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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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russia sent detachments of poles to occupy the cities; it was a fun time, but this is precisely what united all the russian people in difficult times. and let's start with the situation in ulanud, where due to strong winds a fire started in the private sector on the outskirts of the city. initially it was reported that residential buildings were burning, but mayor igor shutenkov clarified that the fire only engulfed outbuildings. nevertheless it began.
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but all gusts reach 30 m/s. and here on the outskirts of ulanude they apparently burned last year’s firewood during the day, the fire came and here we are now - in the window of the house, here the fence was already burnt down, but they say that everyone is moving to another, that’s how it was -
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our correspondent baldzhanima dambaev had connections from buryatia. well, a few more words , a temporary accommodation center has been set up at the local sports school in buryatia. earlier it became known that dry grass caught fire in the fields in the vicinity of the city, and due to strong winds, the fire spread to private houses. currently, gusts of over 30 m/sec are being recorded in the city. the hurricane damaged roof fences, advertising boards, bus stops, and partially disrupted power supply russian troops occupied
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more advantageous positions in two directions and improved the tactical position in the area of ​​novobakhmutovka and ochereitin. the ministry of defense reported this. the most active combat operations were carried out by units of the southern group of forces, which inflicted a significant defeat in the ssu. units of the southern group of troops improved the situation along the front line, inflicted fire damage on the troops and equipment of the thirty-ninety-third mechanized, eighty-ninety-second air assault. airborne brigades 241 territorial defense brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of rozdolovka, zaleznyanskaya, krasnogorovka and kleshcheevka. enemy losses amounted to up to 440 military personnel, two tanks, an armored combat vehicle, two cars, a 155mm m-198 howitzer, a 122mm d-30 howitzer and an electronic reconnaissance station. now let’s switch to a short advertisement, immediately after watch the continuation of the author’s program by vladimir bortok. in the history of relations between russia and
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in 1612, moscow received the nizhny novgorod militia under the command of kuzma minin and dmitry pozharsky. the kremlin horizon is capitulation, mikhail romanov ascended the russian throne. the romanov dynasty ruled russia for 300 years. a negative image of poles arose and took hold in russian literature and mass consciousness. a national stereotype with an emphasis on the arrogance, arrogance and unreliability of polish women. in poland, stereotypes have become dominant, emphasizing.
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poland, but contacts with moscow exist, but in 1654, under alexei mikhalochna, a new war with poland began, perhaps one of the most significant for us. the zemsky sobor decided to satisfy the request of bogdan khmelnitsky to accept the zaporozhye army into russian citizenship. at the pereyaslovsk rada she swore allegiance to the tsar.
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sofia was familiar with latin, spoke fluent polish, and under her rule an eternal peace with poland that was beneficial to russia was concluded. king jan ii sobieski secured russia forever.
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the first westerners who appeared among us already in xvii century, were largely polynophiles. the russian diplomat order nashchekin dreamed of a dynastic union of russia and poland under the rule of the moscow tsar or his son. but since the end of the 16th century, due to the extreme weakness and instability of royal power in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, remember, i will not allow it. and... also devastating wars, the balance of power between the two countries was rapidly
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changing in favor of russia, the reforms of peter i renewed and strengthened the russian state, while the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, due to the abuses of the gentry, became almost incapable entered a phase of prolonged decline and decay. peter made his boss and, let’s say, his drinking companion, a polish king. august strong after peter, the attitude towards poland changes greatly, poland’s channel for communication with the west is no longer needed, after peter we have direct access to europe and russia could dictate its terms to poland. under anna iannovna, augustus iii became the polish king. after the death of augustus ii, catherine ii sent troops to warsaw, after which her lover was elected king. poniatowski, catherine’s attitude towards the poles is reflected in rescript to ambassador yakov sivers, due to
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the fickleness and flightiness of the entire people, due to their proven malice and hatred towards ours, and especially due to the inclination expressed in them towards french debauchery and frenzy, we will never have a calm or safe neighbor in them, otherwise, as having brought him into utter powerlessness and infirmity. turned the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, de facto, into a protectorate of russia. dissatisfied with these
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innovations, the gentry united in 1768 into the so-called lordly confederation, and openly opposed russia. the confederates gathered 500 people and occupied the zamosc fortress, which was defeated by alexander vasilyevich. lithuanian crown hetman aginsky gathered.
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"austria and prussia, with cries of anam , force russia to divide poland between them. in 1795, after the third partition , poland loses its independence."
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brutal soldiers of napoleon. after the defeat of napoleon, most of the warsaw generalship and the navenz congress were transferred to russia and formed an autonomous polish kingdom within it. alexander gave the poles a constitution that did not exist in russia and was taught by seim, that is, parliament. and this is where
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the liberal ideas that young russian officers absorbed during their stay begin to take their toll. france. the decembrists dream of ending the autocracy and the most radical of them dream of killing the tsar. they have a very vague idea of ​​what to do next. but tsar nicholas i turned out to be a nonsense of liberal ideas and the decembrist uprising ended on the gallows in siberia. despite the liberal constitution, the admission of polish aristocrats to the highest government positions of the russian empire, polish patriots did not give up attempts to restore the old speech. polish-lithuanian commonwealth under the influence of the july revolution in france, an open uprising known as the november revolution began in the kingdom of poland. after the suppression of the uprising by russian troops in the kingdom of poland, the new governor, film marshal ivan paskevich, abolished the polish constitution, a division into a province was introduced instead of the previous voivodships, and in 1839
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the unya church was established, which significantly undermined the influence of the poles.
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noble origin ignatius grenevsky. in the last third of the 19th century, the policy of russification was studied. the name of the kingdom of poland was used less and less, and then the name vistula region began to be used instead. the polish language disappears from government documents. otherwise, how
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will they understand in st. petersburg? as you can see, the poles, as they say, have something to remember. during. despite the cold relations between the polish and soviet states, the ranks of the bolsheviks included many prominent figures of polish gentry origin. his successor vyacheslav minzhinsky, marshal konstantin rakosovsky and others. poland took part
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in the division of czechoslovakia. on september 21, 1938 , polish leaders presented an ultivatum to the czechs to return them to the cieszyn region. but on september 17, 1939. 2 and a half weeks after. germany's attack on poland, the soviet government sent troops into the territory of western ukraine, that is, poland. the note from the soviet government indicated that by this time the polish state and government had practically ceased to exist, and accordingly ceased actions, all contracts. during the war, about 22 thousand polish officers were subsequently shot. the executions were called the katyn execution. the poles attribute this execution to the nkvd. many in russia believe that the germans did this in occupied
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territory. the topic of the katyn execution remains one of the most painful historical topics in russian-polish relations. the polish first infantry division, formed in 1943, fought as part of the red army, on the basis of which the first army was formed. the soviet authorities planted polish poland on their own and prevented the national liberation committee. the uprising was suppressed by the germans with extreme cruelty and cost the lives of several hundred thousand. peace among the city population. nowadays , the question of the extent to which it was possible for
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the red army to help the rebels is hotly debated. and why did the polish government in exile approve the plans of the rebels, knowing that their forces were significantly inferior to the germans. in the subsequent offensive and capture of berlin, the red army took participation of the polish army, the largest foreign military formation that fought. together with the ussr. during the liberation of poland, more than 477 thousand soviet soldiers and officers died. more than one and a half million were injured. after the end of world war ii, the socialist polish people's republic was founded, which later became a member of the warsaw pact. on the initiative of the ussr, poland included vast territories in the west, belonging to.
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during the formation of the pro-soviet government there was a terrorist the activities of the regional army, this time is captured widely on our screens in the chemistry of directors woad, ashes and almas. there was cultural exchange between both countries. poland was for us, as in the 14th century, a conductor of western ideas of western influence. examples of polish culture,
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subsequently russian-polish relations after 1991, both states had difficult relations in the nineties. poland
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joined nato. the plane crash near smolensk, in which polish president leg kaczynski died, and a number of high-ranking officials flying to an event dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the katyn massacre gave rise to anti-russian theories in conservative circles in poland. since 2014, after crimea became part of russia and the development of the war in eastern ukraine. relations between russia and poland deteriorated significantly; in 2015 , the polish authorities did not invite the russian president to the anniversary of the liberation of asventsem, and president komarovsky refused to travel to moscow for the celebrations of the seventieth anniversary of the victory. poland has become a leader in the demolition of soviet monuments. in may 2023
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, kremlin spokesman dmitry peskov said. that poland is a country hostile to russia, and not just an unfriendly state. according to the data of an international question conducted in june of twenty-two, only 2% of poles have a positive attitude towards russia, and 97% have a negative attitude. according to the survey, this is the most negative indicator in relation to russia and all countries, and nevertheless, and nevertheless. many people still have a warm attitude towards poland and the poles, but here is march 8, 2022 in poland performances of chekhov's plays, musorsky's opera boris godunov, and music by tchaikovsky, scriabin, prokofiev, and
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stravinsky are officially prohibited. and shastakovich, but i will still remember that poland is the birthplace of shapin, director andrzej wajda and writer stanislav lev. it’s also good for poles to remember when they fall asleep at night about the three partitions of poland, and look, anything can happen. with this, i want to say goodbye to you, that’s all. good, goodbye.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in
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russia the work is clear and precise. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure? in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist. you killed me, why you're with him


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