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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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we can learn from you to better respond to epidemiological threats. in zhukovsky today they said goodbye to test pilot anatoly kvocher. on april 15 , his death became known. the united aircraft corporation reported that he had been seriously ill for a long time. the captain tested such military aircraft as the su-17, mig-29, mig-31. he took part in thirty international salons and exhibitions, performed.
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hello, kirill vyshinsky is here, and this is the “typical navorose” program. our name says it all, we are talking about that territory that has returned to its historical roots. about novorossiya. with a careful look at history, we will try.
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in the words of these newly minted specialists, yesterday’s school teachers, students, bloggers, retrained journalists, the history of little russia and novorossiya is continuous. the path of deception by the russian tsars of the naive and freedom-loving ukrainian cossacks, who dreamed of an independent state. at the same time, for some reason, none of them explains that bogdan khmelnytsky raised the uprising in the 17th century not because the polish nobleman took away his beloved, but because the ukrainian orthodox elder was unknown to panama to the level of a powerless class. catholics and uniates. orthodoxy was massively eradicated in malarussia, and there is no need to talk about the humiliating position of the villagers and mishchans. and if not for the alliance with the moscow tsar, it is unlikely that khmelnitsky and the cossacks would have had a chance to survive in the war with the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. the most interesting thing in the presentation
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begins when they move on to the history of novorossiya, the former lands of the wild field that separated great russia and little russia from crimean khanate. the russian empire and access to the black and azov seas turns out to be only the result of a cunning french intrigue against turkey and the whims of catherine’s favorite prince potemkin. the enlighteners do not remember the suburbs, the upper reaches, the roads, the factories, the thousands of settlers who unpacked the wild steppe. they complain about the liquidation of the cossack freemen za. sich, forgetting to mention that after the annexation of crimea and the strengthening of the southern border of the empire, the cossacks could no longer go to turak, and therefore began to rob their neighbors in novorossiya, new colonists, they did not intend to become peaceful farmers,
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this is not a cossack thing, they are especially zealous and distort the grief of the enlightener when it comes to modern history, the times of the maidan, the independence of lugansk. donetsk republics of the barbaric civil war unleashed by kiev under the guise of an anti-terrorist operation. in these stories, the maidan turns from rampant lawlessness and aggression into peaceful demonstrations. the coups of 2004 and 14 become a triumph of freedom and democracy. there are no americans and europeans behind the scenes who put pressure on legitimate presidents and gave money. to illegal protests, there are no people burned alive in the odessa trade union house, there are no bombings of peaceful cities in donbass, there is no hatred of nationalists for those whom they called vatniks and colorados. learn more about how and why educational historians with
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foreign agency credentials distort the history of navorossia in the story of anna efimova. unrelated recitative, sharply bright flashing pictures, according to the idea, this was supposed to be an understandable and accessible revelation the supposedly shameful history of russia, filmed with money from western funds, but what turned out to be a parody and illustration of the professional incompetence of individual foreign agents who call themselves writers and even historians. paradina.
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well, people were already taught to call the country rashka with such affection. allegedly, the second world war was unleashed by two totalitarian opponents, hitler and stalin. throughout the history of its existence, the russian empire mercilessly enslaved neighboring countries, and the long-suffering ukrainian people at all times became victims of expansionist moscow politics. this is roughly the message being broadcast on online platforms by foreign historians who have settled in different countries of the so-called progressive europe. each time, drawing very dubious parallels. happy today. today, when the wounded kherson is going through such a tragic era in its life. it’s strange to imagine that in the second half of the 16th century potemkin wanted to make southern petersburg out of kherson. once a respected teacher in russia, tamara eidelman,
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daughter of the famous soviet historian nathan eidelman, still proudly bears the title of honored teacher of the russian federation, which he warns subscribers about in writing. i understand correctly that novorossiya, yes, it is such a collective hub, where people from all over the russian empire were driven, humiliated, enslaved, i understand where this all comes from, they generally learned about the existence of novorossiya and little russia only in 2014 , but facts are a stubborn thing, during the reign of potemkin in novorossiya, which before that was a wild steppe, it was built about a dozen.
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or rather potemkin, but not villages at all, yes, ships, several dozen ships that were starting to water, it became clear to everyone, including joseph ii, who was there, that this was an act of darkness. by the way, the speed of updating content on the channels of such grief historians can be the envy of the most advanced media. a list of topics for every taste. here history, religions, the second world war and dostoevsky and bulgakov, and even the mysteries of the ancient mays, coexist with the latter. time is a particularly relevant topic history of ukraine. such ignorant people or simply
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hypocrites destroy one of the foundations of our mental security, our mental sovereignty. you see, you should always look at how well a person is in the subject, so here you need to pay less attention to regalia, and just go through the list of works. i'm generally a pretty absent-minded researcher. what is your current degree? no. i'm not, i'm finishing my bachelor's degree. alexander, hello, immediately out of laughter, alexander shtofanov, historian-educator. for example, there is a certain alexander stefanov, whom dubbed nothing less than a rising star of political youtube, talks about everything, about the north military district, about putin, about perestroika, about the history of ukraine and the cold war, sometimes, it must be admitted, they operate with completely truthful facts, talks, for example, about the fact that ukrainian nationalism existed even before the start of the first world war, however, on...
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the colorados came to an end, it must be said that those
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seeds sprouted years later, on may 2 , 2014 in odessa, a group of radical nationalists burned people who disagreed with the policy of official kiev in the house of trade unions. as a result after a protracted investigation , the injured party of kulikovo was appointed guilty of that tragedy by the decision of the ukrainian fimid. she was echoed by independent bloggers without going into detail. agents. there is only one conclusion. anti-maidan supporters set themselves on fire. some maidan activists enter the house of trade unions. inside the house , arguments continue with the use of molotov cocktails. that is, already inside the house, cocktails were used by both the attacking and defending sides. the way he structured his narrative gave the impression that it was precisely because cocktails that were used inside the trade union house started a fire. there is a video where one of the maidan protesters brings a hot tire to
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the russian youth, our youth is our future, let’s say, if such thoughts and ideas are invested now, we don’t know how it will all work out later, however, how can it shoot years later? is clearly seen in the example of ukraine itself, a country that, at the time of the collapse of the ussr and thanks to its support, was the richest republic, with the acquisition of independence the denial of both its own and the common historical past, came to complete collapse. anna ifimova, valery savelev, anastasia popova, typical novorossiya. read more about how and why
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the history of novorussia is distorted. enlightening foreign agents, we will talk with our permanent expert, historian, political scientist, rastislav ishchenko. rastislav, good afternoon, good afternoon. rastislav, what does the modern history of novorossiya seem like in these internet fairy tales, why do the authors of these opuses deny the russian-speaking people of novorossiya the right to self-determination and in general in a certain subjectivity, as... the driving force of history, the fact is that everyone enlightens this as he sees fit, yes, that is, when we teach our children, yes, we teach them our own point of view at the world, yes, and not at the view of the world of one’s enemies, because after all, for example, education in the same high school took place on different ideological bases, hitler’s
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germany, the united states, at the same time in the soviet union in the united states too, means, because everyone teaches their own. and would begin, so to speak, to rebuild into in the necessary direction, but the fact is that our people have a certain experience, they could already carry out this experiment, they carried it out in the nineties, without leaving russia they were essentially integrated into a european paradise, so the integration of the rest of the country of all the rest of the people is taking place in the diametrically opposite direction, that is, in the direction of the colony of this very
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european paradise, which is why the people actually refused them support, which is why not only...
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these stories today change the idea of modern novorossiya and what is the main task of these educators telling about the history of the recent or ancient history of novorossiya about the modern history of novorossiya, why in these stories they do not notice and do not see the threat of aggressive ukrainian nationalism, which weighed on novorossiya when it was formed during the great patriotic war collaborationist movements, no matter those of bandera.
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therefore, their task is to undermine our resistance, our unity, our integrity at any cost, because the only place where they they can say, to carry out sabotage, yes, history, the struggle of ideas, yes, ideology, this is such a creeping aggression in our mentality, our consciousness, it is not immediately felt, but then it bears fruit, when it suddenly turns out that part of the people considers themselves different people, hostile people, and are ready to fight with us. what we need to talk about and with whom, so that such educational fairy tales do not replace real history - our history, the history of novorossiya, well, we can talk. in general, this is in peacetime, then scientific discussions can be held, which means here again, with people who are in good faith mistaken or who, well
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, in good faith are trying to find the truth, in this case there is a war and they must be considered simply as collaborators and as a fifth column, there can be no discussion here, this is where the method of prohibiting persecution works , not because they distort stories, because at the same time they work for the enemy, from my point of view this is correct. position, many will ask whether these are not too harsh measures against those who simply express their different point of view on history. i repeat once again, my other view of history is presented in wartime, this is the view of our enemy, our enemy took up arms in order to kill us, because he has a different view of history, nothing separates us anymore, a different view of history for the present, nothing more, which means we must either allow ourselves to be killed or defend ourselves from the enemy. he who helps the enemy helps to kill us. there can be no two opinions here. thank you very much for the sincere, open conversation. this year it is celebrated
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eightieth anniversary of the liberation from the nazi invaders of several large cities of novorosiya: kherson, nikolaev, odessa. in 1944, fierce battles took place on the approaches to them. the enemy did not... retreat; the soviet soldiers, who showed incredible courage, were opposed by the german army group a, numbering up to half a million people. in march 1944, kherson was liberated. the forty-ninth guards rifle division under the command of colonel vasily margelov, who received the then the title of hero of the soviet union. future commander of the soviet airborne forces. troops with a group of volunteers crossed to the right bank of the dnieper, destroyed the first line of german defense and repelled enemy attacks for a day so that the rest of the division could cross
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the river. another heroic episode: the odessa operation, it began with the battles for nikolaev. to this day, military historians call the maneuver unique when a small detachment of paratroopers, a senior lieutenant, was deployed behind enemy lines. two days the marines fought the fascists, repulsed 18 enemy attacks, thereby facilitating the liberation of nikolaev, all the marines became heroes of the soviet union, most posthumously. odessa was liberated by troops of the third ukrainian front under the command of army general radion malinovsky on april 10 , 1944. the battle went on for every quarter, for every one. house. on may 1, 1945, together with leningrad, stalingrad and sevastopol, odessa became a city of heroes. how did
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the liberators celebrate before and what is happening with memory of those events today. in the story of olga mokhova. march 13, the next date for the liberation of kherson, was always celebrated as victory day. front-line soldiers, the most honored guests, veterans of that very 49th guards-kherson rifle division certainly came to the city decorated for the holiday. vasily morgelov and his fighters liberated many cities in ukraine and then south-eastern europe from the nazis, but it was kherson that became special for him, and he, later, became its honorary resident. when he didn’t come, i heard this from my sons, a delegation from the city of kherson came. the city of moscow went to sivtsev vrazhek street with all the generous gifts: lard, moonshine, gifts from the fields, and says that the day of the liberation of
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kherson began in moscow. in the spring of 1944 , kherson became the first large liberated city in the northern black sea region. the offensive operation took place during the spring thaw. the weather greatly complicated the combat work of the red army, but the spirit of the soldiers was already victorious. the entire population was evicted. because the germans wanted to make kherson a stronghold, they failed, they passed it in just one day. during the german and romanian occupation in kherson, nikolaev and odessa, about 400 thousand local residents, jews, ukrainians, russians, and gypsies were killed. the liberation of these cities made it possible for soviet troops to reach the borders of the ussr and move on, liberating the peoples of the balkan peninsula from fascist oppression. hitler held on to this bridgehead especially. if we liberated crimea.
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germany is directly deprived of oil. in 1960, a monument to an unknown sailor was opened in the center of odessa. twenty meters the granite obelisk immortalized the memory of those who fell during the defense and assault of the city during the great patriotic war. and the bronze bas-reliefs on it united all generations of sailors who gave their lives for odessa in different periods of its history. on april 10, 1968, on the day the city was liberated from the nazis, post number one appeared here. from the year.
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they marched through endless rehearsals, as if robert rozhdestvensky’s requiem, which sounded on the walk of fame, took our breath away. she will never forget another memorial vigil on her seventieth birthday. liberation of odessa. on april 10 , 1914, we had an amazing procession, it was something, you know, incredible, it was also an endless stream of people, in front there were guys in tunics and pilots.
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the most important thing is that there is a memorial plaque for the liberators of the city of kherson, they made
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a laying, because there among the lines... all stages of the city’s struggle against the fascists are reflected in a multimedia project opened in skadovsk , kherson region, within the walls of the pedagogical university. photo exhibition of the liberation path to victory, collected with the support of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives, tells the story of those who 80 years ago brought the long-awaited liberation closer. on march 13, 2024 , about 200 schoolchildren and students visited it. we will not allow our history to be distorted. but for this, one of the tools will be just such expositions; we will petition to turn this exposition into a real university museum. the sixtieth anniversary of the liberation of kherson from the german occupation, now these shots from the personal archive of viktor khamenko are truly are unique, they depict veterans-liberators of the city, who were 18-20 years old during the great patriotic war. few have survived to this day, the more important it becomes to preserve the memory
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at what high cost. in the case of blowing up the car of former sbu officer vasily prozurov in moscow , new defendants have appeared. the fsb reported that the messenger who delivered it was detained.


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