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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 18, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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[000:00:38;00] vladimir putin described his visit to china as productive and rich in content. the president summed up the results at a press conference. a number of questions related to the resolution of the ukrainian crisis. the russian leader emphasized that moscow, unlike kiev, has never refused negotiations. putin called the agreements
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reached in istanbul in the spring of 2020 the real basis for them . the conflict is armed, they are to blame for this, they are trying to shift the blame from a sore head to a healthy one and blame russia for today’s tragic events, but this the result of their policies. as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, this is also their fault, because they fired and , unfortunately, continue to shell residential areas of the border territories, including
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belgorod, and civilians are dying there. nevertheless, they are obviously shooting right at the city center, at residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone, so we are doing this, and as for kharkov, there are no such plans for today no, vladimir putin spent the second and final day of his state visit to the people's republic of china in harbin, where he visited the russian-chinese expo. innovative developments and large-scale projects are presented there, which open up new prospects for cooperation. anna lazareva will talk about the economic component of the visit. sanctions are a topic that is relevant for both russia and china, which is also subject to restrictions from a number of western countries. however, according to the russian president, the sanctions policy is causing direct damage to the entire world economy, and not just to those countries in relation to which such decisions are made. vladimir
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putin called the sanctions “triple illegality.” everything is working, but the french economy is teetering on the brink of recession, and if the german economy still sneezes there, as it should, it will feel unimportant, the entire european economy behind it will not feel very healthy, well , to put it mildly. how to fight sanctions policy and develop joint production - the russian president said. following the state visit, russia agreed with
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automakers from china's people's republic about growth. localization, this also applies to vehicle components of platforms, while russian aurus cars may appear on the chinese market, said first deputy prime minister denis mattura. russia is ready to cooperate with china to create a long-range aircraft; the possibility of supplying russian aircraft engines for this project is being considered. the implementation schedule for another project - the creation of a russian-chinese heavy helicopter - is being met. well, in general , trade and economic relations between countries are developing dynamically, last year goods increased by more than a quarter, the chinese side puts the figure at $240 billion, this is an absolute record. growth is hampered by problems in remittances, vladimir vladimir putin admitted, but in recent years countries have been developing instruments that would not depend on unfriendly states, these are payments in national currencies, they already occupy a 90% share in trade. first of all, issues related to calculations are discussed at the
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participant level. economic activity, solutions are possible, they exist, and of course, they must be supported at the state level one way or another, i hope this will be the case... it provides for the supply of up to 50 billion cubic meters of gas per year to china through the territory of mongolia from the resources of western siberia. by the way, according to vladimir putin,
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an oil pipeline from russia to china can be laid in the same corridor with the power of siberia-2 gas pipeline. i ’m not ready to talk about technical details now, but interest on both sides in the implementation of these projects has been confirmed, because because. uh, the chinese economy is growing, it requires, accordingly , an increase in energy resources, which are necessary to maintain this growth, nothing more reliable, it seems to me that this is an obvious thing, there is nothing more reliable than supplies from russia, we have a huge common border, and no one will interfere here. during the visit , the president inspected the exposition of the russian-chinese expo in harbi. innovative developments, joint russian-chinese projects in the field of mechanical engineering, metallurgy, logistics and other directions. the president was also shown a project for a new district of moscow, sber city; it will be the largest in the world with an area of ​​460 hectares,
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created according to international green design standards. there will be innovations in heat and energy saving, vacuum waste disposal, smart homes and even artificial intelligence in housing and communal services. the president also visited the russian stand. the direct investment fund through rdif russia and china has already financed 50 projects worth 780 billion rubles. 6,000 new jobs were created precisely by our new projects, they affect infrastructure, industry, the financial sector of education, i already talked about the bridge, you know, for example, buzovsky prospekt, it was also financed by chinese co-investors in industry, together with the ministry of groom and trade, we financed it. pharmaceutical holding that produced the sputnik vaccine. among the new projects that are yet to be implemented are the construction of a terminal for transshipment of liquefied hydrocarbon gases in the far east, the localization of production of innovative russian vaccines in china
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creation of a joint cinema fund. the rich have their own quirks, they wanted to have fun in the forest and even if the grass didn’t grow. as a result of their indiscriminate shooting, dozens of animals die. poor elk there is no supervision as such, the animal has no chance left, they are sure that they have everything captured for everything, everything is paid for, such as an illegal business is set up for shooting wild animals, proconers, but basically it’s all hunting, hello, it’s just murder , yes, who has already been caught poaching, all participants determined crimes, including... it just looks like some kind of atrocity, we took up this
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case and conducted our investigation. hello, this is the cinema industry, ivan kudryavtsev is with you, today in releases on the screens of the country kamchatka adventure dog, fire fox, a new film by richard linklater, yani the killer, a new gaichi with the ministry. not gentleman's affairs, competitors are vying for a large number of sessions - this is an action game of a guy against everyone, filmed by real fans of the touching comedy genre, everyone dreams of a dog. but first just to kamchatka, where a unique film participating in the forty-sixth moscow international film festival, fire fox, was created right in the wild for 26 months. spouse of dmitry and anna shpelinok. a real family adventure about terribly fashionable foxes on social networks. but the word real is still the main thing, the main character fox is real, and the story of how he went from an outcast to a leader is not invented. far from cities, against the backdrop of grandiose landscapes,
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a serious drama can unfold. this discovery was not easy for the authors of the fire fox. together to reduce the influence of man on protected nature, the spouses anna and dmitry shpelinok went on a long journey. filming lasted 3 years, 3 years. it's an hour and a half by helicopter to the nearest person. we filmed several fox families at the same time in different locations. it was difficult because the filming was carried out by only two people, the cameraman and director dmitry shpelinok and me. i wrote the sound of guarding dmitry from the bears. the reward for the test was the long-awaited meeting of the main character. the difficult story of a timid little fox growing up formed the basis of the plot. homely fox left alone in childhood with the outside world and his parents did not survive the fight with the bear, he miraculously survives the harsh winter.
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meeting the wind, as the couple named the little fox, determined the main idea of ​​the film: everyone has a chance to be happy. white ice floes in foamy waves, this is my life. she's rushing somewhere and has nowhere to go. maybe at least this time i'll be lucky. how to melt the cold heart of lava? author fiery. fox moved away from the canon of popular science films about animals; they focused on the feelings of animals, which they learned to notice later months of observations, as a result, instead of a fact-filled story about life, we got a touching story about life. the fox in the picture is not a representative of the canine family, but a creature equal to man who can also feel. her name was lava. red fire.
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white snow, lava lit something in my heart that didn’t let me stop, we wanted to tell a story to involve, especially children, especially very young ones, in that amazing world that exists in parallel next to us. there is neither in the film one actor, all his characters are wild animals, but the authors allowed them to speak out, endowed them with human language, so it turned out to be a real study of the connection between people and... and this will not be forgiven, and any movement, it
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kind of throws off the forest, and here the most important thing was to maintain this composure. once having fallen in love with the nature of the far east, dmitry infected his wife anna with this love, and then everyone around him. initially, the idea of ​​the film seemed adventurous, and the first two expeditions were carried out out of pure enthusiasm. partners were found only at the end of the second expedition. cameras appeared that made it possible to keep animals at a confidential distance and transfer enchanting beauty to the screen. kamchatka, share this beauty with viewers from other regions. nature is the primary source of all knowledge, art, inspiration, this is the primary source of something pure, this is the magic. we tried to convey this magic to our films. the world premiere of the film took place as part of the out-of-competition documentary film program free thought at the forty-sixth miff. and contrary to the fact that the film was originally intended to be made for children, the meditative picture could interest their parents. impressive views, beautiful music
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, the opportunity to discern what is close and human in the distant and wild. there are directors whose every film becomes an event, one of them is richard linklater. in his trilogy “before”, before the dawn, before the sunset and before midnight, once every 9 years he allowed a glimpse into one day of the couple’s relationship, and he filmed the drama of adolescence over the course of 11 years. currently working with a director and film adaptation of the broadway musical we... to work part-time for the police. one fine
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day, gerry is promoted, he must work undercover, pretend to be a hired killer, so that the customer will be caught red-handed. without meaning to, gerry will perform brilliantly. department assignments will pour in as if from a cornucopia, but gerry’s strength in treating work as an art, for each person who is to be brought to light, he comes up with a special image, studying the psychological portrait of the suspect. everything is going as planned better until gerry meets. beauty madison, who dreams of getting rid of her tyrant husband. a relationship with this girl will drag the master of disguise into the trap of a conflict of interest. the script is based on a true story about a texas police officer who worked. covered more than sixty criminals, but linklater would be betraying himself if he decided to make a simple biopic. the director subtly reworked the story, mixed reality with fiction, and the result was an original product that surprises with its wit and magnetism. ask about the guy with the gun. he flinched and left. i ran away and that was
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the last time i saw him. who's that guy? what did the gun pull out? what was his name? ah... i don’t know, do you know what your name was? i don’t know, we were just dancing together. the genre diversity of richard linklater's projects is amazing. he has a romantic trilogy under his belt, which includes films before dawn, before sunset and before midnight, the musical comedy school of rock, an epic coming-of-age drama about adolescence, the nostalgic animation apollo 10.5, paranoid gaming animation of the cloudy and rebellious youth cinema high in turmoil. the experimental director seems to have already reached all possible directions in cinema. the crime comedy genre remained untouched, which became the basis for the new film, but linklater went even further. in his new film jani killer, you can also find a talented mixture of social satire, melodrama and noir. together with an extraordinary hero, the director unobtrusively
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takes us through all the layers, through all the fault lines of modern american society, sparing no one and nothing with his kind irony. the film opened up the world. the incredible acting talent of glen paol, known for the films double loop and topgun maverick. over a two-hour runtime, the actor, who performed on the project with the scriptwriter, shows an unlimited range. transforming on screen into different killers, he skillfully changes his manner of speech, facial expressions, timbre of voice, parodies accents, gestures and emotions. it is his acting performance that works for the main idea of ​​the film. man is a creature capable of changing personalities and it depends on our choice who we... will be tomorrow or in a week. throughout the entire narrative, ileitmotiv carries out an artistic exploration of such a pop culture archetype as the killer, whose demonic figure, like a reagent, reveals the hidden vices of society; in the film, it becomes even a temptation for the wearer of the mask himself. yani killer is a funny and light, but at the same time philosophical film about an identity crisis and
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about great sincere love, which one day overtakes everyone without asking if they are suitable time for us? briefly about other bright new products of the week that came to the attention of the editors of the film industry. the boy against everyone tells the story of a deaf and mute guy whose name is boy. due to the fault of criminals, the boy loses his parents early and longs for a place. he must grow up and learn martial arts in order to meet his sworn enemy in the arena where the bloody show is being filmed. the main roles were played by bill skarsgård, the same clown from. from the horror film anno and funky janson, which many remember from the x-men franchise. they call it selection. they will all watch and cheer while you die. this is me during a live execution. an advertisement for breakfast cereal. pineapple friend. the boy against everyone, like john
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wick, is from that series of films made by enthusiasts, fans of their craft. 5 years ago, aspiring director moritz mohr is a stunt coordinator. chatarsky planned to make an explosive mixture from deadpool to kill bill. with their own money, they made a trailer for a film that had not yet been made and began showing it to producers. one of those who believed in the guys was sam raimi, a man in the industry unknown. it was he who directed the first spider-man trilogy of the cult evil dead. the boy's world premiere took place at the toronto international film festival. today, a dystopian action film filmed in the aesthetics of 1980s arcade games has been released in russian cinemas. it's a joke? guy ritchie's new film, ministry of ungentlemanly affairs, is an adventurous film about a team of british agents who, at the height of world war ii, are tasked with sabotage
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against a nazi submarine fleet off the west coast of africa. when do we come in? at 2:00 am. a step towards war cinema, he makes it, inspired by the real stories and stories of his compatriots who served the crown, among whom you can meet ian fleming himself, assistant chief of the royal navy intelligence bureau, later the writer who invented james bond. there are also guys in the film who he based agent 007 on . it turned out to be an attempt at the british answer to inglourious basterds. ventin tarantina, produced, however, and here was an american, jerry bruckheimer, in the late nineties, who had the nickname mister blockbuster, the rock, armageddon, pirates
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of the caribbean, his handiwork. and accepting responsibility. the plot centers on the life of twelve-year-old schoolboy yura, who is grieving the loss of his father, is looking for his place among his peers, and is gradually discovering himself. if our team comes out on top, then during the october holidays we will go on an excursion to bleyingrad. in this case, i will be forced to give you a deuce. you're a scumbag, he let everyone down. soon you will all find out that he is not such a lost person. film by olga belyaev. family movie adult the audience will be reminded of the adventures of petrov and vasichkin. soviet setting, school desks, ambitious pioneers. the main role was played by
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the young talent boris deikov, and his mother was played by katerina shpitsa. the film is based on the story of the same name by vladimir zheleznyakov, the author of scarecrow. the literary source conveys the boys' feelings and thoughts, so in the film we follow the events from his point of view. so the picture raises serious topics and at the same time returns to the atmosphere of carefree childhood. oh, yurka, great, hello, ilan, sokratik we are the most polite boy in the whole class, like a french musketeer. person of the week is the name of the column created by the youth editors of the film industry. students of the media institute of the higher school of economics. each of their new heroes is a famous personality, but the conditions of the task are to treat him or
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her as a person of mystery, for 5 minutes. a man who, at the beginning of his journey , diligently carried cables on set, and now also diligently develops russian cinema, is a meticulous professional, he is not afraid to take risks either in life or in his work, and does it with humor. i'm alexander andryuchenko. and i'm a director who wants to make you forget about everything for 2 hours and 20 minutes. alexander andryushchenko, director , screenwriter and editor. he explores cinema from different angles and tries something new every time. as one of the founders of the hydrogen film company, he participated in the creation of such films as the ice trilogy, master of the wind, invasion attraction, the box office of all hydrogen films is more than 9 billion rubles. inspired by the literary and film heritage of the soviet union. he creates his own original
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a story that may open up a new cinematic universe for the viewer. it seems to me that this universe, somehow, somehow strangely, you know, it seems like this is a completely different movie, and this was the task and indeed there is very little similarity with guests from the future in our film, a different film language, a different tempo , different heroes, different time, different age , everything is different. other bets of the antagonists are very well, everything is done in a serious way, but less naive, probably, than guests from the future, yes, well, in short, a different time, a different movie, a different generation, but the theme remained the same, this is faith in the future, this is the faith that it will be bright, this is the faith that it depends on us, and is being decided today by the efforts of the young. our hero became a father of many children at the age of 26, family for alexander is his main asset and source of inspiration, so
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the line of kolya gerasimov in the new film version of guests from the future, his relationship with his parents and school life are based on his eldest son ivan, who is also the author of rap, which kolya reads, the most valuable contact in andryushchenko’s phone - this is my wife, i work with her, the three emotions you experience while occupying. profession, surprise, and anxiety, and delight, what is your superpower, patience, beautiful far, this is the formula for success, just go to patience, our hero really knows how to wait, he overcame a long path to success, having patience, first carried cables, then installed i watched other people’s work, alexander learned right away on set, and that’s how he started making films. cinema after a while with the same meticulousness in approaching the matter, for example, the script of the film 100 years ago our hero spent 2 years finalizing the work and
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looked for actors for the same amount of time, a discovery, it is contained in the form of this film, well... alexander knows that he is taking on the most risky genre in russian cinema, a genre in which entire generations do not have the habit of watching their domestic cinema, especially in the cinema. even the artists, i saw, were very worried, although they trusted them very much,
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but they were still very worried about how it would be, well, how... it would be, well, we’ll go out and play, and how will you draw it there, and what will the scenery look like, won't i look strange, because it’s a dangerous genre, so entering this territory is scary, unreliable, well, but we did, i think we go there because we love it very much, well, it’s just true, i really, i really love fantastic films, i grew up watching them, they are probably some of the films that impressed me as a child, fundamentally loved at the same time... an almost elusive phrase, if alexander utters it, it means everything in the frame is perfect, the light, scenery and of course, the acting, who is generally handsome in our cinema, well, sanya petrov, naturally, imagine that you have friends from the time police and they give you a meeting with their twenty-year-old self for 20 seconds, where you will meet alexander and what you will tell him, somewhere around the time of the birth of your second child, i will say, don’t change anything, that’s all would be
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right, then plus-bonus 10 years in the future, where will you meet alexander? what do you think? i hope at the premiere of the final film of the universe 100 years ago, i will congratulate him on this. a person who knows that he is doing everything right because he listens to himself, loves his family, moves forward confidently, is already thinking about a new film in the universe 100 years in the future and has no plans to stop. in the person of the week column alexander andryushchenko. films are created for the big screen and big sound. so that a person can visit another world and gain experience, david lynch once said. travel between worlds correctly,
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see you at the cinema. wait, who are they, new guys, this is
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a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am the commander. change to the call sign rebina, no, this is the call sign


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