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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. well, after all, we are last year in february they said that we are suspending actions, and we will comply with the limits that are there, but...
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other orban on the periphery orban and france is considered one of the pillars, of the three pillars, that it is stronger, very seriously, it is no coincidence that the united states is now, in principle.
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will say, for the foreseeable future, even with those alternative forces that seem to be considered to protect national interests, they have already talked about marine lepen, yes, well, we can also talk about weidel, i mean an alternative for germany, if they had a conference there 3 years ago, this is the alternative is what they said about us there, well, that is, there are plenty of russophobes there too, the national agenda needs their love, the national agenda is just that.
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still soviet, of my generation, which was brought up then, still studied in a soviet school, a higher soviet school, then with us there was a subsidence, when in the higher education system the middle link simply couldn’t hold on, it left, or it left in the nineties, she went into bagging in
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the market, and then she went into business, well, in general it has dissolved, now there are young people who are already preparing in putin's times, this is the middle link that you often talk about, it... this merger is not at the level of some structures, signed an agreement, checked, ticked, at the level of specific root educational systems, yes, and i i think that this is very important in the implementation of a more serious project, this large eurasian space, which putin
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spoke about in the sixteenth year, and which was included in the concept of russian foreign policy, this is the content, right now at the present moment, especially in connection with a special military operation, we have... quite a serious process inside higher education, i mean government institutions, well, our university, let’s say, yes, yes, we have a lot of very superficial things, this superficial stuff will be there for a long time stay and will spoil our blood for a long time, and we will discuss this for a long time, but the internal processes that are taking place are extremely important, yes, well, first of all, macron, he is not from the rothschilds, but from the rockefellers, yes, yes, yes, yes, after all, this is an important aspect,
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there has been a wave of publications in the united states, this seems to me to be a very important topic, when the most important hawks are led, naturally with neoconservatives, supported, so to speak, by liberals, interventionists, so to speak, said, listen, why don’t we ukraine we defend, as we defended, relatively speaking, israel from iran, this is a curious thing, well , there are a variety of arguments about this, why this is so, why not, it is curious that they harnessed, well, just the remnants, so to speak, of course, of neoconservative forces, who understandably refuse to live with reality. but it seems interesting to me that to answer this question, there are some points that could be, yes, by the way,
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the skirmisher was spoken by this simply professional, hereditary russophobe, neoconservative eppelbaun, who, well so, well, three reasons, the first is more or less obvious, this is, so to speak, a technical basis, because it would be extremely difficult to organize, and even if, as so many people are now writing, that here, by the way, that abroad , that is... the number of conspiracy theorists is now growing exponentially, it’s clear these are the times, but what to say, in general, it was an agreement, this whole attack, repelling it, so to speak, all that stuff, but even in the case, if they protected the skies of ukraine from russian systems weapons, even an agreement would have cost such, in fact, losses for their weapons systems that in general it would have been very difficult to hide, i must say, here the press was silenced, it was a pretty well done special operation, although as semyon arkovich correctly says, like, well, a lot of things...
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into american politics, and yes, of course, starting at least with the late clinton, they tried to slowly crawl away from this. this was most clearly visible in the skirmishes between netanyahu and barack husseinovich obama, but it is necessary to say that in fact, given the external , how to say, sweetness of relations between washington and tel aviv, so to speak, under donald trump, it must be said that there, too , in general , there was no return to complete friendship, it was such a pr the wall is like this. well , under the biden administration, it became absolutely obvious that on the one hand, well , yes, they cannot protect, that is, they have
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two options from here, either they say: no, we are abandoning everything, or they start a war, also as it were not with a predictable result, so to speak for america, therefore israel is a thing from which they are gradually crawling away, in this sense, the expansion of the overton window for israel in the israeli direction means a decrease in support for israel, because such publications as were just now in the american press that... in response to a retaliatory strike , the united states will not support israel, well , about 7 years ago, maybe even more so 10 years ago , they were simply impossible, in this sense , the window is expanding in this direction, well, the world has become more complicated, with ukraine it’s a completely different matter, this is the latest idea, actually. then, remember that the american press wrote what politicians and talking heads said when the special operation just began, they all expected that ukraine would fall in 5-10 days, they were ready for this, they had a ready response to these crushing sanctions, as you know. on which nothing was destroyed except the european economy, but they had the feeling that, in
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general, it was too late to help, only then some particularly talented politicians, who for some reason are sometimes considered fools in our country, but nevertheless least of all they came up with this tactic of indirect war, pumping with weapons, so to speak, let me remind you that it all started with the supply of old soviet models, and the overton window here expanded precisely in this direction, not with the supply of old soviet educated ones, because? of course, with communications to kiev 500 km away, ambushes with anti-tank weapons, which,
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excuse me, play a significant role even for bread, nevertheless, so to speak, there is only one anti-tank, hand-held anti-tank weapons, howitzers, so to speak, millions of shells, tanks , armored personnel carriers and all that etc. and talking about airplanes is completely different, let me remind you once again that this akuno moved apart very slowly, they seemed very reluctant to do this, because...
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american military bases that would be threatened by these missiles, yeah, but what american military bases are located on israeli territory, yes, there are facilities, what, there are, there are, no, well, in the region, i mean, officially there are no american military bases on israeli territory, there are no military bases, there are military facilities, he said about the bases , the west
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cannot be created in the ukraine system, similarly in israel, this, by the way , this is this timidity, so to speak,
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this world order, a world order that is just giving up in front of our eyes, well, let’s give up the oak, ahead of schedule, please, well, today colleagues talked a lot about the conflict in the middle east , this situation will definitely repeat itself, without fail, because america cannot help but support israel, just recently a major contract was signed for
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the supply of aircraft, fighters, f-15 bombers for the israeli air force, it is clear that in this example. we saw yes, about 50% of them, through the combined efforts of the americans and the israelis, shot down something, and something, something very incomprehensibly shot down, it is clear that the iranians received comprehensive information about the joint defense capabilities, the same information was received essentially by the chinese, who are also watching this, why are all the other countries of the persian gulf, in particular saudi arabia, the same, yes, and turkey said, yes... they don’t fly through us, which means the americans don’t shoot down anything, don’t intercept anything, and because everywhere china, let's remember the reconciliation between saudi arabia and iran, who is the initiator? china, no, i’ll correct you, china, at the final stage the initiator was saudi arabia itself, after they realized that there was still a chance to fight for 20 years to no avail, and the point of china was to conduct negotiations in baghdad between
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the general intelligence and the secretary of the national security council of iran, ari shamkhani, after that they connected. yes, he started with a visit to chongqing as an industrial base, then further beijing, then shanghai, which means that we see chancellor scholz coming for the second time and bringing with him both businessmen and government ministers seem to have a specific task, to attract chinese investment in germany, but it turns out the other way around, it turns out that german
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companies, in order to maintain at least some viability, are forced to invest in projects in china, well, otherwise, because well, it’s practically impossible to stop this process, the downward movement, it’s practically impossible, right now, right now. german production admits that yes, for example, automobile concerns, that they sell fewer cars within the country than the chinese do territory of germany, that is, well, it’s like mercedes itself, bmw itself on the territory of china, oh, on the territory of germany, is no longer a competitor to the chinese auto industry, what does this mean, well , apparently, the germans are great, abandoned our market, which was eating up mute.
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how putin tried to build relations with the west , here once the event of the fourteenth year was the russian spring and at the peak everything went into harsh counter-events , they were already preparing and so on, and this by the way is for those words that...
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speaking of, turn us off from the black seas, everything ukraine, to build bases, in general, it was conditionally clearly outlined, everything was being prepared, being prepared for this, the chinese also knew about it, they, because well, for them it is also clear, of course to them, and to the same chinese, it doesn’t matter or... of course, they are not very pleased with this armed conflict, well, because the european economy is at its peak, yes, and europe, the european union, china’s second trading partner after the united states, of course, they would like some kind of negotiations, but you understand, when sidinpin’s special representative makes two tours of european countries, affairs of eurasia, which means, essentially on the ukrainian issue, the former ambassador of china to... russia, and also in france, germany, poland, they put a label on him, you’re a moscow henchman, get out of here, well, what kind of agreement
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the position may be, well, what kind of summit can there be in principle there in switzerland and so on, that is, people are talking and he says that guys, let’s sit down, well, negotiations, and start the process and so on, the french say what can there will be a process, if we sit down for 100 negotiations with the russians, they will we will talk... that is, the germans say: no, this won’t happen, it won’t, switzerland, of course, would be very good, they are ready to once again become this country, a mediator, yes, this negotiating platform for in order to earn some money, they imposed sanctions against us, switzerland, what kind of neutral country are they after that? how
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negatively everyone in general is, well , against and the entire western world, against russia, and they understand that the same thing awaits them, because this thing doesn’t stop anyway hysteria, and the chinese threat, the yellow danger , and so on and so forth. everyone immediately remembers: oh, taiwan, immediately taiwan, taiwan, taiwan, taiwan, taiwan, of course, yes, if the americans are still drawn into taiwan, let’s say the chinese succeed, and i think that this will most likely happen, everything goes to preparations are underway for this, systematically, we see, no one is an idiot, everyone understands perfectly well that there is a readiness for this, the decision, apparently, is political, worked out by sidenpin, comrades, that’s it, it will be, just. we need a moment, we need to reach a certain level of readiness for the tension of the situation, they will come out, the americans will come out at this moment, we just need to
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wait a little. now advertising, after it in our studio the director of the information and press department of the russian ministry of culture, maria vladimirovna zakharova. in the summer of 2021 , a heated crowd appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasny. young people threw stones at the businessman's property. they came specifically to kill. the situation escalated, the parties began to shoot at each other. and chaos is happening. a shot sounded and i felt pain in my stomach, blood flowed into my head immediately that they wanted to kill us all. krasnov responded by shooting at least three times the attackers. the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i used a weapon to protect, i repeat once again, my family, children, home, guests. the case was transferred to the federal level. some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him a brutal killer. i went to the investigative committee, i told him something was happening, they looked at me with such eyes, they said, it can not be. i have been waiting for you
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forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you at the russia exhibition. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. it's easy to make a deep fake. we
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will expose all fakes. the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, which separated the church. best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow, a meeting was created that is not the church of christ. the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states,
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the west, yes, initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people, god bless their saints. let's see what will happen next. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. take russian digital solutions to new heights. there are prospects. dasha is more brutal. yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more. how exactly does the number help? you are incomparably original in your questions. and what about production, raw materials and exports in general? what is our product?
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the west outdoes itself in the hypocrisy of using double standards. russia is ready to blame anything when obvious crimes are committed by the united states and its allies are simply silent about it. magatay does not dare to name those responsible for the attacks on the zaporozhye unified energy system. mog sees no reason to impose sanctions on israel. finally, absolute savagery when
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japanese in the year of washington. forget who dropped nuclear bombs on them; there are dozens, if not hundreds, of such examples. let's talk about this with the director of the information and press department of the ministry of russia, especially.


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