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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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in the regions, with all seriousness and responsibility, vladimir putin demanded to evacuate people on time, but to ensure security under the flooded areas, so that no one would fear for their property. immediately after the water disappears, assess the damage and help with home repairs as quickly as possible. the consequences of the natural disaster became the main topic of the meeting of the president with governors and the government. the most difficult situation is now in the kurgan region, the tobol river is already a meter above the critical level. the flood situation changes every day and vladimir putin begins meetings with the government with this most important topic. from the kurgan region, the minister of emergency situations talks about the situation, we communicate with you almost every day, please let us report on how today... in
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the orenburg region , we can say with a certain degree of confidence that that the flood wave passed through the cities of orsk and orenburg. the flood wave is moving downstream of the ural river and approaching the village of ilek, on the border with kazakhstan. as for the kurgan region, here the flood wave came directly to the city of kurgan. we expect maximum water levels in the coming days, which are forecast to reach 10 m, which is an all-time high. flooding of dozens of settlements and thousands of houses located next to the riverbeds of the ural, tabol and ishim rivers, and if in orenburg the peak of water has already passed the largest cities, then in the kurgan and tyumen regions the fight against the elements is just beginning. in the tyumen region, the greatest concern is the level of the ishim river; meteorologists have revised their forecast for approaching floods, and now the region is bracing for an all-time high wave. we expect approximately +2 m to the historical maximum. which were in 2017, for us 2
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m is a lot, because the relief of the tyumen region in the area of ​​the shim river is quite flat , every centimeter of height gives a large flood area, i told you yes, it can be higher than usual, remember, yes and we, on your instructions, were just preparing + 2 m. now the dams along the river are being strengthened with sandbags, trying to bring their height to at least 11 m. 77 temporary accommodation centers have been opened in the region, designed for... for 11,000 people, a difficult situation in the village of kazanskoye, on the border with kazakhstan, the water has approached the body of the dam, is slowly rising, people have been evacuated from the flooding zone, the last most stubborn, but the ministry of emergency situations teams are now actively working there, we have evacuated all the people from there, you said that we are bringing in people, the most stubborn ones remain, there is no need to talk about people like that, no need, vladimirovich, excuse me, excuse me, no, listen to me, it’s not funny . i understand that you are trying, everyone
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you are tired, you work, you don’t get enough sleep, you sincerely try to help people, but why don’t people go, they are afraid for their property, for their homes, but they need to believe that everything will be reliably provided. in anticipation of the disaster , 25 settlements have already been flooded in the kurgan region, near the tabol river. the water level threatens the capital of the region in the area of ​​the city of kurgan only in the last 24 hours. about how the region is preparing to deal with water from the kurgan region, albert musin. almost
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the entire right bank part of kurgan is flooded, more than a hundred villages and snt. in the city center , evacuation sirens sound every 2 hours. several bridges and roads in the regional center were flooded and closed. the city embankment has turned into a seventeen-kilometer dam, with water rapidly approaching it. now in such darkness, we just now, if we are in the waters, we won’t find anyone. the rootstock of the sirens, the deputy governor of the region personally convinced the residents of the tulpan snd to evacuate. people refused, hoping for a clay embankment, but in the morning it burst. volunteers on boats inspect flooded houses, helping to rescue the property of abandoned animals. the dogs are generally left on a chain, we bring wire cutters, we bring chisels, there to break, chisel and sever. in the village of kitovo, water came just overnight, in some places its depth here reaches several meters.
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the wind raises waves, and rivers flow through the streets with such a strong current that rowing boats are simply blown to the side, and you can only walk here by motor, battle. i'm worried, let's go now, let's go now, let's go now, vitaly chupin returned to pick up two dogs, the water has already entered the house, everything is practically raised, it’s understood that she just stood there until the water reached the roof, to save the animals, everything is used, and rubber boats, and gardening tools, how many kids do you have four, four small ones, yes and yes, a large one, two large ones, in the glinka microdistrict the largest dairy farm of 1300 animals is being evacuated, dozens of people lined up in a living corridor, helping with the evacuation, then the cows were taken out in trucks to special pens. the forecast for the coming days is unfavorable, the water level will reach historical maximum of 10 m. in regions where
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the river level has dropped, now is the time to assess the damage and compensate for it. as soon as the water recedes, a special commission inspects the houses and carefully draws up reports. supervises this work on site. projects for the development of new neighborhoods, and people who lost their homes will receive land plots on a priority basis. in the meantime, the first payments have begun, including through the state services portal. 30,000 people have already received payments, not only priority ones, but due to the loss of property, a decision was made to pay almost another 34,000 residents.
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among the priority tasks, where the land begins to dry out, is clearing out rubble , disinfecting water, and of course, helping those who are left without... a roof over their heads, in the same orenburz , more than a thousand people remain in temporary accommodation centers, some of them need psychological , and medical care, there are enough specialists there, today 41 vaccination teams work directly in the orenburg region, any difficulties there is no assistance, they sent, among others , specialists, cardiologists, neurologists, additionally to ursk, at the request of colleagues , in order to organize advisory assistance.
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other major cities in the region. about how our military is fighting on the outskirts of it, in the report by artyom yundas. in footage from a reconnaissance drone , the ukrainian armed forces militants turned a forest planting on the outskirts of the town of chasov yar, both the settlement itself and its outskirts, into a serious fortification. that is why the work of the artillery of the vostokv volunteer corps brigade the southern group of troops is fought with all types
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of guns with maximum effect. the brigade's attack aircraft are waiting for hail to cover the forest area. this expression is now scratching the wood folk. while the crew is aiming at the target, the fighters take up positions to observe the sky, today it is clear, it is ideal for the operation of hamikaze drones, our fighters have means of combating them, an anti-drone gun that does not need batteries, and a directional jammer, it is easier to hit with shot drone than from a machine gun, because the accuracy and well, i think it’s like hunting, when you shoot at ducks the same thing, our communications intelligence, they clarify. target coordinates, the city is ready to open fire. the artillery crew is aimed at the target, that same forest plantation, the assault group is waiting until the guys start firing rockets, it is possible for all the packages to immediately work out the positions of the armed forces of ukraine. the shells
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land precisely on the positions of the militants, reconnaissance reports that the enemy has begun to move through the trenches in search of cover. a new update arrives for the gunner to fire again. all calculation actions are coordinated and maximize fast, because our city may be under the enemy’s guns, but the task must be completed, guidance continues and five more jets.
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russian peacekeepers leave nagorno- karabakh. the information was confirmed by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. russian peacekeepers have been in the region since 2020. about the reasons for the withdrawal and the results of the work. egor grigoriev. the russian peacekeeping contingent is leaving the territory of azerbaijan. 2.0 people on the territory of nagorno-karabakh, almost served. urals and kamaz with personal
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a train of armored vehicles advances to the departure point. a column of armored vehicles marched to the loading station. in the near future, all equipment will be loaded onto platforms for delivery to the russian federation. our contingent was deployed temporarily following the results of the statement by azerbaijan, russia and armenia in 2020. it plays a big role in achieving the results of agreements and stabilizing the situation. nikol pashinyan on the recognition of azerbaijan’s sovereignty over nagorno-karabakh, the long-term confrontation between the two countries actually completed, russian peacekeepers played a significant role in this , the systematic and large-scale actions of our peacekeepers helped to achieve the set results , they monitored the ceasefire along the entire line of contact of the parties and...
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operational communication was established with the leadership of the security forces of both armenia and azerbaijan, but not everything went smoothly: the escalation also led to losses, six of our peacekeepers were killed, another while carrying out the most important task of demining, but the work of course continued, almost 700 km of roads were checked and more than 2. land. the trucks of our peacekeepers have always been a sure sign for civilians that humanitarian aid, food and medical aid is on its way. 650 tons of food and basic necessities, 3,800 tons of medicines and equipment were transferred to those in need, direct medical assistance was provided, construction materials were delivered and hundreds of houses damaged by shelling were restored, and after the territory of the karabakh economic region came under the full control of azerbaijan in september 2023, our peacekeepers helped with temporary accommodation and moving thousands of people. the mission is now
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complete. planned preparation of the property complex of the russian peacekeeping contingent is being carried out with subsequent loading onto standard fixed equipment for subsequent transportation through the railway loading station to the territory of the russian federation. the withdrawal of the contingent will take several. personal leaders demand that georgian prime minister irakli kabakhidze come to talk to them. the police are trying to push back
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the protesters. using tear gas water cannons like previous nights, not noticed yet. the protesters moved to the government house from the georgian parliament building, which a few hours earlier had been besieged for several hours. on wednesday. the people's representatives adopted in the first reading a bill on foreign influence, which was copied from the american one and is similar to its european counterparts. but the opposition, led by pro-western president zurabishvili, is trying to present it as russian. more than 360 moscow tourism enterprises. will be able to take advantage of government support measures, which have been provided since march of this year as part of national labor productivity project. we are talking about companies with revenues of 180 million rubles. these include hotels, campsites, and tour operators. vera moroz will tell you how the industry is changing. the hotel of a large sports stadium in the center of moscow.
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more than 300 guests come here for breakfast, so large-scale preparation begins the day before. one person always comes out. in order to start making semi-finished products, preparations, already the morning shift starting from 6-7 comes the shift begins to use in preparations, prepare the dish directly on table for our guests. there are four cooks in the kitchen alone, plus two people responsible for the cleanliness of the catering unit, cleaning the kitchen, washing dishes, and the hotel also has more than ten banquet halls. with such volumes, it is in the interests of the hotel to find out what else can be improved in this direction? these are end-to-end business processes. which unites the kitchen, and the restaurant service, and , accordingly, our banquet service, and as part of the kitchen, and the stewarding department, all this is a catering plant, and we would like to see what recommendations we could experts would give us. moscow has become one of the first regions where
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tourism industry enterprises can conduct a free audit of key business processes within the framework of the national project. labor productivity. moscow is one of the most visited cities in russia by tourists. last year there were 24.5 million turks. 90% of guests came from the regions. according to minecon development estimates for 2023 , domestic tourist traffic increased by 20%. and this is another hotel near the major transfer hub of moscow and poveletskaya. mostly stay here business tourists who combine business trips and leisure. they gather in this network. conduct an audit of room occupancy, believing that every minute counts here; we have already been able to reduce it by more than 30% on our own. it is possible that participation in the labor productivity project will allow us to further optimize this period. the giant hotel near shermetievo airport, flight crews often rest here, for example, there are several groups of chinese
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airline employees, each with about 34 people, they should be checked into their rooms no longer than half an hour in advance. after the audit, it is planned that the time will be reduced to 20 minutes. this hotel has a large number of rooms, 340 rooms, we have private guests who come with families, with children, and various corporate events come, sometimes during check-in we have large groups of 500 or 600 people, so for us this is the most important, let’s say , component now. in 2023, the russian government supported the initiative the moscow authorities included tourism and the hotel business among the industries receiving support measures within the framework of the national labor productivity project; in march of this year , the criterion for entry into the national project for the tourism sector was lowered. the minimum revenue amount decreased from 400 to 180 million rubles. now
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more than 360 moscow residents will be able to take part in the project. organizations in this area. here the hotel, together with our consultants , chooses exactly the process in which it sees the potential for increasing labor productivity. and the team jointly analyzes how the process is organized now, looking at what can be improved in it. in the process , our consultants help hotel employees learn more about lean manufacturing technologies, then together they implement these changes. and then it's co'. employees of the organization who understand how lean manufacturing techniques work extend these principles to the rest of the hotel's processes. almost half of the participants in 143 enterprises have already completed the first stage of implementation of the national project. according to calculations by the moscow department of economic policy and city development, on average their production increased by 60%. and the time
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required for key processes to occur has been reduced by almost 40%. the total economic effect of participating in us. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, a desire to stand out, a desire to act and not be distracted by the hustle and bustle, business works. to make your cherished dream come true, start the path to your dream with sber, a free account for business, select business cards with 10% cashback, bonuses from sberbusiness, thank you, sberbusiness: you don’t need it like this, you need it like this, like this, like that, i understand, like this at
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business. become a client of sberbusiness, and we will support you in any endeavor. sberbusiness. hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you and this. the program is typical of novoross, our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical
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roots about novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, to find typical features, recognizable signs of the past. and that's what we'll talk about today. light leading into darkness, bitter fruits of ignorance. why do foreign agents and educators distort history? conversation with a program expert. the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of russian city officials from the nazis. what are the different types of memory? today we want to talk about how to deal with the historical memory of novorossiya. so-called liberal educational historians, shedding light on supposedly dark pages of history, actually lead viewers into darkness.
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in turkey and the whims of catherine’s favorite prince potemkin, the educators do not remember about the cities, the upper classes, roads, factories, thousands of settlers who unpacked the wild steppe, they complain about the liquidation of the cossack hospital of the zaporozhye sich. i forget to mention that after the annexation of crimea and the strengthening of the southern border of the empire, the cossacks could no longer go to turak, and therefore began to rob their neighbors in new russia, new colonists, become.
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the educator is especially zealous and distorted when it comes to modern history, the times of the maidan, the independence of the lugansk and donetsk republics , and the barbaric civil war unleashed by kiev under the guise of an anti-terrorist operation. in these stories, the maidan turns from rampant lawlessness and aggression into peace. and demonstrations. the coups of 2004 and 14 become a triumph of freedom and democracy. there are no americans and europeans behind the scenes who put pressure on legitimate presidents and gave money for illegal protests. there are no people burned alive in the odessa trade union house. there are no bombings of peaceful cities in donbass. there is no hatred of nationalists for those whom they called vatniks and colorados.
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learn more about how and why educational historians with foreign agency credentials misinterpret the history of novorossiya in the story of anna efimova. an unconnected recitative, sharply bright flashing pictures, according to the idea , this was supposed to be a clear and accessible exposure of the allegedly shameful history of russia filmed. with money from western funds, and it turned out to be a parody and an illustration of the professional incompetence of individual foreign agents who call themselves writers and even historians, in the palace there are feathers, balls, debauchery among the queen's favorites, a bed parade, since the mid-eighties this campaign of exposing our history began, this is the magazine ogonyok, then became especially famous, it was proved that our entire history
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is unworthy. that the country is a slave, people have a slave psychology, that we have not done anything good in the world, this barrage of revelations, then it resulted in the fact that our with such disdain people were already taught to call their own country raska. allegedly, the second world war was started by two totalitarian opponents, hitler and stalin. throughout the history of its existence, the russian empire mercilessly enslaved neighboring countries. and the long-suffering ukrainian people have always become victims of moscow’s expansionist policies. this is roughly the message being broadcast on online platforms by historians and agents who have settled in different countries of the so-called progressive europe. every time, carrying out very dubious parallels with today. today, when from...


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