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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] vladimir putin called his two-day state visit to china productive, meaningful, and eventful ; many topics were discussed at the negotiations; the russian leader thanked sidinping and the chinese leadership for creating a warm atmosphere for joint work. the president summed up the results at a press conference. vladimir putin’s visit to china, following its results, which was followed by the whole world, the russian state president answered questions from journalists, noting that russia and china are important components of modern civilization,
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who have. and of course, we need to strengthen the emerging multipolar world, the fact that it is now taking shape before our eyes, and the world is becoming multipolar, there is no doubt about it, i think that everyone understands this very well, they are aware of this, it is important that those who are trying to maintain their monopoly on decision-making in the world on all issues,
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have done everything... that depends on them in this case, so that this process is natural, i repeat once again, peaceful, conflict-free, and so that the opinion of all participants in the international the process was taken into account in full and that we all looked for compromises on the rather complex decisions that we all face, the day before in beijing, vladimir putin and xijen ping in a narrow composition. discussed a number of important issues, the ukrainian crisis among them. chairman kang delivered his points from his recent trip to europe and beijing's proposed peace initiative. russia analyzes everything that happens, including around the announced meeting in geneva, and never again reminded the president did not refuse negotiations, unlike the ukrainian side, but with whom to talk. kiev withdrew from
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the negotiation process in 2022. the west is aimed at the strategic defeat of moscow. russian troops are now consistently moving forward in the kharkov direction and in ukraine’s losses there, but not only there. ukraine itself is to blame, which attacks the russian border, shoots at civilians in belgorod, forcing our country to create a kind of sanitary zone, a zone of its own security. all today's authorities in kyiv, source. conditions for the transition of a smoldering conflict into an armed conflict, it is they who are to blame for this, they are trying to shift the blame from a sore head to a healthy one, and place the blame on russia for today’s tragic events, but
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this is the result of their policy, which... concerns what is happening in kharkov direction, this is also their fault, because they fired and continue, unfortunately, to shell residential areas of the border territories, including belgorod, well , civilians are dying there, it’s still obvious, they are shooting right in the city center, in residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced
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to create a security zone, a sanitary zone. some formulas are based on wishful thinking, and not on the real situation, well, this is impossible to discuss, but we are ready for discussions, we will never... convince everyone that the best offer is some conditions that are proposed by the ukrainian side, and then present it to us as an ultimatum, to say, well, you see, the whole world thinks so, agree, there was an attempt to inflict strategic
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defeats, it didn’t work out, the attempt to impose will end in the same way, moreover, perhaps the organizers of the swiss conference forgot, but kiev itself blocked the possibility of any negotiations with moscow, the corresponding decree was dated back in... may he did not hold elections, the question of the legitimacy of such a leader, vladimir putin noted, can only be answered by the political and legal system of ukraine itself, there are all sorts of options in the constitution, this is a matter of assessment, this is this assessment, of course, first of all. should be given by the constitutional court and in general itself - the political system of ukraine itself would even say so, but for us this of course matters, because if it comes to it, it will come to signing some documents, of course we must
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sign documents of such a fateful area with legitimate authorities, this is an obvious fact, but i repeat once again, this question must be answered politically and - with the initiative to declare the olympic truce. is it possible? - the journalists asked, or is this another attempt to lure russia into a trap like this in relations between moscow and the west has happened more than once. the chairman told me about this, we discussed this topic with him, well , we just touched on it. today's international sports officials are breaking. the principles of the olympic charter, they themselves politicize sport, which is completely unacceptable, bearing in mind the purpose of sport as a platform for communication between people and for finding compromises during this communication on
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other, including political issues, if they themselves violate, including in this case against russia, without allowing our athletes to perform at the olympic games with their banner, with their flag and with their... national music and anthem, they violate us, but they want us, in turn, to follow the rules that are dictated to us, this is no one it doesn’t occur to me whether this corresponds to some elementary norms of justice, there is nothing like that, so imposing someone else’s conditions or someone else’s decisions on moscow will not work, as the president emphasized. when resolving the ukrainian conflict, russia will proceed from the real conditions developing on earth, and not from the quote “wants of the west.” that is why the head of state spoke about this more than once, in particular in a conversation with the new cabinet of ministers, all resources, including
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financial and administrative, should now be focused on achieving the results the country needs within the framework of a special military operation. well, so the visit of our president. delegation to china was very successful, an unprecedented number of agreements were signed between countries, all this indicates the deepening of relations between our countries, and this seriously frightens the west, many of the same western media noted with regret that the alliance between russia and china is a threat to democratic states. well, if we translate it into ordinary, normal language, such
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friendship interferes with the hegemony of western states. it is very important; this, of course, strengthens russian-chinese interaction in difficult, difficult conditions, and at the same time it is a very powerful signal to the west. that an attempt to somehow put pressure on china so that china would move away from russia is an attempt that, in general, we considered an attempt with unsuitable means, it turned out to be so, so this visit was, in my opinion, very successful, timely, and dmitry, what is the timeliness, so you say, timely, what is the timeliness, well, firstly, from a purely formal point of view ,
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it was very important that the first foreign visit of the head of the russian state took place in china, chinese diplomats constantly emphasized in official and informal conversations that this was very important for maintaining the well-known image of russian-chinese relations, we remember that chairman si. also made his first foreign visit to russia, shortly after his own, shortly after taking office as chairman of the people's republic of china, this is the formal side of the matter, the informal country, the political country of the matter, now literally within a few weeks a very
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active campaign has been unfolding with a lot of pressure being put on china ,
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in addition, due to the fact that china is russia’s largest trading partner and a significant part of those goods that are blocked for export to russia western countries, this part of the goods nevertheless reaches the russian... consumer through china, literally before the visit there was a very large article from financial times dedicated to russian-chinese economic relations, there was a lot of this kind of regret that it’s impossible to cover up this very powerful flow of economic ties between russia and china, which allows russia to act quite successfully,
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despite the huge, then huge number of sanctions that are imposed on russia. yes, dmitry vitalievich, well, we are just talking about economic cooperation here, which , in my opinion, more than thirty agreements were signed in this direction, a sharp increase in trade turnover, unfortunately, partly, of course, on our part, these are still mainly energy resources and so on, but i think that the structure of our exports to china will change now
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. chinese banks that have business in the west, which are connected with various financial relations with the west, have now
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held back somewhat. in general, the flows can be passed through in a different way, it is not so simple technically, but in principle it is quite possible, i am sure that this will be done, but the fact that the american secretary of state came and threatened the chinese with various negative consequences if they to continue to develop economic relations with russia, all this
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turned out to be, well, let’s say, from economic ties with european countries, with the united states of america, but so far this turns out to be empty dreams. yes, dmitry vitalievich, about the big chinese ones the banks rightly noticed, because well , it must be said so directly that at the beginning of the svo they were actively and did not participate in payments, because they understood approximately how and what was threatening them, and here, of course, the chinese action of the chinese side is understandable, because... after all, they really have a lot of economic interests, so historically it happened that tearing them down harshly, the chinese leadership apparently does not consider it possible and even unnecessary, but on the other hand, you noticed about this harsh pressure, i would even say a little boorish this pressure and so much so that even
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the chinese leaders who are in the east, they are always restrained, no longer like sudden movements, but this statement about what really uses boorish expressions when dealing with china, and this is very annoying for the chinese, the chinese have been themselves for some time time, they realize that we are the leading economy in the world, but they don’t say that we are the second
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economy, but in terms of purchasing power, china has long become the first economy in the world, the chinese are usually very careful in their language chinese figures, chinese officials, this is of course a signal to the west that this cannot be done with us, you are forgetting yourself, gentlemen, if you read the chinese official press, then of course the language there is a little looser and
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the americans get more. dmitry vitalievich, is it possible to talk about this after the visit of our president? there were many fathers behind him, but that this project was completely destroyed, that after all, america and china will not be a single, well, hellebore, the so -called, yes, a single certain structure, a new core of capitalism there or whatever, world economy, to put it mildly... there are many contenders for the role of the father of this project, but the meaning of the project was quite simple,
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the united states offered china to integrate into its policy and be such an assistant to the united states, on which the americans, well, in general, would rely certain obligations without imposing the
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same obligations on themselves. at the beginning of jou anlai, then mautsedun, this is the forty-ninth, the end of the forty-ninth, the beginning of the fiftieth year. zhou anlai is the first, in fact, what he told the soviets the leaders who met him. don't forget that china is a great power. well, at one time we viewed china as one of the socialist countries under the general leadership of moscow. this is one of the factors
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that ultimately led to this. generally speaking, we see how, let’s say, how much the leaders, especially of european countries, are losing their heads, raising the temperature or , let’s say, raising the level of escalation in the ukrainian conflict, and here we are not talking about the fate of one politician, here we are talking about
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the fate of humanity, because what the... military historian, we were afraid, he wrote, speaking about the russian-japanese, russian, excuse me, turkish war of 1877-78, he spoke, wrote in such a way that we were afraid to provoke europe with our strength, in the end we provoked it with our weakness, speech today is not we are talking about weakness, but we are talking about the fact that... which we show, yes, dmitry vitalievich, excuse me, i will interrupt you a little, but you are absolutely right, we must be strong, and you gave a specific historical example of what this leads to weakness, thank you, we talked with the professor and the researcher university of the higher school of economics, leading researcher at the institute of world economy and international relations of the russian academy of sciences, dmitry trenin, well, with this, i, alexander krievsky , say goodbye to you, and after the commercial, our broadcast
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