followed by downpours. now the perset gulf is not the only body of water. there was just a lake, a lake, almost knee-deep water. emergency services are trying to pump out water into tanker trucks, because there are essentially no drainage systems, due to the predominantly arid climate, the roads are not adapted to heavy rainfall, the only solution is to block
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them. this has already been done with several routes in abu dhabi, sharjer, rassalheim and dubai, which took the brunt of the disaster. several metro stations in this city were flooded, and it operates intermittently. the picture is similar in the city’s largest shopping center, pipes have burst there, goods are drowning in streams of water, sellers are trying save what they can. live report, ruin the naked. oh my, everything is blocked off, almost all the shops are closed, there are security guards all around, there are already people just sitting, oh my, i’m actually in shock, huge queues have grown up in the building, from those who want to order a taxi and transportation, which is logical, sharp have increased in price, according to tourists, at the moment the trip cost a couple of hundred dollars, we are sitting at work, waiting for something to resolve at least a little, so that if something
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happens, we leave. this is footage from dubai international airport, fifty flights were canceled there, and then they decided that they would redirect incoming flights to other cities, but they would not cancel flights. however, a number of carriers have announced the cancellation of flights to and from dubai, including local emirates and dubai fly, as well as russian aeroflot. aeroflot is moving the departure time of flights from dubai to moscow to the morning. flight 525 will approximately be completed. while waiting, passengers will be served in accordance with federal aviation regulations and airline standards. dubai hotels extends stay for russian tourists who were unable to fly home due to bad weather. this was reported by the association of tour operators. rare rain for the region fell on tuesday night, with more than 30
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mm of precipitation falling. all 150 meteorologists in the coming hours in dubai there are about 355 clear days a year, rains here are generally extremely rare, the april precipitation norm is only... 3 mm, today about 140% of the annual norm will fall, of course, these are simply unimaginable indicators, a daily maximum , which has generally been recorded in the entire history of regular meteorological measurements, belongs to 2010, when 80 mm poured per day, here we are exceeding this indicator, which is called light, the showers will end only tomorrow, but for now in some cities there is an orange level of weather danger. emil mirsaev. lead. the center of copenhagen is closed due to a massive fire in the 16th-century stock exchange building. more than a hundred firefighters are on the scene. the fire has been brought under control, but there is still a long way to go before the flames are completely extinguished. until then, it is impossible to investigate the causes of the fire. it is
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only known that during the restoration of the facade of the exchange, the roof caught fire. the flames quickly engulfed building.


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