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tv   [untitled]    January 31, 2012 8:48am-9:18am PST

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we have a piece, the end talks about implementation actions the city should make but coordination with regional agencies. supervisor mar: can i back you up and ask for the rationale for the 15 foot ground height increase? what is the reason for planning support in those in different neighborhoods? >> we have found they are the traditional pattern of transit- oriented neighborhoods throughout the city. they allow a more gracious storefront, more pedestrian activity, and culmore ramiya experience inside and we find the districts tend to be re successful in terms of the place we want to create with transit and walking areas. supervisor mar: thank you. >> so the final actions were asking -- we're asking of you and referring to the full board are approving the ordinance and
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adopting the general plan amendments which would at the committee park plant as its own plan within the city's general plan and formalize city policy. a vision for glen park for the first time and an ordinance adopting the planning code amendments. this would be introducing the glen park neighborhood commercial transit district into the city's planning code. and also approving the ordinance adopting this outing at the met -- map amendments which would mean mapping on the glen park ntc district. this is our plan. that ends my presentation. supervisor wiener: thank you and thank you for all the incredible work on this plan over the years. as we get to the hearing and is a brief presentation, it does not reflect the amount of work that went into bringing us to this point so thank you for all
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the work. i am very supportive of this plan and i will say that the strong support in the community, i have a letter here which will -- we will provide the director, it is very short period the glen park association of's board of directors has followed and participated in the plan process. the community plan has received substantial input from members of the glen park community and the planning commission unanimously approved it in the november 2011 -- in november 2011. we appreciate the approval that will be considered by the land use and economic development committee on monday. we support planning and general plan amendments necessary to move the plan ahead. we look favorable to vote favorable action and your continued engagement with city agencies, boards, and others to design and implement the important transportation that is
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anticipated. i want to touch on two specific issues. one is transportation approve -- improvements. that is the most important thing that can come out of this plan. glen park, decades ago, was greatly impacted by the bernal cut, the partial insertion of a freeway through san jose avenue. and the neighborhood has been paying the price ever since from the ingestion to local streets being used as cut-throughs, easy access to people committing robberies. they can commit robbery and jump back on. the neighborhood is long overdue for changes to the periphery of the art -- bart station. better intersection at diamond and bosworth.
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tom lantos was able to secure a land -- and earmark for transit improvement in this area. there has been a lot of frustration in the community about the lack of progress there and i know that part of it was waiting for this plan to be complete and i want to impress not just on planning but on the mta and -- how critically important is to move forward in a tangible way, to start making the transit improvements in this area and to show the community this is not just the plan, that we will implement it and make a trend -- tangible improvements. the other point i want to make, there is not a rezoning of that lot. the possible of a future -- possible future development is controversial and there is a lot of viewpoints on all sides and i know that bart, david decides
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will go through an extensive committee process to insure that everyone has the opportunity for input and whatever happens, that site and set being something that is beneficial to the community. some people were concerned this plan would somehow secretly rezone the lot and make bart immediately available to redevelop it and that is not the case. i do not know if you have anything you'd like to add about the transit improvements but if not, i will make a motion. >> could i ask about the bart parking lot? there is flexibility that you could -- it could be mixed use but the community will have a say. >> it is zoned as p so it cannot
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be developed and bart would have to go through a process before legislation would come back to the planning commission to rezone it. >> it looks like it is rh3, three units per lot. that is the proposed zoning? >> there is no proposed change. we're keeping at sp so there would have to be a future process for any requested change or development at this site. >> it is our intention and hope to move forward with implementation with this plan as soon as possible. or adoption actions will allow us to have an adopted plan and we can pursue grants and work with our sister agencies on moving this project forward. >> thank you. >> local government affairs at mta. we do not have anything to add. kim walton is here to answer
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questions if you have any. supervisor wiener: my question is to repeat what i said, many times mta -- it is important to move ford with transportation and improvements to this area into hughes, the landmark money to improve traffic and access in the area. >> thank you. supervisor mar: let's open this up for public comment. is there anyone from the public would like to speak? >> thank you, supervisors, good afternoon. in the chair of the zoning and planning commission. supervisor wiener read the letter we sent in.
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i would like to say how very ecclesiastic we're about the plan. how very grateful we are to the planning department to the way they handled engagement with our community. they did a very active job and we were able to develop a dialogue. there was a real acknowledgment that what we said showed up in the plan. supervisor wiener: do you have paper copies? it wanted to make sure your letter is in the record. >> i have one copy, i can leave it. the mta came through with an interesting survey of parking needs at a crucial time and that was a very well timed, strategic thing to do and i am grateful to them for doing that. i was shocked to hear that -- this is his last public meeting. i am pleased was here for that. he has done a great job.
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the last thing i want to say is to follow up on what you have been talking about on the transportation issue. these are the hot topics that do need a lot of attention. we're going to be actively engaged in the community on this. it sounds like you will be, too and i will be glad to see it. thank you. supervisor mar: anything -- anyone else who would like to speak? seeing none public comment is closed. i want to say thank you for walking me through the history but for engaging in that community in such a great process. thank you so much for your work with the city. supervisor wiener: i would like to move that we forward items four through six to the full board with positive recommendations. supervisor mar: can we do this without objection? is there any other business before us?
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>> we have further note -- no further matters. supervisor mar: thank you, everyone. meeting is adjourned. >> good morning.
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welcome to the regular meeting of the budget and finance committee. my name is carmen chu. i am joined by supervisor avalos supervisor kim and. our clerk this victor young. we have charles and jennifer from sfgtv. >> please turn off all cell phones. if you wish to comment, please fill up a speaker card and turn them in. please provide copies to the clerk for inclusion into the file. items will appear in the board of supervisors agenda on january 31, 2012, unless otherwise stated. supervisor chu: thank you very much. we do call item number one, please? >> resolution approving a site access and use agreement with motorola for the san francisco sites to be used for the bay area 700 mhz public safety broadband spectrum to be managed and operated by the bay area regional interoperable communications systems for a
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term of 12 years. supervisor chu: thank you. we have a number of individuals here. >> supervisor chu supervisor avalossupervisor, supervisor kim, director of emergency management. it is a pleasure to be here before you today. i was mentioning that edges past my 1-year anniversary as director of the em, and it has been a great year. i have learned so much and continue to learn so much. my most important project this year, the one that i have nurtured a long is what is before you today, the bay web project. what you are approving today, hopefully, are the site lease agreements forbid web, but let me take a step back and tell you what we're trying to do here. currently, there is no
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interoperable system in the bay area region where our first responders can talk to each other and share data. in san francisco, we have 800 mhz radios, which have been very helpful with our first responders. we had the horrible tragedy and the 1990's in california and we cannot talk to each other. police, fire, and the sure cannot talk. we put a lot of money into 800 mhz radio speech that they are great. however, they're not state of the art. most of us have digital phones. we can take pictures and send them. this is the director -- a direction the country's going commercially and also for our public safety first responders. what we are looking at here today is the first step by providing this regional interoperable platform, if you will, so that our first responders could go to oakland
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or alameda or contra costa and be able to share data, to be above floor plans of buildings, to be able to share my shots, to be able to pass the data easily back and forth between each other. and really, not only data sharing, but also just the safety of our first responders. taking another step back, what we have right now is, as i said, the 800 mhz are analog. i do not think any of us have analog phones anymore, but that is what our first responders are using. this is a priority at the federal level. president obama made this a priority and even spoke about it in his speech last night. there was funding that happened through the rf funding two years ago. ntia put out a grant, and those
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grants were -- around the country, the bay area region bought one of those grants. and motorola is to apply for the grant. they received $50 million to build out this system in the bay area region. motorola has since worked with us and come forward and said they would put forward a $23 million matched to that grant. in addition to that, they will put forward a $21 million match him to do site remediation on at the sites that we need to put up the antennas. we're basically talking about $100 million that is coming into the region that is free for us that is going to build out this system that will be state of the art. there are very strict deadlines that we need to adhered to, because the ntia grant, by this coming summer, 2012, we need to
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be two-thirds substantially complete. things have taken a long time to get where we are right now, because working as a region, you know what it it is like in the city working. you have to do compromises. as a region, it is the more challenging, but we did stand up at jpa last may, which you unanimously approved. i am representing san francisco and the jpa, in this regional board has the oversight as we move forward with this project. where we are right now, we have the jpa. the jpa has approved a boom agreement with motorola. build, own, and operate, maintain the agreement. 10 of the 13 participants from the jpa approved that agreement. there are four counties who have already signed side agreements.
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alameda, contra costa, san mateo, and sonoma. we would be number 5 as we move forward. and by this summer, we need to be, as i said, two-thirds substantially complete in the project. and by 2013, it has to be 100% done, or else we lose this federal funding. that $100 million we're talking about -- supervisor chu: just supervisor avalos one second supervisor? supervisor avalos: when you say two-thirds constructed by this summer, july 2012, i believe -- that is the region, right? >> it is that the money be substantially spend in the region. two-thirds substantially spend, not constructed necessarily, but the money be obligated and spend. supervisor avalos: what does it
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look like right now? >> nothing, because we just passed the boom agreement last week, on january 18. we passed the boom agreement, and now all the jurisdictions are passing their site lease agreements. so money will start to be spent, hopefully, very quickly now, in the next two to three weeks and months. supervisor avalos: how recently have these side agreements been approved in other jurisdictions? >> yesterday, kalemeh the approved their sights agreement. i believe sen potato approved there is two weeks ago. it is all been since january 1. supervisor avalos: does the -- abide july 31 of this year, two- thirds of the grant funds to be expended -- is that sending that is even reasonable? >> absolutely, because we have all been working with our planning department and our i.
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t. departments, each of our jurisdictions. motorola has walked the sites with us. all we need to do is purchase the equipment and get it installed. we have done all the preparatory work. so, yes, i am very confident that by this summer, if we pass this agreement, we can spend two-thirds of the money. supervisor avalos: thank you. i know you are in the middle of your presentation. if you want me to wait until the end -- supervisor chu: that would be great. thank you, supervisor. >> all right, so i am not exactly sure where i was sick. but i think some of the questions that have come up that i wanted to address specifically, and certainly i know chief sur wants to speak as well is -- why can we not just use a commercial carrier? even on our own jpa, people have
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asked that. wouldn't it be cheaper to use a commercial carrier? there are a couple reasons. the first one is reliability. in a big event, say the big earthquake happens, commercial carriers are going to be overwhelmed. all of us already have our iphones are our blackberries or smart phones. those commercial carriers are not going to be able to dedicate anything for public safety specifically. we even know that during at loma prieta, the only system that worked in the city was the mets lines. the only system. telephones were out. that was pre-internet. but it was just that system. we want a dedicated public safety system, so that in the event of the big one, which will happen, we are able to communicate with each other. it is reliability, and it is
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also cost. there is no other vendor who has received this $50 million. we have this opportunity right now, because we best agley have $100 million to jump start this project. -- because we basically have $100 million to jump-start this project. we did present to coit last january. i am a member of coit, and i have been working closely with our department of technology. we're working in parallel incoit right now. last year, we said, this is our vision. this is what we are attempting to do, the direction we're going. we have been working with staff the diligently on the side identification and on any kind of remediation that needs to happen. i think that there is always room for battle -- better communication or improved communication, but i do believe we have decent communication going on at this point.
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one of the reasons that it was not in the i.t. plan specifically is because we have not asked for money yet. we're not going to be buying a commitment until fiscal year 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. so today, we're not actually asking for money or asking for equipment purchases. it is to let us move forward with the site leases. and it then, the other question that i have gotten quite a bit is, how does this interact with the 800 mhz system? we have this 800 mhz system, which is adequate. it is old now, but it is adequate. and our first responders can talk to each other, but they cannot share data. it is an analog system. it is to the point that it will need to be upgraded to get us
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through the next five to 10 years. what we are asking for today, it is a vision out here, 5 to 10 years of, the 700 mhz system, which will be the public access system, dedicated system. at some point in the future, it will be combined. so the 800 mhz will fall right into the 700 mhz. it will not be 800 anymore, but what we used it for, the voice part. but that technology, you know, they're designing that right now. that does not even exist. i know there are engineers all over the country working on what that is going to look like. so we still need the 800 mhz right now for our first responders as we move forward with this new technology. supervisor chu: thank you.
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chief sur? >> as one of the departments that will be the end user of this system, as she said earlier, with 101 california, we cannot talk with the fire department, let alone a share data. i know that the sharing of data or pictures back then was not something like it is now, and who knows where we will be in another few years. regardless of what really do, training we do, communications is always the thing that fails. san francisco is basically the hub for the region, manhattan for new york, where everybody comes to san francisco, we would be able to share information. mug shots, criminal histories, whatever, from around the region. the way it works right now, there could be a crime on top of the hill, daly city, and said
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potato -- san mateo or daly city cannot share information with us. we do not have that interoperability. when i was at the puc, we spoke about 67% chance for a major earthquake in the left -- next 25 years, and that was five years ago. as the odds grow and it would be a regional event, we would be a watershed pictures of addresses, locations, whatever, determine priority, a triage with the fire department. this would be the platform. the police department right now is building a data warehouse, which is an unbelievable achievement in will be an asset to the department. it will promote efficiencies and will allow us to deploy resources, share information. it already has mug shots at the cars and stations but essential platform with everybody participating in it would allow us, as we build the system out and connect with other counties, to be able to share that
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information in real time, as events take place. and hopefully down the road, being able to have that voice communication as well. as a first responder who, over my time in the department, and we have never been able to share information, even within the city with the fire department, and we are a little bit better at that now as far as a voice goes. but with all the other things coming into play, we could be so much better, so much further along, safer, and provide better service to the public in a regional way with such a system. even as recently as the last two 49er games at candlestick park. one day turn that better than the other. we cannot talk. cell phones did not work. text messages were hit and miss. text messaging is usually very reliable. but with an event but the size of the nfc championship game,
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effectively, the only thing you could hope for was maybe a text message would go through, but we cannot count on it. if we had a system dedicated to public safety, that would not be concerned that we would have to worry about. and hopefully we will be hosting this championship games many times going forward. supervisor chu: thank you. does that include the presentation? >> i believe we have a few additional comments. supervisor chu: first, supervisor kim has a few questions. >> just a quick question. i know that one of the sites that is not being utilized is candlestick park, but that was used as an example where public safety, communication, and coronation cannot happen, if it is -- and coordination could not happen that it is a large event. how would this ameliorate that situation? >> thank you for the question. i am with the department of
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emergency management. i will address that. we have gone through a very detailed and governance of process, working with the professionals at the radio shops and with motorola, to develop a site configuration that gives us the best coverage city-wide. tahrir and and he cites we selected were the sights we thought would give us the best coverage. candlestick is identified as an alternate site. let me go back and explain how the site use agreement works bit of the agreement is designed to give us a great deal of flexibility and the ultimate selection of sites. we pick these sites based on coverage, but we know that things come up. the release might be too expensive. there may be technical considerations that we have identified at a site. there could be other problems with the site. so we have the flexibility in
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this agreement to substitute sites through about the next six months. so if the side that we have that covers the bayview and hunters point, i believe that is at 200 paul avenue. it that side door to fall through, we could use candlestick park as a backup. that site could be too expensive, and then we would look at the alternate. but based on coverage, the other side was a little bit better for us than candlestick. we tried to go for the best coverage, but we know we will probably have to do some shuffling. supervisor kim: the current constellation of sites, does that actually make an impact at candlestick park? there are so many people there. it is true, you cannot communicate you cannot do text messages. will this have an impact on that? >> the bay web