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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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the country will not refuse to adopt a law on enoagents, despite criticism from the west. in addition, no one has yet canceled the procedure for overcoming a veto in georgia. anna voronina, maya alenova, nadezhda nefedova, anna nikulaesh. now there is a short advertisement about what will happen next on our broadcast. king mangal, version 2.0. the russian supertank is again destroying the enemy in the donetsk direction. the machine has received a grade and what tasks can it now solve? are you used to watching videos online? stopped working? install, open, look, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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all this was seething, you know, all this was stirring. bam continues to develop further, and we have already talked about the third stage, what volume to release, how much money to spend? the economy has turned to the east, to the detriment of our enemies, we are achieving great success. there have never been such precedents in the history of russian transport construction. 300 of the baikal sea mainline is not only real the problem is for people to be there, live, provide services, this is the task, in the summer of 2021 , a heated crowd appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasny, young people threw stones at the businessman’s plot, they came specifically to kill, the situation escalated, the parties began to shoot at each other , chaos is happening.
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a shot sounded and i felt pain in my stomach, blood flowed into my head immediately that they wanted to kill us all. krasnov responded by shooting his attackers at least three times. the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i applied weapon. i repeat once again, family, children, home, guests. the case was transferred to the federal level. some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him a brutal killer. i came to the investigative committee, i tell them what happened here, they look at me with such eyes, they say: this cannot happen, a man who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation, study in the same place, yes, in the same class. i don’t remember something, in the same class, in the same school, but i saw him for the first time today, it happens like this, i don’t understand, it’s like 100 years in the future, a credit card is beneficial in any
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become a client of sberbank, and we will support you in any endeavor. sberbusiness. rolls out carefully into position of the armed forces of ukraine makes the victory lap is calm despite the dense enemy fire. one might even say mockingly leisurely leaves back, this is, without exaggeration, spectacular footage from the donetsk direction of the special operation, with which the russian tsar reminded himself of a barbecue, that is, that same t-72 with a giant armored shell instead of the usual anti-drone visor, but by the way, westerners have already paid attention to it media, for example , the british daily mail, but the truth is that its authors did not take the tank seriously, they came up with an obscene nickname for it with a hint to the russian mate and doubted the effectiveness of such...
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it would turn out to be truly invulnerable, who would have thought that tank building would move in this direction, he returned, the king of the barbecue was again on the battlefield, in open areas under enemy fire, it would seem that all circumstances were against him, but it’s as if this vehicle is not hit by a single shell, the combat mission is completed, there is no damage, and yet western propagandists have already managed to bury this miracle weapon, the daily, for example, reported that the famous supertank... was destroyed, vile hit by drones in a hangar, it sounds like he was stabbed to death in a dream, but no, tsar mangal is not
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a call sign, not a tail number, it’s an idea, a strange, but surprisingly effective combat vehicle of the russian troops is again smearing the morale in the ssu with its tracks in the mud every day becomes stronger, for example, an electronic warfare system has appeared on the shell, if the rap station is installed, of course, this is against drones. various and so on, now all this is being developed even more, more, more, there are moments that we cannot yet talk about, the wound, this element here is a state secret, it’s not so aesthetically pleasing, but behind this there are the execution of combat missions and b - this is the survivability of the crew on the battlefield, they once laughed at barbecues, now no one is laughing, this turned out to be almost the only thing: the answer to the threat of drones , which literally captured the airspace, it was
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russian soldiers who were the first to figure out how to protect combat vehicles from them. the tank evolves in accordance with the requirements imposed by the battlefield, the meaning of everything that happens is functionality, that is, what is on the battlefield it gives the desired effect, that’s what it needs, no matter how bad it looks there, no matter how much criticism it is subjected to from the outside. here, but you need to realize one thing: a fighter in the field knows better what he needs to save his life and carry out his combat mission. as they say, there is no limit to perfection, and we took the liberty of imagining what else could be installed on the king’s barbecue. what about additional weapons systems, for example, a couple of anti-tank guns to increase combat power or a smoke system placed on the outer shell? veils. and you can also hang additional elements of dynamic armor directly on the shell;
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how many layers of protection does that add up to? most likely, the possibility of multi-layering these structures will be considered, some options for quickly replacing them, however, combat effectiveness is half the battle, the king of the barbecue attacks in two directions at once, the second is informational, even the audience of a completely russophobic dai or mail reacts to the video at all... not the way the editors would like. he survived the arrival of several drones, the impact with cluster ammunition i was still able to return from the mission. truly a monster tank. if something looks stupid but works, then it's not stupid. well, british journalists, you're still laughing. these are the tanks, the so-called tsartank, it would seem.
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ukrainians did not have the type of weapon to knock out these tanks, precisely thanks to such powerful weapons that, in principle, with the improvement of these tanks, those very breakthroughs are made and those very territories are taken. i’ll note one more circumstance: no matter how strong the tank is, it’s even stronger not... the crew, to pull off such a sortie under enemy fire simply requires boundless courage and absolute confidence in your combat vehicle. evgenia tishkovets, and the nuances of mangal. buildings sergei shaigu today personally checked how the development of promising russian weapons and equipment systems is progressing, including a robotic platform that can be used to perform various tasks from transporting ammunition and evacuating the wounded to attacks on enemy positions, which was specifically shown to the minister of defense at the patriot exhibition center
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dmitry petrov will tell you whether he was satisfied with what he saw, special vehicles. as military machine builders call it, it is personally tested by the minister of defense right on the territory of patriot park. the vehicle is designed to transport personnel and perform special missions, equipped with appropriate small arms, a powerful engine, high speed, high ground clearance, what else does an army suv need? total weight 2,500, equipped with personnel. at the convention and exhibition center, patriot minister defense checks how the implementation is going.
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more expensive than human life, which means, based on this, we need such a machine as quickly as possible, yes, as quickly as possible and as much as possible, yeah, and as cheaply as possible, today we need to ensure the evacuation of the wounded from the front line, do it as safely as possible, as quickly as possible, of course, the department of military missions of the ministry of defense, as responsible for acceptance, is therefore also working on the sample, but after the order of the minister, things will definitely go faster. of course, at the front you need to sample them everything needs to be launched immediately, and this is a combat robot, multi-purpose, it is needed for the transport of materiel, including ammunition, and can be used as a platform for mounting equipment and weapons, and also for evacuating wounded people , it is produced on a wheeled tracked track, so this whole thing is platformed, no, it’s just the frame, this one, this combat module, we
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just didn’t show it anymore, i ’ll show it next, if we take it and make it like... that means an assault one, we need to put 12.7 here for storms , yes for storms, you know, then our assault detachments, so to speak, will be provided with this, the decision has already been made, sergei shaigu instructs us to equip the multi-purpose work and technical complex with additional machine-gun fire weapons so that they can be used during assault operations, by the end of may we will make 30 of them.
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they are ready to live in barracks in germany, just so that the people do not return; in the uk , ukrainian refugees are already settling with gangsters and pedophiles; what else can independent migrants endure? it happens that you dream of something beautiful,
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and other entertainment. only in the alfa poster service in the alfabank application. not just profitable, alpha profitable. 100 m, three spacious rooms. kitchen, cellar, storage room, outbuildings, advertisement for the sale of real estate near the city of pripyat in the kiev region, as the seller states, in the area of ​​the exclusion zone you can very profitably buy a safe house. of course, there are few amenities, but there are some repairs, a stove heating, several tens of acres of land for farming, that is , everything that is needed to overcome the raid of the ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices, since the absence of shopping centers in the settlement is presented as the main advantage. this house, costing $6,500, is slightly less than the bribe that ukrainian men are willing to pay to escape the country to save their lives, but for some, the option of hiding in chernobyl may seem
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safer. but especially since abroad, not everything is going smoothly for the citizens of the square. british the media, for example, discovered that under a special program for refugees, ukrainians were placed with people associated with organized crime. at best, they were forced to work for their owners; at worst, entire families simply disappeared. anastasia ivanova delved into the details of the investigation. anastasia, good evening, well, no matter what, no one is in a hurry to leave for their homeland, well , they will probably have to work in their homeland, hello, alexey, the old world no longer so temptingly illuminates the path for ukrainian refugees, europe is clamping migrants within the framework, or rather hides them behind a metal fence. germany is sending independent parasites into barracks like this, minimum comfort, maximum neighbors, dirt, a room for four people with rickety beds, but no one is in a hurry to leave. two plates. how long have you been here? for 5 months, the camp itself is so-so, but the neighboring residents are also so-so, i like the room itself, the toilet
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is terrible, the bathtub. terrible, it is possible to exist, social centers work several hours a week, spend more time, the germans are not ready for refugees, but those who, but those who are in no hurry to work, sit on benefits, which, by the way, are already being cut, there is mutual dislike, but we will still have to tolerate each other. ukraine is indeed still a top priority, that is, there is an order from above, which our government diligently carries out. this is to continue to keep the conflict afloat with all its might, germany cannot pull up both projects, so now they are trying to somehow start saving on the so-called refugees, they have introduced the so-called provision cards, that is a person cannot withdraw money and spend it wherever he wants, the restrictions are dictated by the attitude of the refugees themselves, to the fact that the germans accepted them in principle, volunteers from the city of ger complain, ukrainian migrants carry
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a full package of food from the points. they gave me mozzarella cheese, cheese that was already expired, let no one there think that they are serving some kind of super food, super lite. poland has already developed a bill, which will be considered at the end of april, which regulates assistance to refugees; it is planned to abolish the one-time payment of 300 zlotys, which is about 7.0 rubles. they will eliminate the program under which the poles are paid for sheltering ukrainians, and there are very
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few such people left. already, significantly fewer poles are ready to tolerate the continued stay of ukrainian refugees in their homeland, therefore , following this, the governments of european states are gradually curtailing the assistance program, expanding the austerity regime from their own population to include refugees. more refugees means more crime, not only not from such and such long-awaited guests. convicted in hamburg local official, who before the home for refugees, this ends with ukrainians being placed with criminals, a mother and child reportedly ended up in the house of a convicted pedophile, such
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problems are being recorded in different countries, and i am seeing more and more often, now in britain , the independent newspaper published this report on the situation with ukrainian refugees, only raising the curtain a little over this colossal, global problem associated with the fact that virtually no one controls where the families of ukrainians go refugees when they arrive on british soil. frankly life-threatening cases do not stop the flow of millions of new arrivals. europe from ukraine, people are ready to risk their safety, but not to live under the kiev regime. anastasia ivanova and european support.
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the authorities of russian regions that find themselves in flood zones must guarantee people the safety of their property and proper support so that no one... no one has concerns about the need to evacuate, i spoke about this today vladimir putin at a meeting with ministers of the federal government and heads of regions where the most difficult situation has arisen. alexey golovko and albert musin will tell you what instructions the president gave and what measures have already been taken. the situation with floods changes every day and vladimir putin begins meetings with the government with this most important topic; the minister of emergency situations talks about the situation from the kurgan region. we
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communicate with you almost every day. yes, let's do it.


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