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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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and german borussia. our sports editorial team has all the details. telegram founder pavel durov gave an interview to journalist tucker carlson. what statements were made? and we start with the main topic of the last two weeks. spring floods in russia have become the largest in several decades. in the kurgan region, the level of the tabol river is rapidly rising. about 19,000 residents may be at risk. in the tyumen region, floods threaten almost hundreds of settlements; people are being evacuated from 14 villages. a state of emergency due to flooding was introduced in ulan-dei and two regions of buryatia, hundreds of summer cottages and residential buildings were lost to water supply. military engineers undermine ice jams on the serenga river. in the tomsk region, the water level in the tom river is decreasing, in the ob it is increasing. in a flood zone. almost 500
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household plots remain. but in the orenburg region, the flood is moving to the west of the region. the affected areas are preparing for large-scale vaccination against hepatitis. we will find out how the spring flood is going in the tyumen and orenburg regions from our special correspondents, this is stanislav bernwalt and margarita semenyuk. colleagues, greetings. stas, first question for you. you are now in ishim, and there the water level in the local river has risen by more than half a meter in a day. now, how... is the situation in the flooded areas, yes alexander, hello, indeed in the tyumen region, in general there is a tense flood situation, there is no water yet, but it is expected in the coming days, perhaps hours, well, let's see, literally we just received the hydrological bulletin for today, so the most difficult the situation now in the area called the kazan district, the village of ilyinka, there the water level above the zero point in the morning was 884
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cm, the water increase was 76 cm, with a critical level of 800 cm, that is, a dam break is primarily possible there and in another settlement kazanskaya, directly at the heights where we are, the water situation is also difficult, but controlled, now the heights are 394 cm, and almost 4 m, the increase per day is 50 cm, the critical point is level. 850 cm, but now at this time, while there is no water, it is necessary to make the most of it, we see that here, directly on the dam of the ishim river, in the city of ishim, work is now underway, more than a thousand people are employed, these are volunteers, these are employees of various departments, now bags are being raked in and the dam is being increased by half a meter, if turn around, you can already see there is quite a lot of... standing with bags of
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rubbish, well, it’s worth saying that this dam has a very good point on the river side, there is still a large fraction of crushed stone poured there, which simply will not allow it to be actively washed in water dam, but nevertheless the situation is difficult, indeed this morning we received an sms notification every hour that people in potentially dangerous areas need to leave their homes in... they accept, today, all previous days , we talked with people who today took part in strengthening the dam, let's listen to what they say, the children go voluntarily, when they said that it was necessary to help, the children immediately agreed, we only had adults, yeah, yes, what is the task of the children, the task of the children.
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in the city of ishim there are practically no ice jams, today we observed how employees of the ministry of defense of the russian federation are detonating ice jams, this must be done so that the water does not go into a spill within the city, today this work will end, truly colossal work has been done and this is very important, we had the opportunity today to talk with the ministry of emergency situations, the head of the press service of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the tyumen region told us which ones.
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approaches the dam, for this purpose, patrols have been organized to control it - daily mode, where employees of the ministry of emergency situations, including volunteers, and local authorities, will monitor its condition and, if necessary, take appropriate measures. now the most important thing is to build the dam here as high as possible, because here are the city wastewater treatment plants, literally kilometers away. hence, accordingly, this is a strategic object, but you understand, that is, if it ends up under flooding, the situation in the city could deteriorate sharply. we continue to monitor the situation alexandra. stas, thank you, now in orenburg, the region is experiencing the most powerful
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flood in the last 80 years, rescuers, volunteers and the military are helping the affected residents. rita, what is the situation in the region now, and what are the forecasts? yes, i salute you, alexander. and stanislav, now we are in orenburg, in the orenburg region, khuttor stepanovsky, the passage here is now blocked due to rising water in the sokmara river, several areas are now flooded, only entrepreneurs who bring goods to the farm are allowed into the farm essentials, as well as food to retail outlets, exit from the farm towards the city is open, but at the same time, now residents can get into the farm itself, it is not recommended for residents to travel because of... rising waters, i note that in orenburg in orsk the urals are gradually falling , now in the orenburg region the ural is 11 m 9 cm, also now in orsk the level is 577 cm, but at the same time the ural is arriving rapidly in the leksky region and
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the sakmara level is also increasing, now its level is 835 cm. i note that experts are now monitoring situation, everyone does. for 2 hours, measurements have been monitoring the dynamics of growth, and the mayor, the mayor of orenburg , just addressed the residents of the city and the orenburg region with a call to evacuate and invite you to listen to which settlements are now at risk of flooding. the following areas of orenburg are at risk of flooding: the village of kushkul, podmayachny and the eighteenth crossing. i urge orenburg residents to prepare for the possible arrival of water, to collect the necessary things in advance. documents and be prepared to evacuate. unfavorable situation takes place in the villages of gorodishche, krasnokholm, and the villages of krasny partizan and troitsky. the great water of the urals came to them. residents are being evacuated in troitsky and krasny partizan. orenburg rescuers,
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special equipment and buses for transporting people are on site. well, i’ll also note that snt, microdistricts are settlements in orenburg in the orenburg region. are already gradually freed from water, people will be able to return to their homes after specialists from the electricity supply and gas supply have checked all the equipment, as as soon as the water completely recedes, by the way, according to government forecasts, the water should recede within a week, after which assessment commissions and also construction commissions will begin to work, which will assess the volume of restoration of flooded houses and apartment buildings, i note that now the situation is also being monitored in the region , vaccination against hepatitis a is now underway at an active pace, over 25,000 residents of the orenburg region have already been vaccinated, this is in orsk, in orenburg, now i propose to listen to the commentary. we wrote again a letter from the governor to the government
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of the russian federation and we have been approved for the allocation of another 70 thousand doses; this vaccine is stored in the government reserve in the city of novosibirsk. yesterday, after we received confirmation that it would be allocated, we immediately arranged delivery. the car left novosibirsk yesterday, we are expecting it on thursday morning. as well as the affected residents of orenburg, the orenburg district and the region as a whole, continue to write applications for financial assistance in the amount of 20 thousand rubles and financial support in the amount of 50 thousand rubles and 100,000 rubles. several hundred thousand applications are already being processed, the first tens of thousands of applications have already been processed, people are receiving their due payments. alexander, colleagues, thank you, margarita semenyuk and stanislav bernwald spoke about the spring flood in the orenburg
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and tyumen regions. now let's move on to advertising, then we will continue to talk about the main topics of this environment. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, a desire to stand out, a desire to act. and not be distracted by the bustle, business works to a cherished dream came true. start the path to your dream with sber. free account for business, sber business card with cashback 10% sberbusiness bonuses, thank you. sberbusiness. what do you think? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription. replenish regularly and you will accumulate 16%. faster, like this, don’t do it, you need it like this, like this, like that, i understand, like this at
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russia, russia, will you throw out the trash already or no, so, pay attention, we have a replacement to replace the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win. we continue broadcasting. head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu got acquainted with promising samples of military equipment. at patriot park, the minister checked how work is being done on robotic systems and weapons of the future, and also assessed the provision of troops, taking into account the experience of the northern military district. in total, shaig was shown more than thirty developments, including an automated medical machine.
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based on this, we need such a machine as as quickly as possible, yes, as quickly as possible and as much as possible, we need to ensure evacuation today. from the front edge, to do this as safely as possible, as quickly as possible, we can make a roller invoice, that is, we need to think about it, at the front we need to launch a test immediately. shaigu also instructed to retrofit a multi-purpose work-technical complex, it will be capable of not only evacuating the wounded from the front line, but providing powerful support to attack aircraft, this whole platform is laughing, no, that’s how much frame this is, if we we take it and make it like an assault one, here we
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need to insert 12.7 bullets to deliver from 12.7 so what. and for storms, and for storms, you understand, then our assault detachments, so to speak, will be provided with this, now about the progress of the special operation: in the zaporozhye direction , attack aircraft eliminated two strong points in the ssu, the unit of senior lieutenant ruslan ikoev successfully completed the combat mission, a volunteer from south ossetia, arrived in the northern military district zone 2 years ago, since then he has proven himself more than once, was wounded, and i have already received several for successes...
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objective control confirms this, the distance is no more than a thousand m. in this video, assault company commander ruslan ikoev from the kornet anti-tank missile system destroys an enemy fortification, working from a distance of 4.5 km, again objective control confirms the effectiveness . for this very performance, ruslan was awarded the order of courage, st. george's korist, medals for courage and suvorov. that's just why he's keeping silent and being modest. we won’t go into detail about everything, but for that, that they were storming, they carried out any tasks there , where they sent us, we always successfully and clearly carried out all the tasks, what is bad, he doesn’t say anything, he says all the time, everything
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is fine, everything is normal, he was also wounded, i didn’t even know. ruslan began performing tasks in the northern military district zone with the rank of corporal in april 22, voluntarily signed a contract and became a military machine gunner, fought well, and 2 years later he had the shoulder straps of a senior lieutenant on his shoulders. it turned out that when i arrived here, the company commander received a shrapnel, he was taken to hospital, instead of him i stayed here, that is, i’m already a company, it turned out. so for success, for conscientious service, then they also looked at me from above, i coped well with the company, and the first rank of lieutenant was awarded last year, he comes from the town of kvaisa, in south ossetia, in this republic every family knows , what
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is war, south ossetia began to fight for its independence in the ninety-first year, in... in 2008, together with the russian army , the militia repelled georgian aggression and finally ended that war, which is why in in february of twenty-two, a huge number of south ossetian volunteers considered the north ossetian military district to be theirs, in which it is impossible not to fight, they joined the ranks of the russian army, this is his duty, he must defend his homeland, there will definitely be victories, i feel everyone knows this. two conflicts at once will be the focus of attention today for the leaders of the european union who are convening the summit. according to european journalists, the middle east is now much more relevant than ukraine, despite zelensky’s desperate attempts to regain his former international popularity. eu leadership, of course, he promises to consider the issue of
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supplying air defense systems, but he does not have the determination to defend kiev, just like tel aviv. next is the report by anastasia popova. iran's strike on israel slightly shifted the focus of foreign ministers' discussions at an informal video conference ahead of the summit from ukraine to the middle east. but the journalists still did not allow the head of european diplomacy to go far from the already well-worn topic. why not create a european analogue of the iron dome over kiev? they asked a question to joseph borel. you need to understand that the iron kubal system has been created for decades. even if we had the resources to create such a system in ukraine, it cannot be done in a short time. eu leaders who come to the meeting will learn about the needs of the front from president zelensky. i planned it before the debate. to his speech via video link: kiev desperately needs air defense systems amid russian attacks on the energy sector. bareilles promises to knock on all doors so that
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eu countries transfer their patriot systems or give money to purchase new ones. but knock for now few people react, writes the financial times. we will not be able to offer any more systems at this time, the defense department said monday. this position caused discontent among some representatives of the christian opposition. at the last moment, two venues refused to hold the event; the third was raided by the police and blocked the entrance. the commissioner of police has just made a statement,
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he has been advised not to let anyone into the premises and people can obviously leave any time they want. at first the organizers of the conference were persuaded in a good way, then they were threatened to turn off the lights, and as a result, they literally drove off the stage, the founder of the united kingdom dependence party, who was speaking at that moment. that's it, i'm off, bye everyone. i have personally experienced cancel culture here, which is covered by the global media. we see that the legitimate opinions of people who are going to win national elections are no longer acceptable here in brussels, the birthplace of globalism. the rise of right-wing sentiment in europe is particularly worrying about the upcoming european elections. research shows the right can enter. into the top three in eighteen countries at once. it is no wonder that one of the topics of the summit will be another spy scandal, which belgium has added to the agenda. the point is that some european parliamentarians
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are allegedly bribed by russian agents, they pay them money to promote the kremlin’s narratives, influence public opinion and increase their chances of being elected, because in today’s europe there can be no alternative: either you and everyone are in same boat, or you're an agent kremlin. anastasia popolya bernadsky, news, brussels, belgium. the international monetary fund again significantly raised its growth forecast for the russian economy; among other things, it recognized the ineffectiveness of the oil embargo. the report was studied by my colleague, konstantin churikov , and he joins me. sasha, good morning, they refer to the high level of private consumption and corporate investment. with russia's gdp growth and it is above our own expectations. reconsidering pessimistic views on the russian economy has become a good tradition for the imf. so,
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instead of 2.6% in january, it is now 3.2 - this is the forecast for the current year for 2025 instead of 1.1, almost 2%. the fund cites a number of factors as reasons, including significant corporate investment and strong domestic demand. firstly, the volume of oil exports remains at the same level, and secondly, we are seeing a significant strengthening of corporate investment, including from state-owned enterprises. third, we are also seeing a significant strengthening of private consumption, which is supporting economic growth. and last but not least what is important is the impact of government spending. russian analysts note that the imf forgot to indicate another reason for the growth: sanctions, which... the west led against us, the restrictions that the west imposed on our capital, on our financial sector forced us to rebuild industry, that is
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, the main factor of high economic growth in russia is the manufacturing industry, that is, those times when we were assigned the role of the periphery of the global economy , such a raw material appendage, as they believed. it's over, last year is here two sectors dragged the economy along with them, this is the construction sector, we once again achieved very high figures there, a record 104 million square meters of water housing, of course the second sector is the manufacturing industry, which, firstly , certainly carried out military orders, and secondly responded to those restrictions and sanctions that were introduced. countries, it is curious that in terms of russian gdp growth, the imf forecast of 3.2 turned out to be higher than our ministry of economic development and trade forecast of development 2 and 3, but they said that
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they could revise these figures. taking into account confident development of industry at the beginning of the year. experts talk about the constant underestimation of the russian economy by the west, and explain this by inertia of thinking. at the end of last year, many expected that the economy would slow down significantly this year, but this has not yet happened. well , accordingly, now forecasts are shifting that it will slow down in 2025. why is this happening? because the current is perceived as cyclical growth, that is, it is assumed in the models that it seems to be. no internal serious structural no changes are happening, the economy is growing thanks to the same factors that were there. meanwhile, the russian economy at the beginning of this year grew even faster than at the end of last year, this is already data from central bank analysts. the megaregulator published statistics that indicate strong growth in january-february and a likely continuation of this trend in march. there is a rise in industry, trade and public catering, and
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some central bank experts point to... high growth rates of labor income, which, quote, is enough to increase savings, so to increase the level of consumption. let's return to the imf forecasts, there are a couple more interesting points, by default, on the economic fund website they are sorted by region and it is not very clear who is growing and who is lagging behind, they should be arranged like this, taking into account the projected growth, russia is in fourth place here place and ahead of the usa, we have + 3.2%.
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well, sasha, we will continue to grow for our own joy and for the harm of our enemies. thank you, it was konstantin churikov with a story about forecasts for the growth of the russian economy. and let's move on to international topics. in georgia, opponents of the law on foreign agents today promise to organize a new rally near the walls of parliament. deputies are considering the document in the first reading. the day before, the rally ended in a scuffle with the police. stones and bottles were thrown at the guards. 11 people were detained, why people don’t like the new law so much, what is the real reason for the unrest, olga panomaryova found out. tear gas detention. as the crowd grew heated, riot police began a brutal dispersal of demonstrators away from the parliament building. georgian tv channel operator injured rustavi-2 one of the police officers. water cannons and canisters of piercing gas did not immediately appear at parliament. this was preceded
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by pothos. the protesters intended not to let the deputies through the service exit; it was they who were covered by the police cordon. on tuesday , the people's representatives considered the law on foreign agents in the first reading. it is characteristic that when the document was presented in parliament on monday, the pro-western opposition reacted. just like that, its representative simply demolished the executive secretary of the ruling party from the podium, according to coincidentally, before this, the law on renewal agents was obstructed in the european union, from now on, when the law is adopted, any citizen of georgia, going to the website of the agency of the public national registry, will know how many receipts which organization received, and these are huge amounts, huge, they are not 20% ,
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100% financed from abroad, they will not be able to launder this money, pay the so -called kickbacks, as this has already become a vicious practice, because there are also people abroad, they are also corrupt. a year ago, the georgian parliament already tried to pass the law on foreign agents, but as soon as it passed the first reading, the european union drew criticism and mass protests broke out. a small nuance, this time the us ambassador, together with the europeans, expressed his opinion during a meeting with the prime minister of georgia. it’s a strange thing, addressing the protesters, the law is called russian, despite the fact that the first documents on foreign financing were adopted by the united states, back in the forties of the 20th century, and the georgian bill was copied from the american one literally word for word, the european union is discussing the adoption of exactly the same law, in america it has been working since the forties after the collapse of the soviet union.


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