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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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but this is about our own importance, that we are such agents 007, that there is such a hunt for us, that we are like those same journalists from that american series, in fact you are nobody, you are just drug addicts, alcoholics, perverts, for the next 24 hours you were on social networks howl, foreign agent smirnov was horrified by what had happened, the same one who justified the terrorist attack in which vladlyan tatarsky was killed, the hero of the occasion gersimenko denied in every possible way. version of a domestic conflict, insisted that she was the victim of targeted intimidation journalists. among the smart ones, the smartest ones were found, an employee of the undesirable organization medusa kovalev, in a dialogue with enagent zakharov , said: i’m childish, that’s why i don’t go to such places. everyone knows them, hinting that kremlin agents are allegedly looking for russia’s great friends abroad around the clock. they believed so much in the nonsense that they themselves carried that...
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in fact, i think they really, well, believed that a whole punitive detachment of the nkvd was sent against them with kgb engravings on daggers, and in black cloaks and gray hats. the crying about the fate of the russian emigrant did not last long; just a day later, the police said that they saw no connection between the emergency and the profession of those gathered; bbc employees did not believe it at first. now that the investigation is complete, it's time for the elections. remains, i can imagine with what zeal the baltic police, the latvian police, tried to find at least something, at least some hair, at least some clue to blame the russians, but you know, in general, of course, in all these investigations of various types of incidents in the west, the most important task for them it’s not to come out, in fact, that this spy thriller will turn into a short line in the police report can be...
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such a scandal, they themselves came up with, they themselves were scared, as they say, we have no other liberal press for you, in brussels today the country's leaders of the eu's political structures gathered. who traditionally argues about further support for the kiev regime. hawks, like ursula fondelein or joseb borell, are again demanding that western taxpayers be almost stripped of their clothes, so that zelensky gets everything he wants, and for starters a new air defense system, but there are plenty of people who disagree with such methods and now they are promised to apply the most stringent measures to them. our european correspondent anastasia popova found out whether it will work out. to prevent confusion and vacillation in the european camp, the head of the european commission is trying to consolidate power in his hands. ursula fonden,
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unelected but appointed to this post, is seeking a second term, presenting herself as a politician capable of finding a solution in times of crisis. ukraine is a convenient excuse, thanks to which it has already been possible to increase the military budget of the eu countries by 20%, but more is needed, she believes. europe must strive to develop and produce the next generation of weapons to win the fight. europe must spend more, spend better, spend in europe. foundation speech. liain tried to disrupt a protester who called the head of the european commission a war criminal for supporting tel aviv's military operation in gaza. she smiled silently and tensely in response. the blood of palestinian children is on your hands, you are a criminal, ms. fonderlein. you need to be tried, not re-elected for a second term. the middle east has indeed slightly shifted the focus of attention of europeans, who, on the eve of the summit, began to wonder why they should n’t create the same iron dome system.
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in ukraine. european diplomacy chief barel discussed the idea during an informal meeting with eu foreign ministers. and i was forced to admit that it is impossible to repeat this in ukraine. you need to understand that the iron kubl system has been created for decades. even if we had the resources to create such a system in ukraine, it cannot be done in a short time. term. the needs of the front are voiced by zelensky via video link. kiev desperately needs air defense systems in the background. russian strikes on the energy sector. bareilles promises to knock on all doors so that eu countries transfer their patriot systems or give money to purchase new ones, but so far few people have responded, writes the financial times. european capitals have said they have no plans to send ukraine new systems, arguing they need to maintain their own defense capabilities. germany transferred two patreat systems, but this week made it clear that it will no longer supply them. polish president andrzej dudo, from... instead
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, he said that there is a possibility that warsaw will transfer even more soviet-made missiles to kiev, without specifying which models. the eu with their own major projects, such as the green transition, sustainable development policy, migration, military, sanctions policy, all these projects have failed, the current leadership of the european union must leave, we need new leaders. what else?
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does it need to be changed in the european union? politicians from seventeen countries wanted to discuss rights near the summit site. twice, under pressure from local authorities, they were refused at the last moment of the conference, the third was this.
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to prevent the french and europeans, belgium was once a free country where victor hugo was accepted in exile, today i see that this country is between sharia and a dictatorship. meanwhile, the latest polls show that it is the right that can win the european elections in nine countries, in another nine they will be among the top three, but according to those who are now in power, all this is the machinations of moscow. belgium has included an item on the agenda of the current summit stating that certain russian agents.
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when it is necessary to pave the way for other equipment under intense shelling, if the tabloids portray sarcasm on this subject, then more serious publications, for example, forbes highly appreciate the resourcefulness of the russians, although they do not yet know that even this is not the limit, evgeniy tishkavets was convinced. who would have thought that
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tank building would move in this direction? he king mangal returned to the battlefield again. in open areas under enemy fire, it would seem. all the circumstances are against him, but it’s as if not a single shell can hit this vehicle, the combat mission is completed, there is no damage, and yet western propagandists have already managed to bury this miracle weapon, the daily mail, for example, reported that the famous supertank was destroyed, vilely hit by drones in hangar, it sounds like he was stabbed to death in a dream, but no, tsar mangal is not a call sign, not a tail number, it’s an idea, a strange, but surprisingly effective fighting vehicle of the russian troops - again smears the tracks in the mud, the fighting spirit in so is becoming stronger every day. for example, an electronic warfare system appeared on the panzer. if the rap station is installed, of course, it is against various drones and so on. now all this is being refined even more, more, more.
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there are moments there that we cannot talk about yet. and early on, these are elements of state secrets, it’s not so aesthetically pleasing. behind this lies the fulfillment of combat missions a and b - this is the survivability of the crew on the battlefield. once upon a time they laughed at barbecues, now no one cares laughter. this turned out to be almost the only response to the threat. you need to realize one thing: a fighter knows best what he needs to save his
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life to carry out a combat mission. as they say, there is no limit to perfection, and we took the liberty of dreaming up what else could be installed on the king’s barbecue. how about additional weapons systems, for example, a couple of anti-tank guns to increase combat power or a smoke screen system placed on the outer shell, or you can also point it directly at the shell. he survived the arrival of several drones, strikes cluster ammunition and was still able
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to return from the mission, truly a monster tank. if something looks stupid but works, then it's not stupid. well, british journalists, it’s still funny to you, these are the tanks, the so-called tsar tank, seemingly clumsy, seemingly not agile and seemingly susceptible to any attack, they will be destroyed, in fact. fought with such powerful weapons that, in principle, the ukrainians did not have the type of weapon to knock out these tanks, precisely thanks to the improvement of these tanks and the same breakthroughs are made and the same territories are taken. i will note one more circumstance: no matter how strong the tank is, the nerves of the crew are even stronger; to pull off such a sortie under enemy fire simply requires boundless courage and absolute confidence in your combat vehicle. joe biden promised to immediately sign a new
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law to support israel and ukraine if congress passes them, and according to the white house, this should happen on saturday, when the house of representatives votes. its speaker mike johnson as just today he presented the above-mentioned initiatives, placing special emphasis on the fact that military assistance for kiev and tel aviv will be distributed in separate packages, as the republicans wanted, but even now they do not seem to be happy with the scheme. and our staff will explain why. usa, dmitry melnikov. arriving at his small homeland in the city of scranton in pennsylvania, president biden got lost right on the plane. at the same time , a general dynamics plant was burning a few miles away. it is this production that is the main link the pentagon's multibillion-dollar plan to accelerate the production of ammunition for ukraine. the fire was put out while the president was walking with local children around the city where he was born 81 years ago. the charter for a walk in...
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the main nation, but biden is no longer listened to in the world, he is judged by his deeds, six months that washington cannot transfer military assistance to ukraine is clearer than all the promises of support. last attempt in congress. speaker mike johnson, the third person in the government hierarchy, admits for the first time that america is at war. we are living in unprecedented times, we we live in dangerous times, they are talking about it all over the world in our home. we need reliable leadership.
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but true-to-life leaks from the capitalist hill reveal the details of johnson’s proposed package for ukraine of 48 billion, about 20 billion to replenish america’s own weapons stocks at the expense of those that kiev received before. taking into account the remaining presidential limits under this law, the united states will immediately be able to transfer weapons worth $12 billion to ukraine, and another $14 billion for placing defense orders for kiev at enterprises. usa, however the production of attack air defense systems and tanks for the armed forces of ukraine will take at least a year. in the republican faction, these manipulations with the division of laws have already been called a scam, and the number of those who threaten johnson with resignation if he puts the ukrainian package to a vote is growing. congressman thomas massie said he would support margery teillar greene in her desire to remove
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johnson before the vote on ukraine.
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the allocated money will not radically change the position of ukraine, but washington will prolong the oppression of the kiev regime for some time it will probably succeed. even if the option of assistance to kiev proposed by the speaker is approved and signed by biden by the end of the week, this will be the last investment of washington investors in a project called ukraine, while everyone here is aware that new
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arms deliveries mean new human casualties, but to give except there is no money being raised for the anti-kiev regime in washington. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. the georgian opposition decided this evening to transfer their supporters from the parliament building in tbilisi to the government house cordoned off by police, where they want to call prime minister kabakhidze for a conversation. the organizers of the action claim that the march is purely peaceful and should not lead to any provocations, but hardly anyone is ready to give guarantees, because a few hours ago the protesters again tried... to unblock the entrance to the same parliament, and also attacked media workers , that is, they quite openly violated public order. let me remind you that the reason for dissatisfaction was the adopted the first reading of the bill on foreign agents, which opponents of the ruling party of georgia consider allegedly copied from russia and demands its withdrawal under the threat of certain consequences. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. they are ready to live in
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barracks in germany, just so that people don’t return. and in the uk, ukrainian refugees are already settling with gangsters and pedophiles. what else can independent migrants endure? alfa friday - supercake every week on alfa bank cards. on friday, april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment. only in service. alpha poster in the alfa bank application, not just profitable, alpha profitable, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, like that, like that, i understand. that's it, choose to buy with free delivery at the megamarket. it’s not easy to catch a firebird, but anyone can get a hot rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum.
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farming, that is, everything that is needed to overcome the raids of the ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices, since the absence of a shopping center in the settlement is presented as the main advantage of this house. the cost is $6,500, slightly less than the bribe that ukrainian men are willing to pay to escape the country with their lives. but for some, the option of hiding in chernobyl may seem safer, especially since abroad citizens of square, not everything is going smoothly. the british media, for example, discovered that under a special program for refugees, ukrainians were placed with people associated with organized crime; at best, they were forced to work for their owners; at worst, they simply disappeared as whole families. anastasia ivanova delved into the details of the investigation. the old world is no longer so tempting for ukrainian refugees. europe confines migrants, or rather hides them behind a metal fence. germany will put independent parasites in barracks like this. comfort minimum, maximum neighbors and maximum dirt. rooms for
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four. they are already laying off, there is mutual hostility, but we will still have to tolerate each other. ukraine is indeed still a top priority, that is, there is an order from above, which our government is diligently following, to continue to keep the conflict afloat with all its might. germany cannot support both projects, so now they are trying to somehow start saving on so-called refugees, they have introduced so-called
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provision cards, that is, a person cannot withdraw. money to spend wherever he wants. the restrictions are dictated by the attitude of the refugees themselves to the fact that the germans accepted them in principle. volunteers from the city of ger complain: ukrainian migrants carry a full bag of food from aid stations, sort out the food and throw it out in the trash can in front of social workers. at the distribution points there are warnings in german and russian, saying that if you notice the product being thrown away, we will deprive you of food cards. pensioners and germans no longer get anything. similar selectivity of ukrainians in poland. best before date. at the cheese ended yesterday, you will get a scandal today, so let’s see what they give for humanitarian aid, such rotten bananas, such spoiled cabbage, mozzarella cheese, cheese that is already expired, let no one think that they are giving some kind of superfood, superlit, poland has already developed a bill, which will be considered at the end of april, which regulates assistance to refugees, it is planned
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to cancel... a personal payment of 300 zlotys, which is about 700 rubles. liquidate the program under which the poles are paid for sheltering ukrainians, and such willing there's very little left. already, significantly fewer poles are willing to tolerate the continued presence of ukrainian refugees in their homeland. therefore, following this , the governments of european states are gradually curtailing the assistance program , expanding the savings regime to their own population. including refugees. more refugees, more crime, not only not from such and such long-awaited guests. in hamburg , a local official was convicted for molesting ukrainian boys aged 9-11. the pedophile sheltered a family from kiev, but then became... blackmail parents, demanding intimacy with their children in return. british volunteers tell wild stories about seven emigrants simply disappearing. no matter how local authorities boast about the program for a home for refugees, it ends with ukrainians being placed with criminals. mother with
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child. reportedly, they ended up in the house of someone convicted of pedophilia, such problems are being recorded in different countries, and i see more and more often, now in britain the independent newspaper published this report on the situation with ukrainian refugees, only raised the curtain a little on this colossal, global problem related to the fact that virtually no one controls where the families of ukrainian refugees go when they appear? on british soil. frankly life-threatening cases do not stop the flow of millions of new arrivals to europe from ukraine. people are ready to risk their safety, but not to live under the kiev regime.
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vladimir putin demanded that work in flood-affected regions be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. it’s time to evacuate people in time, but to ensure safety in flooded areas so that no one fears for their property. immediately after the water disappears, assess the damage and help with home repairs as quickly as possible. the consequences of the natural disaster became the main topic of the meeting of the president with governors and the government. the most difficult situation. about the most important figures about the president’s instructions in the report by alexey golovko and albert musin. the flood situation changes every day and vladimir putin begins meetings with the government with this the minister of
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emergency situations talks about the most important topic from the kurgan region. we communicate with you almost every day, please let us know what the situation looks like today. in the orenburg region we can say with a certain degree of confidence.


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