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tv   [untitled]    September 4, 2010 6:30am-7:00am PST

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boat house is a landmark and a assisting footprint would not be offered. all these have been part of the rfq. the decision is to proceed to negotiating contracts. that still gives an opportunity to incorporate additional feedback as details are finalized. sfbt has great confidence in the panel. as a community representative, i know her be thoughtful, there, and practical. we have gone to work with jim wheeler on the safety concerns of hamilton. i think highly of him. i think he is an excellent person to help you make this decision. based on the detailed proposals, they have the necessary information to analyze this on a qualitative and quantitative basis. >> thank you very much. >> [reading names] >> my company is we'll on
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bundles, and we operate the bike rentals there at stowe lake -- wheel fund rentals. it seems like the focus seems to be all about a new cafe and gift shop, without taking notice of the fact stowe lake stowe is about recreation, and it is one of the tools in the u.s. -- one of the jewels in the u.s. stowe lake should remain very special, and the way it is run currently keeps that all in focus. i do not think it should be a gift shop and a cafe. there is plenty of those around in the area. the reduction of the boat fleet and the service area will only increase lines and frustration for the families trying to enjoy a nice day at the stowe lake
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location. it is not something that everyone needs. when you have a reduction in fleets and still have the same demand, you need to facilitate the man, so you really need to have more votes. the current operator has tried for over four years to improve the building. as you know, they are a month- to-month tenant. it is difficult to make the improvements that have been suggested when you do not have a contract long term. they have tried for four years, responding to all of the rfp's and to my knowledge have been quite competitive during that process. for unknown reasons, the recreation and park has not delivered a leased to them during that term. i think that's if the rec and park had negotiated with stowe lake at some point, i think the planning --
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>> thank you. >> first of all, we were never informed about stowe lake adn teh rfq, and i think a lot of people were not -- and the rfq, and i think a lot of people were not. i agree with what bryan said. that is where i hide when i do not want to talk to anyone. i think to keep the food normal, when i hear of a branch that has what they are presented to the public is not the public, a kind of disturbs me. we have some very good purveyors made in the city, but i think we should look at san francisco products as much as we possibly can.
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3, a gift shop -- i do not much need it. i think we should go into the recreation hangout, have a good time. something needs to be done with this building, and i think with the process, we could probably come up with some better compromises than what is here as far as the facility itself. i would like to ask the department to include all the groups because we are not always -, even though we have that reputation. we do compromises, and i think there is something that is desperately needed for this facility, but with the wonderful part of it is is that everyone in san francisco that i know says this is a great place to hang out. i don't have to do anything but just have a good time. the marina green is the same way.
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i have actually a movie on that. people go over there just to hang out, so things like this [inaudible] thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am one of those ordinary citizens who lives in the richmond -- my family has lived in richmond for 15 years. we have raised two small kids there. one of my kids is still 10, and i would guess over the course of the years, i have already written to hawaii and back on stowe lake -- ridden to hawaii and back. i'm here to urge the commission to vote in support of the committee's recommendations. the families that use the park and lake believe that we want and deserve an operated
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facility. everyone i have looked at as far as the proposed facility seems to be an improvement, not only to the boats -- they are going to be new. the facility is going to be new. it is going to be a nicer place to hang out. i think the families of san francisco want and deserve that. it also seems to me the plan preserves the integrity of the current building. it does not seem to be a radical change. it looks nice. the current facility is pretty dilapidated. i would urge the commission not to be blinded by rose colored glasses of some misplaced nostalgic and not see that the facility is run down. thank you very much. >> thank you. i often spend time in golden
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gate park, particularly on stowe lake, as well as used to in the arboretum until my friends have been excluded who come from out of town by the $7 fees. i was not planning to come here and get involved, but i got a phone call five days ago from someone who said they really needed me as a citizen to come in here. they need levelheaded people to come and express their opinions. this person, very nice young lady said that the income from this, new concession, is going to be 30% to 40% more, and parks department really needs the money, so i asked who she represented, and she said the ortega family, and it turned out she was the public relations company on grounds for public affairs. i was interested in what she was telling me.
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the 30% 40% income was not going to go to the park. it was going to go to the concessionaire. and then, what was described, the park gets the buildings that are renovated. however, a 10-year contract, questions about the rent to be decided after everything is fine, negotiated after you have everything sealed, and there's an awful lot of finance questions beside the fact that i think is highly unfortunate that with lots of concessions coming in -- like, for example, at the botanical gardens and other places, which is fine, that we have to have this operated possibly at the expense of one of the quietest place is to just enjoy nature. where you can still go without showing your id >> thank you.
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>> commissioners, i feel as if i should be standing here saying my name is tevia from "fiddler on the roof." i take great exception to this article being attached to today's program. i think it is demeaning and deeply derisive of those of us who have been part of trying to preserve the still late motels. -- stowe lake motels. it says the forces of this delta that have gripped the quarters -- the seemingly object to a series of improvements that will transform the boat house and are clinging to a concept of the past, and then, he cites the forces that were opposed to the
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academy of science. as a regular walker are around stowe lake, i can tell you that i regularly take tourists who are looking for the deyoung down to it and express my cry -- pride in that explicit building, and i take them also to the academy of science and express my pride in that. they were earthquake damage and had to be taken down. there is no earthquake damage that has been associated with a still lake that i'm aware of with the boat house. it appears that we are into a very definite money situation here, obviously, and i'm wondering if the ortega family
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with the effort to make this happen -- it has been said that is a beautiful park, a beautiful lake, and i concur absolutely that there will be huge problems with parking and the additional traffic that is brought in. and we have had a number of people, and apparently they lip service -- apparently pay lip service to our concerns, but i do not feel we have been listened to. commissioner, i hope that you would do the right thing because your wife is going to be after you. commissioner buell: she is always after me. thank you. >> before we have our next speaker, i need to ask everyone to take exceeded your name has not been called. if your name has not been called, please take a seat. okay, next speaker please.
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>> commissioners, my wife and i oppose the or take a proposal for the stowe lake but has concession -- the ortega proposal. we observe many groups of children, seniors, joggers, and we often stop by for a snack like a coffee and hot dog. we visited the ortega a concession, and we were surprised to find that 3/4 of the space was devoted to souvenirs. 1/4 of the space was a cafe that had a counter and four small tables. the menu consisted of $8 sale which is in salads and $2 coffee. the park is a large tourist attraction and it brings people in cars and buses.
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the ortega family's primary business is indian artifacts and jewelry, as in their original store in santa fe. they enlarged to include other souvenirs, and later, sarah wilson joined them to operate a cafe. wilson saw the work with the national park service, so wilson and ortega were able to get concessions in the national monuments. the ortega's main business is souvenirs' with small cafe, and they have never run in full concession. stowe lake now serves mostly local people. we do not need a large souvenir concession that they would need to recoup their $250,000 concession. the small lake and limited parking is too small. if they gain the concession, the
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character still lake would change to concession. they would discourage voters, walkers, and joggers. they would replace the quiet beauty and nature. commissioner buell: thank you. >> [reading names] >> i am in san francisco resident, and i'm here today to support the upgrade act stowe lake. -- upgrade at stowe lake. i represent a four-year-old and two-year-old. just food and the environment in general, and i am also representing ron lang, who will not be speaking in front of you because the giants are playing
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in 20 minutes. he, too, would like to see the upgrade in the park. thank you very much. >> thank you, commissioners. my wife and i move from michigan a few years ago with a 1-year- old, and we had our son when we moved here. r i rode -- i have not rode to hawaii, but i have written quite a few times. we have eaten the pink popcorn. what struck me stowe lake stowe lake is beautiful -- what struck me was that stowe lake was beautiful, but what struck me was that the boat house seemed dark and avoid of energy. a man who works here who testified previously spoke about
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how we need to see the kids -- it would be neat to watch the kids see the boat getting fixed, but i was never under the impression that that was an activity my kids could see. i am from detroit, and there is a fine line between installed and being number. this is an amazing place that could use a lot of love and attention -- there is a fine line between nostalgia and being dumpy. if a similar provision comes up about fixing the cavan's it can mazer, i will be back. thank you very much. -- fixing the cabins at camp mazer. >> commissioners, back again. before i let my friends speak here, i just have one question -- finally, after the sunshine ordinance being served, they are reaching out to the public, but what good is it if it is
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already a done deal? i get the feeling it does not matter what we say. i hope i'm wrong. i do not want to get my ankle, so that is why i'm going to have someone else speak -- i do not want to get my anger up. ♪ running their dominion with little regard for public opinion -- -- we ask for transparency and they give us transparent mendacity what about sunshine ordinance i guess it ain't worth two since and read my stowe lake beat stowe boathouse is unique is a simple renovation that we seek we love the place the way it is is not just a hunk of real estate to be bartered
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is the san francisco way of life that is about to be martyred a local family-run business for over 60 years but the law says, or so it appears our heartfelt concerns fall on deaf ears so please, commissioners, support our petitioners from three generations to ensure the preservation of a landmark dear to our history dear to our heart in line i had my say the line now i'm walking to the bay to recruit my brothers they are not much into public comment they are into civil disobedience i leave it to you to tell what for and take their plan and " them, "never more." [applause] commissioner buell: thank you. >> [reading names]
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>> good afternoon, commissioners. i am director of san francisco animal care and control, and i was asked to weigh in on the issue of the wildlife by stowe lake, and i must admit that i am not an expert on blue herons, so i did call some people with authority, and the audubon international weighed in already, but i will say that my understanding is that the major concern has to do with the potential new vendor's espresso machine and the noise -- how it would affect the blue heron colony. i do not believe the noise from the espresso machine would have any greater effect than the patrons or gardeners from rec and park or the traffic going by or anything else. however, i would recommend that some plan be in effect if an issue arises that affects the colony where we can get together
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and discuss any issues that may come up. i'm happy to be involved in that in whatever way i can. our bigger concern has to do with the affect on wildlife in terms of feeding, and i'm pleased to see that the proposal includes a waste factor in the so that the wildlife there do not ingest food that could affect them adversely. that is my piece on that. thank you. >> [reading names] >> hello, commissioners. my husband and i represent effect of the proposal was submitted, in partnership with the current concessionaire. mr. mcclellan's family has operated the stow lake motel since its inception when his
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grandfather built it 67 years ago. i watched a show replay where historic book value it has been in the same family for hundreds of years. he has painted the boat house six times and replaced any boats when the need arose and provided a safe and enjoyable experience for the thousands of residents and tourists who visit stow lake every year, but he has been on a month-to-month lease for several time because the city has -- for a long time because the city refuses to give him more. who among us would say thousands of dollars that we did not know from month-to-month it for all our time, work, energy, and labors of love would be taken ultimately from us? however, when we wrote our proposal, he agreed to every single item that the rec and park put forth. he agreed to buy a whole new fleet of boats, a beautiful state of the art electric boat's
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as well as the highest quality paddle and rowboats. i am partnership, a partner and i, having 25 years in the restaurant industry, 18 of those years put forth a proposal to exactly match the wishes of the rec and park department. we would continue to offer the stow lake pink popcorn and hot dogs, but we would also offer a small cafe in the boat house where customers could eat a sandwich or salad when they thought eating indoors would make it more pleasant dining experience. although there would be more seating, we agreed not to change the footprint of the boat house and made everything as per the city's request. we have been providing healthy and sustainable food much longer than it has been considered socially responsible to do so. i will skip the part about how we had an extensive recycling
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plant and so on, but in partnership with mr. mcclellan, who has had a proven track records of operating a boat concession all these years without one accident or mishap, and the seasoned experience of my husband and i as local restaurant owners, we feel we are a very strong team to enhance the new operations of the boat house. it is disappointing to me that we, the longtime sun said residents who have the proven ability, wherewithal, and desire to bring to the boat house fresh new appeal while maintaining the historic aspects in partnership with the current and excellent concession there with all his knowledge and expertise, lost out to a large corporation. do not be misled by the name ortega family -- >> thank you. we have a two-minute limit, and i have given you at least another minute. it is not fair to the rest of the people. we do get the point of your message. >> [reading names]
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>> commissioners, thank you for hearing me. i do not think any of us can disagree that one of the most pressing issues we're facing today is the health of our children, food-related disorders. in particular, diabetes, and heart disease. because of that food is because nobody is really taking care to look at what we're feeding our folks in public spaces, weather is schools, parks, or on the street, so i applaud the commission making this a priority, and support the ortega family. we spent three years creating an rfp for the cafe with high standards focused on healthy food. there were many applicants in the cafe, and the ortega family
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one, but not merely did they get the concession, but since then, they have exceeded the expectations of the park. the quality of food, the commitment to local, sustainable, and healthy, and moreover delicious, is not just a commitment, but it is a proven fact. you can taste the difference. it is a beacon for the food that should be served in all of our parks, where the city, state, or federal, and it is time that san francisco parks had a beacon in its own property where these values are not just talk about but actually executed. so please, go on with the great work. accept more commons, but i urge you to taste the difference and recognize the importance of giving our children healthy and affordable food -- accept more comments. >> if i have called your name, please come forward. i'm going to call a few more names. [reading names]
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>> hello. together with my wife kathleen, we submitted a proposal for the food concessions at the stow lake but house with bruce mclellan. \ -- bruce mcclellan. formerly, we own it famous, not officially designated san francisco landmark for 20 years. it is true the ortega corporation proposal the swamp the other tibia proposals, but in effect, with their food, be any better, any more nutritional than ours? with their boats rental system and boats be any better than the stow lake corporation is now? i think not.
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the continuing mentioned argument of present condition of the boat house regarding improvements does not mention the fact that there was a lease agreement even if improvements were made. for example, let's assume i'm a landlord. i request you upgrade-from kitchen the bathroom, kitchen, paint the place, and renovate the backyard with no guarantee that i might not evict you in the next month. would you do that? that is a question, and i will leave it at that. thank you. commissioner buell: thank you. >> next speaker please. >> good afternoon. i'm a resident of the sunset and father of two girls, and we jog around stow lake and when i get to the top because i'm tired, i
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look for a place that i can relax. sometimes my wife wants to either breast feed or change diapers, and there is not really a facility for something like that. other parents i know have talked about that, and i think anything we can do to help improve the family-friendliness of a place like this, that will be an improvement is just something that we could go for. this is a different angle. i'm not that concerned about the preservation of the building. although i am. i think the main thing is that people are more important than the building, and we want to have the nutritional food. i'm not going to feed my kids pink popcorn. i'd rather have something organic and sustainable. that is just the angle i want to put here. i'm in support of the proposition. >> good afternoon. i'm representing the san francisco convention and visitors bureau. i'm here in place of our
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president and ceo. he apologized for not being able to be here, but he did send a letter i would like to submit, and i would like to briefly review this letter. "dear president buell, the visitors bureau is in full support for a renewed stow lake. they have found a great partner and plan -- a plan to renovate the boat house concession stand will make it much more attractive decoration for visitors to golden gate park. the wooden boat house has undergone few innovations says it was built in 1946. it is in need of a paint job. mold is growing on the windowsills and awnings and the building so, ruth windows, walls, and doors are compromise allowing the building interior to become damage. moreover, the 60-year-old pope spoke of safety measures. entering at the building is adequately restore will require a new lease see who has ample experience renovating historic buildings in culturally sensitive areas. moreover, it is aea