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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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if you are an ambitious, young professional who is ready to prove that you are the best in the profession, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. artmasters, your path to the pinnacle of mastery. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. so
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rude, kiev hasn’t lied for a long time, they are making fakes that our missiles destroyed a hotel in chernigov, and why in ukrainian photos there are bunk beds, like in a barracks and wounded in camouflage on a stretcher, they are programmed to kill them from school muscovites, but life teaches other lessons, how ukraine is raising a new generation of neo-nazis who advertise the azovets camp, where the curators set the tone.
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what else can an independent migrant endure? so, the focus of attention today is the ukrainian city of chernigov, where powerful explosions occurred as a result of the arrival of our missiles, and the kiev regime, commenting on the situation, immediately brought in its favorite... entirely peaceful objects and, above all, a certain hotel on taras shevchenko street, which allegedly many civilians were killed , many civilians were injured, and it would seem if you really want to lie, then you need to do it carefully, without leaving evidence, but the enemy’s propaganda again worked very clumsily, as evidenced by, for example, eloquent videos from the chernigov police, it’s easy to see, military characters being loaded on a stretcher. uniform, their
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colleagues are crowding around, including those with signs of just received wounds, who knows, maybe the boys miraculously teleported to the rear from the front line, but seriously, this video alone is enough to realize what kind of contingent was stationed in the notorious chernigov hotel, but there is other equally characteristic evidence, anton potkovenko will confirm. anton, hello, but it looks like this time it will be especially difficult for zelensky and company to hide the truth. greetings, but it will simply be impossible. because even zelensky himself posted a photograph that refutes his own lie: the more accurate our strike, the more kiev lies, they cannot admit that our intelligence, our missilemen are working brilliantly, they have covered the location, as the military says, that is, the location of the armed forces of ukraine in chernigov. ukrainian authorities, as usual, shout that civilians allegedly suffered, and this is at least a two-fold lie, and in the most literal sense. here are photographs from the place of arrival at the hotel on... shevchenko, and the photographs,
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including those of the state service of ukraine for emergency situations, that is, official photographs, they clearly show beds in two tiers, like in the barracks? in hotels and civilian facilities, there are no bunk beds, weapons rooms, or military personnel in nato clothing, respectively the only question that arises is what happened, why are they posting it so urgently? i think it’s all due to the fact that... there are a lot of leaks, there is no control over the huge flow of videos and photos that are pouring into various social networks today, from this ukrainian information dumps are only shouting louder, almost obscenely, that in chernigov they say there was an attack on civilian targets, they write about this against the background of some kind of cloudy frame, where , apparently, glass simply flew out from the blast wave. and now the mayor of chernigov lomaka announces damage to the social building infrastructure, in general everything is as usual. anti-russian tracing paper, but when
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zelensky got involved, after the missile strike he posted a photo of doctors rolling a wounded man on a stretcher, the propaganda scheme took off, he broke the fake, look carefully at... the leg of this wounded man, camouflage, knee pad, this is a military man, confirmation of that that in chernigov our people were hitting against an absolutely legal target. we all see that, firstly, those who are being evacuated, they seem to be wearing tactical boots for some reason, we see two-story tier, bunk beds, but that says it all that, of course, there were mercenaries and a unit of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, the russians don’t just strike, respectively.
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the use of civilian infrastructure for military purposes for the zelensky clique and the armed forces of ukraine, this has become the norm, bunk beds, it is clear that people are equipped, in this case, a high-precision strike falls into the logic of fire destruction of an object where personnel are concentrated. the strike in chernigov was truly impressive, the footage of the arrival is not only spectacular, but extremely visual video. there is a trolleybus at the stop, there are civilians here and... in the background there is a rapid strike of our missile on a military target, an explosion, a roar, people, of course, who sat down, who lay down on the ground, look, not a single fragment, not a single piece of debris reached, civilians get up and run to the trolleybus, everyone are alive, and the final nail in the coffin of the ukrainian fakes around the strike on chernigov
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is unexpectedly scored by the former nord of the rada mosiychuk, included in russia on the list of terrorists, literally, arriving at the hotel where the military was quartered nearby. city ​​center, many dead and even more wounded, even neo-nazis wouldn’t suspect maseychuk of being loyal to russia, so for some centuries he turned out to have written the truth, apparently he escaped, even at these moments new videos are appearing from chernigov, where the police are providing emergency medical care, that’s who’s attention, well, let’s get together let's look at these shots, these are ukrainian military personnel, or mercenaries, of course we can't tell in the video, but it's definitely military declared there. we now know of at least 40 military personnel killed, including those who were recently mobilized. for real the surgical precision of our missile strike on the location in chernigov cannot be covered up with any lie, no matter how many tiers you pile it up.
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anton patkavenko is a legitimate target. the fighters of the russian group of forces center repelled eight counterattacks of the armed forces of ukraine and improved their own tactical position along the front line on... in the deevsky special operation site, according to the ministry of defense, in a day, up to 330 enemy personnel were eliminated there, and dozens of militants were inflicted massive fire damage in populated areas vodianoye and makarovka points on the southern donetsk front, from where eduard punigov reported. now we are on the border of the donetsk people's republic and zaporozhye, from here to the line of combat contact is approximately 15 km, tank crews of the vostok group are working on this section of the front. gunner, load! the t-72 crew takes up a position in close proximity to the line of combat contact, hitting the enemy with direct fire. usually the first shot is sighting, the gunner slightly adjusts
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the coordinates, the next projectile flies exactly at target. objective control means confirm hitting the enemy’s defensive post. the car returns at maximum speed to its place of permanent deployment, the soldiers immediately hide the tank in the forest. fpv drones pose the greatest danger to tankers. kamica drones reach speeds of over 120 km/h. to protect the hull from such birds, crews weld additional protection on top, so-called barbecues. there were some arrivals, did they work for you? answer? yes, they worked on us, 12, also from... from the alyshka, well, it fell nearby, the arrivals were when we were working, and so, accordingly, most of the drones fly in, we leave for a smoke break and also look for a new position in order to fully work out the target. a mechanic with the call sign gera came here from
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chita, 5 years ago he signed a contract for special operations from the first days, was seriously wounded, but returned to the front line again, which is how he received a fragmentation mortar. his head, his back, i also received treatment for a whole year, after treatment i have now come back here, but why did i decide to go anyway? well, it’s my duty, since i’m a contract soldier, i still have to protect. the commander of this crew is also an experienced tanker; during his military service in the army he worked on the same t-72, so he didn’t even have to retrain, there were flights, it turns out that he was cut by shrapnel near the car, but this is not dangerous for the car, he also flew into side of the tower, it wasn’t scary, no, it’s not scary, but here, as everyone says, it’s not scary to drive in, it’s scary to leave, because we don’t know what can catch us from behind. buryat tank crews of the thirty-seventh brigade make combat trips every day without weekends, help assault troops
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punch holes in enemy defenses. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the country is sorely lacking something even more difficult to obtain than shells, namely the fighting spirit necessary for victory. a pessimistic assessment from the newspaper of a politician, the moral state of the kiev regime and its militants. the publication states right in the title. it's not just the delays in western aid that are driving ukraine toward defeat. american correspondents discovered that suddenly the patriotic zeal, the surge of which was recorded at the beginning of the special operation, evaporated somewhere. now the hysteria has passed ; potential recruits who are eligible for conscription prefer to either hide or spend their days in nightclubs. but it would seem that all the power of ukrainian propaganda is aimed at making citizens line up for machine guns with the desire to kill. but for now the patriotic program is being fully implemented by innocent men, who are plenty on the streets and also by heroes
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such videos, this is an old report of neo-nazis from the banned azov, well, in which they boasted about the successes of special hate camps, and how the fate of these children turned out, evgenia petrukhina will tell, evgenia, welcome, well, information has appeared that the former little azov residents are already being liquidated at the front, alexey, hello , supposedly there are already examples, but not everything is so simple. raise an anti-moscow. ukraine today is leading the death of those whom it itself taught to kill and hate russians. square is ready to dispose of an entire generation of twenty-year-old boys. and it's not only those who were forcibly dragged into the tsk minibus. these are those whom ukraine has been preparing for many years to stand in line with the chevron of terrorist azov. and one of these characters is called roman zhitnitsky, who was reportedly liquidated under chasov yaro. looks like this is the same guy. 10 ago in the ukronazi camp azovets and he is the hero of an advertising video , you can say the unit for
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the formation of anti-muscovites, he seems to be just a child, a pretty boy with glasses, listen to what and how he says: i came, i didn’t come to a health camp, for example, eaglet, i came to the children’s, military, patriotic camp azovets, that is, this boy is happy that he is in the camp... hitler yugent doesn’t remind me, it looks like the training system for these young ss men copied
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from the third reich. in square, such characters were purposefully formed, their brains were thoroughly processed and not for a month, not a year, not two. as soon as the soviet union collapsed, the cis emerged, western intelligence agencies began to process the ukrainian elite, a new ukrainian elite, or rather, even to develop a new ukrainian elite that would be anti-russian. after the elite , anti-russian youth appeared, this western program was done in secret, was done implicitly, and then it came to the surface. well, now, as they say, the time has come, and twenty-year-old boys were sent to do what they were programmed to do since childhood, precisely in such camps as the ukranazi azovets, where teenagers absorb radical ideas, to the approving cries of the kiev regime. once upon a time.
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about the azovitz camp and dozens of similar ones in square, if ukrainian children drink milk from mugs like these with the inscription “dir rusnya”, but no matter how hard western moderators try to displace them. settings in the brains of ukrainians, their resource of ideological nationalists is still finite, people will simply run out, yes, they had to be prepared for decades, and they die within a few minutes, so did he find his death under the clock or is the character from the video still alive about the nazi camp azovets, ukrainians are now
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trying to understand this themselves, on social networks information varies, there are these publications, supposedly on behalf of himself... there is this from apparently his relatives, judging by the data on his social networks, he is now studying in lvov, he is 17 years old, but given that zelensky signed a law on tightening mobilization, roman could end up in the trench even tomorrow, and this is a one-way ticket, so the fate of the anti-moscow, in any case, is one-vector, on the front line from the same factory there is no hiding behind nazi ideas, and behind them there are detachments from their own. evgen. well, just about the inevitable fate of such characters, and at the same time, the ukrainian mobilized, who , through the efforts of the kiev regime, found themselves in the same boat with them, almost 500 ukrainian militants were destroyed within 24 hours by military personnel of the southern group of our armed forces in the donetsk direction of the northern military district. in addition, an m37 artillery tank made in the usa, a d-30 howitzer and
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two dozen vehicles were also put into service there. and about the situation in the artyomovsk area, our special correspondent mikhail andronik. rocket artillery from the southern group of troops covers one of the settlements on artyomovsky direction. in recent days, fighting here has noticeably intensified. the amount of work has increased and we are supporting active offensive operations in our area of ​​responsibility. the enemy has only increased in terms of the use of drones; on the contrary, artillery has become smaller. along the entire line of contact and even in relatively rear areas.
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there are also quite unusual ones; one of these was shot down by soldiers of the volunteer corps as part of the southern group of troops. american unmanned aerial vehicle rq20 puma shot down by volunteers of the irbis sabotage and reconnaissance detachment near solidar, it was received in excellent condition, all the electronics are in place, only the wings are missing, but this is a design feature; when dropped, they come unfastened. the most valuable thing, the fighters say, is the control unit, the brains of the drone, and it was not damaged; this is far from the first device of this type to be shot down recently.
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and even though it turned out to be airsoft, it stunned everyone present. increased attention to the incident was attracted by the fact that the attack occurred in the midst of a ukrainian party employees of the bbc russian service blocked in russia. naturally, a certain public immediately rushed to give the incident a political overtone and blame everything on the notorious hand of the kremlin. however, the conclusions of the investigation may be unexpected for them. at the moment, the latvian
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police are reporting three suspects; they may face very real punishment, from a fine or community service. a real sentence of 5 years, but what is known about the motives of the defendants will be told by elizaveta khramtsova, elizaveta, hello, how did they find it? russian trace? alexey, hello, they tried very hard, but you understand, they thought that they were a target for a bloody regime, but they turned out to be witnesses to a domestic showdown, even with a delusion of persecution. at the end of december last year, the so -called journalists had a truly festive occasion to meet. not considered? the door opened, someone looked in , was interested in someone other than a group of russians, even a man, brennet, looked carefully at
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the people who were at the bar, there were five of our colleagues standing there, he actually i was convinced that these were five of our colleagues, after which he sent this, well, training grenade at their feet, one young man tried to somehow push this grenade away, it exploded literally under his boot, thank god, thank goodness it’s not a combat one , because otherwise, probably, the leg would no longer be there, the aggravation of the persecution mania led to the activation of the brilliant detective mode, bbc employees ran out into the street to write down the license plate number of the car in which the attacker escaped, and then agreed with the security service neighboring building, that she would hand over cctv footage to law enforcement officers, as if the latvian police themselves had never been able to do this. they want to live in this detective story, that’s what it’s about, we ran, we carried out an investigation, but it’s about our own importance, that we are such agents 007, that
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we are being hunted like this, that we are like those same journalists from that american tv series , in fact, you are nobody, you are just drug addicts, alcoholics, perverts, the next day there was a howl on social networks, the agent was horrified by what happened... smirnov, the same one, which justified the terrorist attack in which vladlyan tatarsky was killed. the hero of the occasion , gerosimenko, strongly denied the version of a domestic conflict and insisted that she had become a victim of targeted intimidation of journalists. among the smart ones, the smartest ones were found. an employee of an undesirable organization, medusa kovalev, in a dialogue with agent zakharov, stated: “ that’s why i don’t go to such places.” everyone knows them. he hinted at the fact that russia’s great friends abroad are supposedly around the clock.
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long after 24 hours, the police said that they saw no connection between the emergency and the profession gathered, the bbc staff did not believe it at first, now that the investigation is completed, there is no choice left, i can imagine with what zeal the baltic police, the latvian police tried to find at least something, at least some hair, at least some clue, to blame the russians, but you know, in general, of course, in all these investigations... of various kinds of incidents in the west, the most important task for them is not to expose themselves. in general, the fact that this spy thriller would turn out to be a short line in
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the police report could be understood from level of the establishment, where everything happened in a tiny bar, strange performances and dj sets were held for many years, now the place attracts the public with low prices, drinks there are noticeably cheaper than in moscow. and this is what frequent visits to this hall led to. ended with such a scandal, they came up with it themselves, they got scared, as they say, we don’t have any other liberal press for you. elizaveta khromtsova and persecution mania. the fsb has published new details of the investigation into the case of blowing up the car of an ex-employee ukrainian security service vasily prozurov. russian special services detained the messenger, who delivered components for a surveillance device to moscow to prepare reprisals against a critic of the kiev regime. the sbu used a courier service. the parcel was sent from varsha.
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on april 6, 2004, in lithuania, i received a cargo from poland from a representative of my company, on april 7, the owner of the cargo contacted me, asked when she could pick up the cargo, and if it was possible for her... a person to come and pick up the cargo, in the evening of the same day, i handed over the cargo the man whom i met at my residence address. the kremlin confirmed information about the withdrawal of russian peacekeepers from karabakh; we recall that the peacekeeping contingent was deployed in november 2020; in total , more than twenty observation posts were organized, where almost 2.0 military personnel were on duty. in addition to ensuring security, the peacekeepers were engaged in mine clearance and restoration of destroyed buildings. are leaving
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the region. the prime minister of georgia stated that the country's president is an agent of foreign influence and does not represent georgian interests, but a party of global war. the accusations come amid discussions about the adoption of a law on foreign agents. the georgian parliament has already approved the initiative in the first reading, but president zorubeshvili promised to veto it. all this against the backdrop of new street protests. details in the material by anna voronina. georgian deputy. he can’t sit still, the discussion in parliament of the law on transparency of foreign influence takes place practically standing in raised tones. this time at least it didn’t come to blows, speaker of parliament georgia declared a technical break and opposition leaders who tried to disrupt the meeting were simply taken out of the hall. the bill on transparency of foreign influence is put to a vote in the first reading. please
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enable voting mode. the georgian ministry of internal affairs reported the detention of eleven people. protesters are not happy that with the adoption of the law , non-governmental organizations and media that receive more than 20% of funding from abroad will have to register as interest organizations foreign power. the law is branded russian, despite the fact that even the georgian authorities themselves claim that the document is a softened version of the american law on registration
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of foreigners.
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on the verge of adopting such a bill, the ambassadors of the united states and the european union decided to meet first with the prime minister, and today with the president, who hastened to reassure the west live on the bbc television channel. i will vote this law against the agents, as i do with other laws that contradict the strategy and recommendations european union. my veta is the voice of the people. the georgian prime minister, however, stated that the country would not refuse to adopt the law
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on '. on agents, despite criticism from the west, besides, no one has yet canceled the procedure for overcoming the vet in georgia. anna voronina, maya alenova, nadezhda nefodova, anna nikulaesh to lead. now there is a short advertisement about what will happen next on our broadcast. king mangal, version 2.0. the russian supertank is again destroying the enemy in the donetsk direction. what kind of current upgrade did the car receive and what tasks. maybe now decide, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.


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