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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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the fifth studio is on the air, i’m anton potkovenko, we’re talking about flood reports from the orenburg region in the village of ilek, the water level in the ural river has risen above the critical level by 28 cm, this is the level near orenburg, near orenburg. on the contrary, the water
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level has now decreased to 1.109 cm, this is data from the regional hydromedical center. in orsk , gas supplies were restored to more than 13,000 homes and businesses. and we will learn all the latest information, including on supporting citizens affected by flooding, from ignat petukhov. minister of economic development, investment, tourism external relations of the orenburg region. now he is contacting us. egnatiy evgenievich, i greet you. yes, anton, hello, hello. so, first of all, of course, a question about the operational situation, please tell us where the water is coming from, where, perhaps, on the contrary, it is located, in which areas of the region, now the situation is more complicated, where perhaps it is already becoming easier. yes, but our situation continues to be tense, we see that the disaster struck us first, well, it was orsk, then orenburg, etc. now
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the water is starting to come to elek, in orsk the water is starting to decrease, in orenburg too, yesterday, the day before yesterday was the first day when a decrease was recorded, of course the water is still melting at a very high level, some residents of orsk are starting to slowly return to their homes, to inspect the damage that exists, but of course the damage is colossal, that is, this is a very great grief, a great misfortune, both a personal misfortune and a city one, well, it would probably be right in general to say, this is a federal disaster, what happened, we understand that thousands of people.
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well, this is truly a disaster, that is, we understand that people are in great grief, a big problem, now it is important for us that no one is left alone with this misfortune, we have started quick payments, well, that is, i will emphasize this again, this is exactly quick payments so that people here can receive funds now, as of yesterday evening we had already made about 20 thousand payments, that is , we have two main categories for quick payments, these are payment of 20 thousand rubles, which, on the instructions of the governor... was increased from 10 to just twenty, the second payment is 50 or 100 thousand rubles quickly for the loss of property, these are televisions, refrigerators, sofas, furniture, we already have commissions, as of last evening, as of yesterday we already had about 18 thousand payments, they were made, secondly, our construction commission began to work, within the framework of the support program that the federal ministry of construction agreed upon, we have every resident whose house was damaged and which is not subject restoration, an amount will be paid
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based on 68,000 per square meter, that is, if the house was 70 km, then about 5 million rubles. the resident will receive. secondly, if the house was not completely flooded, but flooded, that is , repair work can be carried out, then the payment will be in the range of 7,000 per square meter. therefore, now we quickly convey this information to people. right now i am also present in the single contact center 122, we have about 107 operators. they work throughout the region, well, the main task is to answer those questions that people care about, every day we have now reached the level that three thousand questions are received, well, those employees, those guys who are behind in the background, including helping people not to be left alone with this trouble, answering the most popular questions, that come from the popular ones, now this is the number one topic, this is various assistance from volunteer organizations, that is , people are actively leaving applications, this is water, these are things and various... material support, the second
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is credit holidays, in our areas already about 500 individuals and legal entities received these credit holidays and are completely exempt from paying interest for six months. so is the body of the loan, while 2,000 applications were submitted, so we have now created an economics headquarters, where we promptly review all applications, look at why the payment was not made or why credit holidays were not implemented, well, our task is to understand each case, why of the 2,000 applications that were submitted, 500 applications were satisfied, and 1,500 are still at the consideration stage, absolutely all banks supported credit holidays, very promptly, we are in constant interaction with them, and...
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and we have provided several options for how victims can apply for payment. for the younger generation , the most convenient way is the government services portal, where you can literally log in in 5 minutes, click on two buttons, and apply for the payments that are due. for the older generation, who don’t have modern phones and don’t have an account for government services, we have an mfc. we almost every day we are expanding the number of windows in the mfc. and what is important, we tried to make sure that if an... older person comes, then he can immediately process all payments, we have banks, well, for example, sberbank, they issue cards right there at the mfc that are required helps people record and gives information about accounts, because many of the older generations
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know their card number, but do not know the account number to which these funds should be credited, so this is our task, plus they work there, to answer your question, employees of the authorities who help you... restore documents, now we, too, on the instructions of the governor, came to the conclusion that if a person today applied for the restoration of a passport or driver’s license, then tomorrow he will have a new driver’s license and a new passport, because one of the most popular situations is that documents were unfortunately lost during a flood, our task is to ensure that people have these documents promptly restored, already we have restored about 250 such documents, well, we expect that over time, when... i would like to talk in more detail, the news agency reports that a temporary mfc office with 10
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windows has opened in the oztp village of the orsk tractor trailer plant for accepting applications , respectively, regarding payments to residents who suffered from the flood, and i also want to know about the mfc in... or there are queues, what else can be done? and our whole team worked in orsk last week, when the situation was at its worst it was tense, well, every night we actually opened 15 additional windows, we actually had them open, we also lost the property of the mfc, in orsk there were always two
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mfcs, one was located on makarenko 20a, the other was located on nikelshchikov, on nikelshchikov, as once in the nikel area, it was also flooded here, so we decided that we would double the number on makarenko. the curl was increased to avoid the queue, now we have 30 people working there, secondly, in one night we opened a completely new mfc on lenina 9a, this employment center, and there are just 30 windows, this made it possible to relieve congestion, well, when i was just talking to people, people also said orzhk is a very large city, it is the sixth largest city in russia and there are a lot of areas remote from each other, mostly older people also said that they have to travel from the region of the orsk tractor trailer plant oztp, as you said, they have to travel from...
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seriously, there is a single website and about regional support measures for ordinary citizens, for business, for the self-employed, here accordingly, if you click for entrepreneurs, then here is the information. on payments, at preferential rates, damage assessment, credit holidays, garbage removal, you name it, including temporary accommodation centers, if we talk about the section regarding the situation with drinking water for citizens, in general there is a lot of things, here i know that in particular now you will have an open meeting of the coordination headquarters in the very near future, please tell us who you will meet with, what issues, what is on the agenda, the most pressing, what questions from business and , accordingly, how does the government respond? well, our highest priority task now is not to invent anything ourselves,
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to receive direct feedback from people about what they need here now, just about that site that you said,, we launched it when people began to ask for a single source of information, a single source of truth, where they could get all the information about payments, about humanitarian aid, how to contact volunteers, how to register lost documents, well, that is, in fact , we collected them in one place. answers to the most frequently asked questions, the day before yesterday we launched it, exactly the same, our task was exactly the same by calling the hotline, that is, we now have two options, who can conveniently go to the site and find answers to the most frequently asked questions there, the second , of course, you can call 122, we also quickly process all questions, and what is important, this is what the business suggested, that there should be two buttons on the site at the beginning, this is a button for citizens, the second button will be for businesses or self-employed people, so that they can get answers to their questions and... we had about, well, in total for both individuals and legal entities, about a hundred questions,
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now we see, that every day these questions are expanding, more and more questions we are adding, we have actually assembled a coordination headquarters for economic recovery, and during covid, we have learned quite well how to work in such a headquarters principle, when we don’t need long introductory speeches and performances, but we need specific solutions , and business just approached us with this, we have all headquarters meetings, they are open, that is... this is not a place where only government officials, banks or insurance companies are present, this is a place where there are more than 200 entrepreneurs, for example, yesterday at our open meeting they joined in and asked their questions, but we promptly answered, the most common question is, of course, about support measures, yesterday we released the first package of support measures, as we call it business support, it consists of six main blocks, the first - these are restoration grants, we we will give grants in the amount of 100-250 or 500 rubles so that businesses can... here now begin to recover, purchase equipment, carry out repairs, well
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, dry up the loss that exists, because now heat guns are one of the most popular also requests to dry out their premises, second, of course, business needs long-term and cheap money to develop, and even more so to recover at 20-25%, these are the loans and interest that banks now give, this is simply impossible, that’s why we the decision was made governor, that we will lend... business at 1% as industrialists, so that they can purchase equipment, machinery, machines, so chin, that is, if, for example, a pharmacy was damaged, so that they can purchase new counters, new cash registers, here and we will give such quick money at 1%. the next block of support is tax benefits, we are essentially eliminating all possible benefits that we have so that businesses have the opportunity to develop and not pay taxes, so this is the decision has also already been made, this is the second block and the third. and the fourth block, which i wanted to talk about, is, of course, credit holidays, here i wanted to say a huge
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thank you to the banking community, absolutely all banks operating in the region, they supported credit holidays for a period of at least 6 months, both for citizens and for businesses, well our main task, accordingly, is to make sure that not a single application is left without consideration, so these questions are also often asked; yesterday, for example, we heard a rumor that credit holidays worsen credit history, we clearly said no, all banks confirmed this, the credit holidays that are provided do not affect credit history in any way, therefore both citizens and businesses do not have to worry about this. ignadneevich, here’s one more question, i’ll probably ask you the final one, one of the most important, in fact, about the dam, about the vorskie dam, what they say, what is known, yes, oh, about the restoration, what kind of participation of business can be in this, so to speak, project there will be, perhaps, several of these dumps are needed so that such extreme floods do not recur, well, it would probably be correct to say that this is an earthen rampart, if someone
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wants to see what dumbo looks like, you can write the word dam on the internet and see , what normal dams look like, it was in fact an earthen rampart, but of course now operational decisions are being made, including the governor has already announced that a decision will be made on the design, preparatory work is already underway, our task of course, give people the opportunity to give everything they can to do. what are the conditions to protect future periods from the emergency that happened? for the first time in history, we have introduced a federal emergency , this has never happened in the history of the region, but of course we understand perfectly well that the safety of the people of our residents is task number one , no one should be left alone with this disaster, well , this is definitely not, this is an emergency, not for a week, not for two, we will recover from this disaster months, and maybe even years, but together we definitely can and will win, only together can we overcome this story, so that no one is left alone with this great misfortune,
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thank you, thank you very much for the detailed answers, ignat petukhov, minister economic development, investment, tourism, external relations of orenbug. region was in contact with the fifth studio, discussed the situation with floods and the measures that are being taken to minimize all risks and consequences. this was the fifth studio, see you. who can help always in a hurry, aim accurately, pain, pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck anyway, the shoulder may fail, call us quickly, pentalki. in muscles and joints. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners - a free sber card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback with bonuses in pharmacies - a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. vertical vacuum cleaner kitforрд or
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card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month. comfort for everyone there is a good car, find it on the author. the ministry of economic development considers the new imf forecast for the growth of the russian economy to be overly pessimistic, despite its next increase, and is preparing to increase its estimate. konstantin churikov will tell you what the numbers are this time and what is causing them. the international monetary fund has improved russia's gdp growth forecast is higher than
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our own expectations. reconsidering pessimistic views on the russian economy has become a good tradition for the imf. so, instead of 2.6% in january, it is now 3.2 - this is the forecast for the current year, for 2025 instead of 1.1 almost 2%. the fund cites a number of factors as reasons, including significant corporate investment and strong domestic demand. firstly, the volume of oil exports remains at the same level. secondly, we are seeing significant corporate strengthening. investments, including including from state-owned enterprises, thirdly, we are also seeing a significant strengthening of private consumption, which supports economic growth, last but not least is...
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in those days when we were assigned the role of the periphery of the global economy, such an appendage as they thought it was over, last year we had two sectors dragging the economy along with them, this is the construction sector, we once again achieved very high indicators there, a record 104 million square meters, water housing, of course the second sector is manufacturing industrially. which, firstly, carried out military orders from beslon, and secondly, responded to the restrictions and sanctions that were introduced by unfriendly countries. it is curious that in terms of russian gdp growth,
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the imf forecast of 3.2 turned out to be higher than our ministry of economic development and trade forecast of 2 and 3, but they said that they could revise these figures taking into account the strong development of industry at the beginning of the year. experts talk about the constant underestimation of the russian economy by the west and explain. this is the inertia of thinking, at the end of last year many we expected that the economy would slow down greatly this year, but this is not happening yet, and accordingly, now the forecasts are shifting that it will slow down in 2025, why is this happening, because the current ones are perceived as cyclical, now there is a live broadcast on our tv channel , olga skorobogatova, first deputy chairman of the bank of russia, andrey kostin, president, chairman of the board. vtb bank. dmitry chernyshenko, deputy prime minister of the russian federation. mikhail
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asievsky, president of rostelecom. colleagues, take your seats. vladimir kiriyenko, general director of the technology corporation vk. and with us in online communication is ekaterina tikhonova, general director of inopraktika. and our conference is opened today by the chairman of the government of the russian federation, mikhail vladimirovich mishustin. attention to the screen. dear friends, i would like to greet all participants, partners, organizers and guests of the international conference date fusion. for the fourth time, the event has become a meeting point for leading representatives of the it sector, industry, science, and of course states. i am confident that this will allow us to comprehensively consider issues that relate, among other things, to the secure transmission and
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processing of information, machine-written learning, and the introduction of artificial intelligence. the key theme of this year is strengthening russia's technological sovereignty in a multipolar world. our president noted that in business, in the system of government, it is necessary.
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the number of positions in the register of russian software is growing, over the past 4 years it has increased by 1400, exceeding the 2000 mark. only within the framework of the federal project digital technology over 5 years , government support has been provided for the implementation of over a thousand initiatives to promote domestic programs, about 800 of which are startup ideas, the proceeds of which are from implementation. born thanks to grants amounted to approximately 10 billion rubles. to accelerate the replacement of foreign digital products, including engineering software, with russian analogues, we have launched special competence centers. industry leaders, developers and authorities are working together to ensure our enterprises were in demand technology. it is important to build
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a modern one based on your own solutions. a secure telecommunications infrastructure; to carry out all of the above tasks, on behalf of the president , a new national project , the data economy, is being formed. its main goal is to build a holistic mechanism for collecting, transmitting, storing and analyzing information. subject, of course, to the highest possible safety standards to ensure the implementation of advanced developments. dear friends,. you have 2 very busy days ahead program, by the way, this is not only a discussion, but educational, practical events, with the participation of leading experts and practitioners. there will be awards for those who presented effective projects in data analysis and achieved success in the field of machine learning. i would like to wholeheartedly congratulate the winners, but i wish all participants interesting and useful discussions, i am sure that the conference will give...
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a start to promising partnerships, and the proposals that will be made here will help the further development of the russian market technologies related to big data processing. good luck! wonderful words, thank you very much for such parting words, russia is truly a country in which technology leaders, leaders in the field of high technology, and it turns out that this is also the case today, are already quietly developing, feeling well. despite the crazy challenges that were in the twentieth and twenty-second years, thanks to the fact that, as i call it, we are all in the same boat, digital and non-digital companies, business and government, users and business, we also heard this topic now in the speech that was shown to us and which mikhail vladimirovich, who welcomed us as participants, is very important for this trend to continue, but at the same time there is still a lot of...
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but opportunities that are opening up right now, the transition from the digital economy to the data economy and how we will take advantage of this window of opportunity. i ask the first speaker to talk about how technological progress and high technologies can develop in russia in this transitional period, and what actual challenges we plan to solve and what opportunities appear with the advent of the data economy, i ask the deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation, dmitry nikolaevich chernyshenko, to make the first report. good morning dear friends. mikhail vladimirovich very well in her opening address reflected very important points that the government is dealing with on behalf of the president, and i think that no country in the world can probably boast, firstly, of such an attitude towards
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it industry to high-tech companies, as in our country and with such attention from management, and we see, in general, the effects of this, you all heard, and those who are sitting on the stage even saw it personally, our president noted in his recent address to the federal assembly , that we need to be self-sufficient and competitive in the development of artificial intelligence algorithms, while it is important to strengthen our own positions, and today’s event... is the fourth in a row, every year it attracts leading experts, famous scientists, researchers, developers, us government representatives, and of course, major businesses, and i thank vtb, which is rightfully considered one of the innovative banks, for organizing and holding such a conference, which really sets the bar for such events very high, this ...


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