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tv   BOS Land Use Transportation Committee  SFGTV  April 17, 2024 3:30pm-4:11pm PDT

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this wouldn't happen without funding from this budget. despite our progress, our work is far from over. these cuts will jeopardize our ability to address pressing needs such p as repairs and maintenance and resident services and diminish the impact of our efforts. >> thank you very much for addressing this committee. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is [indiscernible] and i work in the commission for homelessness. today i want to say that today the revenue for the proxy money. the city is proposing $5 million for families in housing subsidies. $5.5 million to homeless youth. this is a steer yus problem.
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serious problem. despite helping the people and families, we are decreasing the budget for these folks. we have 2,160 women with children suffer domestic violence. we are not doing anything to help the families. we have 1100 youths that need to be off the streets with housing. what are we doing is cutting the budget. we need to invest in the youth. we need to invest -- >> thank you for addressing the committee. i do apologize for cutting anybody off, but for the sake of equity, i am timing everybody at one minute. next speaker, please.
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>> i'm lucy and i represent the san francisco parity and equity coalition. i appreciate you calling this special hearing. we represent 23 latino agencies and try to positively impact 60,000 individuals citywide. the disparity is affecting working class immigrants and families further exasperating the inequality in the city. specifically within that latino community, they're already facing tough choices and the cuts will make it difficult to access essential services and housing. city's commitment to support vulnerable population, these cuts will significantly affect all of s us and determine the services determine who is able to ripe e main in the city. i urge you join in the fight
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with us against the budget cuts on essential services around housing. >> next speaker please. >> my name is paloma tracy and i'm with the parity and equity coalition. as a resident of the city and humannd being, i'm concerned abt the contradictionsce in this proposed budget. the city claims it prioritizes essentializ services, but the proposed budget cuts vital programs like homeless services and support housing. the city states it's committed to addressing homelessness in supporting vulnerable populations but these cuts contradict that commitment. the city can't afford to compromise in essential services that impact the well-being of the community members. people need an opportunity to live and thrive. it is essential that this invest
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in economic growth so that this city is vibrant and inclusive for all people. >> thank you very much for addressing thisor committee. next speaker, please. >> [speaking foreign language bracket.
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>> interpret interpret: i work as a housing rights counselor at the services. the services are essential for liveable housing conditions. the impact of these programs is evident when repair or habitation issues are addressed due to management. cuts to these programs jeopardize thes safety of these tenants. that is why we demand that you as public servants not cut our budget so that we can continue tonu help our community. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> [speaking foreign language]
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>> interpreter: i live at the mission hotel in san francisco. in strks my life has become unsolvable and budget cuts have a negative impact on the community especially for people likee knee when don't have a jo. if you cut the budget for organizations that help us with essentialh service, this will have a negative impact on our lives which is why we want to
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demand that instead of cutsingal budget. we need to strengthen the organizations that carry out in favor of us. >> [speaking foreign language]
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>> interpreter: if i were to ask you what kind of house do you live d in, perhaps you would say it's a house that has all the comforts one needs. in my case, i'm currently unemployed and living in a shelter in san francisco. that's why i'm here because i want to ask each one of you to put your hand on your conscience and not cut the funds. when one has to prioritize for buyingor food or paying rent, without the help from programs i would be living on the streets.
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that's why i ask you not to cut the budget for organizations that help the latino community and all communities. >> next speaker, please. >> my name is jordan, i find it gross that the city continues to fund conflict of interest that harms us ten rchts. the tenderloin housing clinic has c been allowed to run centrl city for over two decades and gaves a lot of "f"-ing damage to us. if sro were not run by psh landlords there would not be the hunger right i had for it. we psh tenants should knot have to wildcat organize to get basic rights and needs because much city funded astro tur fg.
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get your shit together. i have a lot of shit to share with you. i yield my time, fuck you. >> that's a hard act to follow. hello, i'm mer taidz bullock and i'm a housing coordinator with the city on homelessness. would i ask you not to cut funding but increase investment to prevent the break down of our city family structure. especially our black ask brown residents. as a former san francisco foster youth, i recognize how much these programs have helped shape me into a stable adult and maintain my love for this city. i would like that to continue for this city's next generation. cutting funding will not only increase homelessness for families and youth but increase
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chronic homelessness for single adults. >> thank you very much mer taidz bullock. mercedes bullock. thank you very much. next speaker please. >> gracias. [speaking foreign language] >> interpreter: the budget cuts tohe the essential services threaten the capacity for
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residents of the working class who stay in san francisco, residents of the working class of ourki city that make our city function and that are needed for the recup racing -- continued recup racing of our city. >> speaking foreign language bracket. >> we must face the reality of the decisions and budget decisions determine who can stay and who has to go out of the city. >> [speaking foreign language] >> interpret interpret: san francisco should be a place for everyone to prosper in the city. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors
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i'm co-chair of [indiscernible] wedi are extremely concerned abt the proposed cuts from this budget. the mayor regularly reminds san franciscans that homelessness ands housing are top priorities. defunding departments in charge of homelessness and housing makes zero sense. hock we make progress on a bold five-year strategic plan home by the bay if funding is cut. cuts translate into less people sheltered and housed and driving. thriving. it's not the fault of unhoused residents that san francisco is not f bouncing back because tech workers want to work the a home. we as a city can do better than this. let's start with police and sheriff overtime. >> next speaker, please.
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>> goodle afternoon, my colleage jennifer mentioned this earlier but i wanted to revisit the 442 families waiting for shelter in san francisco. director whitley can't wave a want and produce more cash for hsh. there are children sleeping outside tonight.le and i wonder what you can do about it. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker please. >> good afternoon supervisors charles defaraj with episcopal community services. outreach shelter and housing all exist along a tin i'm that when resourced moving people along drn continuum that when resourced move people along.
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we face so many challenges to serve these people. you've heard all these issues. we recognize that you're budget forecast will need more intentional services. please be intentional and not cut the funds for the vulnerable services. thank you for your continued leadership through the this difficult budget process. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my namal is amelia. i'm a tenant and a community at zero cat of the asian housing. we provide helper it low-income families. evictions have risen beyond pre-pandemic individuals making
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protection more essential than ever. the bment cuts threaten our services andn partner organizations which together create a robust safety net system. cuts to tenant organizations disproportionately harm the poor can woring class peoples of cloor. they're more vulnerable to tunist landlords and less able to access help. we'll see more violation and higher demand for help. as we brace for economic uncertainty, we must prioritize displacement affecting our vulnerable. >> my. name is tuesday barton ad i'm a law fellow. 92% of tenants that receive help in their lawsuits remain housed.
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majority staying in their current housing and enough moving out to find new housing. we have 8,000 neighbors in the city without permanent shelter. we cannot afford to cut these services. thank you. >> thank you very much for address the committee. next speaker, please. >> my name is diane and i'm with theit race and equity and all planning coalition. we want to thank supervisor chan forha holding hearings and the supervisors here with the budget cuts. i want to relate what is happening with the budget cuts in relation tout what is happeng in other areas of the city. specifically the planning department and the rezonings that are being proposed for the city. the housing element was supposed to be the city's tiers that focused on racial and social equity. and that is not going to be
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accomplished with the budget cuts that are being proposed. the housing element includes that wede actually should be increasing funding for tenant pro techs and making sure that the programs are culturally relevant. and we should. be expanding counseling to make sure our vulnerable communities have increased access to affordable housing such as 2.1.4. these are legal requirements for the city to be in compliance with the housing element and we need to make sure -- we need to make sure -- thank you very much for addressing this committee. next speaker, please. >> hello, i'm the cofounder and executive districter of sf city vitals a non-profit provider for workers and dula.
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we urge you not to cut the budget for this as medical providers of dulas we see many people turned away experiencing violence and children sleeping outside. i challenge you to experience homelessness for 48 hours. do not carry your wallet. i challenge you to whoever is going to cut the dut the budget. it. was homeless and pregnant. please do not cut any more budgets. >> next speaker. >> [good afternoon. i am a filipino case worker. we are a member of the sro
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families united collaborative and i work in the south market with immigrant families. some are single parents, seniors and vulnerable people. some of the filipino families came to the rally yesterday to show their support. iout reach and build relationships with these families. we speak their language and they trust us and feel comfortable to inform us about their issues. we provide cultural and link gis cli appropriatallal help. we work on elevators out of order. this is a difficult environment for people with disabilities. because of the sro collaborative, some of our family have moved to housing that is healthy and safe. unfortunately due to budget cuts these families have been left
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behind. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon supervisors i'm ora director of litigation with the lead o agency and right to counsel program. you've heard from staff about the success of our program. the most effective way to address homelessness is to keep someone in their home if they already have one. that's what we do. that's the financial aspect and they ignore the tangibles on people out on the streets. wets help the most vulnerable on the 95% are low income. some are bipoc. we are connected to the residential assistance program they have 50s for cuts. please do what we need to to preserve our city. >> thanky. you for addressing ts committee. next speaker.
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>> [speaking foreign language] >> interpret interpret i arrived because the owner of the building where i lived wasn't accepting my rent check. the owner had told me that i wasn't the original own expwr
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stherp going towr continue withn eviction. they helped me to answer the we vick letter and now starting three monthsg ago, they started to receive my rent and accept it and i'm happy to be able to continue living in the place that i live. please don't make cuts to the organizations that need the money and funds to continue to support the community. >> thank you very much for kreas addressing this committee. next speaker, please. >> [speaking foreign language]
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>> start the translation, please. >> interpret: my namal is [indiscernible] and i'm a tenant in san francisco. i'm here to tell you the
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importance ever funding tenants rights organizations present here. i would have been evicted years ago if not for their help. last year i was left homeless due to aes fire. there is no way to hold the landlords accountable and they hide under their insurance. all this time i was helped not to end up on the streets. to this day my home row mains unrepaired oon though it happened a year ago. my unit was not habitable and i still pay my rent. if you do not provide funds for people for housing and health services san francisco will be a people for only rich people to live. the people who support this city and entire country with our work and we are paid less so we cannot afford high housing prices. sphi funds should go to
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low-income housing. please support these services to save the city of san francisco. >> next speaker, please. >> [speaking foreign language]
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>> start the translation please. >> gracias. >> interpret: my name is [indiscernible] and i'm a renter here in san francisco. and my landlord was trying to make me leave. she was being violent and harassing me. i'm a survivor three times of having cancer. i no longer have any breasts. when i was going through my
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cancer treatment and i was trying hard not to lose my home. if you cut this money to the budget, then places like housa hughesa which having supporting me and save my home and stay where i am, won't have the support to do work they do like going to the rent board and prohibiting the landlord from being violent towards me. thank you. >> thank you much for your comments. next speaker. good afternoon. i work for the housing clinic. i oversee central city collaborative and program for tenderloin and [indiscernible] i don'te] have to explain what e do. we've heard so many testimonials on how we are the frontline for all of the tenants in various communities in the city. we actually mediate between the
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landlord and the tenant. first the tenants come to us and we try to resolve issues that they have with their landlords. i hope -- and i urge you to basically continue the sro collaborative and funding. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> i'm anthony and i'm a code enforcement outreach community to echo my supervisor's sentiments, we ask as a bridge between thege community and tenants and landlord. if we weren't there, the tenants would not nowhere to go and wouldn't have a front-facing center to walk by and say i need so i urge them not to cut the program's funding. >> thank you.un next speaker.
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>> members of the committee i'm a worker in the tenderloin. cutting funding for essential services will be catastrophic. not supporting the vulnerable is a sure way to ensure death and marginalization. bipoc low income residents are fighting for their live as we talk about taking away their funding. stand with us if you believe your responsibility is for us fighting for their lives. invest in us because you know it's the right thing to do. >> thank you. nks speaker please. >> hello. my h name is [indiscernible] and i know you have a budget and a lot of money and everything.
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how about like building facilities. instead of a shelter bed and housing the homeless and giving them everything that they need. in that facility. you know what i'm saying? i built some. getting the homeless off the street and getting the garbage and nastiness off the street. >> thank you forre addressing te committee. next speaker, please. >> hi guys. i'll start with statistics did you knowti that 50% of homeless families are black in san francisco? despite being only 5% of the overall population? did you know that homelessness is deeply rooted as systemic racism? did you know that poor black sf families are constantly pushed out of san francisco?
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my name is liz and i stand before you not only as a tenant counselor and community organizer buts a member of the very communities being affected thete most by proposed budget cuts. speak not only for myself but for the countless black families immigrant and low-income families that rely on the programs. these programs are not just about survival, they're about empowerment and creating leaders in the community for change. as someone who mass experienced the challenges of being a teen mom, black family and daughter of imgrajts, i know firsthand the difference that the programs make. now they're at risk threatening to further marginalize vulnerable populations. >> thank you liz for addressing this next speaker. >> as a member until san
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francisco, my journey to affirmative housing [indiscernible] my husband by my side navigating the complexities of urban life has been challenging. however, through cjjc i get help for immigrant assistance. budget cuts essential service deeply concern me. cutting this will force us to make impossible choices between paying rent and putting food on the table. i implore the city to reconsider and discuss and prioritize helping impants with low-income families lake mine. we must ensure that all
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residents have access -- >> thank you. next speaker please. >> [speaking foreign language] >> interpret: i live in the mission district and i'm here to defend the organizations that continue to give us resources from r which i receive resources and for them to continue working for us for a dignified living for dignified housing and for you to continue to support the people that live in san francisco and those who lack housing. those who areho in threat of losing their homes. thank you.
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>> thank you very much for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hello i'm a apology of glide and resident ever district four. i'm here here to fight for he can and equity budgets. i've been with the coalition to support families with children living in rvs. these monolingual families make do with what little they have. they're working families with smallh children. our communities will continue to hurt if this city's leaders are focusing on community issues instead of address the various disparities. it makes it more difficult for our communities to access already existing resources.
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prevention is the best intervention to sustain limited funds. the budget reflects the value ever the cities and the well-being of our community. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon board of supervisors i'm amanda the executive director of [indiscernible] in the mission and i'm here to represent the latino coalition. i'm here to speak about the wonderful tenant services in budget and urge you to support that ask since our families are literally living on the street. also, the center pueblo building isin comprised of all non-profit organizations and many of them support low income tenants,
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immigrant tenants, single moms, elders, disabled who need a place in this community. it's not only an ask that i'm asking you to support to build center pueblo. we hope to restore our legal defense that we lost funding for in 2019. >> next speaker please. >> i'm a housing organizer with senior and disability action. we organize and educate seniors with disabilities to live independently in the city. window rely on critical services. we cannot cut budgets on the back of the most in need. these funds are essential for people in the city. let's keep programs to ensure that seniors and disabled can
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stay in their homes. let's keep the services that set seniors andvi disabled people ry on and cut out the corruption in then city. we need to stop balancing the books on the backs of the poor. >> neeks speaker, please. >> i'm indigenous and i deal with quality control services. from monday through friday we see and talk to tenants mostly people of color that ask for services. we hear cases about ceilings falling, infestations and going through winters without a heater andea many other stories where tenants live in deplorable conditions. whenns we see the photos of whee they live, it's unbelievable to see this happening in one of the richest cities in the country.
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i can guarantee you most of the tenants that live in inhabitable units until organizations like us intervene. and remember many of the homeless folks who live on streets need the services. we need to dress the root of the problem. homelessness is a result of greed and racism. we need funding for all the organizations here today. >> thank you for addressingay te committee. nexte. speaker, please. >> [speaking foreign language]
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>> interpret: i am a counselor and i live here in san francisco for 30 years now. through my work. i don't doubt that the services that the tenants receive to sros are essential to guarantee that the conditions that they livened are dignified, equitable and especially for those