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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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from morning to evening we spent almost the whole day with the chairman and his colleagues, a lot of topics were raised for discussion, and the fact that the future depends on russia and china is partly, only partly true, because the future of humanity depends on of all humanity, but - of course, both china and russia are important components of modern civilization, we have our own opinion... about how we should develop, and our development will certainly influence the development of all partners on the planet, and development, we believe, should be constructive, must be peaceful, without any doubt, it must take into account not only our interests, but also the interests of all participants in international communication, and of course we need to strengthen the existing ones. multipolar
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world, the fact that it is now taking shape before our eyes, and the world is becoming multipolar, there is no doubt about it, i think everyone understands this very well, they are aware of this, it is important that those who are trying to maintain their monopoly on making decisions in the world on all issues, understanding this, and i i think that they are wonderful, but i don’t think so, i know, they understand this perfectly well, so that , understanding this, they do everything that depends on them in this case, so that this process is natural, i repeat once again, peaceful, conflict-free, and so that the opinion of all participants in the international process was taken into account in full, and so that we all look for compromises on quite complex decisions that we all... are facing, we are set up for this,
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we are set up for exactly this kind of work, i have repeatedly said, yes and chairman of the state people's republic this emphasized that our interaction, our cooperation, our strategic partnership with china, russia and china, is not directed against anyone, it is aimed at one thing: creating better conditions for the development of our countries and improving the well-being of the people of china and the russian federation. good afternoon, tv channel star. kokoveshnikov, konstantin, if i may, a question about how your informal meeting with sidzenpin went, which, as your assistant stated, took place in a very limited format, but in particular the minister took part in it defense, andrey belousov, secretary of the security council, sergei shaigu, have you touched upon the topic of ukraine, and what would look to you personally as convincing evidence of ukraine’s readiness for negotiations? previously, both you and the minister of foreign affairs, sergei lavrov, have repeatedly said that to western partners more.
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the opposite side has a gun to their head, what needs to be done was asked from our side, we asked, we need to withdraw troops from kiev, we did it, the next day they threw out all our agreements in they said, well, now we will fight to the end, and their western curators took the position, now known to the whole world, to defeat russia.
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battlefield to inflict a strategic defeat, it was not we who behaved this way, it was our partners who behaved this way and - through the mouths of officials, including... and this was said by the head of the leader of the ukrainian delegation during the negotiations, first in minsk, and then in istanbul, the then prime minister, mr. johnson, arrived and recommended that ukraine continue hostilities, otherwise mr. arakhamia said, it was he who was at the head of the delegation, today he heads the faction of the ruling party in the parliament of ukraine, which means otherwise, he said, all military hostilities would have been stopped a year and a half ago, because he said this publicly, in my opinion, at a meeting with journalists, no one, no one, as a matter of fact, doubts this, that is , let’s draw a line under this part of the answer to your
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question, we were deceived once again, yeah, now we have to understand with whom and how we should deal, we can to deal with, to whom to what extent? we can trust - and - we of course, now we are analyzing everything that is happening in this regard in this direction, of course we are looking at what is happening around the meetings announced by everyone , the meetings announced by everyone in switzerland in geneva, in my opinion, they are gathering there, we have no formulas that we do not know, of course we are not going to discuss, but we have never refused negotiations, unlike... the ukrainian side, they withdrew from the negotiation process, they announced that they were going to inflict a strategic defeat on us, they said that we would to fight to the end, in fact, not to the end, to the last ukrainian, which means they did it all with their own hands, we have a basis for
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the negotiation process, what we agreed on in istanbul and what is actually based on this. .. the voluminous document was signed by the head of the ukrainian delegation, he initialed it, but we have the document, his signature is there, what other additional conditions are there, which we have never heard, we don’t know anything about it, well what is the point of this event, it’s clear, to collect how you can have a number, as many countries as possible, then declare that it has been agreed upon with everyone, and then present it to russia, this is like an already resolved issue, like an ultimatum, such a development of events will not happen. vladimirovich, hello, alexander yunoshev, live, allow me to continue the topic of ukraine. yesterday zelensky visited kharkov, held
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a headquarters meeting there, at the same time we are having active battles near kharkov, like military personnel are achieving success, it seems, not, not like, they are achieving, they are moving every day strictly. plan, so what is the plan, is our goal to capture kharkov, or is it the creation of a sanitary zone, which you spoke about earlier, thank you, but i don’t know what the ukrainian head of state said there, but they only know that - ultimately in the end, it is their fault for what is happening, all today's authorities in kiev... the source of their origin is the coup d'etat, this is the source of today's power in ukraine, first, second, by allowing the coup d'etat, and western sponsors, facilitating it, organizing it,
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created conditions for the transition of adhesive conflict into an armed conflict, they are to blame for this. they are trying to shift the blame from a sore head to a healthy one and place the blame on russia for today’s tragic events, but this is the result of their policy, as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, this is also their fault, because they fired and , unfortunately, continue to shell residential areas blocks of border territories, including belgogorod, well, civilians are dying there, but obviously they are shooting right in the center. said publicly that if this happens continue, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone, so we are doing this, and as for kharkov,
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there are no such plans today, hello, please allow the newspapers news, please, and hello, again, dmitry larova, newspaper izvestia, recently information has appeared that chinese banks... are stopping accepting payments from russian banks, please tell me whether you discussed this issue with the chinese leader, if so, is there any result? agree on possible.
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well, no one wants to suffer any losses in connection with the illegal, even illegal , actions of the us authorities, but i must say, i have already said this, i want to repeat, this is a great stupidity and a huge mistake on the part of the american political elites, because they themselves they incur enormous damage to themselves, undermine confidence in the dollar and gradually collapse, collapse the fortunes of the dollar. as the world currency of account and reserve currency, although
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they have a huge gain from this position of the dollar, here’s the brotenwood first system, then from the dollar, then from the gold, which means the dollar was abandoned from gold support, the perelama system, and what is it based on, only on the printing press, or let’s say... the system, they can be valued directly in
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certain numbers, well according to our data, according to our experts, this is over 10 trillion dollars, simply unearned money that fell from the sky due to the use of the dollar as a reserve world currency, in general , the obligations of the american monetary system to the other world, to the remaining myrrh. this is approximately 53.4 trillion dollars, but as, for political reasons, the authorities of the united states undermine confidence in the dollar, they weaken their main, main, most important instrument of their power, the dollar itself, causing irreparable damage to themselves, that is to put it trivially in our, so to speak, well-known sayings, they are simply... sawing the soup on which they themselves are sitting, terrible stupidity, well, they can’t stop, there are disadvantages for
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us in that we are forced to look for other opportunities, but there are advantages because what is it this is a situation in which one country dictates its will to the rest of the world, including in the political sphere, using financial economic instruments, it is unacceptable, all countries of the world, i assure you, you only need to look at the volumes, which means... this is the right process, it is connected with certain costs and difficulties, but on the whole it is correct, when we talk about switching to national currency payments or creating some other settlement instruments with other countries, this process is underway, it has begun, it can’t be stopped, please? vladimir vladimirovich, let me return to
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the topic of ukraine and some initiatives from the west, you already mentioned that you spent a long time yesterday.
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bearing in mind the purpose of sport as a platform for people to communicate and to find compromises during this communication on other, including political issues, if they themselves violate, including in this case in relation to russia, by not allowing our athletes to compete at the olympics games. with its banner, with its flag and with its national music, with its anthem, in relation to they violate us, but they want us, in turn, to follow the rules that are dictated to us, this does not occur to anyone, does this correspond to some elementary
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norms of justice, there is nothing like that, they violate themselves, but they demand from us fulfillment, friends, we won’t leave like this for a long time , no one has ever agreed on any issues like this, in order to demand or expect something from others, you yourself need to follow these rules, but in general the sport is certainly developing, will develop, not i know how the olympic movement will feel today under the leadership of such officials, if... they will put money at the forefront and make it the main principle of their activities, as in any commercial enterprise, the main goal of which is to make a profit , but if this is put at the forefront, then
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he simply does not foresee anything good for the future of the olympic movement, after all, it has simply turned into a commercial corporation, everything... is built on what, on what, on receiving money from sponsors, from large information companies for broadcasting, well, in general, this is a whole enterprise for making profit from sports competitions, after all, the principle of olympism is different, in humanitarian principles, alexander khristenko, russia channel, this week the usa introduced it. on a number of chinese goods, on chips, semiconductors, metal, solar panels, and most importantly on chinese electric cars , the duty was increased fourfold, in my opinion, to 100%. can this be considered sanctions against china? does cooperation between russia and china help to resist such attacks? well, sanctions, well, of course, the external meaning is like
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sanctions, but to a certain extent , this is not the first time such elements of economic war have happened. by the way, politics, the nature of relations between russia and china, the situation in ukraine, i assure you, have nothing to do with this, these are simply elements of unfair competition, here we made the ms-21 aircraft, so they are certain components that are about we agreed and which have nothing to do with military production, well, in the wings there should be yes... in common with military there was no production there and no, yes, we lost time, this production was delayed by about six months, but we made these components ourselves, these harnesses there for the wings,
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they did it well, and even better than american production in terms of quality and durability their use, the same results will be here, i just spoke at a meeting with students, why were such restrictions introduced against - the chinese automobile industry - electric? than european and american ones, that’s all, they simply kill a competitor, in this case chinese competitors are not allowed into their market, this is a prohibitive duty, and in europe, of course, the same thing happens, which means that as soon as some country, as we often say, is the center of world development, that’s what, any center rises, becomes more... competitive, they immediately chick him, they lower him, they try to do it. can, uh, can russian-chinese cooperation somehow counteract this, maybe, but in order
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to prevent this from happening, they interfere in - in wiring, financial wiring, because we we could purchase more, but since they create problems in money transfers, we are limited in purchasing these products, but is it possible to do something? or these doldoners, if i may say so, excuse the bad manners, that the market decides everything, but the market will push them back anyway, you know what’s the matter, this is a problem that they
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create for themselves, because what will this lead to, so they introduced sanctions against such goods, such goods, such goods, what will it lead to, inflation in the us, that's what it will lead to, because they will try to produce this themselves, on their own sites, for their wages to their workers, for their already expensive metal, for their expensive on the basis of their expensive energy, this is the result, which means, uh, the german economy in europe is already almost in minus, and the french one is balancing on on the verge of recession, and if the german economy is still there , it will sneeze, it will feel unwell, the entire european economy behind it will not feel very healthy, well, to put it mildly. speaking, this is what decisions of this kind lead to, they are not market ones, absolutely stupid decisions that have no prospects, kommersant newspaper andrei
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kolistnikov, please tell me under what conditions you could still take part , so to speak, in the peace conference on ukraine in switzerland, if, of course, such an offer were suddenly made to you arrived, but what about politics, it can’t wait to lay down on... the center of the field what we don’t know, we, as i said, we conducted painstaking negotiations for a long time, almost a month and a half, first in minsk,
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then in istanbul, reached certain compromises, the ukrainian side set signature under the extract from these documents, he himself is fat and healthy, and the extract, so the fundamental issues would have been presented and initialed by the ukrainian side, but we worked on it. some formulas are based on what, on wishes, and not on the real situation, well, this is impossible to discuss, but we are ready for discussions, we have never refused, i just said, this is not a joke, i didn’t come up with anything, as soon as the troops withdrew , the westerners immediately said in ukraine, don’t sign, fight, they took the lead, they do it, we’re here it was said, well, now we will... until the last, that's what we were told, there will be no more negotiations, now they see that it is not working, until the last, maybe it will work, but, but it is not possible
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to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, this... they see, now that means they started crying, let's go there, urgently, a conference, please, russia will participate, we are ready to participate in peace negotiations, but we don't invite you, but those movies, hello, have arrived, and russia is accused of the fact that we do not want to take part, so we are not they invite you, and you ask on what conditions, so now i’m going to put forward conditions and ask to go there?
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an attempt to inflict a strategic defeat did not work, an attempt to impose it will end in the same way, but still, as i understand it, your condition is that the agreements reached must be in force, but of course, this is the base, you know, they initialed, we haven’t signed the document to the end, there are very serious issues there, you know, there are issues related to ensuring the security of ukraine, they are spelled out in such a way that we still have to think about this, but... in general, this is the basis, they are registered by the ukrainian side, and i think that, not least, probably, if not tweaking, then then the consent of western sponsors, but everything is tough there spelled out from the point of view of their interests, there is something that is taken into account, bearing in mind the interests of russia from the point of view of ensuring our security, well, there are a lot of questions,
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i don’t even want to go into, i have them all, well, not all, but i remember all the main provisions, well, we’re ready to discuss this, then we threw it away, we wanted to get an advantage on the battlefield, to achieve a strategic position, it didn’t work out, well, now you can find our conditions, the oak trees have fallen, or something, why on earth, then, of course, we will proceed from the realities that are developing in earth, this goes without saying, let's have a final question. i’m talking about china and about the supply of hydrocarbons from us here, whether an agreement has been reached in principle on the power of siberia 2 project, when construction will begin this year next year and in general about the possibility of increasing supplies they said yes, that means, well, i’m not ready to say now about the technical details, but interest on both sides in the implementation of these projects has been confirmed, because
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the country is interested, i repeat, in the implementation of these projects, and we will do it, and there is gazprom, our oil companies, they will certainly agree, there are different routes there, here is one of them through mongoria, and in one corridor it is possible to lay both a gas pipeline and an oil one, well, experts must decide what is best to do, they can bribe a tanker along the northern sea route to establish a fleet along the northern sea pipeline, as it were, practically and almost like a pipeline, that’s it, all these options are possible, they are all acceptable and economically feasible, you need to choose the best one, i’m sure that this work will also be completed, well, let’s have more girls, please , please forgive me, new news, but i also have a question on the ukrainian topic, if possible?


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