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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24, right now the main facts of this day in the studio are georgy podgorny and natalya litovka, that’s what we’ll tell you about. almost half a million ukrainian armed forces militants. the losses of the kiev regime since the beginning of the northern military district, the price of the failed counter-offensive of ukraine, according to sergei shaigu. russian troops, meanwhile, have the initiative along the entire line of combat contact. will american help change anything? ministry of defense assessment. for the third time in this case, the fsb detained in lugansk a suspect in preparing an assassination attempt on ex-sbu lieutenant colonel vasily prozurov. the defendant confessed to the crime and is cooperating with the investigation. details of this assassination attempt. who else could be standing? frozen russian assets about american aid to ukraine and whether the ukrainian regime should be considered terrorist.
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and what does russian diplomacy advise you to do, what to do when you are refused to board during a transfer? in moscow they said goodbye to the military correspondent of izvestia, the publication reported the death of semyon eremin in the special operation zone on april 19. unfortunately, our colleague became the victim of not the first attack by enemy drones. by decree of president semyon was awarded the order of courage in death.
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enterprises of the russian military-industrial complex have increased their capacity significantly and significantly increased the combat capabilities of the army, the head of the ministry of defense announced this today at a meeting of a colleague of the department. sergei shaigu also spoke about the situation in the special operation zone and about the enemy’s losses. we will find out all the details from our correspondent denis alekseev.
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fire impact on the enemy, not allowing him to hold the line of defense, first of all , a special military operation of losing usu amounted to almost half a million military personnel. the kiev regime was unable to achieve the set goals of the counter-offensives prepared by nato instructors. our... employees have dispelled the myth about the superiority of western weapons, and half a million people, militants, losses in the ssu, the numbers are terrifying, and kiev is doing nothing to change the situation, somehow, it continues to dance to the tune of overseas curators, but the kiev elite pay well for these dances, first of all, and they, in turn, sacrifice their own citizens on a gigantic scale. first appeal.
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the russian military-industrial complex regularly increases its capacity. in proportion to the threats posed by the united states and its allies, we will continue to improve the composition and structure of the armed forces, increase the production of the most popular models, weapons and military equipment, and increase the intensity of attacks on logistics centers and storage bases for western weapons. the russian armed forces will continue to solve assigned tasks until...
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the goals of the special operation are fully achieved. separately, the minister of defense focused on prospects for the development of air and missile defense troops. one of the priorities. directions began to be equipped with advanced weapons, the share of modern models in the next 2 years is planned to increase by 2% to 85. how will this happen? already this year, the troops will receive the first samples of the new generation s500 air defense system in two modifications, the s-400, s300 v4 anti-aircraft missile systems on an armored chassis, the m3 beech, the tor m2u, which can hit targets on the move, modified radars, and supplies. proven complexes armor to will double by the end of the year. the regional authorities of moscow, the moscow, leningrad and belgorod regions and the krasnodar territory make a significant contribution to increasing the efficiency of the air defense system of facilities. with their support
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, units to combat unmanned aerial vehicles are being formed, and positions for anti-aircraft missile and radio-technical troops are being equipped. all this will make it possible to provide high-quality cover for the most important objects of the command and control system of strategic nuclear forces of military groups. what results have you already achieved? well, at least first of all, special operations with the forces of our missile defense and air defense systems destroyed more than 22 thousand drones and 6,000 missiles, of which 4.0 were shells fired from western mlrs of the haymarc or vampire type, and a considerable part of them did not fly at ... our fire positions, military bases, equipment parking lots, and throughout belgorod. at the board of the russian ministry of defense, sergei shaigu touched upon another important topic, also, by the way, related to the northern military district, threats from the west and
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the build-up of nato forces among the russians borders. according to the minister of defense, tensions in the western and northwestern strategic directions have increased sweden's entry into nato. this happened, let me remind you, in march. according to shaigu, the nato force deployed near the russian border numbers up to 33,000 people, about 300 tanks and more than 800 other armored fighting vehicles. in germany, on the basis of the joint command of the us armed forces in the european zone, the so -called headquarters of the ukrainian security assistance group will be deployed. it's going on right now a series of exercises of the joint armed forces of nato. up to 90 thousand people participate in them. the stated purpose of the maneuvers is to practice repelling the allegedly impending russian aggression. the north atlantic alliance is trying, as sergei shaigu said, to increase its activity in the arctic zone. such actions of western countries, the head of the ministry of defense stated, force russia to react, among such response measures is the creation of the moscow and leningrad military districts.
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in 2022, the supreme commander-in-chief decided to reorganize the western military district to the leningrad and moscow military districts, on march 1 they received. all relevant instructions began to carry out tasks. during the creation of the leningrad military district, more than 25 events were carried out, including the formation of the forty -fourth army corps. more than 400 organizational events have been carried out in the moscow military district, and 10 more will be completed during the year. sergei shaigu spoke about how the military takes part in eliminating the consequences of floods. in different russian regions, since march personnel takes part in providing anti-canopy activities on the rails of bashkiria and buryatia, trans-baikal and khabarovsk territories, ulyanovsk and chelyabinsk regions. will ensure unhindered passage
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of ice in certain sections of rivers. work continues to stabilize the palov situation in the orenburg and tyumen regions and eliminate the consequences of river floods in the urals. iishim, work in this direction continues, guys go ahead, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. it should be quiet, but we still want to support our team at international mendeleev olympiad in chemistry. milichenko foundation. guys, go ahead.
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britain will begin sending illegal migrants to rwanda. the first planes will take off in mid-july. in any case , the prime minister will decide. sunok hopes so. the bill was adopted on the night of april 23 by both houses of parliament. according to sunok, the first flight will depart in 10-12 weeks. prime minister of the united kingdom. regrettably stated that this was much later than he expected, because the deportation of illegal immigrants to uranda should have been to begin in the spring of this year. sonok blamed the delays on representatives of the opposition liberist party in the house of lords of the british parliament, who have already added amendments to the bill several times, returning it to the house of commons for consideration. the prime minister also noted that the airfield has already been prepared for the upcoming departure of migrants, and flights from private carriers have been booked. hundreds of accompanying persons have been prepared, none, but these flights
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will go to rwanda, the head of government promised. well, let me remind you that the bill on deputies of the house of commons adopted the deportation of illegal immigrants to rwanda back in mid-january, but the house of lords insisted on amendments to the document for more than 3 months. in particular, they demanded a guarantee that the rights of illegal immigrants would be respected after deportation. previously , the european court of human rights also opposed the law. the plan i envisioned. boris johnson. he was not punished because of the position of the british courts, which considered that immigrants deported to rwanda would face deportation to their home countries where they lived and health may be at risk. the new version of the bill from the sunak government excludes this possibility, so there is a chance that the planes will still take off.
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responsibility for the protection of refugees, as well as plans and stop shifting
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emphasized that the law impedes the implementation of the rule of law and creates a dangerous precedent in the world, but the fact is that providing asylum to those in need is very expensive in the uk, while the applications of illegal immigrants are usually considered placed in special migration centers, which are already in short supply, keeping migrants, according to tymes, costs british taxpayers approximately... approval of a new aid package to ukraine of almost 61 billion dollars, let me remind you,
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they will demand that the eu countries allocate as much money as possible to the kiev regime. the politician said this in an interview with the ceo of the international media group russia today and the host of the vesti nedeli program , dmitry kiselyov. we will tell you in more detail about other statements by the chairman of the federation council. duck, in an interview with valentina matvienko spoke in detail about the consequences of the seizure of russian assets, as the speaker stated, such... an unprecedented step in history would be destructive for the global economy, and in europe this is well understood, and besides, their actions are completely illegitimate, while the chairman of the federation council noted that by preparing a package of anti-russian sanctions, the americans protected themselves somewhat. matvienko added that russia is ready for the development of any scenarios, and our country will have a tough and at the same time adequate response. at the federation council there is already a corresponding law. for the project. valentina matvienko said that the kiev regime is certainly terrorist.
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he is involved in terrorism during the coup d'etat that took place in ukraine in 2014. however, ukraine itself, as a state, is not allowed to be recognized as such by the international community. a separate speaker added that the ukrainian security service must be recognized as a terrorist structure. this department, according to her , is responsible for the development and execution of terrorist attacks in russia. matvienko expressed the hope that the trial of representatives of the kiev regime will still take place, they will be judged according to all their merits. the kiev regime is a terrorist regime bezus.
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the sbu, the security service of ukraine, are the direct developers carrying out these terrorist acts, who have nothing sacred, no conscience, no morals. in an interview, valentina matvienko, of course, spoke about the decision of the us congress to allocate new aid to kiev. in her opinion, it is political. ahead of the american presidential election, which are scheduled for november this year. the chairman of the federation council is sure that in this way the united states is not helping ukraine at all, but rather, so to speak, softening the pre-election background. but kiev has to pay for the us loan with the blood of ukrainians. and as a result, the main sums from the americans will be stolen. the speaker also
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stated that atak ms missiles will be shot down in the same way as all other missiles. their delivery is kiev. will not fundamentally affect the course of the special operation. today in moscow they said goodbye to the masters of news, semyon eremin. he died while filming a report in the zone of a special military operation during a drone attack on the border of the dpr and zaporozhye region. valentina matvienko called the death of the correspondent a targeted and vile murder. the chairman of the federation council expressed condolences to the family of semyon eremin. she stated that the organizers will definitely be held accountable for what they did. this is a vile, vile, targeted murder of a journalist, a peaceful person engaged in a peaceful profession, who honestly wrote, spoke about what he saw, what was happening, and of course, this is a terrorist act, of course,
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those who organized it will definitely be held accountable, i want to take this opportunity to express my sincere condolences...
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to retreat, although it will have to, yes, indeed, now the sun is in the northern hemisphere planet, so any cold air that makes its way from the arctic to the southern latitudes warms up very quickly, in fact, this was the case the day before in st. petersburg, in fact, the same will happen with the arctic invasion in southern siberia. the squall city has already been seen in moscow and st. petersburg over the past 2 days. today. the ruulon cloud appeared in the sky over yekaterinburg, after which a brief thunderstorm passed . in the neighboring chelyabinsk region, the weather also deteriorated sharply. the clouds were more usual, but hail was added to the classic rain. at the same time, some areas of karelia and the arkhangelsk region were covered by freezing rains today. settlements have turned
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into skating rinks. in the murmon region, they noticed it and closed the highway to the side. and on against the backdrop of warming, rain began to mix more and more actively with the snow. the capital of khakassia was also covered in hail this afternoon. at the same time , the temperature in abakan dropped by 4° in a short time. meanwhile, in the northeast of the republic, nothing was visible for several tens of meters due to snow charges. at moments the snowfall turned into a blizzard. we faced no less severe weather challenges today. residents of the tomsk region. tomsk experienced a transport collapse in the morning. the city streets were jammed with ten-point traffic jams. such congestion does not appear often even in the middle of winter after heavy snowfalls. the situation was aggravated by the appearance of icy conditions, and some drivers had already changed the tires on their cars to summer ones; the cars were slipping even on small inclines. all
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weather disasters from thunderstorms, squalls and downpours to snowfalls, blizzards and freezing rains, not a single chain. you see, a ridge of frontal clouds stretches across the entire territory of russia. east of the volga these clouds are arctic. air mass, and to the west the mediterranean heat spreads behind them. tomorrow in russian only the north of the region will be on the plain in the bad weather zone; in siberia, the snowfall zone will move to the central regions; in the volga region , showers and thunderstorms will continue to be observed. for example, in orenburg a thunderstorm will thunder within the next hour, the rain will quickly stop, and precipitation will resume again at night. tomorrow the city will experience a truly powerful thunderstorm, the intensity of the storm in the second half of the day will reach 12 mm in 6
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hours, in just 24 hours about 20 mm of moisture will pour out here, 3/4 of a month’s volume, while the temperature will drop, today in orenburg there is a record high of +27, but on wednesday it will no longer be higher than +20. on wednesday, on the european territory of russia, generally warmer than usual weather is expected, in the middle zone the thermometers will show +12:17, in the volga region up to +15:20, the mediterranean flow will fully warm the south of the country, here up to +22 -27, while the entire territory of siberia beyond the urals will be at the mercy of the arctic air, even in the south of the region the thermometers, as if in march, will not rise above zero +5 in novosibirsk today there were snow charges, but tomorrow the clouds will thin out and the maximum temperature will be only +3°. in
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the future, warming is expected, on thursday to +7°, on friday the weather will reach the level of climate norm, on sunday the temperature will become warmer , saturday-sunday to +12. in moscow in the middle of the day the air managed to warm up to almost +13, it looks like that’s all for today, it won’t get any warmer, the evening and night will be cold, within the city limits in the morning the temperature will drop to +3°, tomorrow it will be about +15, on thursday up to 19°c, on friday it’s even possible +20. what do we bring back from savita’s travels? a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback
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4:30 pm
well, right now we have a live guest on the association of new people with the party of growth, and we will discuss other issues with the leader of the new people faction in the state duma , alexei nichaev. alexey gennadievich, hello, i welcome you, thank you for taking the time and coming to our studio, well , first of all, of course, last week new people have united with the party of growth, tell us what will change in connection with this in life, specifically in your party in general...


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