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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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vladimir putin held a meeting with permanent members of the security council, the president immediately outlined two main topics: state reserves and the fight against the drug threat. the conversation took place via video conference. we have several questions today. let's talk about state reserves, let's talk about measures to improve the provision of assistance to the population.
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in the fight against drug addiction, several speakers, the list of those affected by the spring flood already includes 39 regions, one of the most difficult situations is now in kurgan areas. the water level in tobol near the regional center for the first time in 30 years exceeded 10 m. now it is 1.15 cm, this is a historical maximum. almost 2.0 residential buildings remain flooded in the region. houses and more than 3,000 summer cottages. more than 15 thousand people were evacuated due to spring floods. the day before, two boiler houses stopped working in kurgan. they found themselves in a flood zone. the authorities will pay compensation to everyone who suffered from the flood. residents of the kurgan region can also help their fellow countrymen. points have been opened in municipalities collection, where they receive drinking water, food, baby food and clothing. the tyumen region is now also experiencing the worst flood in its history. only for the last ones. over the past 24 hours, the level of the ishim river has increased
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by more than 2 m; the peak of the flood has not yet been passed. meanwhile, the water is rapidly approaching the city of ishim and the village of kazansky. our special correspondent, stanislav bernwald, is working at the site of the natural disaster, and he has all the latest information. during the day since monitoring, the water has added more than 2 and a half meters, 2.60 to be exact, and this is already felt here in the city, but we returned from the city pedestrian walk... there the water rose quite strongly, that dry water that came from the upper reaches of the river, it just formed a serious traffic jam, and this is a very big problem, because the water starts to spread, it begins to spread and just begins to put maximum pressure on the dam, now it is necessary to eliminate this congestion, because the water is flowing even more actively, now the ministry of emergency situations employees, some are using a cable to pull out large trees, the second group are tractor drivers. and they
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they are trying to push the garbage directly under the bridge, the guys are also working on the boat, they are also using a cable, the garbage that is stuck under the bridge, they are also trying to pull it to the other side, lift it, all efforts are devoted to eliminating the jam that occurred due to because the water has risen, so all the forces of the administration of the city of ishim, the ministry of emergency situations, tasr, are thrown into localizing it, we plan to overcome it. ishimsky district and kazansky district are the most problematic points regarding the flood situation at the moment, as i he said that in the ishim region the increase in water is significant, and there is a slight decline in the kazan region, but they are waiting for a second wave, you understand, but here it is impossible to predict anything, today information has already appeared that the village is beginning to go under water, for example , the village of big erki, and literally overnight it flooded, we couldn’t get there today, although we tried there from different directions...
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and in the area of ​​​​the city of ishim it increased by 228 cm. the water level in the tabol river in the area of ​​​​the village of uporova decreased by 1 cm, in the village area ivlievo, yarkovsky district increased by 18 cm. 93 households were sunk in nine settlements of the kazan region. 2,198 people were evacuated from settlements threatened by high water.
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now sirens are constantly sounding, and the radio broadcasts are breaking through with emergency messages, which say that people who are in these dangerous zones need to evacuate, either to a temporary detention center or to their relatives, take everything they need, these are documents, some... then basic necessities, necessarily medicines, there are doctors and psychologists working in taps, everything is done there to make people feel comfortable. well, as far as is clear, in such a situation it is possible, these messages should not be neglected, and people are also trying, of course, to save their property; for this purpose , places for temporary storage of personal belongings, as well as pets , have been organized in the city; municipal shelter, in general, the work
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done here is simply incredible, volunteers work, builders work, volunteers they generally work three shifts, we, like... no one else, must help with this problem, and we were the very first to volunteer, so we don’t shirk, even, you know, they tell us, forget about studying for now, so we need to help the city, because such a disaster has hit , and we have to cope with it, so we do everything with all our might, all the guys are trying, working tirelessly, work on building up the dump in the ishimsky district in the kazan region does not stop for a minute, people come, they understand that big water, as a rule, , this...
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i called the bank, she hung up, by whom just don't pretend to be scammers trying to get money out of you, hang up, no talking. hello, this is the cinema industry, ivan kudryavtsev is with you, we are recording a new episode in the very heart of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival in the capital's oktyabr film center. we'll tell you today. to tell you about the main events of the film festival and its busy business program, let’s not forget about the new releases, the main one of which is the film 100 years ago, let’s start with that. so, on all the screens of the country, 100 years ago, a new, domestic
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a science fiction film from director alexander andryushchenko, inspired by the literary universe of the great soviet and world science fiction writer kir boluchev. we'll tell you how our modern adventures turned out. moscow schoolboy kolya gerasimov and girl from the future alisa selezneva. to incriminate the soviet science fiction writer kir boluchev, and simply make a movie based on it, as is the case with this film, is a task for the desperately brave. in the story of 100 years ago in the film, guests from the future , more than one generation of schoolchildren has grown up, dreaming of one day saving the treasured meilophon from pirates. in alexander andryushchenko's version there will be no melophone, but an amazing device will appear. called cosmion, pioneer ties will be replaced by modern school uniforms, the humanoid robot werther will suddenly turn into a levitating sphere, and the beautiful distant place will change beyond recognition, but despite this , the main thing has been preserved in the film, endless faith in a bright future and the boundless power of love and
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friendship. the very nature of the adventure, motivation, age of the heroes, their relationships, everything changed, it probably wasn’t an easy decision to make, but it was natural. process , the theme has remained the same, this is faith in the future, this is the faith that it will be bright, this is the faith that it depends on us and is being solved today by the efforts of young people, caused primarily by economic pigs, and until now, because, about something...
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they created a unique artistic project, large-scale, complex, comparable to the best works of the marvel cinematic universe, references that an attentive viewer will definitely find. 100 years ago, that's not easy. science fiction, a real superhero movie, translated into modern russian reality, with colorful graphics, a dynamic plot, teenage drama and an abundance of action scenes. this is the result of ten years of work of the russian industry from the point of view of all workshops, and artists of all workshops, in general, our film industry is generally capable of today, and this is a good movement forward, i really believe that this will be the starting point for and others. studios and generally different different filmmakers got infected with this topic, realized that you can work cool with this, put
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important meanings there and that it is real and that our industry has grown to do this in a qualitatively cool way, and there will be more of this, maybe we can put the children to bed and i like it that way too . but it doesn't hurt me. the role of alisa selezneva went to the bright young actress daria vereshchagina, and kolya gerasimov was played by mark eidelstein, already familiar to the viewer as the main character of the film “sasha country”. konstantin khabensky and victoria became the support for the new generation of actors isaacova. alexander petrov and yuri borisov performed in unusual roles, playing treacherous space pirates.
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agreement, and the use of flying cars is considered inappropriate, there 100 years ago, people take care of the planet, building relationships with the environment in a new way, enjoying its beautiful gifts and thanking those who once in 2024 took a step towards a bright future, and where flying machines, well, they exist, but they are used out of necessity, energetically unjustified, so we use transport... give it an advantage, mm, like you're afraid of a zoriologist, yes, yeah, but you eat meat,
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it's not meat, of course, but the taste is the same, yes, if you have any other questions, ask, you know, there's one small one , how could i even end up here, this is exactly what i wanted to ask you in detail, meanwhile , the forty-sixth moscow international film festival has started in the capital, in parallel with it, the festival of the brics countries is taking place, this year their programs include 260 films from more than fifty countries, our guide to the richest competitive non-competitive programs, one of the oldest film screenings in the world. get out of here, i didn’t bring you here, there’s a gate ahead, try, just throw another snowball, in the international program. let's keep our fingers crossed for the unusual drama the alien, directed by ivan sosnin, known for rod muy
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distant close. the main character of the alien is the half-deaf village idiot lyokha, who is trying to establish contact with the alien mind. when aliens suddenly respond to his call, lyokha’s life changes dramatically. in addition to the alien for the main prize 10 films from germany, romania, iran and other countries will compete at the golden george miff. there are seven films in the national competition russian premieres, among them the debut work of alexander karmaeva is the worst, and the young blogger, who hates herself for being too heavy, has a new project by roman mikhailov called we should make films about love, about how the filming process can turn out -under control, and dramedy man and woman. miracote, which can be called an interweaving of various stories about the most important feeling on
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earth. you invite me, now could you hug me, that’s not like a man-woman, just. there are eight films in the documentary film competition, four of which are russian. among them is the project of the serdlovsk film studio nelyubimka by stanislav sorokin, the main character of which is the singer niletto. he is danil prytkov. he managed to unwind.
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the icff is expecting a large number of bright and non -competitive programs, in which a special place is occupied by the work of graduates in ghika of different years, including foreign students, and of course, we will see the russian trace programs, blockbusters from around the world, a parade of current horror, wild nights. there is also a business platform, the key event of which will be the pitching of debutants. the most important thing is that it is a very strong, sensual real movie, which is visible from the first frame. by talent, by energy, by the director’s will, we are at that point in history, at that point in eternity, which calls us to gather ourselves and calls us not to forget that culture is the only thing that justifies a person on earth. the forty-sixth miff will continue exactly week, from april 19 to april 26.
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it opened in chukotka in anadar. the eighth arctic international festival golden raven, the opening film was the film of the yakut director mikhail lukachevsky, where the siberian crane dances, she is also in the international competition, along with her 10 more films from kazakhstan, china, iran, tajikistan, argentina and of course are vying for the main prize from russia, one of them is a film by the gorky film studio vera, in which victoria tolstoganova plays the mother of a family who is trying to separate her son from her daughter ex-husband, the winners of the festival will be announced. april 1st. the horror web of fear, the debut work of sebastian vanecek, premiered at the venice film festival, appeared on russian screens. a fan of exotic creatures escapes with a deadly spider, and now the entire apartment building turns into a trap for people. director sebastian vanicek set
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the bar high for orachna horror, focusing not just on special effects on... ominous spiders growing to enormous sizes and wanting to kill, but on the image of those driven into trap creatures that attack when they feel threatened. spiders are about showing the audience that you are afraid of something that you don't know, that you don't like because of its appearance, so if i'm afraid of something, i want to figure out why, and if it works out, it becomes not so scary anymore. where did you get this? it would be better if you got yourself a cat, he also talks to him, every damn day. where are you, baby, playing hide and seek? are you kidding me? in the center of the plot, who has just
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celebrated his thirtieth birthday, is an amateur exotic creatures kalip, his home terrarium is an outlet and perhaps. to escape loneliness and problems, but one of the pets runs away and plunges the entire panel into chaos, and local authorities decide to seal the buildings for quarantine, dooming the residents to death. caleb is like a lonely child who struggles with everyone, but tries to show how much he loves, but he cannot close himself every time, in order to face life, he needs to face problems, because they force him to grow up, lack of communication in particular with his sister, will only lead to many problems, people must talk and hear each other in order to solve...
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in parallel with the main attraction of the film - a fight with spiders, the director, in a confined space, unfolds a whole socio-political drama about small people in society, on a state scale, abandoned at a fateful moment, soon the guardians of law and order, and not the spiders themselves, become an obstacle. dilapidated panels on the outskirts of the city are the ideal setting for dynamic horror. at the very least, this was proven by the rise of the evil dead, classic of the genre sema raimi, who gathered in... to make and switch from horror to another genre, the director is able to collect the box office with his web of fear. we also want to talk about
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an interesting new series: the premiere of the rector took place in moscow. the idea for this series was invented by roman melnikov, winner of the series script competition at the kinoteatr creative laboratory. lap. the film was made with the support of the internet development institute. the event was attended by a film industry crew. in the center of the plot is lavrentiy semyonovich timoshin, or simply lavrik. he a young genius who has been developing cures for fear for many years. they want to appoint a young specialist as rector, but there is one problem: lavrik is afraid of this position, and much more. some of his fears are not unfounded, because the current rector wants to give up his position to a newcomer in order to carry out a corruption scheme. fear is a useful emotion that helps people and animals survive in the world, but sometimes fear turns into panic that fetters our will, body, and mind. fear can bring us down the most crucial moment of life. this is so
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similar to many people in our country, when, you know, a mother raises, when a mother tries to protect the child from all, all, all danger, that is, roughly speaking, he grew up in such a soap bubble, but when the hero goes out into the outside world , he is faced with this acute reality, probably not that... he is afraid, he is probably just not used to it. starring vladimir kanukhin, known for the series the millionaire from balashikha and the end of the world, a former rector who wants to frame lavrik, performed by mikhail gorevoy. i haven’t seen it myself yet, i’m very, very worried and worried, because this is the most difficult genre, comedy, guys, the most difficult genre, because, well, imagine, you make people laugh, but people don’t find it funny. is tracked at all levels, from the plot to the plasticity of the characters. in principle, what surrounds lavrik is his stunning christine world. rector
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combines the humor of the film 9 days of one year, the tradition of american tv series, the big bang theory and the wonders of science, the philosophy of the new pope sarentine and even the magic of harry potter. we , of course, want this series to become a hit, it seems to me that it has all the ingredients for this, a wonderful acting ensemble, excellent humor, it seems to me that it is very raw. the series was filmed with the support of the internet development institute and the ministry of education. the eight-episode project will be released on the premier platform on april 25. under the curtain of the issue is our section of the week. its authors are the youth editors of the film industry, students of the media institute of the higher school of economics. heroes are famous people. and the goal is to give new touches to their portraits. a man whose name everyone knows, a star in frame after frame, a role model, the hope of the industry , does not like all these words about himself,
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your humble servant modestly calls himself in an interview, he is not afraid to take on enormous responsibility, it seems he really serves russian cinema and his team. i am fyodor bondarchuk, a director-producer who wants a successful release in the film 100 years ago. in the person of the week section, fyodor bondarchuk, in his direction. producer and acting filmography of more than 100 films, multitasking has long become a habit, on the project of director alexander andryushchenko 100 years ago, fedor is the producer, but he also managed to voice the robot werther. new russian science fiction, a genre in which bandarchuk began to experiment and take risks one of the first in russian cinema, still remains extremely rare in the industry. perhaps the film will change this, because a new generation has arrived, which fedor seems to be watching with admiration and.
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there was an incredible journey from actually wearing cable to being a production director and studio shareholder leader, teacher, whose students are already working on a blockbuster, mentor. fedor is a dreamer and visionary, ask him about russian cinema 100 years ago, and he already has a picture? well, anyway, we’re probably talking about a person, we choose alisa seleznyova, you know, how much we choose. all the hopes are there, all the aspirations are there, all eyes are fixed on him, more than 200 people, that’s in
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the man’s character. is it a book or a series? book. who is generally handsome in russian cinema? andrey pershin. three emotions you experience while exercising your profession. love, compassion, responsibility. what is your superpower? patience. despite his superpower and talent in everything, our hero has things he wants but is afraid to do in his profession. for example, write a script, although, according to fedor himself, fear is even useful. he
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charges and makes you go. it’s still produced at a chemical level, i’m not talking about the directors, but probably everyone on the set, the gaffers too, well, it’s some kind of some kind of component - it comes from responsibility, from - because you are everything the end result is yours, millions will still look at you, no matter where you work as an actor or, well, it’s a completely different responsibility, you are in the auditorium or you are on the screen in the auditorium, your morning is not going well if him... no, coffee, if not cinema, then farming, well, something close to the ground, i’ll grow about apples, beautiful is far away, don’t be cruel to me, after all, fedor is also afraid and takes risks, however , he has one principle thanks to which he confidently moves forward, fyodor sergeevich always tells himself, the old man is more careful and takes on a new project, completely immersing himself in it,
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known. director and producer, behind whom stands an ordinary person with his own interests, goals and fears, fyodor bondarchuk, person of the week. you watched the cinema industry program, ivan kudryavtsev was with you. we will again broadcast the next episode from our festival studio. see you in exactly a week, every day on the russia-24 tv channel there will be diaries of the moscow international film festival. see you at miff!
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future
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in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized.


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