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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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spring floods in russia have become the largest in the last few decades. in the kurgan region , the level of the tabol river is rapidly rising. about 19 thousand residents may be at risk. in the tyumen region.
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hundreds of summer cottages and residential buildings have gone under water; military engineers are blasting ice jams on the selenga river. in the tomsk region, the water level in the tom river is decreasing, but in abi it is increasing. almost 500 household plots remain in the flood zone.
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alexander, greetings, peak flood in kurgan has not yet passed, the water continues to rise in just one day, the level of tabol has exceeded the mark by another one and a half meters, now its level is 906 cm, while the ministry of emergency situations reports that the intensive growth of water in tobol will continue in the next couple of days. we are now in the village of kitovo, the level of the tabola here has already crossed the mark of 11 m, so the river has flooded very heavily. in the village, in some areas the water is just knee-deep, somewhere there are already a lot of flooded houses, here there are probably dozens of them, well, at least that’s how it is visible only from this street, in fact , the tobol still overflows in that direction, so there are probably many more than a hundred, the village residents evacuated in advance, long before the water reached kitovo, many things were moved to the second floors, moved... to
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the attics, in general, were thoroughly preparing for the flood, this is what the local residents say: we didn’t wait for the children, i also took them out that monday, took them to my parents in the village, my husband was evacuated to his parents too, only during the commotion, we everyone left earlier, they didn’t wait for such big water to flow. unfortunately, when evacuating, some people completely forget about their pets, that is, they save things and go to temporary accommodation centers themselves. or to relatives, here animals are left alone with the elements, but again, fortunately there are a lot of people who care, today we met a local resident who was saving a neighbor’s dog, he took it out, evacuated it from here by boat, this is the story of who we are taking , the neighbors abandoned the dog, so the neighbor asked help, save, where will they send the dog later, will he take it to himself, i’ll take it, you’ll take it, yes, yes, of course, and then you ’ll give it to your neighbor? i don’t know, i’ll still decide this issue,
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but a scatterer is probably not needed, i think so, i’ll first arrange a conversation with the neighbors so that i don’t throw animals, so that i don’t throw them, i understand that these are animals, that’s all, here’s another local the resident, as soon as he found out that water had begun to enter his house, immediately returned to save his dogs, who had been guarding his house all this time, well...
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they will be very worried if something happens to them. let me remind you that in kurgan and in the kurgan region as a whole, evacuation is already ongoing. more than 13,000 people have already been evacuated; 16 temporary accommodation centers have now been deployed in the region, currently housing 931 people, including 200 children. the tap is staffed by medical workers, law enforcement agencies, psychologists, of course, hot meals are provided, and there are plenty of drinking water supplies. the region is still in a state of emergency situation, the population is being evacuated from the flood zone, and in the meantime there is water. i repeat, continues to exist, this is the situation at this hour, colleagues, words to you, yes, thank you, stanislav, in tyumen, as in kurgan, all attention is also paid to the tabolo river, its upper level is decreasing, and downstream it has increased by 20- 3 cm, what is the current situation in the region and how many
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settlements can fall into the flood zone, stanislav, alexander, hello, the situation in the tyumen region really is due to flood water. is further aggravated by the fact that the weather is changing, now there will be abnormal heat and the water will flow stronger, but the two most difficult areas are probably the kazan region and the ishim region, the ishim river, in fact, there it gives such a significant increase, for example, per day in the ilyinka area, this is the kazan region, an increase of 76 cm, the level has reached 884 cm at... the level mark of 800, that is , the spill is already beginning there, but this also takes into account the fact that the water from kazakhstan, that is, the head of the water snake, the so-called one, has not yet left kazakhstan, has not entered to the territory of russia, that is there will be a lot of water and here in the tyumen
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region they are preparing for this water, you see behind me now, volunteers, just city residents are collecting and filling bags. with sand, in order to strengthen the dam crest, what work is being carried out, the city authorities told us. today we are carrying out work, raising the crest of the dam with bags by a meter, waiting for high water, accordingly, we have about 650 people, equipment, stuffing bags, bringing them to the dam, loading them, well, we are doing all the measures to protect both the gardens and, accordingly, the treatment plants structures. well, as i said, a little higher, not only builders and designers work , ordinary citizens work, a large amount of heavy equipment is here, as you can see, the work does not stop, literally not for a second, they work in several shifts, here are really students, we are today we even saw pensioners, many understand that
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now we need to act extremely quickly, because the water is rapidly approaching the city, that’s what people say, children go voluntarily, when they said that... we help, strengthen, as much as we can. another one very important information, the ministry of defense of the russian federation has strengthened the group of engineering troops involved in protecting settlements from floods in the tyumen region, the corresponding decision was made
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in response to an appeal from the head of the region to the ishim region, over a hundred military personnel with automotive equipment were additionally transferred to carry out strengthening measures . more than 3,000 km have been liberated. our unit is staffed by professionals from the tyumen higher military engineering command school, everyone knows their task, everything works as one coherent mechanism. let me remind you that since the eighth
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, a state of emergency of regional significance has been declared in the region in those areas that are prone to flooding; voluntary evacuation has already been announced from... there was quite a serious flooding, so people understand that with big water comes big problems, and entire families are evacuated to temporary temporary detention centers, where everything is prepared for them, from shelter to food, medical care, psychological, including assistance, and they open here in ishim, as in many other settlements , places for storing valuables and personal belongings have been allocated to a huge area for
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a storm warning due to bad weather has been announced in yamal. snow and wind with gusts of up to 25 m/sec hit the region. due to adverse weather conditions , vehicle traffic is limited. several dozen cars were trapped in the snow on oxark soliheart roads. cars cannot move. many are running out of fuel and a rescue operation has begun. now it's short. advertising, and then we will continue release. copies are not your style, your
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were disguised as manicure tools and hair care products. the exile for the terrorist was collected in warsaw and sent to lithuania, where it fell into the hands of the courier, who handed over the components directly to the contractor. the second detainee was a citizen of russia and moldova; according to him, he earned his living by transporting goods. on april 6, 2024, in lithuania, i received cargo from poland from a representative of my company. on april 7 , the shipper contacted me. she asked when she could pick up the cargo, and if it was possible for her person to come and pick up the cargo. in the evening of the same day, i handed over the cargo to a man whom i met at my residence address. powerful explosions occurred today in a number of regions of ukraine, several detonations occurred at once in krivoy
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rog, this is the dnepropetrovsk region. the same messages from local publications came from the chernihiv region, too. he tested some of them personally, with details maria valeeva, there is nothing more expensive than human life, which means, based on this, we need such a machine, the medical robotic complex is equipped with all the necessary equipment, it is extremely in demand in the zone of a special military operation, its main task is quick and safe
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evacuation wounded from the battlefield, this the vehicle is being shown publicly for the first time. defense minister sergei shaigu personally examined it and instructed the developers to launch mass production. today we need to ensure the evacuation of the wounded from the front line. do this as safely as possible. of course, at the front we need to try them, we need to launch everything. at the patriot convention and exhibition center, the head of the russian military department was presented with more than thirty promising models of weapons, special equipment and military-technical equipment from eighteen. industrial enterprises, here is a new lightly armored vehicle, sergei shaigul personally checked its driving performance. lightweight, protected special vehicles of this line are intended for transporting personnel and performing combat missions by special forces units using installed small arms; it is
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an operating multi-purpose work-technical fire support complex. protection of facilities and evacuation of the wounded from the front line, sergei shaigu ordered to be equipped with additional machine-gun firepower, which will allow use the vehicle during the assault. if we take it and make it like an assault weapon, we need to cost here 12.7. the minister of defense was informed about the development of a promising wearable artillery fire control automation system, which allows for a manifold increase in transmission speed. the purpose of instructions to artillery crews, guidance time up to 30 seconds, this is everything necessary to ensure the livelihoods and organization of life of military personnel, among the presented samples is a multifunctional sleeping module, equipment for sanitary treatment, washing of personnel and for preparing food in the field, there are also
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small-sized dry rations, this is a week's ration for 2-3 days with ammunition, breakfast will be shared with him. lunch, dinner, completion of inspection sergei shaigu instructed to simplify as much as possible the procedure for accepting promising weapons for armament if they have been tested in the special operation zone and received positive results, and also if enterprises are ready to set up their serial production as soon as possible. maria valieva, news! a... friday, supercake every week on alfabank cards. on friday, april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment. only in the alfa afisha service in the alfa bank application. not just profitable, alpha profitable. one for all. that's all.
2:21 pm
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plastic bottles, and if you sort the waste, this could make 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom, sort the waste, give things a new life. there are already more than 20 thousand positions in the domestic software register. the government is creating conditions for the accelerated replacement of foreign digital products
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with russian analogues. prime minister mikhail mishustin stated this in a video message to the participants international conference date fusion 2024. the head of government noted that big data today has become a strategic resource, thanks to it the capabilities of all industries are expanding. the head of state set the task of achieving independence from foreign software. the number of positions in the russian software registry is growing. over the past 4 years, it has increased by 14,000 , exceeding the 20,000 mark. only within the framework of the federal project digital technologies for 5 years has government support been provided for implementation of over a thousand promotion initiatives. to accelerate the replacement
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of foreign digital products, including engineering software, with russian analogues , we have launched special competence centers; leading industry businesses, developers and authorities are working together to ensure that our enterprises have in-demand technologies. the scandalous draft law in georgia passed the first reading, local deputies voted in favor against the backdrop of... protesters threw stones and bottles at security forces, 11 people a cameraman for the rustavi-2 tv channel and one of the police officers were detained and injured. let me remind you that a year ago the georgian parliament already tried to adopt a document on foreign agents, but the european union criticized it. mass
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protests have begun, this is the situation now. as we see , it is repeated, the law itself is similar to the american one, it involves mandatory registration of non-profit legal media entities whose income comes from abroad, while opponents of the law call it pro-russian, they believe that it will hinder georgia’s integration into the eu. the kremlin commented on the situation around the georgian bill on foreign agents. presidential spokesman dmitry peskov rejected the document's links to russian influence. this bill should not be called russian. still, probably the first to start monitoring their political and internal political hygiene was the united states of america, which came up with this headlight and it was ali who introduced this practice. therefore , this is by no means russian, this is now the normal practice of a huge number of states that are doing everything to
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protect yourself from outside influence. from foreign influence on domestic politics, all countries are taking measures in one form or another, but all the laws of the project are preceded by the same goal, and the fact that they are trying to use this internal political process as a tool to provoke anti-russian sentiments is unlikely to be these impulses served from within georgia. advanced achievements in the field of treatment and prevention of infectious diseases, modern threats and challenges.
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in zhukovsky today they said goodbye to test pilot anatoly kvocher. april 15 news of his death became known. the united aircraft corporation reported that he had been seriously ill for a long time. the captain tested such military aircraft as the su-17, mig-29, mig-31. he took part in thirty international salons and exhibitions, performed demonstration flights in more than twenty countries, and was also a participant in several ultra-long-distance flights. anatoly kvochur will be buried at the pantheon of defenders of the fatherland memorial cemetery. today, his colleagues said goodbye to him by flying in the sky over the ceremony site.


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