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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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the conference held meetings with the government, the main topic was the situation with floods; the heads of the regions affected by the flood also took part in the discussion. well, we’ll find out the details from natalia solovyova. natalya, i welcome you, what data was presented in the reports to the president, and what instructions were given? yes, hello, artyom, there were a lot of instructions, since the situation remains difficult and changes almost constantly. the head of the ministry of emergency situations is in touch with the president. members of the government and governors of orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. vladimir putin receives reports from the regions most affected by the floods every day, but the situation changes hourly and remains difficult. orsk and orenburg passed the peak of the flood. currently , areas where the water has receded are being sanitized, houses are being dried out, and utility services are urgently restoring the supply of water and electricity. rescuers are delivering food, bottled water, emergency supplies... meanwhile, water is coming to
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the mound in the region, 14,000 people have been evacuated, 18 temporary points have been opened for them accommodations that can accommodate a total of 5 thousand residents, many are moving in with relatives, the authorities fear a repeat of the situation in orenburg, when people refused to leave their homes, risking their health and even life, according to the head of the ministry of emergency situations, now the most important role is played by...
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russia has deployed mobile warning systems to the region, the government of the orenburg region has organized work to pay material assistance to the affected population who found themselves in the emergency zone, financial 30,000 people have already received assistance, most of the applications for payments were submitted through the state services portal. this mechanism significantly simplifies the entire process of providing assistance to citizens, reducing the time it takes for money to arrive in the applicant’s account. in the orenburg region , they have already begun assessing the damage, developing projects for the development of new residential areas, restoring roads, and at the same time making payments to the victims. we began repairing the road infrastructure of the tram tracks that were damaged. we are already developing projects of standard solutions for the construction of new neighborhoods, we will offer residents both the opportunity to buy ready-made housing and to build a house themselves. we are working with the land, on friday we will pass the corresponding regional law on...
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all schoolchildren in orsk began studying full -time, students who remained in the zes without clothes and shoes receive certificates for children's clothing in the amount of 700 rubles. in the kurgan region they are preparing for the worst; according to the regional governor, the water level in tobol can rise to 11 m, residents of 35 settlements are being evacuated. truck traffic federal highways in the region were restricted, in kurgan itself they were blocked.
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copter analysis for space photography. we believe that people should know and understand what is happening in order to compare the risks and help us resettle flooded areas. due to the difficulties in the work of emergency rescue teams and the ambulance crew , the rosavtodor department recommended limiting the transit of freight transport along the irtysh highway at marks 250 and 278 km of the border of the city of kurgan. in the tyumen region, the water in the ishi river may rise to historic levels. maximum power. they call to evacuate from
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dangerous areas, rescuers are ready to help, but for some reason not everyone hears the call. people have been evacuated from the flood zone, the last ones who have been removed remain, but they are now actively working there. stubborn, don’t talk about people like that, don’t, sorry, sorry, no, listen to me, it’s not funny, i understand that you ’re trying, you’re all tired, you’re working, you don’t get enough sleep, and you’re sincerely trying to help people, but why don’t people they’re traveling, they’re afraid for
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their property, for their homes, uh, but they need to believe that everything will be safe ensured, all emergency services in the regions are now working: routes for routing patients in emergency conditions for planned care, including maternity facilities, we talked to you, all this was taken into account, all assistance is provided in full. in
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kurgan there is still a readiness to, among other things , protect medical equipment, they have calculated it. including possible risks in medical care for medical organizations, since we have expensive, heavy equipment, it is usually located on the first floors, then we carried out another set of measures to protect this expensive equipment from floods. local authorities promise not only to help the victims financially, but also to ensure that prices for building materials do not rise when the time comes to repair houses. in turn , vladimir putin emphasized the need to immediately begin work to assess the damage, and as soon as the water recedes, he called on his colleagues to gather in a larger format to discuss the restoration of infrastructure and housing. natalya, thank you, natalya solovyova
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spoke about the meeting on the flood situation that the president held. and we continue the broadcast. at the vostochny cosmodrome, it is recognized as replacing the heavy proton m rocket, over which it has a number of undeniable advantages. firstly, we cease to depend on geopolitical circumstances, having the opportunity to launch heavy rockets from our territory from two launch pads, in
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palesetsk on vostochny, while our proton m launch complex is located in kazakhstan on baikanur. secondly, the angara engine is again used much more. more environmentally friendly kerosene, and not heptyl, as is the case on the m proton. another promising modification of this rocket is the angara a5b with an oxygen-hydrogen third stage, which ensures the launch of payloads weighing up to 38 tons into low-grade orbit. ivanovich, we need to build another table for the super-heavy rocket. that’s right, vladimirovich, we will plan. and build it on the eastern one, now this is our main cosmodrome, and it is actively developing on your instructions, but now a short advertisement, we will continue later, stay with us, you have
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received money from a significant business fund, now it’s your turn, alfabank will distribute 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs across the country, the best stories will receive the money, tell us about your business on, well, now let’s return to the topic of the strongest spring flood in russia in the kurgan region, river level tobol is rapidly rising and has already passed beyond the 9 m mark, hundreds of houses and household plots were flooded, some country houses
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went under water along with the roof, dozens of villages and villages were cut off, people were urgently evacuated, reports stanislav vasilchenko from the affected region. water enters residential buildings, the kitovsky municipal district of kurgan also found itself in the path of a powerful flood, people from the village of kitovo were evacuated in advance, some went to stay with relatives, others waited out the disaster at points in time. to accommodation, many still transport personal belongings. having learned that water in kitovo began to enter houses, people returned for their animals and are now transporting them to a safe place. i am glad that many are truly responsible for those they have tamed. on the day the water arrived , concerned people rescued 10 domestic animals in kitovo, and about 30 more dogs were rescued from water captivity by the ministry of emergency situations. tell me, it turns out that many people leave their animals behind and do not return to their homes for them. what do you think about this? you think, no, these dogs are dear to us, yes, this is the bigger one
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the eldest son, who is smaller than the younger son, they will be very worried if something happens to them, but unfortunately, when leaving home, not everyone thinks about their pets, save things, leave themselves, and leave the animals alone with the elements, despite the fact that in the region they are organized during the flood... where then he sent the dog to himself until he takes it for himself, you will take it, yes, of course, but how will you give it back later, i don’t know, i’ll still solve this issue, well, a scatterer is probably not needed, i think so with the neighbors no , first i’ll make a good conversation so that there are no animals i threw it so that i didn’t throw it, i understood that these were animals, that’s all, the peak of the flood in the mound had not yet
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been passed, the water was coming with renewed vigor, the tobol had already risen by more than 9 m nearby. skitova is even higher, more than ten. the ministry of emergency situations reports that the water level will continue to rise over the next couple of days. stanislav vasilchenko, denis tsitsaronov, nikolai purtov, olga prokanova. news kurgan region. the kremlin confirmed information about the withdrawal of russian peacekeepers from karabakh. let me remind you that the peacekeeping contingent was deployed in november 2020. there was a total more than 20 observation posts were organized, where almost 2,000 military personnel were on duty. also , russian military personnel ensured the safe exit of the population to armenia; in total, about 100 thousand people left. today , the ministry of defense released footage of peacekeepers leaving the region. russian
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units have improved the situation in the donetsk and south donetsk directions, as well. occupied more advantageous positions in the kupinsky direction. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the tactical situation has been improved in the avdeevsky direction. it also shows eight enemy counterattacks and all the details from denis alekseev. while pro-ukrainian online publics and media are working out the training manual and lamenting about arrivals at supposedly civilian targets, meaning a hotel in chernigov. ministry of emergency situations of the square without knowing it. they said the opposite. and here are the official shots from the department taken at the moment of liquidation of the consequences of the targeted arrival of our missile. you can talk as much as you like about the destroyed hotel, but the interior inside, if you look through the windows, clearly contradicts such rhetoric. two-story shkonki are clearly not a hotel attribute. barracks barracks. a series of powerful explosions affected
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other regions of ukraine. hit was recorded on military targets in the southern odessa region, outside. chernigovskaya in krivoy rog. operational-tactical aviation by missile forces, artillery, groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation, destroyed ammunition depots of the donetsk operational-tactical group, 125 territorial defense brigade of the ukrainian armed forces and the formation of the russian volunteer corps. manpower was defeated and enemy military equipment in 132 areas. in a word, the ukrainian rear, if necessary, works with our missilemen and pilots. what can we say about the leading edge. in the donetsk direction, the crew of s-25 attack aircraft struck camouflaged equipment and personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, and in these frames, heavy flamethrower systems destroy platoon support workers and militant shelters. in the donetsk direction, units of the southern group of troops improved the situation along the front line, inflicted fire damage on manpower and
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equipment, and lost up to 480 in the esu military personnel, a tank, an armored combat vehicle, the avdievskoe direction, the tactical situation has been improved there, eight counterattacks of the armed forces of ukraine have never happened, only losses are being counted, again the effectiveness is at zero, there are 300 personnel in the equipment abandoned in the field. our anti-aircraft gunners have a lot of work to do , shooting down two hundred drones every day - it’s not easy work, but they manage. they also intercepted six american atacoms operational-tactical missiles and one french guided aerial bomb. geography of ukrainian weapons is still unchanged. the last few days have been difficult for this sniper group for the suriya paratroopers; a ukrainian armed forces sniper with
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a cover group was operating in their area of ​​responsibility. they caused a lot of trouble for our guys. it took five days to track down the group. language that they give up, they raised their hands, paws, and like cowards, like cowards, i could never do that, because for me my honor, it is truly a gift to life, this is not a motto, this is the rhythm of life, and the most the main thing is, here they are... they gave in like cowards, here, because they are like that, our fighters, if they get down to business, they see it through to the end, and most importantly, the result, the conqueror of krasnogorsk, or the king. in the west, this t-72 tank, hung with armor plates, called a turtle by our kulibins, is envied in no other way, and its survivability can really only be envied, and this is just one
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example, under heavy fire the crew reaches the center of krasnogorovka, lands troops and returns unharmed , what is important, at first glance, is a harmless turtle or any other animal, no matter what you call it, will clearly outshine all these nato leopards. who enter the battlefield only in the most extreme cases are protected, otherwise they have not proven themselves to be the best. denis alekseev, lead. meet new limited designs of sbercards and stickers, apply for them on the sberbank website or in the online application and enjoy them every day. it's just space. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply, we’re at sovcombank, we take out loans, but is it quick, we’re at sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, for you, who want to solve everything
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debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need help, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts directly, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of debts on credit cards, it’s easy with help. the prime minister of georgia stated that the republic will not refuse to adopt a law on foreign agents, despite criticism from other states. at the same time, the country's president promised to veto the high-profile bill. today the georgian parliament approved the initiative in the first reading about the environment in which the voting took place, anna voronina. the discussion in parliament of the law on transparency of foreign influence is not sitting still and is taking place practically in a raised voice. the application did not reach,
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the speaker of the georgian parliament announced a technical break and opposition leaders who they tried to disrupt the meeting and simply took me out of the room. the bill on transparency of foreign influence is being put to a vote in the first reading, please turn on the voting mode: for 83, against - zero, the bill was adopted in the first reading. the voting took place amid the shouts of protesters who had been on duty outside the windows of parliament for the third day, especially violent police officers for insulting and disobeying law enforcement.
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20% of funding from abroad will be required to register as organizations pursuing the interests of a foreign power. law they call it russian, despite the fact that even the georgian authorities themselves say that the document is a softened version of the american law on registration of foreign agents. the situation was commented on in the kremlin. still, probably the first to start monitoring their political internal hygiene was the united states of america, which came up with this headlight, and it was olive who introduced it. this practice, so this is by no means russian, this is now the normal practice of a huge number of states that are doing everything to protect themselves from influence from the outside, from foreign influence on domestic politics, all countries take measures in one form or another, but all bills pursue the same goal, and the fact that they are trying to use this internal political process as a tool to provoke anti-russian sentiments is unlikely these
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impulses are given. inside georgia. analysts also say that the protests are the work of foreign representatives, noting that those who oppose the law are those who lose their benefits, especially in the matter of influence on the local population. and the media is also very well financed from abroad. naturally, they are not interested in disclosing the sources of their income there, in order to be called agents there, so that people point their fingers at them and say that they do not fully trust their information, because. the information comes from a foreign agent representing the interests of another state. it is not surprising that, against the backdrop of the adoption of the law, western representatives were greatly alarmed. the european union called on the law not to be adopted, they say complies with core eu norms and values. and this despite the fact that brussels itself is on the verge of adopting a similar bill. the ambassadors of the united states and the european union decided to meet first with the prime minister, and today with the president, who hastened to reassure the west live on
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bbc television. i will vote against this law on foreign agents, as i do against other laws that contradict the strategy and recommendations of the european union. my veto is the voice of the people. the georgian prime minister, however, said that the country would not refuse to adopt a law on anti-agents, despite criticism from the west. in addition, no one has yet canceled the procedure for overcoming the vet in georgia. anna voronina, maya alenova, nadezhda nefodova, anna nikulaesh.
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